🌲Under The Mistletoe - 37 🌲

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Jaxtyn's POV

After the girls leave us I try to get Trevor to say something, but he won't. He keeps staring at one place.

I need to take us back to shore. Being out this far isn't going to help Trevor at all.

"Trevor, I'm going to take us back and get some medical help for you. I don't know how to bring you back, man." I walk through the door and down to the bedroom.

I walk into the room and look at the girls. "I'm taking us back to shore. It seems the shock of the news is too much for, Trevor."

Looking at me Skye says. "When we get back to shore. Lauren and I are going to the mall. We're going to get dresses for our dates. Also, I need to pick one up for the Christmas party on Tuesday night." She gives me a kiss before saying. "Take us back to the land, kind sir."

I laugh. "I will." Exiting the room I head back up to boat wheel and steer us back to shore.

Once we're docked I help Lauren and Skye get off the boat. Looking at her I say. "You can't drive. How are you getting to the mall?"

Lauren dangles the keys at me. "I'll take Trevor's car. Once he's recovered from the shock tell him he's taking me to Rivera for dinner tonight at 7pm."

Skye adds. "He can pick her up from my apartment." She kisses me on the lips. "Don't call us. Our phones will be turned off. We'll call you when we're ready."

"Okay," I look back at the boat where Trevor is still sitting on the seat.

Lauren and Skye start walking away from the boat. As they get further away from the boat we hear Trevor yell. "Lauren, don't leave me."

Climbing back onto the boat I head up to him and place my hand on his shoulder. "Lauren's not leaving you. She's just going to the mall with, Skye. Apparently, Skye got you a table at Rivera."

Trevor's mouth drops open. "Are you serious? That place is hard for regular people to get tables at. I've tried more than once to get a table there and I'm told that it's booked up for months in advance. They have the best Italian food."

"The reviews on that place are amazing too. I've never set foot on that place, but Skyler has a friend that works there."

"Shit," he stands up. "How did Skye meet these people?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Is there a problem?"

Trevor nods. "There is. Have you heard of the Rivera Mafia Family?"

"Yes, everyone in Los Angeles knows the name. What about it?"

"That family owns the restaurant. The mafia gather there regularly, but most people don't seem fazed by it."

"If we're not on their hit list we'll be perfectly fine. What are the chances that any member of that family will intrude on our date tonight?"

I hope no one from that family will be there.

Trevor stands up and we head to the exit of the boat. Climbing off we head to the parking lot. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure," we climb in my car and we head to his mansion in Beverly Hills.

When we get to the house I notice it's close to Skye's Dad's and my parents place. "Why did you chose to live here?"

A smile spreads across his face. "A friend of mine grew up in Beverly Hills and he bragged about it all the time. Telling me how wonderful the place is. Turns out her doesn't live close to where I live now. Knowing you, you'll get a place close to here. Besides, I heard a rumour that Skye's father is selling the house. There's too many memories in there for him and he wants to forget it all."

I'll have to talk to him about it. I know Skye doesn't want the house to go. She's loved that place all her life and we can create our own memories in there if Darius is really going to sell.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I send Darius a message.

Me: Are you selling the house?

Darius: News travels fast around here. Yes, I am.

Me: Were you going to consult this with Skye?

Darius: Why would I do that?

Me: Because she's your daughter.

Darius: I'll tell her tomorrow. I hope you have a good date with my daughter tonight.

Damn, he's pushing this major detail to the side so his daughter can go on a date with me.

Trevor opens the door to house and we step on. There's rows of photos of him playing football in University. One of them has me in it wearing my uniform with him. Others are of the teams he played for before being traded to the Rams.

A photo captures my attention that was taken a couple months back with a newcomer to the Rams. "Is that Nate Knight?"

"Yes, it is. How do you know him?"

"I don't. I just heard that he's one of the best players to come through from University."

A smile spreads across his face. "I'll be leaving the team at the end of the season. It's going to have a great upcoming player in Nate Knight. He's also got the backing of his brother-in-law, Jai Marshall."

Jai Marshall played for the New York Giants before he suffered a career ending injury. It was similar to the one that ended me playing in University. He was able to make it pro before his injury. He was one of the guys I looked up to when I was playing ball.

There's a knock on the door and Trevor walks over to the door. Opening it he says to the person on the other side. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw a car that was unfamiliar to me and I wanted to make sure you were safe." The person steps into the room and I see that it's the guy from the picture.

Nate Knight.

He walks into the house and his eyes land on me. "Hey, I'm Nate." Holding out his hand to me, he waits for me to introduce myself. "I'm Jaxtyn Emmanuel."

"It's great to meet you, man. Trevor, never shuts up about you. You should hear all the rave reviews he give about you. He even winds my brother-in-law up about you. Jai, would love to meet you."

I would like to meet him someday, but not when it's forced on us by a member of his family.

Nate turns his attention back to Trevor. "Teresa wants to know if you'll join us for dinner tonight."

"I'm sorry, Nate. Lauren and I have plans tonight. We're having dinner at Rivera." Nate looks disappointed. "Tell Teresa that we'll be over tomorrow for dinner. We have something that we want to tell you both."

"Okay," he looks around the room. "Where's Lauren? I didn't see her come down the driveway?"

"She's out with a friend and won't be returning until after our date. I'll see you tomorrow, Nate. Don't forget to turn the alarm on that goes between our properties. I know all about you turning it off to sneak into my property from yours."

He holds his hands up. "Okay, I'll turn it back on. Don't tell Teresa I was here. She thinks I'm mowing the lawn at the house."

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