Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-"I am no tomboy"

Kiara Knight's POV

My palm pressed against the door of my room as I push it harshly. I walk in quickly with a furious expression on my face. My hands folded near my chest. I hear his footsteps behind me as he enters the room. For a minute there is silence as I refuse to look back at him and talk to him. My back is still facing him as I bite my eyebrows come together in anger.

"I didn't know that they don't know about it. I thought your parents already told them". I put a deaf ear to his words and that makes him sigh. He didn't even say sorry.

"You are so arrogant, you know that?". I walk to my bed as I fall down on it, still angry. It was his turn to be silent. I look up at him and find him looking around the room. He goes to the wall that is filled with picture frames from my childhood along with my brothers and everyone of our families. He stops at one picture and looks back at me.

"I remember that day. You looked like an Angel in that white fairy dress during christmas". A small smile tugging on his lips. For some reason my heart skipped a beat when he called me Angel.

"You didn't say sorry", I reminded him. After he told my brothers that I am leaving with him to New York to live with him till my exams are completed, they dumped many questions at me. They thought that I knew about all of this from the beginning and almost got angry at me for hiding this from them. Then Alexander cleared all the confusion.

"I don't have to". His eyes are still fixed on the pictures, mainly on one particular picture. "This one's my favourite". His finger pointing towards the picture in which he is holding me in his arms as he is sitting in the sofa. I am just a months baby then. He is smiling at the picture with one of his front tooth lost. That one's my favourite too.

"Mine too. You don't have one of your front teeth". I tease. He looks back at me.

"Now I am liking it less. You should take that down". His hands are in his pocket.

"Why? Should you always look perfect? I love it and I am keeping it!". My stubborness only amused him. He walks towards me.

"Well, since it's you. I don't have any choice but let you have it". he stands at the foot of my bed as he speaks.

"Well, I already have it". My tongue pokes childishly. He chuckles at my action and God, did he look hot. He looks around the room once again and then at me.

"You have grown up". I like hearing that from him. I don't know why, but I like it. The thought that he thinks that I am not the same girl anymore, makes me happy.

"What did you expect? Barbies and dolls?". I say arrogantly. His gaze shifted to the other end of my bed, the chair in my room and the matress that lay on the floor. All these places aer filled with soft toys. Oh God! I should have hid them all. Now he might think that I am still a kid!

"Well, I don't see much difference now. you have grown up just a little", he says with his hands still in his pockets. He comes to me and gently pinches my cheek. "You are still the cute girl that you have been eight years ago". Well, there goes my excitement.

"Having soft totys in room doesn't show that you are a kid". My try to assure him that I am a grown woman only fails as he looks amused. "Really! I am a woman now!". I almost whine.

"Yeah, sure. I agree". Sarcasm clear in his voice he chuckles again. I huff and look away. "Get ready for the party tonight. See you there", he says going to the door before opening it. "Bye, Little One". He disappears as he closes the door behind him. There is the endearment again. It always makes my heart flutter. Even now.

Stop it kiara! You shouldn't feel this way! It's wrong! You have a boyfriend!

Although, I didn't meet Alexander for eight years, I did see him on TV in business channels while giving interviews. In news papers, and even on magazine covers. I read all the articles about him. I never missed anything about him. He is almost everywhere. Being the most popular businessman, he is the hot topic.

He is the only reason why I see business channels and read business magazines and articles even though I am not interested in them.

Maybe it's because I was much closer to him than anyone else since I was small. Yes, I am close to my brothers, but I was much closer to him. After he suddenly left and took over the business, I started missing him so much. He contacted me very less and I slowly got habituated to seeing him on TV and magazines.

Once when I was in the last year of my high school, I heard one of my classmates say that he is very hot. Since, I never saw him in that way till then, I shook it off. But I am a girl too. After seeing him on many magazines, I should say that I find him hot. Like really hot. Now I understand why women say he is hot.

I grHis sharp jaw, sea green and mesmerising eyes, five O' clock shadow jaw and even his sharp nose, as though someone has sculptured it. Every feature about him is really.... really awesome. Hot! I know that I should not feel that way for him. He is much older than me, twelve years older than me. I never imagined us together, but I sure was attracted to him.

Later I met Samuel, Sam, my boyfriend. He is sweet, cute and happy go guy. Everyday I am surrounded by security, but he is the one person who came to me through that barrier and I like him for showing me freedom in my small world. But I don't understand why my oarents and brothers don't like him. Hades hates him with much passion than all of them.

I think I might miss Samuel if I go to New York. My heart is excited to live with Mr. Hot though. I look to my left and found my soft toy of white colored teddy bear looking at me. his name is Mr. Snuggles. My bottom lip poked out as I keep looking at him. One thought keep rining in mind as I stare at it.

Does he still think of me as a kid?

I grabbed Mr. Snuggles and hugged him to me as my chin rested on the top on his head. My mind still occupied with Mr. Hot.

"You look beautiful Princess. I can't believe it has been twenty years since you have been born already. You grew up so fast", dad said pulling me into a hug anf kissing my forehead.

"You hear that Gavin? Dad said I am beautiful". My voice came out teasing him.

