🌲Under The Mistletoe - 60 🌲

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Skye's POV

Jaxtyn turns the car off and looks at me. Placing a hand on mine he asks. "Please, tell me what's going on Skye. I want to help you."

Looking him in the eye I say. "All my life I've felt like I've missed out on having a mother figure in my life. First my mother passes away and then Heather shows up, but she really wasn't a mother to me. It turns out that she's a psycho just like her daughter. Aunt Mariana shows up all of a sudden and it turns out she wants to leave as quickly as she entered my life. I thought I could trust her." Tears begin to fall down my face.

Jaxtyn unbuckles his seatbelt and moves closer to me. Wrapping his arms around me he whispers. "You're doing fine without them, Skye. You've got your Grandma and she's the one that can help you through this."

Sometimes, I wish my mother was here. My life wouldn't be the way it is if she had survived.

Opening the car door I step outside and enter my Grandparents mansion. I walk through the halls and see new pictures added to the wall. Aunt Mariana is in a couple with Dad and my Grandparents.

We make our way to the living room where everyone is gathered.

Mariana was in a deep conversation with her husband, but then she stops when everyone else has quieted down. She turns towards me and makes eye contact. "Skye, can we please talk outside?"

"You'll be fine." Jaxtyn tells me and then he moves over to Dad and Grandpa.

"Sure," I lead the way out the front door and sit on the rocking chair that's kept out the front. "What do you want to talk about?"

"The reason why I let my husband drag me and why I didn't want you to help." I don't say anything and wait for her to continue. "I knew he was going to find me because I left breadcrumbs for him to follow. I've taken out some of the people that have come after me, but there's more. I'm not sure how many people are left and I want to finish the rest of this mess at home close to my family."

"Where is home?"

"New York City. There's another Mafia Family that lives there and we are close to them, but I don't want to involve them in something that we should be able to do ourselves."

"Don't call on them. You have Grandma and I. We will help you."

She shakes her head. "No, you're going to stay here where you're safe. I don't want to put and your unborn child put in danger."

"I'm not pregnant, Mariana."

"You will be. By the time this comes to an end. We've all heard the moaning coming from your room. Do you think, Jaxtyn will let you come with me to New York, knowing that you could be carrying his child?"

The front door opens, Jaxtyn and Charles walk out the door. He pulls me into his arms and says. "She won't be going with you for the war. However, we're going to be in New York for New Years. Would you be able to meet us at a restaurant that I've booked out from 10pm onwards?"

Aunt Mariana smiles. "We would love that. Your brother can look after the kids while we celebrate. He's always dropping his kids off at ours and taking off to see some random woman."

Charles smiles at her. "Yeah, we can do that. Besides, he owes me a lot and looking after them won't hurt him for a night. I just hope he doesn't have a plan."

She pulls her phone out of her pocket and calls her brother-in-law. Putting it on loudspeaker she says. "Hey, Josiah. You're looking after our kids on New Year's Eve, Charles and I have."

Josiah: I have plans too. I can't cancel them with Juliet.

Aunt Mariana: Too, bad. Charles and I have plans and you mess with them regularly by dumping yours with us. Now, we're calling in our favor.

Josiah: Fuck, I'm not going to get out of this am I, Mariana?

Aunt Mariana: No, now cancel your plans with that side piece you have and enjoy staying home with the kids. If I find out you slipped out of the house while you were supposed to be looking after the kids I will castrate you.

Josiah: Charles, why did you have to go looking for that fucking bitch?

Aunt Mariana: I'm still her dickhead.

Charles: Mariana, is my wife and I love her. Not, all of us want to sleep with a bunch of women and father kids from random women. I've told you that loving one woman is enough, but for you it's not.

What a jerk.

Josiah: I don't need to listen to this speech again. I get it. You don't approve of what I'm doing. I lost the woman I love and she's not coming back for me or the kids.

The line goes dead and Charles lets a long sigh. "Damn, it. We need to get home tonight, Mariana. I have a lot of things that need to be sorted."

"Let's open the presents before you leave, Aunt Mariana. I don't want you to leave without getting something from me."

A smile spreads across her face. "I'd like that."

We walk back into the house and Mariana tells her parents that she has to leave shortly to go back to New York.

Handing out a present to everyone we start opening them. I got a gold bracelet from Jaxtyn it has my initial on it and on the other one is his. There's enough room for our kids when we have them. I hug Jaxtyn and say. "Thank you. It's absolutely gorgeous. Can you please put it on me?" Holding my arm out I wait for him to put it on.

A smile spreads across his face. "Your welcome. I was having a problem with deciding what to give you and then I thought this would be perfect."

Chelsea walks into the room with Jay-Jay at her side. She smiles at us. "Merry Christmas."

Walking over to my best friend I hug her. "Merry Christmas. I have a present for you under the tree." Turning towards Jay-Jay I add. "And you too."

They walk over to the tree and grab there's. They open it and once all the presents are open Jay-Jay says. "Dinner is ready."

"Can we please stay for dinner, Charles?"

"Sure, the plane leaves at 8pm.

My phone starts to ring and I look at it. There's a phone number that appears and I answer it.

Me: Hello, it's Skye.

Voice: Hi, Skye. I'm Tommy, the lawyer for Joshua Emmanuel and Nicole Emmanuel. We need to talk in the New Year. It's about their Last Will and Testament.

Me: Send me the details and I'll see you then.

Tommy: Have a nice night.

Me: You, too.

Hanging up I look around the room at my family. "That was Joshua and Nicole's lawyer. They want to see me in the New Year."

A/N: This was the last chapter. The next one is the Epilogue.

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