page 09 • meatheadkawa

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"[Name]-chan, you are so unfair!"

"For the ten-millionth time," You yell, "Get out of my house!"

Oikawa is leaning against the couch, resting a hand on the armrest and eating some chopped carrots Mei had given him earlier.

Today was Kageyama's birthday, and since you wanted to do something for your friend, you had asked Mei to help you cook a meal for him. Oikawa, who was eating breakfast with you both earlier today, furrowed his eyebrows at the mention until you shot him a nasty glare.

He went back to eating his food, like he should have when you did that.

He did that, but now, he had returned from school, watching you and Mei clumsily serve the food you had tried whipping up, with Mei's help.

"[Name]-chan, let me taste what you made!" He ignores what you said, swatting your hand away when you tried to snatch the bowl in his clutch.

"It's for Tobio." You repeat, your irritation increasing by the passing second. Really now, Oikawa could make you cry because of how much you liked him in one second... And yet, the other second, he'd do something that makes you want to kick his ass with a rotten carrot.

Oikawa squints his eyes as you bring the cake to the table, standing up when you place the cutleries beside the plates.

"Will you do this for my birthday too, [Name]-chan?" He wants to know, gently tapping the table.

"Could you be any more obvious, Tooru?" Mei calls from inside the kitchen, laughing. Oikawa reacts by looking away, a little whimper escaping from his mouth as he walks away.

"It's just not fair." He protests quietly, nibbling on another stick of carrot. The sound of a knock makes you dart your eyes to the door, then at Oikawa.

"Get the door."

"Aw, [Name]-chan! Say please."

"I would rather yeet." You hiss, setting the plate and storming to the door. Really, asking Oikawa for a favour was like asking for ten things extra to be done.

But when he sees that you are going to the door he jumps up and hurries to the door as well- Making the two of you argue in front of the door while Kageyama stood, blinking in confusion.

"Ah. Sorry Tobio, come in." You say, shooting a glare at the brunette who only huffs in response. Kageyama takes off his shoes and steps in, and Mei serves the meal right away.

When Oikawa sits beside you, you can only hiss. With a baffled expression on his face, Kageyama proceeds to sit at the front of the table, on your left.

"Since [Name] told me you like pork, we made most of the dishes have pork as the main ingredient!" Mei gushes, always proud of her own culinary skills. 

Kageyama has a big smile on his face as he dug into the food, and you can't help but giggle. Maybe all the work you put into the cooking was worthwhile, after all.

"I don't really like pork that much..." You hear Oikawa murmur, and you ignore him. Today was about Kageyama, only him. 

When Mei brings the cake that was in the freezer, Kageyama beams, an overwhelmed expression on his face when you tell him that you made it, and promised that it was, indeed, edible.

Your friend looked happy, and you were thankful for that.

At least, you were, until Oikawa grabs your wrist under the table.

"Hey, let go." You hiss, but his grip only hardens on your wrist. He has a big smile on his face as he nonchalantly glances at Kageyama. The ravenette's hands tremble as he held the knife Mei handed to him. A smile forms on his face when he does so, and you can hear Oikawa mutter a 'tch' in annoyance.

"Shut up. I want to clap. Let go." You hiss again. To your surprise, he does as he is told, and you glance back to Kageyama who is helping himself to the chocolate cake.

"It is very tasty. Thanks, [Name]!" He says as he picks up a second slice. It makes you chuckle, and Mei passes paper plates to you and Oikawa, who only grunts while he stabs the cake slice.

"I'd probably do more than just give you a simple 'thanks' if you went out of your way to make me a cake." You hear him mumble, while you stand up to help Mei with the plates.

Oikawa was being such a meathead, and you wanted to punch his stomach a couple times to shut him up for good.

After the meal is over and Mei packs leftovers for Kageyama, Eiko, Oikawa, the latter is leaning against the counter.

"[Name]-chan, instead of Mei-chan, can you come downstairs to give me leftovers? I have something important to discuss with you."

"I hear mah' name." Mei hisses, poking her head between the two of you. "Tell us, Tooru."

"Don't worry, Mei-chan! I'll tell you after I tell [Name]-chan." He says. Rolling your eyes, you move away, and see Kageyama sitting on the sofa, lost in a trance.

"Tobio? Are you fine?" You ask, sitting beside him and leaning against the armrest of the sofa. Kageyama blinks a few times, a low exhale escaping from his usual pursed lips.

He didn't look like he was ready to speak, and you decide not to pry him any further. When you glance at where Oikawa stood, he has a sad smile on his face as he waves and leaves the apartment.

"We had a small party-ish breakfast after morning practice today." Kageyama has to say, a little while later. You snap out of your Oikawa-thoughts and face the blue-eyed setter who sat, tearing the wrapper of a chocolate from the box you and Mei had bought him as a present.

"Tomo made the food. It was good."

"Did you thank her?"

"Of course I did! What kind of a person do you take me for?"

Clueless, you wanted to say, but he looked too upset to deal with that kind of comment. You thought about what the right thing to say was, but who were you to say anything, anyways? Your own life was in turmoil, and Oikawa liked making things even more complicated for you.

But as someone who had met Tomo once and made small talk with her, and from what Mei and Eiko told you about her, you knew that Kageyama and Tomo were literally meant to be. Even Hinata had let you know that he secretly thought that they were perfect for each other.

"Tobio, are you conflicted about how you feel towards her?" You ask, taking the round chocolate he hands you. When you look up from the wrapper, you see that his eyes are widened.

Kageyama is freaking out.

"I just..." He sweats, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gulps multiple times.

"Hey, you don't have to take things in a rush, you know. I'm sure Tomo understands too." You try to calm him down. A frustrated Kageyama reaches for another chocolate, aggressively tearing the wrapper of it and munching it in one bite.

"[Name]. I am dying."

Between Kageyama being an even bigger dork than Oikawa when it came to relationships, you can only facepalm.

And when Mei hands you the leftovers she had packed for 'Tooru', you can only gulp.

What did Oikawa want to talk about?


a/n; oh fek. i wanted to post this on 22nd on occasion of tobio's birthday but wtf een wyd. but i have an excuse this time! xD 22nd was also my 19th birthday as well, and i had work to go to and i had food with my colleagues so i was super busy i kri ;-; so gomangomango guys ;w;

i feel like this book is getting ridiculous now, but i hope you guys don't stop reading this tho ;-; the next chapter is going to be a game changer, and i hope it makes this book more worthwhile to read. thank you for all the support. ♥

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