"Beautiful? You just tried to look like a girl sis, but you are not. We all have seen the tomboy inside you". My eyebrows scrunched together as I glared at him. My head on my dad's chest as I stare him.

"I am no tomboy!". Today is the first time I wore make up and got ready neatly.

"Yes, we believe you", Zander said with sarcasm in his voice. I almost went to hit him while pulling away from dad, but he held me back.

"You guys can fight later". Dad stopped us as Ace just laughed.

"You are still a kid". That hurt the most I should say. Hearing thise words coming out of Alexander's mouth just made me want to show him that I am a girl too. A slow song started to play behind. All the guests that came to attend my party are chatting, eating and some are dancing. Me and dad had already danced our father daughter dance.

"May I have this dance my Lady". Dad asked turning to mom who is just beside dad. She blushed and put her hand in his.

"Of course, darling". Dad kissed mom's hand and they both went to the dance floor as they started dancing for the slow song. Ace and Cara we also dancing. I just keep watching them. They old and still in love. I want to find such kind of love. It is just only a hope though. It run and look at Alexander. He is staring at me and didn't even turn his gaze away.

He stood just a few feet away from me. There was the awkward moment again. We can't look away or keep looking at each other. Suddenly a plam covered over my eyes cutting my vision.

"Find out who it is", a very familiar voice from behind said. A smile immediately spread on my face.

"Nate!", I almost shriked and he removed his hand as I turn around to face before jumping into his arms excitedly. He is the one and only son of Nicolas and Pauline Whitmore. My mother's nephew. A total playboy from our three families.

"Happy birthday, you Devil. Sorry i was not bale to wish from today morning", he said hugging me back.

"It's okay buddy. I am happy that you came. I almost thought that you are not going to come". I pulled away and look up at him.

"I don't have a death wish to do that". He put his face like he is scared of me. I rolled my eyes at him.

We chit chatted with him for a few minutes. My brothers are also more closer to him as he is an out going person. I keep stealing glances at Mr. Hot and find him talking very less. He usually does talk less.

"You know dad don't want mom to meet you. I heard that your mom got angry at you for having so many girlfriends", Anthony said and I turn my head back to them. I made a gaging sound at them and mainly at Nate.

"Well, you know how much she loves me. It didn't take much time for her to calm down and it's easy to melt". I shook my head at him. "So K, you still dating that Sam guy?", he asked turning to me and all my brothers got silent looking at me as if I am a criminal. My gaze fell on my heels as I mumbled.

"Yeah". I glanced side way at Mr. Hot and found him still looking at me without any change in his expression.

"You should not. Boys like him are not good for girls like you", Nathan said and I look up at him raising my eye brow.

"Really? You are a playboy yourself". He smirked at me before taking a glass of wine as a waiter passed by him. He brought it to him lips and took a sip before looking at me.

"That's why I am saying, cause I knwo what goes in anyman's mind and how easy it is to make a girl like you fall in love".

"Now you are bhaving like a know it all". My arms folded near my chest.

"Oh I do Sweetie. I know what a woman is body, mind, heart and soul when I see one". He winked at me. I made a disguated face at him. God, he truly is a playboy!

"I request you to teach me those things one day", Oliver said from behind and all my brothers nodded their head in agreement. Mr. Hot is just having an amused smile on his face. He is so HOT!.... Stop it! STOP IT, Kiara!

"Sure. I agree to be your teacher. But this needs extreme devotion towards woman and should have control over your heart to not fall in love with them. You should only worship their body, not heart. Once you are in love, it means you are out of the game. No asses and....", he stopped looking at me and then turn to my brothers. "you know what I mean".

"Nate! This is my party so I order you to stop doing anything of such sort".

"Can't promise little Devil".

"At least don't turn my brothers into one like you".

"I won't". His hands raised in air like he means no harm. I fake glared at him. "But seriously, you should stop dating that Sam guy. He is bad news". I huffed and rolled my eyes at him.

"I am not going to stop. I like him very much and stop saying that. I don't understand why you all hate him". I feel a little upset and look down.

"Sorry Sweetie. I am just warning you, that's it". He smiled at me and I smiled back. "So, you want your gift?". I look up at him with wide grin. My mood changing immediately. "It's in your room. You can go and see it after party". I hugged him and my head only reached his chin.

"Thank you". My grin still wide.

After that I danced with all of my brothers. Dancing with five brothers didn't really tire me out as we didn't do that stupid slow dance. We only dance for rock. Nate joined in the middle and went to dance with a woman. I shook my head at him. After dancing for a while, I came out as my brothers are still dancing crazily.

Soon the song changed to slow and everyone moved according to the rythm. I just stood there staring at them. I felt a presence beside me and a hand in front of me.

"Would like to dance with me, my Little One?", he asked and I look up at him from his hand. My Little One? That really made my heart jump in excitement.

"Okay". I put my hand in his and he led me to the dance floor.

One of my dreams is coming true!


Hey my cute dumplings!

Sorry for the late update. But I hope you guys like the chapter. Please comment on what you think. Isn;t Alexander Hot?!

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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