🌲Under The Mistletoe - 30 🌲

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Jaxtyn's POV

At 2.30pm, I pull the skyline into a parking spot close to the entrance and step out of the car. Looking around I don't see Joey. I walk into the Country Club and head up to his office. Knocking on the door I wait for him to answer.

The door opens and Mrs Reeves is there. She puts a finger up to her mouth and says. "Joey's on the phone. He won't be too much longer." She steps out of the office and closes the door. "How are you, Jaxtyn? Did you spend the weekend with my Granddaughter?"

Leaning against the wall, I look her in the eyes and say. "I'm good. Skye wasn't around this weekend. She told her roommate to let me know she was going on a camping trip."

Mrs Reeves shakes her head. "Damn, I told them to stay away from her and they take her on a camping trip."

Who is she talking about?

Her hands form into fists. Pulling the phone out of her pocket she starts making a few phone calls and telling people off.

They've really pissed her off. I've never seen her like this before and it's refreshing to see someone else that care's a lot about Skye.

She makes a few threats about killing them if they pull this stunt again behind her back.

She's one woman that I wouldn't want to piss off. I don't think Skye's going to get away with what she did over the weekend.

The door to office opens and Joey looks at me and then his wife. Stepping outside the room he touches her arm and says. "What's gotten you worked up?"

She looks at me and then back to her husband. "Jaxtyn, told me our Granddaughter went on a camping trip."

"So?" Joey doesn't seem worried about it at all. "She deserves to get out of town once in a while. What's so bad about her leaving all this shit behind for the weekend?"

Taking a step forward she says. "It's a problem because the CIA are the ones that took her away for the weekend. Robert was very interested in her and once he takes notice of someone he won't forget them. He probably used Mariana to help him get her to go this weekend."

Joey's face pale as he hears the name. "Oh, no. Do you think she told Skye who she is?"

Mrs Reeves shakes her head. "Mariana, isn't going to reveal herself that easily. She was raised by the CIA to be the perfect soldier, but she missed out on knowing us, her and niece. "

I didn't know Joey and his wife had another child. I wonder how Skye's going to feel about this piece of news.

"Yes," Mrs Reeves says. "It's been a secret that we've kept for fifty-five years. At times I wish we didn't give her up so easily. She would have been a great addition to our family, but I also wanted the CIA to leave me alone and the only way I got to leave them was by giving them something in return and that was my only daughter."

Just then Darius walks around the corner. "I do want to see my sister, but I also know how dangerous it is for that to happen. If she ever leaves the CIA she should know the doors are always open."

A woman rounds the corner. She has brown hair; that has a tinge of orange in it. Blue eyes like her father and a smile that makes you want to cringe if it's directed at you. "It's good to hear that the door is open for me, bro." She looks at Mrs Reeves and says. "Mom, I've been asked to convince you to let Skye go. She'll be good for the agency."

Mrs Reeves faces the newcomer. "I'm not letting you take my Granddaughter, Mariana. Tell the agency to get fucked and then quit. You should be with your family. We want to get to know you, sweetheart."

She takes a couple steps forward and wraps her arms around Mrs Reeves. "I would quit the agency, but they have my family hidden somewhere. I can't leave without them, Mom. Also, I need to take the agency down to get what I want and there's not enough people willing to take control of their lives again."

"I'll help you. There's a few agents I've met over the years that are willing to help as well. They were put in the position as me, having to give up our first born's."

I look at the clock behind Joey's head and say. "I should be getting ready now. The kids and their parents will be here shortly to see Santa." Stepping into the office Joey leads me to the costume and I put it on. When it comes to the zipper at the back I ask Joey for some help and he does it up for me.

A smile spreads across Darius's face when he sees me in the Santa Costume. "It's good to see someone else wear that costume, that's close to the family. My first wife was the Elf for me and it was the best thing that my father did for us."

I walk down to where the chair is and look around for the Elf I'll be working closely with, but I don't see her. An elf is sorting out the line, trying to get everyone's attention.

Kids are lining up with their parents and they point at me as I make my way to the chair. Before I sit down the elf crashes into me and says. "I'm so sorry."

Looking closely at her I can make out her face. "That's alright, Skye." I crash my lips on hers and she returns the kiss.

People start whistling and making a lot of noise while I make out with the woman I love.

A smile spreads across her face. "Jaxtyn?"

"Yes, it's me. Let's get the show underway." I walk over to the chair and sit.

A woman with blonde hair and brown eyes stands behind the camera. She takes a picture of the boy that's sitting on my lap.

After the picture is taken he gives me a list of things that he wants for Christmas and it's a huge list of things. His Mom has a smile on her face.

She knows exactly what her son is asking for and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets them all. 

"Bye, Santa." He gets off my lap and walk over to his mother. Taking her hand I watch them walk away.

A little girl with brown hair holds her mother's hand and starts crying. "I don't want to go."

Skye walks over to the little girl and kneels to her height. "It's okay, princess. How about you sit with me on the chair and tell us what you want for Christmas."

She's good with kids.

A smile spreads across her tiny face. "Okay," she holds her arms up for Skye to take.

Skye picks her up and carries her over to me. "What's your name, princess?"

"Abigail," she replies giving us a toothy grin.

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