🌲Under The Mistletoe - 12 🌲

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Jaxtyn's Pov

At 5pm, I pull my car into the parking lot of the Country Club. Finding a place to the entrance, I step out of my car and grab the cakes that I brought with me. I place the cakes on the front of the car and hit the button on my keys, locking the door.

Picking up the cakes I head to the entrance of the Country Club. One of door guys opens the door for me and I thank him as I enter the building. I look down the halls trying to figure out where the ballrooms are.

The front desk lady says. "Sir, can I help you?"

"Sure, I'm looking for the children's hospital charity event?"

"It's in ballroom." She says. "I can..." she gets cut off by an elderly gentleman. He looks at me. "I'll show you the way? I'm about to Head up there anyway." Holding out his hand, he says. "I'm Joey Reeves."

This must be Skye's Grandfather. I haven't seen him since I was six years old. He used to be a regular at her place until her father married Hannah and then he didn't come around again.

"I'm Jaxtyn Emmanuel."

He pauses and looks at me carefully. "No, you can't be that boy."

Mom rounds the corner and a smile spreads across her face. "Joey, it's great to see you again."

"You too, Sasha." He hugs her. "I was going to show your son to the ballroom. Would you like to come with us?"

"Sure," she steps beside Joey as he leads us through a number of halls and then to a lift that takes us up three floors. The doors open and we enter a beautifully designed room that has chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a disco ball on the ceiling above the dance floor, a few dance lights close by, a wooden bar that has a girl behind it setting up the glasses.

I wonder who's attending the bar tonight. I don't think he'll be using his usual team for a fancy event like this.

Joey shows us to the kitchen and we put the cakes into the fridge. He looks at the clock on the wall. "If you'll excuse me, I have prior arrangements that I need to attend. I'll send someone up to help with the rest of the stuff."

Looking at Mom I say. "I'm going to look for someone to play golf with. See you later." I follow Joey out of the room.

He's waiting at the lift as I approach. "Are you following me?"

"No, I'm just heading down to see if there's anyone that want to golf with me. It's not fun doing it on my own."

"If you're still in the lobby when I get done with what I need to, you can play with me. I haven't played with someone your age in a long time."

A smile spreads across my face. "I would like that." The door to the lift opens and we enter it. It takes us to the ground floor and we step out. I head in the direction of the lobby and watch as groups walk out the door to play golf.

I've been waiting fifteen minutes and no one wanted to team up with me. I see Joey enter the room with his son. Standing up I walk over to them. "Hey, Mr Reeves. How are you this evening?"

A smile appears on his face. "Jaxtyn, what are you doing here?"

"Mom made cakes for the charity events and she needed help bringing them in. Since, I'm here I thought that I'd play golf, but no one wants to play with me." Turning towards Joey I add. "Is the offer still open?"

"Of course it is."

Mr Reeves looks at his father. "What offer was that?"

"That he could play golf with us."

"Oh," Mr Reeves says. "That's a great idea." He looks around the lobby and when his eyes don't settle on anyone he touches my shoulder. "We should get out there. I don't want to stay out there too long."

We head to the golf course and start playing.

After the game we head inside and up to the charity event. I enter the room and see two girls behind the bar. One of them looks in my direction before turning her back on me. She says something to the other bartender and dashes out of the room.

Walking over to the bar I order a glass of water and she pours me one. She moves onto the next client and continues to ignore me, which that hasn't happened to me before. Normally, the bartenders want to flirt with me.

Maybe, she has a boyfriend and that's why she doesn't want to deal with me that closely. Yeah, that's it. I tell myself.

Looking at my phone I see that I have fifteen minutes before I have to be at the nightclub to meet the boys.

I walk over to my mother and tell her goodnight, before heading out of the Country Club and climbing into my car. Putting my car into drive I pull out of the parking spot and head to Lux.

When I arrive at Lux there's a huge line that goes around the building. Women are wearing short, tight dresses with heels that make their legs look longer. Men are wearing jeans with button up shirts and black enclosed shoes.

The boys arrive shortly after I do and they walk over to me. We talk for a bit before we head over to the VIP section and we get through right away. People in the line start complaining about us being let in there before them.

The security guy tells them that we're VIPs and that we're allowed to enter without waiting in line like everyone and it's because of us that the club doesn't let heaps of people in. They want to give the VIPs privacy, which is something we deserve.

I order a beer and then climb the stairs to the VIP section. A group of men are occupying a table and a few of them have holsters showing through their jackets. I see a handle of a gun in there.

Turning my attention away from the men I say. "Thanks for inviting me out tonight. It's been a long time since I've been out with the boys. All I used to do is stay at home and read books."

Benson places a hand on my shoulder and says. "Well, that not the way your life is now." He scans the room. "I think we need to find a girl for you tonight. She'll take your mind off the one currently in your head."

Frowning at him I say. "There isn't a girl stuck in my head. I don't know what you're talking about."

Benson laughs. "I'm sure you don't. The only girl that has the capability to do this to you is your brother's ex best friend. What's her name?" He clicks his fingers as her name pops into his head. "Skye,"

Damn, he really had to say her name.

"Who's Skye?" Jake asks.

Benson tells the boys about Skye and I. He was there when a lot of things happened between us and every time I hear the story from him, I think he's changing it on purpose to make it seem like I have fallen for her, which I haven't.

There's no way in hell that's going to happen.

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