About time!

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Previously: -

She came near Lily and said in a low voice" Lily come on, eat something you might end up fainting because of lack of nutrition.", she did not get a response but Lily did snatch the burger and started to munch on it, silencing her sobs and hiccups. Both Ying and Yaya were much relieved. Guess food works for everyone, huh..




A groan escapes from a certain boy. He was sleeping for past six hours and his throat felt dry, as if, he had swallowed a whole dessert. Lily, Yaya, Ying and Fang got startled from the sudden voice. They look to the source and see the boy with a white streak trying to sit up straight. 

Lily rushes towards him and gives him a bear hug. It was almost bone crushing, but what can you expect form a girl whose own blood brother was not waking up for hours? She could not loose him, again. She was crying, but, out of happiness. She was relieved. Yaya and Ying had smiles on their faces, even, fang had one small smile. Despite the fact they were rivals. Yaya and Ying were glad. 

" I hate you, idiot!"

Lily exclaims. She had a smile spread across her face. 

" Sorry! Sorry!"

Boboiboy says with a giggle. He had expected this.

" I-I thought I lost you, again.." 

Lily's voice trembled, remembering their past. She was clutching boboiboy's cotton shirt. Boboiboy hugged her back at runner circles on her back to calm her down.

" Shh,I am here,right?Calm down..."

Lily unhugged him. Well, the others were not mad at Boboiboy, because, this panic attack was not his fault. Normally, they would have scolded him, but today they give him his space. 

"What happened?"

Silence fills the room, everyone's, expect Boboiboy's eyes widened. They were shocked. Because, A) it seemed he does not remember gopal's death and B)He does not remember that, he had a panic attack. Now, they had two options, that is A) They could say he fainted while playing football and avoid that question, or B) Tell him the truth. The first option seemed perfect, rather then, telling him the truth and let him go through the pain, again. They so, did not want him to suffer more.

"How much do you remember?"

A move of caution. Lily asks him, testing the waters. 

" Me and Lily were watching TV and we were going to go to Switzerland! When are we gonna go, Lily? But, answer my question first, guys, what happened?"

He repeats his question. 

Again, silence. Each one of them were quite confused. The right word to say ,that, will not break his heart and was the truth. 

" Where is gopal?"

" He went back to India! You know it's the summer vacations, so.."

Lily says, cheerfully. She didn't intend to lie, but it was the only way.

" Oh! That's great! Man, he did not even call me or say a good bye! Wait, why am i in the hospital?" 

" Because, you fell while cooking!"

Yaya adds up a lie.

" You were cooking our lunch and boom! You slipped and hit your head! I bought you to the hospital and the rest you know."

Lily adds up to Yaya's story. Boboiboy buyed it. 

" And we are going to Switzerland! Switzerland here we come!"

Boboiboy says fist shooting up, above his head and a huge smile across his face. The others smiled sadly, knowing, it was about time that he knew the truth. But, for now they had a trip waiting! 

" Yeah!"

Lily joins.




Location: Unknown planet

" Boss, we found it!"

Probe whispers.

" Yes, and now shut it!"

Adudu whisper-yells.

The cave was of irregular wall and floor. It was filled with various crystals, but, crystals were not the reason these two came. The crystals were of baby blue colour, which was mesmerizing. 

"Well,well, what do we have here?"

A familiar voice asks those two, from behind. Before they could even say a word or turn around, they were trapped against the cave wall. Bright blue veins came out of a hand and held onto their whole frame. They both struggled to get them out of it. 

" Let us go!"

Adudu shouts.  

" Let me go! I haven't watched Papa Zola's new season!"

We all know who this is. 

" Shut up!"

" Both of you shut up! Now, tell me how did you know about this place?" 

Asked a sinister and familiar voice. And out of the shadows steps, Retakka and Captain vargoba. Well, now the question might be " what are these two doing here?", the answer is. When Amato came to stop Reverse, these two, who are waste of space, sneaked out. And went to look for the relics. 

" Why would I tell you?! Let us go!"

But the grip on the bright blue veins' s grip went tighter. 

" The more you move the tighter they get~"

" Fine, we heard from space news! They told that, they had dig out relics in this planet! So, we thought why not steal them and hunt down the power spheres!"

