🌲Under The Mistletoe - 59 🌲

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Skye's POV

Chuck parks the car in front of the soup kitchen. He looks at Mariana and says. "I'll pick you up tonight. When you come home with me."

"Chuck, come inside with us. You should meet the rest of the family." I climb out of the car and wait for him to answer me.

"Okay, I'll just park the car and meet you inside. Be careful. There might be more people out here to get you both." He pulls the car away from the curb and pulls into the parking spot down the road.

Mariana grabs my hand and looks me over. "My husband has respect for you. He hasn't ever met a person that's willing to pull a gun on him. You don't even know who he is."

"His name is Chuck Benatti. He's the head of the mafia family and married to you. Has been for the last eight years. You were placed into his family on a mission and you fell in love with him compromising your position in the CIA, but you didn't care because you fell pregnant with the twins. They brought the two of you closer and that when you revealed to him that you were placed into his family."

Her mouth drops open. "How do you know all that?"

Holding up my phone I say. "I got information on him while we were in the car. There's this app that I created that tells me the name of people that are close to me. He doesn't have Facebook, which made it harder for me to find anything on him. However, there was an article when he was arrested for killing a guy that tried to..." I cut myself off and look at her.

"Kill me." Mariana whispers. "I can't believe you can find out all that on the web. Can you show me how to track people that could potentially come after us? I want to know all the stuff I can about them."

"Give me there names and I'll go through all the information I gather. I'll tell you important things you need to know."

"Okay," She opens the door to the soup kitchen.

Allie looks up and a smile spreads across her face. "I'm glad you could make it, Skye." Looking at my arm she adds. "What happened?"

"Last night I got into a shoot-out with my stepsister."

"Oh," her face pales. "That was you. Damn, I thought you were exaggerating how much she hated you. Her wanting you dead is something I never thought possible."

Jaxtyn walks over and pulls me into his side. "Let's look after all these hungry people and then go home to celebrate Christmas."

A smile spreads across my face. "Okay," I walk over to bowl and start pouring soup for the homeless.

Addison walks over to table and takes a bowl from me. "Hey, Skye. Do you remember me?"

"How could I forget you, Addi? How's everything going?"

"It was going good. Until I was let go. I don't know what I'm going to do for work now. I'm going to lose my house and everything." She begins to sob and I pull her into my arms.

"Things are going to turn around for you in the New Year. You've been here every day for the last six years and still you haven't found a way to not be here when you're needed. Someone is going to come into your life and turn it around."

"What do you for a living?" Jaxtyn asks.

"I was a secretary for a law firm, but when I didn't sleep with the bosses son he told his Dad that he caught me with another employee and as there is a strict rule about dating in workplace, he used me as an example. While his son gets to keep the job and sleep around with all the girls."

He pulls a card out of his pocket. "Call recruitment and tell them that Jaxtyn Emmanuel told you to call them.

Taking the card from him. "Thank you, so much. You don't know what this means to me." She walks around the room collecting empty bowls and placing them on trays.

"That was nice of you."

"She deserves something good to happen to her. Losing a job over Christmas is hard. I was staying with a friend who lost his job and he applied for anything and everything. When he could get a job he took his life. Leaving behind a pregnant wife and three kids. He was the breadwinner for the family and they lost everything that day."

"Where's the woman and kids?"

"They're living in London with her husband. She got married two years after my friend passed away. It took her a long time to open her heart. She's also added another three kids with the husband."

After the meals are dished out, we start to clean up the kitchen. When everything is clean Allie walks over to us. "It was nice to meet you all. You're all welcome to help again next year."

Hugging her I say. "I'll definitely be back." I walk out the door with my family.

Before we get to the parking lot Aunt Mariana clears her throat. "Mom, Dad, Darius. I have to tell you something." She holds her hand out to Chuck and he takes it. "I've been keeping a secret from you all and I want to apologise that I didn't tell you earlier."

Grandma looks at the connecting hands of her daughter and Chuck. She screams. "I knew it."

Aunt Mariana gives her Mom a confused look. "Knew what?"

"That you were married. Do you have kids and are we going to meet them?"

Chuck holds his hand out to Grandpa and says. "I'm Charles Benatti. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Grandpa takes his hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Joey." Pulling Dad next to him he says. "My son, Darius. Granddaughter, Skye and next to her is Jaxtyn."

"I've met, Skye. She's one woman I wouldn't want to cross. She pulled a gun on me when I tried to Mariana home with me."

Standing up tall I look him in the eyes and say. "What was I supposed to think? You grabbed her and was dragging her to the car. You look like someone that would kidnap an innocent woman."

"Did you see her struggle with me?"

"No, she was letting you take her." I move over to Aunt Mariana. "You were going to let him take you without saying anything to the family."

She looks at the ground ashamed. "I was. It's time that I go home to my family. I've been missing my kids."

Grabbing Jaxtyn's hand I say. "Can you take me home?"

"Sure," he looks around the group. "We'll see you when we get to the house." We walk away from my family and head in the direction of the car. Jaxtyn opens the car door for me. "Are you okay, Skye?"

"No," I look out the window and wait for him to climb into the car.

He starts the car and we pull out of the parking lot and head home.

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