🌲Under The Mistletoe - 12.5 🌲

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Skye's POV

The alarm goes off at 7.30am and I climb out of. Heading to the bathroom I have a quick shower. Grabbing the towel from the shower rack I dry off my body and hair, before walking into my bedroom and getting ready for the day.

I pull out a black skirt that has a slit at the side and white button up shirt. I put on a pair of black boots and then walk out of my room. As I head the kitchen I hear Chelsea singing along to Britney Spears. 'Hit me baby, one more time.' her timing is off and it sounds like a dying cat.

Entering the kitchen I see Chelsea behind the stove and she looks in my direction. She drops the spatula on the table. "You know how much I hate it when you sneak up on me."

I throw my head back and laugh. "You didn't hear me coming because you were too into the song 'hit me baby on more time.' You sound like a dying cat when you sing."

She picks up the dishtowel and throws it at me. "Shut up, Skye. Or you're not getting breakfast."

"What did you cook this morning?" I ask.

"Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and there's also a muffin in the fridge for you. Freshly squeezed orange juice is in there too. Can you bring it out for me? Breakfast is nearly done." She pulls plates out of the cupboard and sets it on the table in front of her. She piles the food onto our plates.

I return with the orange juice and muffin. Pouring two glasses of juice I set them on the kitchen table and wait for Chelsea to bring the food. She places a plate in front of me and we start eating.

During breakfast her phone starts to ring. She looks at me and says. "I have to take this." She walks away from the table with her phone to her ear.

Finishing breakfast I take the dishes over to the sink and start washing up. Looking at the clock on the wall I see that it's time for us to leave.

Chelsea walks into the room and says. "You'll have to walk a couple blocks to your work today. The streets are closed in that direction due to rally."

Well that's not the first time that, that's happened here. It most certainly won't be the last.

"That's fine." Grabbing my umbrella from the rack I follow Chelsea out of the apartment.

Chelsea pulls the car to the side of the road. "I'll see you tonight?"

"Sure, I'll make something for us." I pull my umbrella out and raise it while I'm still in the car. Stepping out of the vehicle without a problem, I start my journey to the office. When I get two blocks into the journey I see the protestors and they're protesting against climate change, trying to bring the attention of that to the country.

On the TV they are broadcasting the devastating fires that are hitting Australia right now. A young girl stops in front of me and she gives me a brochure. "Thanks," taking it from her. I continue my journey to work.

When I get to the front of the building I dread stepping into that place. It doesn't feel right to continue working here when things haven't gone my way. I've never called in sick, I arrived early for all my shifts. Brought coffee to a number of people, which I didn't have to do, but I did it anyway.

Alexa stops next to me and looks at the building. "I hope you're not thinking about not entering the building. Because if you are I will tell Hendrickson I saw you out here."

A smirk appears on my face. "You can tell that asshole anything you want. It won't bother me what you do, Alexa. My time here is up anyway and I was only staying to give the person I got selected there secret Santa present. The person I got doesn't deserve my hard earnt cash spent on them. However, I could give them some advice."

She crosses her arms and looks at me. "Why are you telling me this, Skye?"

Rounding on her I say. "I got you as a secret Santa person this year and you don't deserve it." Putting my middle finger up. "This is for you and tell the boss that I won't be coming back. Have a good Christmas, Alexa. Don't fail at this new job." I walk away from the office I now hate working at.

My phone starts to ring and I pull it out of my pocket. Looking at the ID I see 'Grandpa' flash across the screen.

How does he know that I need help?

Me: Hello, Grandpa.

Grandpa: Hey, Skye. What are you doing this afternoon?

Me: I'm free all day. Actually, for the next month. I decided that I'm not going to waste my time working at a job that doesn't deserve me.

Grandpa: That's good. I need your help starting next week.

Me: With what?

Grandpa: Two of my employees are going on holidays and I need to replace them before they go on holidays. The role you'll be taking on is an Elf for Santa when he visits the Country Club. You'll start at 3pm and finish at 9pm.

Me: Okay, I'll do it. Can I ask you about the company that Dad and you started?

Grandpa: Sure,

Me: Who's running it right now?

Grandpa: Your father's best friend Eddie Jones. He's waiting for you to call him and he'll show you the ropes of the company when you're ready.

Me: Can I get his phone number now? I would like to talk to him.

Grandpa: I'll message you his number. Also, I have an employee that called in sick and she works in the bar. Do you think you'll be able to take the shift?

Me: Sure, what time do you want me there?

Grandpa: ASAP. The shift finishes at the 3pm.

Me: Great, I can do that.

Grandpa: Thanks. See you soon, Skye.

Me: Bye, Grandpa.

I hang up the phone with him and walk the couple blocks away from the office. When I get to another main street I wave a cab down and step inside. I give him the address to the Country Club and we drive through the streets.

When we get to the Country Club I pay the driver before heading into the building where my Grandfather is waiting for me.

A smile spreads across his face. "Hey, Skye. I'm glad you could fill this spot for me. I've been having problems finding someone to fill this shift. I thought since I had you on the phone that I could ask if you were able to do it."

"I'll try to help you out when I can, Grandpa. It's been fun reconnecting with you. I wish I could spend more time with Grandma, but she seems to be keeping busy by knitting stuff."

He laughs. "She wants to start knitting stuff for her Great Grandchildren and she's asked me to find out if you have anyone in your life.

"Oh, god no. I don't have anyone worthwhile in my life. Besides, I like being single for the time being."

"Love will punch you in the face when you least expect it. I hope you'll be open minded when it does come."

We'll see.

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