Finding eclipsebot!

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Two hands made of rocks came out of the ground and caught adudu and probe.

Adudu: Ish why you?!💢

Probe: We are gonna die! * cries dramatically *

Adudu: Shut up probe!💢

The earth hand swings them round and round, until they are dizzy.

Adudu: Urgh, I am dizzy.

Probe: Same here mister boss.

Boboiboy: Guys let's continue to find eclipsebot!

Others except adudu and probe: Lets go!


So, our gang goes more deeper in the forest in search of eclipsebot. The woods were starting to seem a bit purple, and the ground seemed a bit dark, which was unnoticed..

Gopal: * panting* U-uh b-boboiboy, c-can we rest for a bit?

Boboiboy: * panting* N-no, we can't

Gopal: B-but why?

Boboiboy: Eclipsebot must be nearby!

Yaya: But boboiboy, its been hours...

Ying: Yalor! Even fang fainted! Look! * points to a dead looking fang*

Boboiboy : Fine, let's rest for a bit.

They all sat( incase of fang, he was been draged by gopal) under a large tree, leaning against it's trunk. 

Boboiboy : Ying, did we reach eclipsebot?

Ying: Nope, we still have a long way to go.

Gopal: Man! This is killing me! Why don't we send Yaya to fly around,  and search  eclipsebot?

Ying : Woi! Are you mad she might get hurt or something?! 

Gopal: It still is a good idea! Right boboiboy?

Boboiboy : * lost in his own thoughts *

Gopal: Boboiboy?

Boboiboy : * still no response *

Gopal: * goes near boboiboy' s ear * BOBOIBOY!!!

Boboiboy: Woi! Gopal! Why did you yell, huh?! 

Gopal: You were not listening!

Yaya: Guys, stop it. 

Ying: Yeah!

Fang: * groans * W-what happened? 

Boboiboy : Fang! Are you okay?

Fang: Yeah, but were are we?

Gopal: In that dumb planet!

Ying: Woi!

Boboiboy : I think we had enough rest, let continue.

Yaya: Fine, but let me go and fly over this planet and check were is eclipsebot.

Ying: But it is dangerous!

Fang: Yeah! And besides we don't know what kind of dangerous creatures are lurking here!

Yaya: But- 

Boboiboy : Yaya, listen we are in a planet which is looking dangerous and we don't even have information about it. So, please just stay.

Yaya: Fine.

Boboiboy: Enough with the chit-chat, let's continue.

So, the Trio started to go on to there journey. It was quite tough, cuz it was getting darker and the forest was looking creepy.

Gopal: * hugs boboiboy* Dude! This planet is creepy let's get out of here!

Boboiboy : Gopal please stop it! 

Soon, it was nighttime. And the sky was decorated with stars, which looked was if shiny diamonda were hung up in the sky. Everyone started to set up their sleeping bags, and soon enough all of them went to a deep slumber. But boboiboy could not, when reverse wanted to come out. He went near a pond and saw his was horrifying, he one eye was brown and the other was red as his blood. He was stunned, soon he saw reverse grinning at him. 

Boboiboy: What do you want Reverse?

Reverse: Oh! Please, not even a greeting so rude!

Boboiboy: Just shut up and tell me what do you want? 

Reverse: You did not do the work I told you * smirks*

Boboiboy : What work?!

Reverse: To destroy a powers sphere!

Boboiboy: But you did not tell which one

Reverse: I will tell now, Destroy paste bot, NOW!!!

Boboiboy : But-

Reverse : No buts! Go now my slave~

Boboiboy : Fine. 

Boboiboy checks the time, it says 12:00. " I have a lot of time " boboiboy thinks. So, he turns into solar and teleports into the spaceship in which he and his friends came. He starts to on the engines of the ship and sails it the TAPOPS station. He wears a black hoodie and goes to the power sphere room. But alas! He meets retakka and captain vargoba. 


So, you all are probably wondering how in the world did retakka and captain vargoba come? So, here is what happened...

Captain vargoba: Retakka, I know we both have a common enemy, and if we both reunite we can defeat that brat!

Retakka: What will I get?

Captain vargoba: Your element. * smirks *

Retakka: I am in, what is the plan?

Captain vargoba: One of my minion is still alive and of we take him to copy and paste bot, my one minion will become thousands! * laughs evilly *

But these two villains were soon gonna betray eachother~


Captain vargoba: What in the world?!

Reverse : Shh~ my, my what a pleasant surprise~ It is a pleasure to meet you both~ * bows* Oh! Where are my manners~ Let me introduce myself~ my name is REVERSE and I am a person which has a unlimited hunger of power. Mind if I join you~

Both vargoba and retakka were suspicious.

Reverse: And for your info boboiboy is a puppet in my hands~

Retakka: Fine. 

Boboiboy : Thunder blade slash!! 

Boboiboy destroyes paste bot. 

Both retakka and vargoba's eyes widened. 

Reverse: Don't worry it was a fake one, I just wanted to see how mush boboiboy is loyal to me~

Retakka : So what is the plan?

Reverse: * smirks *




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