7. Hall Monitor

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It was a typical Monday under Bikini Bottom, and today Spongebob had to go to "Mrs. Puffs Boating School" and be such a TOP student in her class for over a decade. Why? He never got his license since he tried to pass the driving course but failed. 

Spongebob failed his driving test 1,258,056 times or just 54 times. The last time he tried to take it was when Patrick wanted to help him but came to find out he was cheating. When you found out about it, there was no hanging around Patrick for a week after that attempt. Now, he was in class, and Mrs. Puff was going through another lesson with the class. 

Mrs. Puff was announcing the next person to take the role of the Hall Monitor. Unfortunately, none of them want to do it since she hasn't picked the only person who didn't do it. 

Spongebob Squarepants. 

Spongebob was guaranteed to prepare for this, and Mrs. Puff knew it would be harmful to lend it to him. So, without a total warning, she did it. Spongebob would now take the role of the Hall Monitor since it was his responsibility. As he ran off to do an important task, he thought his part was pretty good but not so great as far as it went. 

You were riding across town with your bicycle to stop by the flower shop. You had an order to pick up, and when you left, you saw your husband wearing a suit.

"Hi, Spongebob!" You greeted your husband, placing the plant in the basket.

He turned around to hear his name being called as he waved over to you.

"Hi, sweetie! I've been--" Spongebob gasped as he saw you chewing gum. "HALT! Gum is prohibited around here, miss." He said, giving you a stoic expression. 

"Um, I haven't finished chewing it." You replied. 

"Nah-uh! Yet, you were about to toss it away and let it lie on the ground. In case for another innocent civilian to step on it." Said Spongebob as he pulled out a tissue in front of you. 

"Spongebob..." You grumbled. 

"Gum. Here. Now!" He demanded. 

You let out a sigh. Spitting out your gum to place it in the tissue as your husband tossed away. 

"Problem solve." He said as he smiled proudly. 

Just as you were going to climb onto your bike, Spongebob immediately stopped you as he said, "Wait! You can't get on the bike with this object in front of you to cause distraction." 

"Honey, it's wrapped around tightly and won't fall out. I even manage to tie it down nice and tight."You reassured the yellow sponge, but he didn't quite buy it. 

"Not at a chance! It could easily slip through these ropes. If you return your bike to the residence, the plant will move around and hop out. Then, crash onto your ground into bits or pieces!" Spongebob protested as he stared over at you with a stoic expression. 

You sighed. 

"Spongebob, I think you're overreacting a bit. It's fine--nothing will happen." You reassured, bopping his nose as he let out a low groan. 

"I'm serious, Y/N. I don't want you to get hurt." He said. 

"Awe, well, I'm glad you care." You leaned down, pecking his cheek. "Don't be late for dinner!" You called out from behind your back as you smiled, watching you leave.

"I won't! See you tonight!" He waved goodbye as he whistled to carry on with the rest of his duties. 

Spongebob P.O.V. 

Man, being the Hall Monitor sure is a lot of hard work! Mrs. Puff will be so proud of me when she hears how successful I've been doing all day. Maybe I will earn my driver's license this way! I walked around the corner behind a steel wall to see pink gooey stuff on the ground. 

"Vandals! Another crime."I said as I dipped my finger to taste it. "Strawberry. I must act." I was shortly interrupted when more of the strawberry stuff fell onto my head. I turned my head around and the pink stuff was coming from Patrick. 

He was eating strawberry ice cream as I frowned. 

"Patrick. Patrick!" I called out his name so he could look down, but he looked around to see no one. Then he looked at his ice cream as he slowly poked it. "PATRICK!" I shouted again.

"My ice cream--It's alive!" He screamed. 

Well, I didn't think startling him would do anything, but create an even bigger mess. His ice cream flung out of his hands and landed on my face.

"Patrick, come down here," I commanded.

"Oh, Spongebob, it's you." Said Patrick. He glanced down at me as I had the ice cream still on my face.

"Patrick, come down here," I repeated. 

He hopped off the wall but landed on top of me. He got off of me when he noticed and the ice cream was no longer on my face.

"You look funny!" He said, laughing. 

He helped me back to my feet, but I was still not satisfied. 

"Hi, Spongebob." Patrick greeted me with a warm grin on his face.

"That's 'hall monitor' to you," I corrected and formed my flatness back to my normal shape.

He released me, "Sorry, officer." He apologized.

"Sorry's not good enough, Patrick. You've just committed a crime and I'm talking to you in." I said, as I adjusted my pants giving him a stern look.

"What crime?" He asked.

I pointed at the ice cream that was melting on the sidewalk. 

"I'm a bad person." He said, covering his face and weeping.

I was writing down a ticket for him after breaking a crime. Then someone was yelling, "EXTRA! EXTRA! MANIAC STRIKES IN BIKINI BOTTOM! CITY PARALYZED WITH FEAR!" It was a newspaper boy running around with a newspaper that he was passing around. He ran up to me handing me one. " Tell your friends. Arms yourselves with knowledge."

He ran off to pass more newspapers as Patrick and I began to read the paper together. 

Maniac in Bikini Bottom

A young maniac is roaming around in Bikini Bottom causing massive destruction around town. Car wrecks, break-ins, and causing fear among the innocent people! 

