🌲Under The Mistletoe - 19 🌲

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Skye's POV

There's a knock on the front door at around 7am. Climbing out of bed I walk down the hall way and answer it. I open the door and see Miguel. "Morning, Miguel."

A smile spreads across his face. "Good morning Miss Reeves. Is Miss Clarke here? I need to have a word with her."

Chelsea rounds the corner and sees Miguel. She smiles at him. "Miguel, what can I do for you?"

He hands her an envelope and keys. "Please read the letter. It's of utter importance, that you follow the directions of it."

"Okay, thanks, Miguel." She close the door after saying 'goodbye' to him.

"What does it say?"

She looks at me. "I don't think you need to know that. I'm going to my room for a bit and then we can head to your Grandparents place." Chelsea walks away leaving me in the entryway on my own.

Why don't people want me to know things? What's going on?

Heading to the living room I turn on the TV and watch an episode of The Flash.

When the episode is finished Chelsea walks out wearing a dress. "Are you ready?"

I look down at the torn jeans and white top I'm wearing. "Yes, let's get out of here." Grabbing my purse off the table next to the entryway door I head out with Chelsea behind me.

When we get to the garage I see her car in its usual place, but we're not going to that car.

Why aren't we taking her car?

"Chelsea, where are you going?"

She holds up the set of keys. "We're taking a different car today. A friend is letting me borrow it."

I look at her closely and she keeps her eyes off of me when she talks. "I know you're lying to me. Just tell me the truth."

She shakes her head. "Just get in the car and trust that I know what I'm doing."

"I trust you."

Just not your friend.

The car is a black BMW with the number plate JAX 112. Opening the door there's black leather seats. A cup tray in the centre console.

Damn, this car is nice.

Climbing into the car I look at the back seat and see how clean it is.

No one has used this car before. Why would this person give it to Chelsea to use?

Chelsea pulls the car onto the main road and we drive towards my Grandparents. She looks in the rear view mirror often and it starts to worry me.

"Chelsea, is someone following us?"

She takes her eyes off the road for a moment and looks at me. "No," but I can see fear in her eyes.

She doesn't want me to worry about something. That's why she's keeping it a secret.

My phone goes off and I pull it out of my bag. Opening the message I see it's from Nicole.

Nicole: So, little Miss Innocent wants to play games. All I have to say is game on.

She's pathetic and I have won this game. She's going to always be one step behind me on this game she wants to play.

I take a picture of the message before I block her number and delete the message.

Chelsea turns the corner and then asks. "Who was that?"

"Wrong number. Don't you hate it when they happens?"

"Yeah, I do."

Chelsea pulls the car into the driveway of my Grandparents place. She looks at the huge place in front of her. It's a fully bricked Victorian styled house with a wrap-around porch. Two rocking chairs on it and a BBQ. Her mouth drops open. "This place is massive. Why didn't you tell me how rich you are?"

Giving her a sheepish smile I say. "I didn't want to be treated differently because my family has money. Going to university made things easier for me because I was far away from the people that knew all about my lifestyle. It was good to make a normal friend like you."

She hugs me. "I forgive you for not telling me."

We step out of the car and head to the house. There's a car already parked in the driveway.

That might be the doctor that Grandma knows.

Opening the door I see Dad sitting on the couch with the guy close to him. He looks up when I walk through the door. A smile spreads across Dad's face. "Hey, Sweetie. How are you?"

Walking over to him I sit next to him. "I'm good." Turning my attention to the doctor I say. "What's the verdict, Doc?"

He takes some of Dad's blood. "I'll let you know shortly. I brought all my stuff to do testing on my own. Working with spies has taught me that I can't trust the equipment the hospital uses because they lose vials and other important stuff for my patients. Since, I brought my own stuff I've been able to give everyone answers in a couple of hours. That's when you'll find out what going on with him. Do you have the list of stuff that was on the table when you saw it?" I give him the list and he looks at it. "Thanks, this will help me a lot. Maybe, it will help us build a case against your wife and stepdaughter."

I hope it does. Those two need to go down for what's happening to Dad. I can't involve the law into this just yet. I need all the proof I can get.

Walking over to Grandma I grab her hand and pull her out of the room. "Do you know anyone that will be able to get into Dad's place and plant bugs in it tonight?"

"I have a few people that would be able to do it. How are you going to get the step-monsters out of the house?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I'll need your help again. I need someone to say there's a gas leak in the house and they need to evacuate it for 24hrs."

She pulls me into her arms. "You should have been a spy like me. That job took me all over the world and I enjoyed every moment of it until I met your Grandfather. I happily left it when I fell pregnant with Darius. My son means the world to me and to know that those people did something to him makes me angry."

"Angry enough for you to take on the role of being a spy again?"

"I'm too old for that, Skye." She moves a shelf from behind her, revealing a nice collection of guns. "Using these are a different story."

Grabbing her arm I say. "You need to hide these. Does Grandpa know about this impressive collection?"

She shakes her head. "I've kept it a secret from him. I didn't want him to know that I'm still cautious when it comes to people coming and going from this house. A couple years ago I had someone try to kill me in my sleep, but I stabbed him with a knife I keep under my pillow."

That's not good that someone came after her. Especially, since she's a retired spy.

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