🌲Under The Mistletoe - 35 🌲

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Skye's POV

I'm standing in front of the biggest boat I've ever seen. It's white and the sun reflects off it. Pulling my sunglasses down I look at it more and see an American flag on it and on the other side is the Rams flag. "Wow," I say. "I've never seen a big boat like this before."

"Wait until you're on it." A male says, from above us. He has sandy blonde hair that looks like he's run his hands through it, blue eyes with a slightly crooked nose.

Jaxtyn looks up and sees his friend. "Hey, Trav. Thanks for taking us out today." He helps me onto the boat.

A beautiful woman with dark hair and dark eyes steps through a door that takes her onto the deck. She walks over to Trevor and places her hand in his. Lying her head on his shoulder she whispers something to him.

Trevor pulls her closer to him and kisses her in front of us.

She's claiming him.

It's not like I'm going to take him from her. Besides, Trevor isn't my type. I've know who my type was for a long time, but I had to wait for him to come around and when he did everything began falling into place.

I'm glad Jaxtyn is the one that made for first move. Even if it was because of the darn mistletoe in the lift at our apartment building.

Pulling away from her Trevor says. "I want you to meet my fiancé, Lauren Hunter."

Lauren extends her hand to Jaxtyn and says. "It's nice to meet you, Jaxtyn. Trevor's told me all about you." She turns her attention to me, taking me in. Rudely she adds. "Who are you?"

I haven't done anything to her and she's being rude to me. Well I can actually be rude too, but I don't want Trevor to think I'm ungrateful. After all he's the one taking us onto the water.

I look her over before stepping forward. "Skye Reeves." I don't bother extending my hand to her, but I do to Trevor. Turning towards him I say. "Jaxtyn's told me nothing about you. I supposed I deserve it after all the times we haven't been together."

Jaxtyn pulls me next to him.

Trevor throws his head back and laughs. It's one of those contagious laughs that makes everyone standing close by wanting to join him. "I like this one, man. Isn't Skye the neighbour you grew up with?"

"Yes, she is." Jaxtyn looks at Lauren and says. "Skye, isn't a threat to you Lauren. She has eyes for someone else and Trevor will never measure up to the one she wants. So, you can retract those claws and be nice to her."

Thanks for standing up for me, Jaxtyn.

Lauren grabs a bottle of champagne out of the cooler and pours herself a glass. She doesn't offer us any. "I'm going inside." She walks away, leaving me with the men.

Trevor watches her go inside. "I don't know what's gotten into her today. I told her that you were coming out with us and she was fine. Something must have happened between now and the time you got here." He looks at the door. "I should talk to her."

I pour myself a glass of champagne. "Hold on, Trevor." I say. "I'll talk to her. She could use a friend or an acquaintance at the moment." I walk inside and look for Lauren.

She's sitting on the bed in a room with tears falling down her face.

Knocking on the door I say. "Lauren, its Skye."

She turns towards the door and looks at me. "What do you want?"

I ignore her question and ask another one with concern in voice. "Are you okay?"

Shaking her head she says. "I got some news before you came and my emotions are all over the place." In her hand is still the full glass of champagne. She looks at it. "I shouldn't drink this."

"Do you want to talk about the news you got? The one that's making you an emotional wreck."

She laughs, lightly. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. I wasn't expecting someone as beautiful as you to walk onto the boat with, Jaxtyn. Trevor, highly regards Jaxtyn for his career."

I place my hand on hers. "Don't worry about it, Lauren."

She wipes her face with the back of her hand and then grabbing a tissue she blows her nose. Putting the tissue into the bin she whispers. "How do I tell him I'm pregnant and my hormones are all over the place?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Congratulations, Lauren. Just say the words out straight to him. 'I'm pregnant.' Guys like it when we get straight to the point without fiddly farting around the topic."

She throws her head back and laughs. "Thanks, Skye. I'm glad you came on the boat with us. I think we're going to be good friends."

The boat starts moving and we hold onto things as we make our way to the stairs. When we get to the stairs we take it to the top floor where the wheel is. I stop behind a wall and listen into the conversation that Trevor and Jaxtyn are having.

"How long have you and Skye been a thing?" Trevor asks.

"We haven't put a label on ourselves yet."

Lauren mouths 'What?'

I shrug and tune back into the conversation.

Jaxtyn continues with, "We hang out and have fun together. We've even told each other how we feel."

Shaking his head Trevor says. "I can't believe you haven't put a label on whatever you are with that girl. I'd say she's your girlfriend. You're taking her on a first date soon and to top it off she's meeting me for the first time. Not many girls have met me through you."

"Okay, she's something special to me." Jaxtyn says. "And I haven't met a girl that could take her place in my heart. I wanted someone else too, but the more time and space I kept from her made me miss her mow. Now, that my brother and his crazy wife are set on destroying her family. I just can't sit by and watch that happen. If she's hurt because of what's happening I won't be able to live with myself."

I make myself known and open the sliding glass door. I walk over to Jaxtyn. "Nothing is going to happen to me, Jaxtyn. I went out with a few people over the weekend that taught me a lot. What I learnt is what I can use when the time comes. We both know shits going down in a couple of days. Hannah and Nicole love to make public spectacles out of themselves. I just hope your parents are insured."

Jaxtyn pulls me into his arms. "They are. Tomorrow I'm going to clean out my parents' house and remove all the things that we want to keep. If things are going to get ugly it's better for our stuff to be protected." He kisses the top of my head. "I love you, Skye."

A smile spreads across my face. "I love you too, Jaxtyn."

Lauren clears her throat and looks up at Trevor. "I have some news that I want to share with all of you." Her eyes clash with mine and I slightly nod my head. Telling her to let Trevor know the good news. "I'm pregnant."

Trevor stiffens and drops his hands to his side. His face pales and he reaches for the seat behind him. He tries to say something, but words become difficult.

Lauren opens the door and runs inside.

Turning towards Jaxtyn I say. "Talk to him. I'm going to check on Lauren."

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