Unfortunate day

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The night ends and moring comes with the news flashing..










 1Mentions of words like k¡ll and b¡¡d! Those who might have the phobia please leave! 

2. ¡Spoilers! Those who don't like them please skip the first phara..





{Narrater's POV}

Well, let me clear thinks up a bit, Reverse is actually the opposite of Boboiboy. He lacks empathy for others.{ 🚨¡Spoiler alert!🚨}You could assume he would kill anybody who hurts Boboiboy. Now, you would ask " Why did he not attack Amato and take his father or Boboiboy's father? ", the answer is he had promised Boboiboy. And "why did he k¡ll gopal?", because he hurted Boboiboy. And Reverse has his own body too. With this being said, let's move on..




* Beep* 



The heat rate monitor' s frequent beeps, the clock's ticking, and Lily's frequent sobs were heard. They all were at the hospital. Fang, Ying, Yaya rushed to the hospital as soon as they heard the news of Boboiboy's panick attack. They all knew Gopal was his best friend. His partner in crime. His other half. His brother. ( not blood related). He was the one that encouraged Boboiboy to not give up when Retakka had taken Bobobioy's elements or his siblings. 

He might seem like a dumb and immature person and often got angry at Boboiboy, but deep down in the bottom of his heart he cared for Boboiboy. Within these five years he had carved a place in everyone's heart. And loosing him was like being stung by gazillions of needles in the heart, to Boboiboy. The others were also hurted, but, not that deep. They could pull themselves together, but, not Boboiboy. When he heard the news, his heart dropped to his stomach , and all the air left his lungs, His head felt dizzy and he had trouble breathing. All the noise---TV's distant chatters, car's honking, Lily's shouting and cries or pleas--- felt deaf to his ears. His mind seemed to be playing the same lines again and again...




And then, he passed out, Lily caught him just at the nick of time, before his head hits the floor. She had called the ambulance. The doctor said it wasn't anything major. He had given sleep injections, so, his body can relax. He should be awake within a few hours. But, it had been six hours and he was still asleep. He was still alive, atleast that's what the heart rate monitor said. 

Lily was loosing hope, because the doctor said the medicine's effect should have been for nearly three hours. She was on the bed, where Boboiboy was, with Yaya supporting her back and head. She herself wanted to cry but she had to stay strong for her, for Lily. She kept patting her head saying " Its gonna be alright" or " He is going to wake up soon". But all was deaf to Lily. Many beeds of drops, flowed down to her cheeks and up to her chin, and they all formed a tear-stained marks on the cotton blanket. 

 Ying was in the cafeteria, trying to find something that can stop Lily cry. Fang was staring out of the window, his eyes darkened and full of guilt. It's been past lunch time, the sun was shining and the chirping their different tunes. It was a perfect day for a picnic. But the Trio inside the building was unmoved. 

The room was simple, a medium sized bed in the middle, with Boboiboy on it. His hat was in Lily's hands, she was clutching it, like her life depends on it. 


The door creaks and a Chinese girl, with big blue spectacles and two small pigtails enters. She had a poker face on, she looked dead to the eye. Working like a robot. It was her way to hold in her emotions. She had a tray in hand and in it were a burger and French fries and a small coke. Now, don't ask me how did she get it in the hospital cafeteria. She came near Lily and said in a low voice" Lily come on, eat something you might end up fainting because of lack of nutrition.", she did not get a response but Lily did snatch the burger and started to munch on it, silencing her sobs and hiccups. Both Ying and Yaya were much relieved. Guess food works for everyone, huh...




Location :- At a unknown planet

Two figures can be seen waking and a bare land, with trees who had no leaves, surroundings them. Sweat runs down their face. One was carrying a large traveling bag and was made of steel, and purple in colour. He seems to be floating. And the another was also carrying a huge travelling bag. His skin was of green colour and he had two antenas sticking out of his square-shaped head. 

"Urgh! Boss how far is it?!"

" Shut up probe!" 

" Bossss"

Adudu hits him with his metal cup. And a bump pops up. 

" Shut your trap and keep walking! We have to reach to thr relics before them!"

" Where are they?"

" At a cave"

And silence fills the atmosphere. Suddenly they heard a growl. It seemed to be a animal. They both turn and see a tiger- like creatures standing behind them. They were ready to pounce on them. They were purple in colour and had bright orange strips on them. And had bright white eyes. Both Adudu and probe run as fast as the could, they stumble and trip over branches or rocks, and finally reach their destination. A cave. The tiger-like creatures had left them.

" Such a unfortunate day!"




Hello! Greetings my fellow readers! I am alive and so is this book! I had school and plus I was sick but don't worry I will try to update has much as possible. I had to cut the chapter because my abdomen was hurting bad! But I promise I will write a longer chapter next time. I am a lady who keeps her words. As an apology you all can enjoy this poem, which i created:- 

Title:- Friend

You know me, like the back of your hand

I hope you do understand 

My past is a nightmare, 

which I want you to be aware.

I am locked in a cage,

I hope you don't find it strange.

Those thoughts are stuck in my head,

making me regret.

I was a villan,

one in a million.

I gave no mercy, 

I was always thirsty.

But, I have changed,

I have been rearranged.

Stay by my side,

don't you dare step aside.

Just say to me,

you won't avoid me like the flea.

Don't let me go,

Always reappear like the rainbow..

Not much of a mood changer is it? 😅. But let me remind you all this poem has no relation to the story, which I am writing. I just wanna know is it good? Or even decent? I do have a second part of it! Let me know is nice and might post it in the next chapter! UnU. How was the chapter?  Last but not the least Thank you so mush for 2.1k reads and 101 votes! It means the world to me! And do tell me was their any grammatical error, I would like to correct. Have a good day/noon/evening/night! Bye~ 

- Stacy 


Words:- 1244

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