🌲Under The Mistletoe - 16 🌲

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Jaxtyn's POV

Clearing my throat I say. "Dad, there's something you need to know."

He leans forward and all his attention is directed to me. "What is it, son. When you walked in you looked upset and there's two people that can do that."

"Nicole and Joshua are up to something. They know about the documents that's in this office."

Dad smiles. "That's part of the plan. I want them to know about it and when they come for it they will be shocked to know it's nothing but blank paper. Skye's father knows all about her trying to get her hands on the sealed documents so she can have them changed for herself."

"Does Skye know about this?"

"She found out about it from her lawyer. Apparently, Nicole's been pretending to be her, but Skye's roommate is the secretary to the lawyer and she knows what her friend sounds like on the phone. So, it's hard for Nicole to get access to that office."

"Damn, that's cold. How do you know all this?"

"Her father's lawyer has been keeping him in the loop."

"Do you think Mr Reeves is dying? Or are they behind some sinister plan to get his insurance money?"

"I'm not sure, Jaxtyn." He rubs his jaw before he continues. "Whatever they are up to we all need to keep an eye on Skye. Since, you're living in the same building I need you talk to the security team at the apartment building and make sure that Nicole, Hannah and Joshua can't get access to it."

"I'll get right onto it, Dad." Standing up I head to the door. Before opening it I say. "Do you still have the number for that spy?" Dads face pales and then he slowly nods. "Great, I need you to reach out to him today."

"I don't think that's a good idea. He's not a good person."

Crossing my arms I look at him with hard eyes. "Neither is Nicole, Hannah and Josh. They're hurting two of the people I care the most in the world about. Like I said I will do anything to keep Skye safe and knowing there moves will keep us ahead of the game."

Dad sighs. "Fine, I'll do it for my oldest friend and his daughter. If anything goes wrong with the spy, remember I told you he isn't a good guy."

It sounds like this guy betrayed my father which is why he doesn't want me asking for his help, but I can't think of anyone that will help me to protect the Reeves from the deranged people that live in their house.

Opening the door I walk out of the office. I pull my phone out of my pocket and send Mom a message.

Me: We need to talk.

Mom: Okay, when and where?

Me: The Country Club at 5pm. Can you bring Mr Reeves with you?

Mom: Sure,

I open the messages and find Mr Reeves name and I send him a message.

Me: Mr Reeves, we need to talk. Can you meet me tonight?

Mr Reeves: You know you can call me Darius.

Me: I don't want to disrespect you, Sir. You've been part of our family for years, but calling you that hasn't been an option for me.

Mr Reeves: Okay, sure I can meet you tonight. Can you send a car for me? I don't think I should be driving with the drugs in my system.

Me: I'll send my mother to get you at 4:30pm.

Mr Reeves: Great, tell her I'll see her then.

Getting back to Mom's message I send her another one.

Me: Mr Reeves, will be waiting for you, Mom.

Mom: Great,

Exiting the building I head to my car and start it.

At 5pm, I am sitting in the bar at the Country Club when Joey walks into the room. Looking at him I say. "Hey, Joey."

He walks over to me and takes a seat. "Hey, Jaxtyn. What are you doing here so early?"

"I have a meeting with my mother and your son."

Joey grabs my hand and pulls me out of the club. We head far away from the building and he lowers his voice as he says. "There's ears in there listening to everything being said. If you're going to talk to my son and your mother do it on the golf course. That way no one will be able to hear your conversation."

"How do you know this?"

He looks at the club. "My wife used to be a spy and she's seen a number of devices that shouldn't be in the club. However, she's worried that if she gets rid of them, the person behind this will disappear. She wants to keep this farce going on as long as she can. She's close to finding the culprit behind this."

"I have a fair idea who it could be. I'm going with its Nicole and her husband, Josh."

Joey frowns. "Your brother, Josh? He's married to her?"

"Yes, that's right."

"He was here last month. I wouldn't be surprised if it was him that's behind the club having ears."

"Joey, we need to come up with a trap. To make sure that our suspicions are right. Do you think we can put a fake document in your office and see if they come after it?"

"Sure, we can do that. Do you have something that would make it believable?"

"Yes, it's something your son gave me recently. I haven't looked at it, but I'm sure if we put fake stuff in there. I'll meet you in your office." I walk to my car and grab the envelope from inside the glove compartment.

I can't wait to see what office they try to break into first.

They probably have more people helping and when they do break in we'll be able to figure out who's working with them to destroy the family I care about the most besides my parents.

Grabbing it I head inside and walk down the many halls until I reach Joey's office. He's sitting behind his desk. "Is this it?" He asks.

"Yes, Sir. It's the documents that you're son gave me this morning when I ran into him at my father's office."

"I'll put it in the safe for safe keeping."

"Okay," I give him the yellow envelope and he puts it in the safe.

After it's put away I head downstairs and see Mom and Mr Reeves sitting on a chair. Walking over to them I say. "Would you accompany me to the golf course?"

Mr Reeves nods. "Sure," he stands up and then his knees start to buckle and he collapses onto the chair. He looks at me. "I haven't been well since I had lunch."

"I'll get you a wheel chair." Mom says, she rushes over to the reception desk and gets one. She returns a few moments later and we help Mr Reeves into it.

I push him towards the golf course. When we get there I turn to Mom and Mr Reeves. "For too long I have believed the lies that Nicole has said. I want to know the truth about Skye. Has she ever been in love with Josh?"

Both Mom and Mr Reeves start laughing.

Why are they laughing?

Giving them a confused look. They begin to sober up.

Mr Reeves places his hand on my arm and says. "My daughter has never had feelings for him. They were best friends and nothing else. She never wanted anything with him. The person she had the feeling for was..."

Mom cuts him off. "You, Jaxtyn. She's always been in love with you. She got the short end of the stick when Nicole started to fill your head with lies. If you want to know how much Skye cared for you, you should read her journal."

Mr Reeves hands me the book. "Everything you need to know about my daughter is in here. Please, be careful when you read it. I need to return the book in prestige condition or she'll know that I took it."

"Thank you," I take the book from him.

I have been wrong about Skye for so long. I need to do better for her. 

A/N: This is the last chapter for 2019. Have a happy and safe New Years, from the author (down under.)

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