Flash Fiction 3

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Class: Creative Writing


Word Limit: 1,000 words

Prompt: Romance, Harbor, Bandaid


Word Count: 925

"Kurt, we totally left the new rope in the bed of your truck," Tim said. He took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Okay I'll just pull the truck over here so we don't have to keep running back and forth," Kurt said. He climbed out of the small boat and back onto the dock. "You coming with?"

"Yeah, I suppose I will," Tim sighed. He grunted as he pulled himself onto the wooden dock. The two boys headed towards the pickup truck. "So how's that summer love coming along?" he joked.

They both laughed for a moment until Kurt began to speak, "Actually, it's not. I've been too busy helping you with this boat to talk to any girls." He paused. "I haven't really found one I'm interested in, you feel me?" he finished.

Tim nodded in agreement. "Yeah that's true, but you're here right by the beach literally everyday. Tons of babes are coming and going all the time-" He cut himself off and laughed. "Like those two right there." Tim pointed towards a pair of girls riding their bikes away from the beach. They were laughing together as they cruised down the road.

"Yeah I guess you have a point but how am I supposed to talk to her? She'll be gone in like three seconds," Kurt joked. Deep down he knew he'd regret that statement with Tim around.

Almost immediately, Tim was flagging down the blondes. "Hey cutie!" He called. He caught the attention of the chubbier of the two. Tim pointed excitedly at Kurt, who waved sheepishly.

The girl laughed, and from the parking lot, Kurt could tell she was blushing.

Suddenly the cute blonde was flying over her handlebars. Her friend skidded to a stop and hopped off her bike. "Paige!" She shrieked.

"Oh shit!" Tim gasped.

Kurt broke into a sprint towards the two girls. "Damn you Tim, this is your fault!" he grumbled.

Tim followed close behind. When they reached the girls, Tim struck up a conversation with the thinner girl.

Paige sat on sidewalk, head down and clutching her knee. Blood trickled down the back of her calf.

Kurt kneeled down next to her. He put his hand on her back, the fabric was damp from her bathing suit. "Hey, hey you're alright," he said reassuringly, "I'm Kurt. I'm guessing you're Paige?"

Paige nodded and laughed lightly. "That's Laurel," She said gesturing to her concerned friend. Paige finally lifted her head to look at Kurt. Her face was flushed and a few tears trickled down her chubby cheeks.

"Okay, let's see the damage," He said. He gently moved Paige's hands from her bloody knee, revealing a gash above her knee. "Okay we just need to wash it off and get you a bandaid, alright?"

Paige nodded her head again. "Do you have a bandaid big enough for this?" She sniffled and went to wipe off her face before realizing her hands were bloody.

"Yeah I got some first aid stuff in my truck right over there," Kurt explained, pointing to his red pickup. "Don't worry, I won't kidnap you or anything." He flashed his white teeth, causing Paige to laugh and blush. He offered his hand to Paige to help her off the sidewalk.

Kurt put his arm around Paige and helped her over to his truck. He made sure she wasn't putting too much weight on her injured leg. Kurt put down the tailgate and patted the plastic, "Hop up here and I'll grab what I need," he instructed. "There should be a towel back there you can use to wipe off your hands."

Tim and Laurel trailed behind with the two bicycles. "Hey Kurt, I'm gonna head over to the bar with Laurel," Tim said, "Join us when you're done?" He asked.

"Sure, just give me like five minutes to patch Paige up," Kurt called from the backseat of his truck.

"Thanks for coming to help me," Paige said. "I must've hit the curb when I was distracted," she said with a laugh.

Kurt came back around and set his materials down next to Paige. "Yeah I'm sorry about my buddy Tim. He's trying to help me find a girlfriend," he joked.

Paige flushed pink once again while Kurt cleaned the gash on her knee. "Well maybe Tim did a good job," she mumbled.

"You think so?" Kurt asked. The heat of an oncoming blush crept up his neck and into his cheeks.

"Totally," she said quietly, "you're pretty cute." Paige giggled and pushed her hair behind her ear. "Too bad I left my phone with Laurel. I was gonna ask for your number."

"It's okay I could just write it on your hand," Kurt offered.

"Not on my skin, I'm modeling swimsuits for a store website later today," Paige answered quickly.

"Okay well won't the bandaid on your knee be an issue?" Kurt asked.

"Well they shoot from about mid thigh and above so my knees won't be in the shot," Paige explained.

Kurt pondered what to do until an idea came into his head. "Okay here," He began. He pulled a pen from his pocket and scribbled his number onto the bandage before applying it to her knee. "There. Now we got you all patched up and you have my number," He said. Kurt took Paige's hand and helped her down from the tailgate. He locked the truck and interlaced their fingers. "Now lets go find Tim and Laurel so I can treat you to lunch," he said.

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