🌲Under The Mistletoe - 20 🌲

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Jaxtyn's POV

At 7am, I turn the lamp on and grab Skye's diary off the nightstand. I open the book and read what she wrote.

This diary belongs to Skye Everly Reeves. If it's lost please return to me at 1124 Sunset Boulevard, Beverly Hills. Or call 555-012, to return it.

This is something that she'd do.

Turning to next page it's the first entry.

July 27th 2006

Dear Diary,
                 Today I lost my best friend to Nicole. (She's my stepsister) and a horrible one at that. She showed up at Josh's place, ten minutes after I arrived and took him to the backyard. Where she asked him to be her boyfriend. He said 'yes,' and they kissed.

I thought it was disgusting what they did and I don't intend to kiss a boy for a long time. When they came back into the house Josh's attitude changed and he became someone. Someone that I didn't recognise and wanted to hang around anymore.

They both started to call me names and he kicked me out of the house. As I was running out the door I got stopped by Jaxtyn. He asked me 'what's wrong?' I spilt everything out to him and he hugged me while I cried. In that moment I knew he was who I needed.

After crying for a bit Jaxtyn walked me home where he would say some mean stuff about his brother and Nicole. He made me laugh. When we got to my place I asked him if wanted to stay and he did. We played a video game until he had to go home for dinner.

A smile spreads across my face as I remember that day.

Skye ran to the door of the house and she looked upset. She had her brown hair up in pigtails and was wearing a pair of jean and a white shirt.

"Skye, what's wrong?"

She looks at me with watery eyes. "Josh and Nicole are being mean to me."

I wrap my arms around her and whisper comforting words to her.

Eventually her crying settled down and I took her home.

It was one of my favourite days I spent with Skye. I have a lot more favourite days with her and I wonder if they're also in her diary.

August 24th 2009

Dear Diary,
                 Today everything changed in my life changed for the worst. The person I cared for the most in the world kicked me out of his and started calling me all these awful names. I think it has to do with Nicole and Josh disliking me.

He's been spending a lot of time with his new friends who play football and listening to stuff that Nicole has to say about me. I know she's the one behind me losing most of my friends. She's been telling them lies about me, which everyone believes is true.

Josh is even backing him up and they're taunting is starting to get really bad. That I stare at the bottle of sleeping pills I have in the bathroom mirror. All I have to do is reach into it and pour a handful into my palm and take the lot.

Oh, Skye. I didn't know it was this bad for you.

At the bottom of the page is a bottle with pills around it and above the picture it says. "The pain will slip away."

A tear falls down my face and I wipe it away.

I feel so bad for the things I put her through. She didn't deserve it and now I'll make sure I'm not the one causing her pain, but making her happy.

Looking at the nightstand I see the keys for the new car.

I need to have these dropped off at Skye's before they leave.

Pulling out a fancy letter head that my families name is written on I start to write a letter to Chelsea.

Dear Chelsea,
               I know you've heard about what Skye did for her father and I think there might be a retaliation to happen for that. They know what your car looks like and they could hurt or worse kill both Skye and you. I don't want that to happen. So, I have placed a set of keys in here for you. You'll be driving this car until everything is safe.

Your friend


Ps. I will send someone over to keep you updated on everything. Please, don't tell Skye about this. I don't want her to worry. She has enough on her plate to deal with.

Putting everything in an envelope I place it on the nightstand and get changed. When I finish getting ready I walk out the front door and head down to the front desk.

Miguel looks up when I stop at the desk. He smiles at me. "Hey, Jaxtyn. What can I do for you?"

"Can you send something upstairs to Chelsea and Skye? I don't want them Skye to know it's from me. She won't take it lightly knowing that I'm behind something like this."

He nods. "Alright," taking it from me says. "I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt Skye. So, I'll take this up for you." he walks to lift and presses the button. The doors open and he enters it.

I walk over to the second lift and press the button. Its takes me to the basement and I walk to my car. Climbing inside I start it up.

Pulling my car into the parking lot of the local mall. I find a spot close to the entrance and then exit my car. I walk over to Starbucks and wait to place my order.

My phone goes off and I pull it out of my pocket. Looking at the ID I see 'Joey' on it. Opening the message I read it.

Joey: Thank you for helping my son last night.

Me: You're welcome. Besides, I do anything for Mr Reeves. He's a second father to me.

Joey: Great. Well, he'd like for me to tell you the results came in.

Me: And...

Joey: He was drugged. They gave him tablets that would mimic him having cancer.

Me: Shit, is he going to be alright?

Joey: In time he will be. He's going to live with us for now on. All we have to do is find a way to get those women put behind bars and my son can return home where he belongs.

Me: Are you coming to the Christmas Party?

Joey: We wouldn't miss it for the world.

Me: Great, I'll let my parents know.

Joey: Thanks.

I place my coffee order and pay for it. Moving to the side I wait for my order.

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I spin around and come face to face with a beautiful brown haired woman. She has a ring on her finger. "Excuse me, Sir."


"I'm Yasmin Butler. I own the Butler clothing line." She pulls a card of her pocket. "We're looking for a 2020 face of our company and I think you'd look great for the men's clothing line. Do you know a female that could potentially be the face of the company? My sister Xanthe and I like working closely with couples when it comes to photoshoots."

A smile spreads across my face. "I know someone. When's the photoshoot for?"

"3rd January, 2020. Xanthe and I are taking Christmas and New Year's off."

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