" Well, looks like you won't! Gamma shot!"

I am not going mention his name. ( Solar:- * shivering*)

And that shot destroys half of the cave, yeeting Aududu and Probe towards the sky. 

"Follow me copy and pastebot"

Two huge power spheres roll near him. Those two walk for a bit when a faint light attracts their attention. Those two grin evilly and go towards it. 

And two relics come to view. 

" Hold your horses! "




" Flare! That's mine give it to me!"

" No mine"

" Mine!" 

" Mine!" 

" Mine!" 

" Mine!" 


A loud voice booms through the entire house, maybe, it even caused a few cracks to the wall and broke a window. 

" Vale! Bu-"

" No buts! Stop it or get grounded! Choose wisely~"

A sweet smile is plastered on her face. But it screams ' shut your traps or get yeeted to the moon'. She had a arura similar to Gempa's. 

That made a certain person's heart  race and heat spreads across their face. 

" Hot.."

"Shut it gem! She is your sister!"

He was blushing at his own thoughts and squealing internally. 

" You okay, gem?"

Hali asks, who had a tiny smirk on his face. In the background Both breezey and Flare on their knees begging for Vale's mercy. Let me give a introduction. Like Lily had said. She too had Boboiboy's half powers since his boy could not handle that much power. Let's have a tiny recap...

● Flashback

{¡Those who remember, may skip!}

The night Boboiboy was his powers Lily was too coming for her native. She is currently sitting on a bus, headphones on with a bag and admiring the stars out side. 

Lily:- Whoa..

She was humming and nodding to the tune and soon the bus stopped with a jerk. She wanted to surprise her brother. She got of and took her bag and went to take aba 's cozy house. The last time she came her when she was six, during her summer vacations. But her brother got the vacations early this time and she could not tag along with him this summer. Since they changed schools. When she went near the house she was stunned to a yellow flying ball and her brother standing and taking.

Mini boboiboy :- Powers?

Ochobot:- Yeah, powers! Which will make you super cool! But there is a catch you can get only half, because your body and mental strength can get affected deeply. Now, I need someone to give the remaining half...

Lily:- Oh! Can I? Can I? Pretty please * puppy eyes* 🥺

Boboiboy :- * high school girl scream* Lily?!

Lily:- Yeah! I came here to surprise you! You seemed really surprised..

Ochobot:- Fine, let's do it.

●Flashback ends●

So, she too has seven elements, just our dino boy. The first one is Scarlet.

She is rebel, a thunsundre and has a short-temper. Just like our hali here.

Next one is breezy!

She is a trouble-maker, a cheerfully personality and had a "good" humour. She is just like Taufan. 

Next one is Vale. 

She is the "mom" of the group, just like gempa. 

Next is flare! 

She is also a trouble-maker, just like Blaze.

Next is Glace.

{¡ Her hair is black not light pink!}

A polar bear, just like Ais.

Next is Vine.

A innocent bean, like duri.

Next is Eclipse.

{ Again, her hair is black not yellow!}

Just like Solar.

Now, you can guess their powers, right?.  Well, Flare and Breezy were fighting over a sweater and Vale stood in. Eclipse and Lily are at Lily's room along with Solar, discussing about new fusions, while Hali, Gempa and Boboiboy are at the kitchen cooking dinner. And of course, Blaze, Taufan and Duri and watching TV. Ice and Glace and sleeping and Boboiboy's room. Vine is at the garden along with Scarlet. All their bags are packed, except for Flare and Breezy's.

" Everything seems to fall into place..."




Greetings! How was the chapter? It is the calm before the storm~ And here as promised the poem's second part. 

Title:- Friend 

Don't pretend,

I am your friend.

I got your back, 

they will never attack

I can see through your mask,

but you would never let me ask.

I miss you, 

the person who always knew 

You have got darkness in your mind,

don't let them make you blind.

Keep moving forward,

I am the one who ordered.

We will always be together,

And make memories together.

Remember, I am your friend, 

the one everyone would recommend.

We were in a pool of sharks {problems}

when one of us sparks.

And surprisingly,

it was you who was smiling <3

This is what Lily told Boboiboy in the past, in sentence form. Just kidding! Again, it's just a gift from me to you all.

Love ya! <333




Words:- 1838

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