A dream or a vision?

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Now, you can guess their powers, right?. Well, Flare and Breezy were fighting over a sweater and Vale stood in. Eclipse and Lily are at Lily's room along with Solar, discussing about new fusions, while Hali, Gempa and Boboiboy are at the kitchen cooking dinner. And of course, Blaze, Taufan and Duri and watching TV. Ice and Glace and sleeping and Boboiboy's room. Vine is at the garden along with Scarlet. All their bags are packed, except for Flare and Breezy's.

" Everything seems to fall into place..."

🚨Disclaimer:- This chapters contains curses words, because of your author and Lily. So, if you are innocent like our Throny, do leave...🚨




All the elements went back to their respective owners. Afterall, they could not stay there, forever. The house was way to crowded with sixteen teens who were rather reckless. Now, they off to Switzerland.




Beads of sweat ran down Boboiboy's forehead. He and Lily were running for their lives---as if their lives depended on it--Both Tok aba and Ochobot had bid their farewells, back at the terminal gate. And now, they had two suitcases and three handbags on their shoulders. One having two. Their was on 11:30. And now was 11: 20. They had exactly ten minutes before the plane leaves with or without them. 

" Passengers of SI airlines please, come to block C, as soon as possible, since the fight is leaving soon.

" Sh¡t! "

" Language!"


Lily groans in discomfort.

" I hate you!"

" Same"




They had catched the flight and where now on their seats. With everything settled, they both sighed in relief. In Boboiboy side, he was rather confused to why Gopal had disappeares without any explanation to him, he always told him if he went somewhere, after all they were thick as thieves. 

" I will call him later, to check on him"

And on Lily, she was nervous.as. F¡CK. On the inside of course, she was internally panicking, on the what-ifs that her brother found out the truth. She can't let her brother know that she was hiding behind a poker face. Although, they were ripped apart for a few years, she had never lied to him. She always trusted her brother and told him everything, and by everything I mean do everything. Like how once she acted like she was stretching so she can secretly sniff her armpits to make sure they don't stink. I didn't intend to disclose, about it. Anyways, she felt guilt consuming her, she started to overthink---

"What if Abang finds out? If he finds out he will be super mad at me! What should I do? Yeet myself to Narnia? No! That's not possible, but, scientists do think their are multiple universes so one of them must have-"

" LILY!"

" Huh?! What?!"

" Are you okay? You zoned out!"

" Yeah, I am fine"

" What where you thinking?"

"I'm thinking what you might be thinking what I am thinking."

Boboiboy laughs at her line.

" W-what do you mean?"

" Nothing~"

Well, let's just say the ride was a one with Lily's sly comebacks and also filled with Boboiboy 's laughs. 




Location:- Unknown planet

Both of them tried to find the location of the voice. But failed to find it. It's was hiding, by the cover of darkness. 

" You coward! Come and fight me! Are you scared~? 

" I am not and besides, I would not like to disclose my identity to you, lowlives"

" Who the f¡ck do you think you are?! Come about this instant!"

A gamma ray was shot on a rock wall, a crater was made.

The atmosphere was still---only a faint howl of a wolf was heard--no one moved and was ready to strike. The moon was high and it casted many shadows to be filled the cave. Yet, it took them a few seconds to mold into many vines and surround both Captain Vargoba and Retakka.

{They are tied up like this}

They struggled to move, even Retakka tried to shot his gamma beam but it was of no use, since, the pitch black vines were somehow slowing or stopping him from attacking.

" Don't move, if you do the tighter it gets~"

The person says. Then out of realization Retakka 's widened.

" It's you!"

" Ah! Aw, how sad my cover has been blown~"

With this the person comes out of the shadows. Certainly, he was a human, since he did not have any green antennas sticking out. He/she was wearing a purple cloak. It looked worn out,but, it was the only possession he/she had. Until that, incident. Now, he/she goes near the relics, and picks them up. And dissappear into thin air.





" Oh my god!"

"Is this true?! Pinch me now!"

" Ow! What was that for?"

" You asked for it, duh!"

" Grrr"

" What are you a dog?"

" Shut it!"


Boboiboy fliches at the sudden outburst of rage form Lily. Since, he did what he was told *insert boboiboy's puppy doll eyes*. He puts down the suitcases and the handbags. He gets a call from Hali. It isn't connected to the other elements, since, Ochobot made a function in which the elements can talk to Boboiboy separately. He connects the call to his phone, by a Bluetooth and puts his phone over his ear. (Note: The elements have their separate phones)

" Oh, hi hali!"


" So, what's up? You guys okay?"

"...I should be asking you that, since, you are really reckless."

" Hey! You are reckless too! Anyways, I am fine, if are wondering. How about you all?"


" Um, hali is something, wrong?"



✨️In The Elemental Dimension✨️


Now, allow me to explain what a elemental dimension is. It is the exact replica of Boboiboy's real world, but, without any people. It's basically, copying the real world's things except the people and pasting it in here. This world or dimension is in Boboiboy's power watch. Boboiboy 's power watch somehow connects his universe to another. So, when the elements go inside the power watch the automatically get teleported to a different universe.

 There are multiple universes and dimensions beyond the seen, so, it's safe to assume there somewhere in a tiny cute corner of another dimension is a replica of earth. In which now, dark crystals or spike like structures are popping out and creating many cracks on the surface, and are trying to get hold of the elements. In a corner Hali is calling Boboiboy, to inform him this chaotic situation. But, Gempa told him not to, so, before this he was having a internally debate to tell Boboiboy or not. 

" Hali?"

" Huh? Yeah? "

" Are you guys okay?"

On the other side Boboiboy was panicking a bit. 

" Yes! I mean no! Just don't come here!"

" Huh?"

" Please"


" What do you mean?"

" Boboiboy!"

Everything was going dark, in background you can see Gempa,Taufan, Blaze, and Duri in a pool of blo-

" Boboiboy, just remember we love you and nothing can stop that!"


" Just don't forget us! Remember us! And we love you......."







A groan can be heard, and someone jerks up form his bed, sweating and panting for air. His eyes snap at the alarm clock and it reads:-


" Was this a dream or a vision?"

He silently thinks at the back of his head. He was in his room. Lily right beside him, cuddling him. She was a heavy sleeper, so, she did not notice much. He had a thousand thoughts pointing aimlessly in his mind. He had a familiar feeling in his heart. He shakes it of and sleeps. 

" Passengers of SI airlines please, come to block C, as soon as possible, since the fight is leaving soon.




Please do consider voting and commenting! It motivates me a lot.

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I don't mind of the rating is low, I wanna improve my writing. School is being a huge burden so, the chapter is very late. I apologize.

Love ya all! 




Words:- 1340

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