🌲Under The Mistletoe - 15 🌲

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Skye's POV

I step into the Country Club and see my Grandparents sitting at a table with another couple. Walking over to them I say. "Excuse me,"

Grandpa looks up and a smile spreads across his face. "Ah, Julia and Kyle. Do you remember my only grand baby, Skye Reeves?"

Julia looks at me closely and says. "She looks like an exact replica of Angel."

That was Mom's nickname from a lot of people around this side of town.

She stands up and pulls me into a hug. "It's nice to see you again, Skye."

I smile at her. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you. However, it's nice to see you again."

She laughs. "You're as polite as ever. I'm surprised that you kept up this politeness act. Especially, with all the shit you've put up with."

Grandpa stands up. "If you'll excuse me I have somethings to discuss with my granddaughter." He pulls me away from the table. "I'm sorry about that, Skye. I didn't think she'd say something like that to you."

"Its okay, Grandpa. She has a right to wonder why I'm not acting feral like other people that are under the same circumstances as me."

Grandpa leads the way through many halls to his office. "You don't need to explain a thing to me." He opens the door and we step into a wooden designed room.

A red wooden desk sits close to a window and on the wall a pictures of the past presidents of the club. On the desk facing us is a picture of Grandpa with my parents and I.

In the picture I was being taught how to ride a bike.

A smile spreads across my face. "I remember that day like it was yesterday."

Grandpa grabs a shirt from in the closet and throws it at me. "You need to get changed for your first shift here. Thanks for covering for my employee."

"You're welcome." I catch it and then quickly change into the shirt. "Can you show me which bar I'll be working at today?"

"Sure," He leads the way through the halls again and we stop at the main bar, close to the restaurant. "Take a break whenever you need it, Skye. The food and drinks are on me."

"Thanks, Grandpa."

The guy behind the bar looks at me and mouths. "Grandpa?"

I nod. "Yep," moving behind the bar I start serving a couple who just sat down at the bar.

The woman smiles at me. "Can we have a bottle of your most expensive champagne?"

"Sure," I walk to the fridge and pull out a bottle of Dom Perignon Vintage 2008. Putting a cork screw into it I open the bottle and pour them a glass. Placing it in front of her I say. "This is the finest champagne we have."

She swishes the glass around and then lifts the content to her nose, sniffing it. "This smells great." She puts the glass to her lips and takes a drink from it. "Is that the Dom Perignon Vintage 2008?"

"Yes, it is. How did you know?"

"My husband and I have been travelling around the country to all the Country Clubs finding a special champagne and you have the best of the best here. Who delivers your stuff?"

"It comes from a local winery. My Grandfather made a deal with them and they deliver their stuff here."

Grandpa walks into the bar area with Grandma and they walk over to the bar. He looks at me and says. "Is everything alright, Skye?"

"It's all good Grandpa." Looking over at the couple I say. "They would like to ask you a few questions."

Grandpa sits with them and they start talking.

I grab a bottle of orange juice and pour a glass for Grandma. Placing it in front of her I say. "Drink this."

She takes it from me with a smile on her face. "Thanks, Skye." She lowers her voice. "I want you to come by the house with your father in the upcoming days. I have someone that wants to meet him."

"Who is it?"

She shakes her head and points to the cameras. "Someone is listening to us. I think they've been hacked."

Before Grandma retired she used to be a spy and has learnt a lot with her time as one. She is paranoid, but when it comes to her family she's usually spot on and if she believes someone is using the cameras here then it's probably true.

Growing up she used to tell me interesting stories that made me want to do that when I grew up, but when we lost Mom things changed and I wanted to be there for Dad.

When he married Hannah it was the happiest day of his life. As the years went on Dad had to give up his job because his wife and stepdaughter wanted to spend more time with him. He did that to make them happy and as it made them happy. He was losing himself and didn't know what to do when he was left alone at home.

I came home from school one afternoon and saw Dad sitting in his office chair with bourbon in a glass and in his hand was a picture of my mother. He was crying and it made me want to wrap my arms around him and that's what I did.

He told me that he loved me and that I shouldn't see him like this.

I told him I loved him and kissed his cheek.

To this day I know he misses my mother and so do I. She was the light to our world and when she passed it was darkness.

Grandma touches my arm. "Are you okay, Skye?"

I shake my head. "I miss Mom. How am I going to get through things when Dad dies?" A tear falls down my face. I walk away from the bar and my grandma calls my name.

Entering the bathroom I stand over a basin and look at the tears falling down my face.

The door opens and Grandma steps into the room. She wraps her arms around me. "You have a lot of people that care about you, Skye. We'll be there for you day and night. Please, remember that."

"I will." I hug her back.

We stay in the embrace until someone walks into the bathroom.

Grandma grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom. "I'm going to take you home. Someone else can cover the rest of shift."

When we get close to the bar Grandpa rises and walks over to us. He places a hand on my shoulder. "You should go and see your father. The bar can deal with one person for now. I'll call a bartender to come in early."

I hug him. "Thanks, Grandpa."

Grandma leads me to the car and starts it. She pulls onto the street and we head in the direction of Dad's place. She turns her head away from the road for a moment and says. "Don't forget to get Darius out of the house in the upcoming days. Bring your friend with you. I know she drives you around."

"I will."

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