Dialouge Drill 7

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Class: Creative Writing


Word limit: 1,000 words

Prompt: Star varsity quarterback Ethan Noble is alone in his car with cheerleading captain Mandy Ellis. It's Prom Night, the night he has been waiting for with great anticipation. She has agreed to be his girl, mind, body and soul. A blinding light cuts through the shadows in the back seat of the car. A moment later, the ground shakes with a mild tremor that causes Ethan and Mandy to look up from their business. Beyond the windshield, the reason for the light and the quake is obvious: a massive mushroom-shaped explosion blossoms upward into the night sky.


Word Count: 999

Ethan's car engine rumbled as he put in park. Mandy felt the seats fall still. The sounds of crickets and cicadas melted into harmony with the metallic pings of the cooling engine. The warm lights of the city cast shadows onto the front dashboard. Mandy's red gown swished as she moved. Ethan got out of the car and quickly made his way around to open Mandy's door.

"C'mon, I want to show you something." Mandy grabbed Ethan's hand and hauled herself out of her seat. She held her dress above the ground while he led her to the back of the car, and lifted her onto his car with a huff. He hopped up next to her and smiled as Mandy's face lit up at the sight before them.

"Wow I didn't know Camden could look so pretty," she sighed. The small city was lit up and glowed like the dying embers of a fire.

"Yeah the view is pretty beautiful, just like you," Ethan said.

Mandy's attention was drawn to Ethan when she felt the warmth of his hand against hers. "You really think I'm pretty?" She asked. Her face and neck grew warm.

"Of course, I think you're by far the prettiest girl in school. I tell you this all the time. Your long brown hair and big green eyes." He traced his hand up and down her arm. "You're so fit and perfect."

"I don't know what to say," she said. Her face fell to her lap to hide her flushed face.

Ethan got off the car and Mandy felt herself sway with it. He put a finger under Mandy's chin and lifted her head up. "You don't have to say anything." He leaned in closer to her.

Mandy's breath caught in her throat and she let her eyes flutter shut. She could feel Ethan's breath against her face, but before he could kiss her, she stopped him. "Ethan, I want to tell you something."

"You can tell me anything," Ethan whispered.

Suddenly Mandy felt the car beneath her begin to rumble. "Uh Ethan, what's going on?" She was cut off by a blinding light. She brought her arms up over her eyes and recoiled at the deafening boom following the light. Mandy felt for Ethan's hands as panic rose in her stomach. She squeezed her eyes shut tighter. "Ethan? Ethan, what's happening?" Her voice trembled and wavered like the ground beneath them.

Ethan hauled Mandy off the car as the light faded. He took her hand and ran towards the woods that lay just beyond the parked car. "We have to get you out of here," He shouted. They weaved through the trees and shrubs.

"Ethan please slow down!" Mandy cried. She tried to gather up as much of her dress as possible in her free hand. "I can't run in these shoes or this dress!" She realized she was crying when the fabric she was clutching began to feel damp. Thorns tore at her skin as Ethan dragged her through the woods.

"It's okay Mandy we just need to get to safety and we can save you," he said to reassure her. The trees around them began to thin out.

The two reached a clearing and a large ship came into view. Mandy felt her knees buckle below her. "Ethan," She sobbed, "where are we? What's going on?"

Ethan stopped running and turned to face her. He grasped Mandy's shoulders and leaned down to her level. "Mandy, this is me trying to save you. You have the perfect genetics," He said."

"Wha- what are- what are you talking about?" She stammered. Her curled hair stuck to her damp neck and cheeks. She gulped and gasped for air as the tears continued to fall.

"Mandy, listen to me. Don't freak out but I'm actually from Mars," Ethan began.

Mandy's body shook as she sobbed. "What the fuck Ethan?" She cried.

"Yes, it's scary, but I knew about the bomb. I knew what would happen, and you have to listen to me. If you don't, you will die," Ethan reasoned. His words grew faster as time ran out. "Listen, Mandy, if we don't get on that ship right now we will die. The bomb was just far enough so we could get here and get off this dying planet."

"You live on Mars?" Mandy hissed. "And all of this is just to kill everyone you don't want on Mars?"

"Yes, yes, Mandy we wanted to make the perfect civilization," Ethan said.

"You wanted to commit mass genocide? This is like the Holocaust but worse!" Mandy shouted. Her body shook out of time with the ground as the world around her was destroyed.

"Well, when you put it that way..." Ethan trailed off.

"You know I was gonna tell you I love you!" Mandy barked. Her heart fell heavy as she said it. Another explosion could be heard from very far off. The ground vibrated below their feet.

"We have to go now." He grabbed Mandy's hand and pulled her towards the ship. Other people that looked like Ethan and Mandy were boarding the ship. Blondes and brunettes with light skin. All of them were slim and muscular.

She yanked her hand out of his grasp. "No," she said.

"Mandy," Ethan started, "we need to go."

"No I'm not getting on there," she retorted.

"You're going to die, Mandy," he reminded her.

Mandy crossed her arms over her chest. "So be it. I'm not going with you."

"Fine, die, I don't care," Ethan huffed. He turned and started to jog toward the ship. Another explosion rocked the ground, closer than the last. Mandy felt defeated as she watched her love run away. Deep down she knew what she had to do.

Mandy's knees gave way below her, and she scrambled back to her feet. "Ethan!" She cried, "Wait for me!" She pleaded and she gathered her dress, took his hand, and ran to the ship with him.

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