🌲Under The Mistletoe - 21 🌲

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Skye's POV

We've been waiting for hours with the results of Dad's test. The doctor steps away the scope and looks towards us. "Your son and father has been drugged by those woman. They gave him tablets that would mimic him having cancer. If your son was still in there care today I'm afraid he wouldn't have made it through another day."

I grab onto Chelsea and she wraps her arms around. "How could they do this to him? They pretended that he meant the world to them and I believed it. If I hadn't gone to his place yesterday I could have lost him today." I begin to sob and another arm comes around me.

Grandma places her hand on face my face. "Darius, is fine because of you. Because of that I have decided that I'm going to put my spy training into good use and make those women pay for what they did to my son and Granddaughter. You both deserve your place back."

Hugging her I say. "Thanks, Grandma. Is there anything I can help you with?"

She nods. "I'm going to need someone to have my back and that person is you. I know you can help me better than anyone I've ever worked with. You're going to be a quick study and that's something I need."

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I show her the message I received earlier in the day. "This is what I got off Nicole this morning."

Nicole: So, little Miss Innocent wants to play games. All I have to say is game on.

Grandma laughs at this. "That girl has no idea what's coming. This is going to be fun." She has an evil smile on her face. It's one of those looks that you would never want to deal with especially with the woman my Grandmother is."

Looking over at Grandpa I see him texting someone and a smile spreads across his face as he reads what the person has said to him. "Grandpa, who are you talking to?"

"Just a friend. He heard about your father and wanted to know what's going on. I can't keep it a secret from him." He looks at Dad and says. "I have to go to the Country Club before Santa and Elf shows up."

He's hinting at me having to go with him.

Walking over to him I say. "I'll come with you. Chelsea, I going to stay the night here. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course you will." She hugs me, before making her way over to my father. She places a hand on his shoulder and says. "I'm glad you're okay, Mr Reeves. Skye, wouldn't forgive herself if you weren't."

A smile spreads across his face. "Thank you, for being there for my little girl. Without your help I wouldn't know where she'd be. She's lucky to have found you when she did."

She looks in my direction. "We both needed each other in our freshman year of college. It was the universe telling us that we'd made a friend for life. I'll see you all soon."

"Bye," Grandma says. She hugs Chelsea.

I move over to Dad and sit on the couch next to him. "Are you Okay, Dad?"

He shakes his head. "I knew something was wrong after I got sick after eating meals, but I didn't think my wife and stepdaughter would do something like this to me..." he looks at me. "I mean us... your apart of that family too."

"No, I'm not. I left you with those monsters for six years and I never came back home to check on you. I'm as bad as they are... no, actually I'm worse.'

Dad pulls me into his side and whispers. "You're not a bad person. You were just living your life like your Mom and I wanted you to. Now, that we know what's wrong with me, I can now start getting better and take my company off the hands on the standing CEO. You'll be trained by me, Skye. I don't want other people to show my daughter the ropes of my company."

A smile spreads across my face. "I'd like that. Can I start in the New Year?"

"Of course you can. I also heard that you quit your job, but have to work with them until the 23rd December."

"That's right, but I'm going to finish early so I can help Grandpa with the Country Club. He's asked me to be the Elf and I have no idea who will be Santa."

Dad looks at his father and they both smile.

They're keeping it a secret from me.

Chelsea, Grandpa and I walk out of the house and towards the cars.

Grandpa looks at the car that Chelsea's standing in front. "Nice car. Your friend is a nice person to lend you that beauty. I remember seeing a picture of this car from a friend and I know that they'd do anything to protect the people they care about the most."

Grandpa was very careful with choosing how he spoke to Chelsea about the car and I have a feeling he knows who's behind helping us out, but they're afraid of my reaction to this person.

I just wish this person would reveal who they are so I can thank them and move on.

Grandpa and I jump in the car and he pulls away from the house.

As soon as we get to the Country Club I see Santa and the Elf bear a chair close to the restaurant. There's groups of parents with their kids and a photographer takes pictures of them.

Grandpa points to them. "The Elf is Gail and Santa is her partner, Jake. Those two are going to like you, Skye. I haven't had a complaint about the things you've been doing here since I gave you some jobs to keep your busy."

"Is that what you call it, old man?"

"Yes, it is. You better introduce yourself before more people come."

"Okay," I walk over to them after the last kid has left. "Hey, I'm Skye. I'll be taking over as the Elf next week."

The woman smiles at me. "That's great. You're really beautiful and will be the perfect match for the guy that will be Santa. Being the Elf for a couple of weeks brought me, Jake. Before that we were strangers. After the experience he asked me out and then we got engaged six months later and now a year on we decided to visit our families and share some exciting news with them." She places her hand on her stomach. "I'm pregnant."

"Congrats, you two are going to make excellent parents. The kid will be lucky to have you both."

"Thanks," Jake says. "We need to break the news to Joey that we're leaving for good. We've decided to move on from here and find somewhere safe to raise our child. Plus, Gail wants to live close to her parents, so they can help us out."

"You should ask Joey for a recommendation letter. He'd be happy to write one for the both of you. Where will you be moving? I might know a place close by?"

"We're moving to Miami Beach."

"Have you heard of Reeve's Country Club?"

"Yeah, it's one of the best places in the country, but they're particular with whom they employ."

"They are. I can have a job for you there on the 6th January. You both can enjoy Christmas and the New Year without worrying about getting a job."

"Thanks that would be awesome." Gail says. She looks at me. "How do you know the Reeve's Country Club? Are you related to Joey?"

"I'm his Granddaughter."

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