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Well after few minutes they reached TAPOPS.

Blaze: Whoa, TAPOPS looks so cool ☆○☆

Cyclone: Yeah!☆○☆

They all went towards the control room. 

Coco chi: Boboiboy we need you to rescue eclipsebot from planet eclipse.

Boboiboy: What about the other two power spheres commander?

Commander: First rescue this.

So they went to planet eclipse.

Yaya & Ying: Whoa so pretty 😍 

Blaze: Ur right 🤩

Cyclone: I agree 🤩

So they all landed on that planet. But they couldn't land! Cuz there every were was forest which looked dark, deep and full of mysterious.

Gopal: I-its s-so s-scary?!* trembling with fear *

Boboiboy: Guys, we have to be brave!

They all mustered up there courage and started to walk northwest. 

Suddenly they heard rustling sound, they all turned to the source of that sound and saw.

Boboiboy: Adudu and probe?! 

Adudu: * laughs evilly * Why so surprised boboiboy?~

Fang: Ish! What are you doing here?!💢

Adudu: The usual~

Everyone expect adudu and probe dead panned.

Ying: Are you not tired of getting your asses kicked?

Adudu: Shut up! Now I have a more powerful weapon.  It's.........

THE POWER SPHERE CATCHER!!!!!!!* laughs evilly *

( It looks like this👇

Sorry guys, I could not get  a clear image. 😅)

Fang: Power sphere destructive gun!

Adudu: Yes! And it's gonna catch him * points at ochobot*

Boboiboy: Dream on!💢

Ying : Super kick!! Hiyyyah!!!!

Yaya: Mighty punch!! Here take this!

Fang: Shadow tiger!! 

Boboiboy: Boboiboy thunderstorm! Thunderstorm blade * slashes adudu*

But those attacks did not effect adudu, infact I did not reach him, He was protected by a invisible barrier!. 

Yaya: Ish! Nothing is effecting him!!

Boboiboy: It seems that adudu I'd protected by  a invisible barrier* thinking pose *

Ying : How do we defeat him!

Adudu: Haha my turn. Probe transform!

Probe: Yes mister boss! Mega Probe!

But what was this he was not able to get out of the invisible barrier!

Mega probe: Mister boss we are stuck!

Adudu: Wait! I will remove it! * takes  a remote*

Gopal: Dey! If you remove it, we can come inside!

Adudu: Oh yes then I will not remove it!

Boboiboy: Oi gopal! Why did you tell him!

Ying: Yalor! If you did not tell him we would have defeated him * smacks him*

Gopal: Ow ow ow Ying I am sorry!!

Boboiboy: Hmmm, if we can not go inside, then someone can!

Yaya: Who?

Boboiboy: Heh * smirks * Watch! Boboiboy Earthquake! Earth hands.

Two hands made of rocks came out of the ground and caught adudu and probe.

Adudu: Ish why you?!💢

Probe: We are gonna die! * cries dramatically *

Adudu: Shut up probe!💢

The earth hand swings them round and round, until they are dizzy.

Adudu: Urgh, I am dizzy.

Probe: Same here mister boss.

Boboiboy: Guys let's continue to find eclipsebot!

Others except adudu and probe: Lets go!


A/N : Hey guys, long time no see! Don't forget to vote and comment 😊 and do tell me how is the book cover! I edited myself😉.

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