8. Walking Small

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It was a warm summer day at Goo-Lagoon, and many civilians were heading out to play at the beach. You and Spongebob were going there since you thought having quality time with each other was a good idea. 

Y/N's Outfit (You can change it if u like.)

"What a beautiful day!" Said Spongebob as he walked beside his lovely wife. 

"Let's find a spot." You said. 

Searching around the beach on a hot summery day, you and Spongebob found just the right one not too close to the water. The beach was packed with other fish civilians who were visiting Goo-Lagoon.

"I'll set up a spot for us," You said, taking out the beach supplies to set up a towel, two chairs, and an umbrella to cover you two under the shade. You packed a cooler with drinks and food for the beach trip and a magazine.  

"Is there anything I can do?" Spongebob asked.

"Not at all. I got it covered, dear." You replied. 

Spongebob knew you could handle things on your own. He would volunteer to help, but he took your word. 

"Okay." He turned his heel around and started walking around enjoying his time. 

They weren't the only ones enjoying their day at Bikini Bottom. Plankton arrived wearing repairing gear riding a bulldozer, and putting signs up even though...he's small.

He pulled out a megaphone to announce, "Attention, beachgoers! You are tresspassing! You have 17 minutes to haul your carcasses off of the future site of the chum bucket mega bucket." He grabbed a sign representing the building construction site where he wanted to put his new restaurant on Goo-Lagoon.

Although he was small, no one could hear him. 

"Okay, have it your way! I don't mind blowing over each and everyone..." Plankton was busy making an announcement when some kid came over to find a bulldozer and thought it was a toy.

"Mommy, look. Someone left this toy tractor here." The kid said, picking it up to show his mother.

"Put that down, Billy. That has germs on it." Said the mother.

'Aw, mom." Said the kid before dropping next to Plankton without knowing.

Plankton scowls at the two before going back to his announcement. 

"You'll see! You'll all see! The future site of the chum bucket mega bucket must be cleared of these cretinous beachgoers..." Plankon rubs under his chin, trying to find a way to get the fish people to scram. "...but it's becoming increasingly obvious! I can deny it no longer!" He said raising his hand as he knew what the problem was to be obvious.

"I am small." Said Plankton as he continued, "I need someone big to clear the beach for me. I need..." He was so busy thinking about his major construction plan to clear the beach. That someone came by and almost stomped on him, and it was...

"Spongebob!" Plankton exclaimed.

Spongebob was doing whatever his mind told him to do to take his time around the beach.

"Steppin' on the beach, roo-to-to-too ~" He sang in a complete daze of enjoying his time and doing a little dance. "Steppin' on the beach, roo-to-to-too, Steppin' on the beach, roo-to-to-too,Steppin' on the beach, roo-to-to-too.~"

Plankton cupped his hands together as he grinned mischievously. 

"Yes. He's the one." He let out an evil laugh as the sand fell off his head.

As Spongebob was ordering ice cream, Plankton was sitting on the bench crying with two strawberry ice cream cones right next to him. There was a puddle of tears right where he was sitting too, and Spongebob came over to ask why Plankton was crying.

"Plankton, what are you doing here? And why are you crying?" He asked, looking quite concerned about him.

"Oh, hi, Spongebob." He sniffled. Blowing his nose in a handkerchief. "I'm crying because I've got these two ice cream cones...but I only need one." He cried. "I don't know what to do with the other one."

Plankton continuously cried and peeked to make sure he could get Spongebob right where he wanted him. 

"I'll eat one of those ice cream cones for you," Spongebob said, pointing at the ice cream cones.

"Spongebob, would you do that for me?" 


Spongebob takes one of the cones of strawberry ice cream and starts licking it.

"Spongebob," Plankton called his name out, but he was busy eating ice cream.

"Spongebob." He called again.

He continued to eat the ice cream, and he did a big MUNCH!

"SPONGEBOB!" Plankton got his megaphone out to call him again.


"Isn't it great to get the things you desire?" He asked, grinning at the yellow sponge. "Like that ice cream cone, for instance."

Spongebob listened while licking his fingers due to the ice cream left on him. 

"You can have anything you want with a little training." Said Plankton.


"Yes. You just have to learn to be more assertive, and I can show you how." Said Plankton, wearing a proud smirk on his face.

"Assertive, huh?"

"That's right."

Spongebob thinks for a moment. 

"Anything I want?" He muttered as he turned back to Plankton. "Sounds great!"

"Wonderful~" Said Plankton, as he did his most evil victorious laugh. Spongebob sitting next to him laughed as well thinking it was funny.

Someone came over and it was a big blue fish wearing red swimming trunks that came over and sat on the bench--but on Spongebob.

"Spongebob. Don't let that guy sit on you. Assertiveness lesson number one," Said Plankton. He pointed at him. "Tell him to get off." 

So, Spongebob decided to try to be "Assertive". 

"Um...excuse me, sir." He poked him trying to get his attention, but it didn't do anything. "Y-You're sitting on my body which is also my face." He muffled.

"No, no, be assertive." Said Plankon with a slight demeanor tone.

Spongebob tries to get him off by saying, "Beep-Beep", and that doesn't help.

"Not insertive." Said Plankton. 

The blue fish checked the time on his watch and got up to leave. Plankton came over unpleased by Spongebob's loss for not being able to stick up for himself.

"Spongebob, you missed your chance. You've got to be aggressive to get the things you want." Plankton said, speaking in a stern tone. "You're too soft."

