The Start

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Consider the below video a trailer, and play it. Credits to the owner, it is not mine.


After the fight with Retakka, Boboiboy was forced by his friend to take complete rest. They knew that Boboiboy was stubborn so they used Yaya's COOKIES as a weapon.

Ying: Boboiboy if you don't  take rest, we will shove these cookies into your mouth!!

Yaya: But Ying what is wrong with my cookies?

Ying: U-um Boboiboy will faint with happiness, if he eats them *laughs nervously*.

Yaya: oh OK, then Boboiboy have some.

Boboiboy: N-no thanks Yaya I am full!  * sweat drop * 

Suddenly Boboiboy's watch starts glows and a hologram pops up.

Blaze: Hey Boboiboy!!* waves* 

Boboiboy: Oh! hi Blaze. * waves back *

Gopal : Dey! Boboiboy, since when  your watch can do that!

Boboiboy: Ummm.. a few days ago?

Gopal: Why didn't you tell us hah?! 

Boboiboy: I wanted to surprise you guys!

Earthquake: U-um Boboiboy ?

Boboiboy: Yes quake?

Earthquake: Can you u-um 

Boboiboy: Split into seven? 

Earthquake: Yeah.

Cyclone: Hold on a second how did you know that?

Boboiboy: Not gonna tell~ *teasing*

Boboiboy splits into his elements. All his elements were there including him.

Blaze: Whoa ☆○☆ it is the first time that, we came out!!

Thorn: Yay! This is the first time I am meetign you in person Boboiboy! * hugs him *

Boboiboy: * hugs back * *chuckles* This is the first time for me too Thorn...

Blaze: Hey, not fair that only you are getting a hug! *pouts* * tries to break the hug* 

Cyclone: I want a hug too! * does same as blaze* 

The others just eye roll at their silly attics.

Boboiboy: Guys, stop fighting and let's have a group hug!

Thorn, Blaze and Cyclone: Yay! * hugs Boboiboy * 

A weird aura surrounds 'certain' elements, Boboiboy smirks in delight and amusement at this, realizing it was jealously emitting from them..

Boboiboy: Earthquake, Ice, Solar, Thunderstorm, you guys can join too! 😉 

Ice gives him a lazy hug, Solar seems a bit hesitant but when he senses Boboiboy's grip tighten around him, he relaxes. Earthquake gives him a back-hug. Alas, one element does not cave in. 

Boboiboy : Thunderstorm, are you not happy to see me?

Thunderstorm: I am, but I am just not into touching hugs. * shrugs *

Solar: Come on don't be such a baby!

Thunderstorm: Why you sunny lamp?!💢

Boboiboy: Thunderstorm, calm down and just give in.

Finally Thunderstorm gives in and joins the hug. But with blushing cheeks.


**Poem break and a possible foreshadow**

Hopes dashed among the rocks,

Happiness spreads wings and takes flight,

The light leaves the eyes that once sparkled bright,

But now dull and impassive.

Unable to read the message written there, changes,

Features dulled and dimmed, skin lost that glow, changes,

Shoulders slumped, head down, feet draggin'

Time passing too slowly, but yet too quickly, changes,

Days too dark, not enough light, changes,

Wanting to scream and rant and rave.

Anger, the rage boiling up inside,

Trying to take over all other emotions.

Leaving depression as the aftermath, changes,

Feelin' weak and weary, walking through this world alone.

Feels like been buried underneath all the weight of the world,

Not supposed to be scared of anything,

But don't know where am,

Trying hard to breathe, no air in lungs,

Pain inside is making numb,

Not knowing what to do, where to turn,

So tired, wanting to lay down.

But can't something unknown pushing on,

Stumbling through this dark tunnel,

Looking for the light,

Changes, changes,

Wondering if I will ever reach the end.

Blind and shaking, bound and breaking, hoping to make it through all these changes,

Changes. Changes,

Can't help, no one knows,

Get frustrated lately,

Suffocates, changes, changes,

One day I'll change everything.


(Credits to the owner)


After breaking the hug they started  to do there own things. ( And they are at earth because Boboiboy and his friends are given 1 month holiday). Earthquake went to the kitchen to make some snacks with Boboiboy and Cyclone accompanying him. Blaze and Thorn started  to play monopoly. Thunderstorm started to scroll through Boboiboy 's phone. Ice went sleeping. Solar  was reading a big, fat book on dyhybrid cross. But they all  failed to notice that Boboiboy 's watch was glitching, frequently.


What if Retakka is alive?

 What if someone rescued him the moment he entered space?


And don't forget to vote and comment.


Have a lovely day!! <3

Walking charger XDD

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