🌲Under The Mistletoe - 36 🌲

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Skye's POV

Walking into the room where I first found Lauren crying, when I first met her.

She looks up at me and says. "It didn't go according to plan. I've never seen him react like that before. I'm worried that he doesn't want to have a baby with me."

Hugging her I say. "He wants this child with you. I don't think he'd ask you to marry him if he didn't see a future with you. Trevor, is just shocked at the news you shared with him. When he recovers he'll be right down here to swing you off your feet."

"Are you sure, Skye? I've seen guys leave there girlfriends because they were pregnant. They didn't want to start a family that soon."

"I'm going to pull a few things out of my ass about, Trevor. Because I don't know him that well. He's not going to leave you, Lauren. Just let him go through the emotion and while he does we can go shopping. I have a date with Jaxtyn tonight at a friend's restaurant. How about I give them a call and get them to set one up for Trevor and you?"

She looks at me with tear stained cheeks. "I don't want to intrude on your first date with, Jaxtyn."

"You won't be. We'll be at separate tables and two couples that are dining at the same place."

"Okay," she whispers.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I call Skyler. The phone rings a couple of times before she answers.

Skyler: Hello, this is Skyler.

Me: Hey, Skyler. It's Skye. I was wondering if you'd still have a table available at 7pm tonight."

Skyler: Give me a minute. I need to look through the book.

I hear her flipping through the pages.

Skyler: You've got a table booked for tonight.

Me: I know. I have a friend that wants to eat somewhere nice.

Skyler: I'll get another table from the house and they can have that. It's going to be a nice night tonight. I was thinking about putting you outside under the stars if that's what you want?

I'd love that.

Me: That sounds great. Set the other table with ours.

Skyler: Sure, I can do that.

I hear a male say something to her and then she asks.

Skyler: Luca, wants to know if you need any of his men to stand guard at your date tonight? He was reminding me about the guy you came in with one time.

Me: No, they don't need to worry about me tonight. This guy won't do what the other one did.

Skyler: Good, because Luca itching to use his trigger finger.

I hadn't been on a date before and I accepted one by Kye.

He was the popular guy at school and one that all the girls wanted to be with.

We arrived at Rivera Restaurant, which is an Italian place. They have the best set up for a first date. The lights are kept dim with candles on the table and roses in a jar.

Kye pulled the seat out for me and waited for me to be seated before he sat. We started talking and it was the beginning of a great date. He somehow scored us some alcohol off the waiter and we began drinking.

During the date I excused myself and went to the bathroom. When I walked out Kye was leaning against the wall and he pulled me into the men's room. He started pulling my dress up. "No," I screamed. "I don't want this."

"Shut up," he covered my mouth with his hands and I continued to scream, but it got muffled.

Before he could get any further a group of men wearing expensive suits walk in with their pistols drawn. They have it aimed at Kye.

The guy in the middle steps forward and says. "I want you out of my fucken restaurant. If you ever step foot in Rivera I will blow your head off."

Kye lets go of me and runs from the bathroom.

The door opens and the guy yells. "Skyler, can you come in here, please?"

"Yes, Sir." A beautiful woman with blonde hair and brown eyes steps into the room. She has lightly tanned skin, her face has light make-up on it, giving it a natural look. "Can you get this girl a ride home? She looks was nearly attacked here and I don't trust that boy to have left without her."

"Okay," Skyler moves over to me and she wraps her arms around me. "I'm Skyler O'Shea."

I smile slightly. "Your name is similar to mine. I'm Skye Reeves."

From that day I became friends with Skyler and the Mafia.

I've never used them for my gain and I won't either. I like doing things for myself and they let me.

Me: Tell him it won't be needed and I'll introduce him to my date tonight. That's if he's going to be there.

Skyler: He'll be there because you are. I'll make sure I'm the one serving you tonight. We don't need you to be disturbed by our waiters during your date.

Me: Thanks, Skyler. See you than.

I hang up the phone.

Jaxtyn walks into the room and looks at us. "I'm taking us back to shore. It seems the shock of the news is too much for, Trevor."

Looking at him I say. "When we get back to shore. Lauren and I are going to the mall. We're going to get dresses for our dates. Also, I need to pick one up for the Christmas party on Tuesday night." I give him a kiss before saying. "Take us back to the land, kind sir."

He laughs. "I will." Jaxtyn walks away leaving me with Lauren.

When the boat is docked Jaxtyn helps Lauren off and then me. Looking at me says. "You can't drive. How are you getting to the mall?"

Lauren dangles the keys at him. "I'll take Trevor's car. Once he's recovered from the shock tell him he's taking me to Rivera for dinner tonight at 7pm."

I add. "He can pick her up from my apartment." Kissing him on the lips I say. "Don't call us. Our phones will be turned off and we'll call you when we're ready."

"Okay," he looks back at the boat where Trevor is still sitting on the seat.

Lauren and I start walking away from the boat. As we get further away we hear someone yell. "Lauren, don't leave me."

She ignores him and keeps walking to the car. When we reach the car she unlocks and we climb in.

Starting the car we pull away from the parking lot and head to the mall.

A smile spreads across her face. "It looks like me leaving him made him snap out of it. I hope Jaxtyn tells him that we're just going to the mall and that I'll see him soon."

"He'll tell Trevor that. We're going to get you a killer dress that hugs you in all the right places. One that will make his mouth water at the sight of you. One that will put a tent in his pants."

She bursts out laughing. "Where have you been all my life, Skye?"

"Waiting in the shadows to meet you."

Lauren and I are going to be good friends.

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