Enjoy the fun until it ends~

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A/ N hey guys another chappy!

OK and a few warnings ⚠️ 

1.  This may contain some cursed words. ( because of thunderstorm)

2.  Overload cuteness.

3. Grammer mistakes.

That's  it, I hope you enjoy.



After breaking the hug they started  to do there own things. ( And they are at earth because, Boboiboy and his friends are given 1 month holiday). Earthquake went to the kitchen to make some snacks with Boboiboy and Cyclone accompanying him. Blaze and Thorn started to play monopoly. Thunderstorm started to scroll through Boboiboy 's phone. Ice went sleeping.  Solar started reading a book on the couch. Alas,  they failed to notice that Boboiboy 's watch's frequent glitches.


In the kitchen:

Boboiboy: Whoa, you are better than me in cooking, Quake!

Earthquake: Thank you, Boboiboy. *blushes*

Cyclone: Yeah, he is good at cooking because is is a mother~

Earthquake: Cyclone!! * lighty smacks him* Stop it!! * blushes *

Cyclone: Ouch sorry quake!!

Boboiboy: Guys, stop it let's serve the food, others will be hungry.

Earthquake: You are right Boboiboy. 

They all had a meal but it ended with a blast...

Blaze: Yay, chicken chops. * finishes his chicken chop in a second*

Others were shocked.

Solar: How can you finish it within a second?!

Blaze: I have my  ways~

Thunderstorm: It is a bit salty.

Solar: No it is sweet

Thunderstorm: It is salty!

Solar: It is sweet!!









Earthquake: It is not salty or Sweet, will you two stop fighting~ * smiles evilly + death glare *

Thunderstorm and solar: * silent *

Earthquake: Good!

Blaze: * takes thunderstorms chicken chop* mine, mine 

Thunderstorm: * glares * Give it back chicken head!!

Blaze: Why you!!* angry * * runs with the chicken chop* see ya later thunsundre~ 

Thunderstorm: You are so dead!! * chases Blaze with his lightning speed* come here you flame brain!! * summons his thunder blade* 

Blaze : Hehe..never, catch me if can * tongue out* 👁👅👁

Thunderstorm: Ish, why you * about to attack him*

Suddenly a earth wall appears in front of Blaze.. 

Earthquake: Will you two stop it * murderous arura+ death glare*

Like this 👇

Others except Boboiboy got scared. If you are wondering why Boboiboy was not scared because, he would have done the same if he was in quake 's place. And he was secretly proud ~

Thunderstorm: Sorry Earthquake * voice trembling * 

Earthquake: Good. Boboiboy were is tok aba? ( grandad)

Boboiboy: He  went to take care of his sick friend.

Earthquake: Oh..when will he return?

Boboiboy: About  2- 3 weeks.

Blaze: 2 to three weeks!!! Whoa that's  a lot!!

Earthquake: Yeah you are right Blaze. Don't you want to tell  me something?  *glares  *

Blaze: Oh ..I am sorry Earthquake for making Thunderstorm angry earlier and causing a scene at dinner. 

Earthquake: It is okay! * smiles *


While they all were having a good time. Here, Retakka woke in a spaceship.

Retakka: Ugrh! Where am I?

???: So you finally awake my old friend * smirks * 

Retakka: Oh, it's you nice to meet you again..

Vargoba* smirks * 


In the TAPOPS station a emergency  arises..

Amato: What how did he escape?!

Mop alien: Mop, Mop mop Mop Mop Mop ( sir we are sorry, we will find him soon.

Amato: Better do it fast, because I don't think Voboiboy can defeat Vargoba again.

Mop alien: * TAPOPS salute * mop mop mop mop (Yes admiral!)


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