•°Chapter 2- I Didn't Expect That...°•

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I.. really didn’t expect this to actually happen..

After their introductions, Talen had blurted a question that had been on his mind the moment he first saw the unwebbed fingers for the first time:

“Are you going to kill me?”

And he sure as hell didn’t expect to get an answer that would lead him to the human’s den.. He found himself extremely lucky to not have been seen by any other human- but, then again, who would be able to see him under the giant cloth Dane had called ‘a blanket.’

Once Dane had opened the door to his den, the subtle static suddenly grew louder, filling his head with horrible, horrible noise that he couldn’t get rid of. It was so deafening, that he could barely even think. He let out an agonizing yell and groaned loudly, curling his body in Dane’s arms and covering his ears with his hands, throwing the blanket off of his person. This caused Dane to panic, the only thing he could think of doing to help the merfairy in his arms was to close the door, stepping back out of his apartment.

The noise slowed down and quieted, and Talen began to breath heavily, lifting a shaky, webbed hand to grip tightly at the human’s shirt. He seeked comfort from anything- or anyone- that would grant it, and that anyone was Dane. He held the merboy close in his arms until he slowly began to calm down.

“What happened.. what’s wrong?” Dane would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little- okay, extremely worried about Talen.. I mean, why wouldn’t he be? He was holding the ‘mythical and non-existent’ being that he had fallen in love with in his arms!

“It’s.. your machines.. they make such loud noises.. I can’t focus..” Dane nodded at Talen’s reply and began to think.. where was the least amount of electronics kept? His bedroom.. Damn.. This would probably be the first boy in his room. Let alone a merfairy boy.

“Alright.. cover your ears.” After Talen had done what he was told, Dane quickly entered the apartment once more and rushed to his bedroom. All Talen let out was a strained groan, obviously trying to hold back something much louder. Quickly, Dane shut the door to his bedroom, made sure the lights were out, and placed Talen onto his bed. He had also opened his windows to let in natural light.

Talen smiled a bit, still trying to recover from the static noise. He laid there on the comfortable mattress and rested his arms over his eyes, sighing quietly. He felt the bed dip slightly as Dane sat on the edge next to him. Talen suddenly got an idea that made his face heat up slightly. He propped himself onto his elbows and leaned towards Dane a bit.

“Oh, I wanted to thank you.. you know, for not freaking out and killing me or something.” Dane smiled nervously back at Talen, who had never noticed the deep red his face had gotten. He leaned in a bit closer.

“You know.. my kind has a tradition.. that helps show their gratitude towards their rescuers..” And with that said, Talen grabbed Dane by the neck..

and he kissed him.

A/N: Well, look who finally published something that isn't a rant about stupid mental shit. I hope you enjoy this, I don't like it. It's ew, but I guess I'll toss it here anyway.

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