If anyone finds him! Call the police immediately! Stay in your homes and lock doors and windows!

I gasped. "Who better to bring this maniac to justice than me...the hall monitor!" I said, pointing at myself as I frowned. "But I can't handle this case alone. Patrick, are you ready to give up life of crime?" If I were to do this case alone, then my best friend was going to be my partner.

"I want to be good!" He sobbed.

"Hmm...Now you just need a symbol of authority." I thought, as I looked around and remembered the ice cream cone. So, he used that to make it a hat for him to wear on his head. 

It's the perfect size and shape!

"Perfect," I said. "We must catch this maniac and bring him to justice. But how to proceed?" I thought and noticed Patrick was kind of sidetracked. "Listen, deputy, you're an ex-criminal-What would you do?" I asked. 

Patrick took a minute to think about it and said, "Hmm...I'd get an ice cream." 

We both went to go get ice cream as I looked back at him, "Okay, now what?" I asked. 

He thought about it again, but it was the same response that we got in seconds. I ate my ice cream and sighed, "This isn't working. We've got to do something else. Something with walkie-talkies!" I held out two for us as Patrick held his excitingly. 

"And now duty calls. All right, deputy, I'll go that way, and you go some different way. Geronimo!" I said, bouncing around as I began to run off imitating police sirens to find that maniac around the city. 

I hope Y/N doesn't get too worried about me for being out so late.

Patrick P.O.V.

I was still by the ice cream shop and Spongebob left me to go patrol around the city for that maniac. Well, I wasn't sure where he could be. Maybe another ice cream could do the trick. I heard police sirens coming around the corner of the building and they stopped in front of me.

The police officer greeted, "Afternoon, son." 

"Hello, brothers." I saluted. 

"Son, we're looking for a maniac." He said, and the officer beside him was holding something. 

"Have you seen this man?" He asked, as he revealed the poster and I screamed. 

"It's the maniac! Take him away, take him away." I pleaded. 

The officers looked at me and assured me that it was just a drawing. However, the more times they showed it made me scream nonstop. They finally stopped and told me to stay out of trouble and drove off. 

I pulled out my walkie-talkie to contact my best friend. 

"Spongebob. Come in, Spongebob. Answer!" I said on the talkie.

He picked up. "Spongebob here, Patrick. Report.

"I don't want to be a policeman anymore. I'm scared," I replied. 

He replied, "Get a hold of yourself, deputy." I began to sob. 

"I want to go home!" I cried. 

"Poor Rookie." He muttered. "All right, I'm on my way back.

"Hurry, Spongebob. I think it's getting..." I noticed that everything around me wasn't broad daylight. It was nighttime. "...dark."

"Just put on your siren, I'll be right there." He reassured and I did what he said. 

Third Person P.O.V.

Checking the time on the clock, it was past nine, and Spongebob hadn't come home yet. Dinner was made, but it was getting cold. You let out a sigh. Diane and Gary ate before heading to bed as you waited for your husband to come home. 

"Where is he? He should be home by now." You muttered. 

Even if Spongebob was the Hall Monitor, the traffic around this hour shouldn't be this busy. You were getting fed up and covered the food with lids to keep them warm and protected. While you were entering the living room, the television was still on while you were watching your favorite TV show. It was on the "Bikini Bottom News" as it seemed to be something terrible happening. 

"BREAKING NEWS: A wild, yellow sponge maniac is destroying the town! He's been leading traffic into danger and police search everywhere around the local area. Please! Stay home and be safe!" Said the news reporter Fish. 

"Spongebob!" You gasped. 

You face-palm yourself only to know he's in big trouble after doing his job more wrong than ever. You decided to grab your shoes and head out to find him. 

Y/N's Outfit: 

You went out dressed in comfy clothing to find Spongebob and bring him back home. Entering the dark empty city of Bikini Bottom. No one was awake around this hour, and you had to be careful around the empty streets. That's when you heard frantic yelling and loud crashes alarming you. You went to investigate the sound, and it was coming from which belonged to someone running around wearing a mailbox on their head. They were knocking over every building in the city until they came to a stop where they crashed into the wall with flyers on it. 

As much as you recognized that shrieking coming from that person it was your husband.

"Spongebob!" You shouted.

Spongebob said, "Wait, I'm the maniac." He said, as he held the poster in his hands and showed it to you.

Before you could say anything the police officers arrived. 

"We'll take that as a confession." Said the chief.

"Wait, officer, can't we sort this out? I'm sure he didn't mean to cause so much trouble." You said, trying to defend your husband as the officer held his hand up.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid we'll have to arrest him for causing trouble for his actions." He said.

Just then, Mrs. Puff arrived to witness the scene and looked very disappointed in him.

"Spongebob Squarepants, there you are! I turned my back on you for one minute and you destroy half the city!" Said Mrs. Puff, and you looked over at Spongebob who looked more guilty. "You should be ashamed of yourself." 

"You know this guy?" The chief asked.  

"Of course, I do. I'm the one who gave him the uniform in the first place. He's my responsibility." She explained to the officers, and they looked at her with a stink eye. Mrs. Puff was responsible for Spongebob and for lending him the uniform. 

As of now, Spongebob was not the hall monitor and remained in Boating School. He wasn't arrested, thankfully. 

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