"But I'm a sponge..." 

"Don't say it.

"Spongebob~" You called out to him, sitting in the beach chair and looking through a woman's magazine to see the new trend in Bikini Bottom.

Spongebob looked away from Plankton to head over to you.

"Yes?" He asked, looking over at you like a child with his bright sky-blue eyes. 

You turned, lifting your sunglasses, asking, "Would you be dear to grab us a treat? I think they are passing around ice cream." There was a sparkle in the sponge's crystal blue eyes. 

"Ice cream? Okay!" Spongebob beamed. 

"I want (favorite ice cream flavor w/topping ideas), please." You replied. 

"Coming right up, my dear!" Said Spongebob. 

Plankton scowled. 

"Spongebob, you don't have to do that! Y/N has two legs, and she can walk her butt over to get it herself." Said Plankton. 

"Yeah, but she asked me to do it." Said Spongebob.

"It doesn't matter. Just tell her to get her butt up and get it herself." Said Plankton.

"Um, I wouldn't want to do that. I don't want to disturb her time reading the magazine." Said Spongebob, as he looked down twiddling his fingers.

Plankton facepalmed.

"Nevermind. What're you scared of? She's your wife." Said Plankton, as he got in his mouth again to speak through him to get Y/N's attention.

"Hey, listen, woman," Plankton spoke through Spongebob as Y/N knitted her eyebrows glancing in the corner of her eye through her shade glasses. Her husband never called her, "Woman". "The stand is just right over there, and you can walk your little scaley tooshie on over to grab an ice cream yourself. I'm not doing it."

Y/N slightly frowned. 

"Excuse me?" She looked a bit taken aback by Spongebob's words.

"You heard me. Get it yourself, woman." He finished.

Y/N slightly frowned. She stood up to toss her magazine on a beach chair to get her ice cream herself.

"I-Is she okay? I don't like her seeing me upset." Spongebob worried.

Plankton was out of his mouth and on the ground.

"She'll be fine. You just gotta tell them to get up and not let them treat you like some servant." Plankton reassured with a calm expression.


Meanwhile, Spongebob and Plankton were doing things that were to be "Assertive", but it would seem as if Spongebob had been taking things "his way" a little "too much". As of right now, Spongebob was glad that he had got his way after shooing everyone out of Goo-Lagoon, but he stopped to realize that there was something off. 

"Where is everyone?" He asked himself as it was nothing but an echo. 

Plankton appeared riding a bigger-sized bulldozer on the sand.

"Plankton, all my asserting has driven everyone away." Said Spongebob.

"Exactly," Plankton smirked.

"You didn't tell me everyone would leave. N-Not even Y/N..." He said, looking upset and confused. 

"Oops~" Said Plankton with a huge smug on his face.

Spongebob saw the construction planning of Plankton's new chum bucket industry.  

"You used me for land development." Said Spongebob, looking completely betrayed and used for Plankton's scheme. "That wasn't nice." 

"Haven't you figured it out, Spongebob? Nice guys finish last." Said Plankton, wearing a wide grin on his face. "Only aggressive people conquer the world." He claimed.

"Well...what about aggressively nice people?" Spongebob asked.


Spongebob began to correct his own mistakes by returning everything after her assertiveness got the better of him. He returned the hot dogs, kites, and everything else.

"Wait! Spongebob, stop!" Plankton shouted.

Spongebob helped a little girl's ice cream that was covered in sand and dusted it off with his eyelashes as he put it back on the cone for her to enjoy. 

"Butterfly kisses. I...can't take it." Plankton was engulfed with the cure of "kindness" affecting him. "It's too cute. It's, it's disgusting!" He banged his fist on the ground.

A surfer was sobbing by the shoreline, and Spongebob was concerned.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I hit a reef with my new board, dude." Said the surfer, pointing at his broken surfboard. 

Spongebob smiled. "No problem!" He shaped himself to be a surfboard which the surfer was overthrilled. He tried it out and it was amazing!

"Spongebob,stop--beofre it's too late. Your kindness is bringing everybody back." Said Plankton. As it turned out, everyone who left the beach returned to see how much things were getting back to normal. 


Although, Plankton tried to shoo them away. It didn't stop them.

The surfer came back on the land and everyone was cheering around Spongebob.

"Thanks, dude. That was awesome." Said the surfer.

Groaning noises were coming from Plankton as the citizens saw him lying on the ground in agony.

"Gee, Plankton. I'm sorry about the chum bucket." Spongebob smiled, looking at him apologetically for his plan that had backfired.

"Forget about that. I can't take so much kindness in one sitting." He curled into a ball and trembled. "Need...hatred." He slithered away.

Spongebob saw Y/N as he looked at her apologetically after what happened earlier.

"Dear, I-I'm sorry for what happened today. I didn't mean...Plankton shouldn't have said those things to you. Can you forgive me?" He looked up at her hoping she would forgive him.

"Of course. It's alright, but it's okay if you didn't want to or--" Y/N was cut off.

"No, no, I'm fine about it. Let's forget about it and enjoy the day together." He smiled.

Y/N smiled as she pecked his cheeks making him blush.

"Anyone up for a game of volleyball?" Spongebob asked as he changed his body into a volleyball as Y/N held him over by the net with a couple of other fish that were going to play. She was first to serve and another one was passing it even though Spongebob laughed, but yelped at the same time. 

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