•°Chapter 1- When We Met...°•

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Childish giggles.

"Noo, stop! I have sand in my hair, haha!"

Playful screams...

"Wait, don't get me wet!"

turns to fear..


Dane's nephews played near the waters at the beach he usually visited. His sister had begged him to watch them so her and her girlfriend could go out on a date. He had hesitantly agreed. He was really not the best with kids. All he did while they played was sit under the umbrella he had brought and read about the creature he had fell in love with once more. He had even fantasized about actually meeting it.

Late night walk at the beach.

The water lapping gently against my feet.

Complete content.

A heap of colour nearby.

I rush to a person washed up.

Shiny tail.

Huge wing-like fins.

Deep, blue eyes.

Beautiful pale skin.

He smiled slightly at his fantasy, not paying attention to his nephews as they surrounded a heap of colour. Everything was silent, the only sound was the lapping of the water against land. And he didn't notice anything until his nephews screamed bloody murder. He snapped his head up from his book and rushed to the scene, pushing the twins away from the shiny, colourful scales of a merfairy.


He was in complete shock. He never thought he would actually do it.. the young humans were just so.. cute. He couldn't help himself.

Talen was scared to look up. His eyes were wide as he stared at the sand below him. The children's screams filled his ears. He was in trouble.. he knew it. He curled his tail closer to his body as he covered his face with his arms. As far as he could tell, the children were the only ones on this beach.. but telling by the strong, dry hands that touched his wet skin, there was a third human. Talen still refused to look up, no matter how recognizable the tan skin looked against his pale arms.

A hand lifted, and Talen held back a sigh of relief. But it only moved to his chin, forcing his head up to look at the owner of the unwebbed fingers. A tanned skinned human narrowed his dark eyes at the other species. Talen could feel his face heat up after he noticed how close his face was to the human's. But they didn't move away. They continued to inspect Talen. Their hand traveled down from his chin to the scales covering his neck and his arms- down to his elbows.

The merboy's breath hitched as the human's hands ran down his pale chest and to the scales that started to form his tail. The hands inspected his body from the smallest fin on his tail to the biggest fins on his back. He could tell his face was cherry red at this point. The human gently touched every inch of his tail and fins until they finally seemed to have processed the situation. Their eyes widened and they backed up slightly, the children huddled up behind them.

For some strange reason, Talen felt like he could put his guard down around the three humans- at least for a moment. He began to think. Were the children theirs? They looked a little like them.. it was the only logical explanation. What was the humans' genders? Talen remembered studying the little book of human males. He began to study the older looking human's features.. He looked.. okay. Not enough to make Talen fall into even a small heat, but enough to make his face heat up to a new shade of red.


A heap of colour nearby.

I rush to a person washed up.

Shiny tail.

Huge wing-like fins.

Deep, blue eyes.

Beautiful pale skin.

Not completely like his fantasy, but this situation Dane found himself in was surely similar to it. He pretended to look scared after finally processing what the heap of colour actually was, just for the kids, though. He slowly turned his head and whispered to the twins behind him:

"Go to the car.. the keys are in my back pocket."

And they did as they were told. They grabbed the keys and ran as fast as their young legs could carry them towards the car. And that left the mythical merfairy and him all alone. Or at least, for that moment.

"Are you.. real..?" He asked the being. It's glasses were smudged and slightly cracked. It's hair was dripping wet. And it's eyes.. they were such a deep blue, he felt like if he stared for too long, he would fall into a trance. The creature looked so much more beautiful than he thought. It was.. absolutely stunning..

The creature slowly nodded at his words and tilted it's head slightly, as if he was crazy. But then he knew it only tilted it's head out of curiosity.

"Are you?"


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