page 10 • toolkawa

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Your hands are trembling as you hold the paper bag with the leftovers in it.

Not because it was Oikawa you were going to meet, but because you couldn't think of a single thing he would have to discuss with you.

Knowing Oikawa, it would be something petty, like asking you to go to school together with him.

That stupid tool. I'm just going to say no again like every other time.

Thinking back to him hugging and confessing to you a few days ago makes you flush red and you shake your head. You were definitely not used to this kind of feeling. Or rather, even if you were, you didn't want it to be with Oikawa, out of everyone.


Kageyama had left after thanking you for the food, and you were glad he enjoyed his day. Remembering the look on his face when you said he could take the rest of the cake home, was priceless, and you wished he could work things out with Tomo, you really did.

Taking a deep breath, you knock on the familiar looking door, the one similar to the one upstairs and belonging to yours.

And the door pops open, Oikawa wearing a beanie over his head. He had changed from the clothes he had been wearing earlier, and he was now dressed in warm clothing, enough layers for at least three people to suffice.

"I'm kinda weak to handle the cold." He lets you know with a little laugh when you enter his apartment. Putting the bag down on the coffee table, you sit on one end of the couch. Oikawa excuses himself for a minute, going into a room inside the hallway before he steps out with something in hand. When he sits on the other end of the couch and faces you, you see that it is a couple of envelopes that he has in hand.

"I wanted to tell you something. You're probably the first one I tell this to." He says. What bothers you the most is the fact that his face is expressionless, as he holds the envelope out to you.

Normally when he tells you something like that, he would have a smug expression on his face, trying to irk you... That was missing now, and you weren't sure whether you were going to like this one bit.

Nervously, and not knowing what to expect, you take the envelope from his hand. It had been opened before, as seen from the tear at one end. You pull out the paper inside, and your first reaction is a gasp.

It was a University acceptance letter.

"After I graduate next March, I'll be going there." He adds. "It starts in April. Er, technically the same as when your second year starts. It makes me realise that you and I will be going to Aoba Johsai together until March. We won't be together after th-"



"Are there dormitories? Or do you have to travel there every day?" You demand. For the first time today, he actually smiles, patting your head and ruffling your hair as he does so.

"I didn't expect that kind of reaction from you, [Name]-chan." He has to say. "But I'm not complaining. I'm kinda happy you're reacting this way. You're going to miss me, aren't you?"

Feeling slightly embarrassed, you skim through the formal writing in the computer-typed acceptance letter; in an attempt to look away from him. You are relieved when you see the words 'off-campus residence' in one of the bullet points.

"There aren't dorms, so that's that."

"Oh. So you won't be moving." You sigh.

"Yeah well..." He fumbles with two other envelopes in his hand, checking the cover of each before he hands you one of it.

He does not say anything, and once again, you are a nervous wreck as you pull out the letter inside of it. But before you can read it, Oikawa decides to speak up.

"I'm moving out of this apartment for college."

Your hands stiffen at what he said, your eyes darting to the letter. You can almost hear your heart breaking as you see the letter addressed to your tenant, thanking him for allowing the stay and that he would be moving out at the end of the month.

Oikawa was moving out on New Year's Eve.

And you would no longer be neighbours with the calamity that was named Oikawa Tooru.

You can remember when he first became your neighbour; you were wishing that he would graduate already so that he would leave the apartment when he went to college.

But now, as you held the letter in hand, your vision becomes a blur and you were sure you were going to start crying sometime soon.


"I can't afford to live on-campus, and neither can I let my parents pay for me to live here just because I want to, you know. But well, looking at the bright side, I'm moving out on 31st, so I have over a whole week to-"

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

As unreasonable as it sounded, as much as you didn't want to show such a vulnerable side of yours to the idiot that you hated so much, you couldn't help it.

"I may be an adult, but I still have parents, you know. I respect their decisions, and they are the ones who actually let me stay here till I finish Seijoh, after all." He says. "Don't be so selfish, [Name]-chan, this isn't easy for me either, you know."

Hearing something so sensible coming out of the jerk's mouth only makes you more depressed while you fought back tears. Of all the times he could pick to say something decent, why now?

"I'm starting to think of you coming to the same University as me, and we would spend my last two years together again." He gushes, taking the acceptance letter back from your hands. Once again, you want to hit his mouth with a five-pound vase for saying something like that at a time like this. You wanted to cry, but your voice refused to listen.

"Stop making constipated faces, [Name]-chan, that's just disgusting."

"You entire existence is disgusting." You hiss, wiping your face with the tissue he is holding out to you.

He knew exactly how you felt, and yet, he was not used to actions like this from your side. It made him happy, knowing you cared, even though you couldn't say it to him out of the hate that he had brought upon himself.

He waits for you to calm down a little, a little amused at your reactions. Oikawa then hands you the third and final envelope. By now, your hands can barely hold the piece of paper without trembling as you take it out.

But this time, it is not a computer-printed letter.

It is a note, written by Oikawa's handwriting- You can easily tell, and it was stupid, how familiar it looked to you.

'Since I am moving soon, will you walk to school with me for the rest of these school days?'

The winky face he has added to the end of the note makes you lose it.

"You idiot." You cry, punching his arm multiple times.

"I'm not an idiot!" He protests, a big smile forming on his face while he tried to defend himself from your punches that didn't hurt him a single bit.

"I'm going to miss you. I'll miss you so much, [Name]-chan. Which is weird, because we haven't even made that much memories together. And yet, I want you so bad. You're the unfair idiot here, you know."

You can only cry in response as he embraced you.


a/n; can u hear my loud kries ;w;

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