🌲 Under The Mistletoe - 38 🌲

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Skye's POV

Opening the door to my apartment I step inside with Lauren at my side. I show her around the place. "If you need a shower you can use my roommates."

A smile spreads across her face. "I think I will. At least I brought new underwear for this date." She follows me down the hall to Chelsea's room.

I knock on the door to see if Chelsea is in her room.

She opens the door and looks at me. "Hey, Skye. What do you need?"

Stepping aside I say. "I want you to meet a friend. This is Lauren. Lauren this is Chelsea." They smile at each other. "Can she use your bathroom? We have dates that we need to get ready for."

Chelsea steps aside. "Sure, I'll show you to the en-suite." She shows Lauren to the bathroom.

Heading back to my room I get my stuff out of the closer and draw. I set it down on the bed and walk into the bathroom. I shave my legs and under my arms before stepping into the shower.

I wash my hair and body before stepping out of the shower. Grabbing the towel of the rack I wrap it around my body and walk into my bedroom.

Quickly I get changed and then I sit in front of a mirror and lightly apply the make-up to my face. I wrap my hair around a hair clip and put it in my hair.

There's a knock on my bedroom door and I walk over to it. Opening it I see Lauren standing in front of me. "How do I look?"

I whistle. "You look beautiful. Trevor's not going to know what hit him when he sees you."

Her face heats up and she looks at the ground embarrassed. "I'm used to Trevor telling me that kind of thing, not another woman."

Walking over to the night stand I grab my phone. "I'm going to call, Jaxtyn. He'll be here in five minutes."

She frowns. "How do you know he'll be here that quick?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Jaxtyn, owns this building and he lives a couple floors up from here."

"Oh," she whispers. "How did you find out that he lived in the apartment building?"

Chelsea walks out of her room at that moment and stands with us. "I'd love to hear this story again. Once you've heard it you'll want to hear it over and over. It's like it's been pulled out of a fairy-tale and put into real life for our friend here and Jaxtyn."

Shaking my head at Chelsea I say. "Let me make this phone call now. I don't want the guys worrying about us."

Looking through my phone I find Jaxtyn's number and call him. It rings a couple of times before he picks up.

Jaxtyn: Hey, Skye. Are you ready to be picked up?

Me: Yeah,

Jaxtyn: I'll be there shortly with Trevor. I love you.

A smile spreads across my face.

Me: I love you too, Jaxtyn. See you soon.

Hanging up the phone I hear Chelsea say. "Aw, young love."

I roll my eyes at her. "You're the same with your boyfriend."

"I know." She looks at me. "When you get home tonight we need to talk."

"Okay," turning my attention to Lauren I say. "So, you want to hear the story about Jaxtyn and I?"

"Sure, you don't need to add the bits of you being friends with him growing up. Just the part where you reconnected with him recently."

"How do you know all that?"

"Jaxtyn, talks to Trevor about you all the time. I just haven't heard the part when you got together because he's been keeping it private."

I lead the way to the living room and sit on the couch. The girls sit opposite me and I clear my throat. "I stepped into the lift in this building and when I looked at the guy I realised it was my neighbour, Jaxtyn. He was reminding me about things that happened in the past and out of nowhere he kisses me. When we pulled apart he told me he kissed me because of the mistletoe. I looked up and saw it. It pissed me off that he did that and I told him to stay away from me. Also, I refused to take the lift to our floor, but that didn't last long because Jaxtyn would just drag me on it. We started hanging out more recently."

Lauren smiles. "I hope the mistletoe is still in there. I want to kiss Trevor under it."

"It's all yours." There's a knock on the door at that moment. Looking at the girls I say. "I'm going to get that." I move over to the door and open it for Jaxtyn and Trevor. "Come in."

The guys step into the apartment and Trevor says. "Where's Lauren?"

"She's in the living room with my roommate." I show him to the room and he leaves us to go over to her.

He kneels in front of her. "Lauren,"


"I'm sorry for the way I acted." He clears his throat. "I don't want you to think that I'm not happy about the new addition to the family. I'm actually excited. When you gave me the news I was shocked. You leaving me scared me to death. I don't know what I would do if you left me."

Placing her hand on his face, Lauren leans in and whispers. "You'd hunt me down and you'd never leave until I gave myself to you. I love you, Trevor. I would never leave you for good. You're stuck with me." Then they kiss.

I grab Jaxtyn's hand and pull him away from the scene. "Let's go. I'll send them the directions to the restaurant." I grab my bag from the stand next to the door and walk out with, Jaxtyn.

Jaxtyn presses the button to the lift and the doors open. He looks at the mistletoe and back at me. "Do you want to kiss one last time before we go out?"

Shaking my head I say. "This lift has seen enough action since you put it in." I step into the lift and press the button for the garage. "How's everyone's transition from here to the new apartment building?"

A smile spreads across his face. "It's going great. Most of them love the location and they've even showed pictures to some of the people that stayed here. I've been approached by a few people who want to move and I told them they could. Dad's glad that they want out of this building. It's going to cause problems to them when the renovations start."


My phone goes off with a message and I pull it out of my bag. Opening the message I see it's from Dad.

Dad: What are you doing tomorrow?

Me: Nothing, why?

Dad: We need to talk. Bring Jaxtyn with you. He needs to hear what I have to say as well.

Me: Okay, what time do you want us at Gran's?

Dad: Lunch time. Have a good date tonight, sweetheart.

Me: I will. Bye, Dad.

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