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The next four days, Musa

It has been four days since Emalia has found the mysterious girl. The mysterious girl hasn't woken up since which worried Bloom. I can't blame her, I've been worried too about the girl. The girls and I were sitting in the living room of our apartment. I was sitting on the armrest of the chair with Emalia seated in the chair. Stella was leaning on the top cushion of another chair. Bloom was sitting in the chair. Stella was tilting. Tecna was sitting in her computer chair while Flora was watering her many plants.

"Relax Bloom! I know it's been four days and I'm sure she is going to wake up!" Flora press the handle on the spray bottle.

"Yea Emalia said her wounds don't seem all that bad!" I smiled, trying to cheer my friend up.

"You girls know how Bloom is when she gets worried like this, so it's best to let her see the mysterious girl herself than for us to tell her what we know!" Emalia smiled.

"All right, if we're gonna stay up with her all night, let's talk about important stuff. You think she got a boyfriend?" Stella asked with a tinted smile on her glowing face.

"Wouldn't you rather talk about Brandon's girlfriend?" I playfully slapped my neck over to Stella's direction.

"And who's Brandon's girlfriend?" Stella glowing face turned red.

"Did you forget so quickly that you're his girlfriend!" Tecna laughed.

"How can you not remember something like that!" Bloom laughed as well.

"The sun will be up in 12 minutes, ladies!" Tecna said glancing at her watch on her wrist.

"Oh my gosh none of us haven't slept a wink!!!" Flora put her hands on her face looking like the screaming man from the painting. "How are we going to stay awake through tomorrow's class?"

"Don't you mean today's class," Tecna corrected.

Everyone got up from their positions around the living room. I yawned in my hand from a lack of sleep. My yawn started up a stir of stretching within my friends as we went back to our rooms of the apartment. I abruptly ended my walk to Tecna and my room when I heard Stella saying something only Stella will say.

"Don't worry. Let's sleep in!!" Stella scratched her bright blonde hair. "It's the first week of school. Classes are optional,"

"Yeah, that's a great idea, Stella!" I sarcastically replied with my hands on my hips.

"Alright girls lets try to get enough sleep in while we still can," Flora said, sounding like a mother.

"Bloom, don't worry about that mystery girl because she will be fine!" Emalia beamed at Bloom before walking in Stella and her room for a little, I mean little shut-eye.

Meadows of Lightrock Monastery: Stormy

It was boring here. Every day its sunshine and puffy white clouds. This white robe bothers me because I hate the color white. The only thing I'm glad about is that those Lightrock stupid higher-ups let me keep my heavy makeup on and haven't fixed my hair. I wanted to take this dumb headband off, but I can't since these brainwashed monks used it to check our brain waves for evil content.

Icy, Darcy, and I were walking the horizon of Lightrock. We saw nothing, but happiness floating around the place which made me sick to my stomach. Other prisoners who have resided here seems happy too as they were picking flowers, painting, or even playing games with each other. How can they be such goodie two shoes when they and we committed horrible crimes in the Magix Dimension! I wish someone we take me away from this place!!

"This is the third time we've walked straight to the horizon to end up back where we started!" Darcy whined, holding her head back in agony.

"This is useless!!!!" I whined as well as I was about to cry. "We'll never get out of here!!"

Throughout the day, the beige color intercom will blast one of the monks annoying voices throughout Lightrock Monastery. Each day they tell us, prisoners, the weather, what we were having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, what activities they have going on, and so forth. They also use the intercom to track our every move like they were standing right next to us watching us doing what we do.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, children and seniors. And now, here is Brother Titirus from the Lightrock Weather Station!" Mr. Dixit spoke into the intercom, sounding cheerful as ever.

"The forecast for tomorrow is clear skies with a soft breeze from the Northwest, with temperatures hovering around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The same scenario can be expected for the next several years!!" Brother Titirus declared with a cheerful voice through the intercom that made my skin crawl.

"Thank you very much, Brother Titirus. And now, back to our music program!" Mr. Dixit came back through the intercom.

"Aah! Enough! I'm going to obliterate that loudspeaker!!!" I walked over to the speaker and was about to crush it until I halted.

"Stormy, you see, it is vital that you should not only stop performing evil acts, but also, that you should banish evil thoughts. Remember, no nasty thoughts, no evil deeds!" Mr. Dixit told me with a warning, but parent-like voice.

"But, Mr. Dixit, you taught us to hate violence. We'd never misbehave," Darcy spoke to the speaker with a relaxed tone of voice.

"No, Darcy, listen," Mr. Dixit was silent on the other end of the intercom.

In my mind, I see an image of Darcy, Icy, and I crowded around Bloom. She looked scared as she was on the floor. My sisters and I towered over Bloom like giants as our evil smiles grew. Icy said something, but I couldn't hear it since I was so engrossed in Bloom's frighten face.

"Stormy, do you see what I'm getting at?" Mr. Dixit snapped me out of my thoughts said to me.

"Y-Yep. I'll disconnect you, then. Is "disconnect" more positive than "obliterate"?" I smiled with fake happiness.

"That's good, Stormy. You're making progress. Do as you wish. Anything is possible, here. Now the news. Welcome to Hope Conquers All, Lightrock's hourly news segment. Our top story..." Mr. Dixit went back to the intercom specials.

"All right. There must be an off-switch!" I grabbed the speaker looking for the wires I need to shut it off.

"Stormy turn it off I can hear the mediation song ringing in my ears!" Darcy whined covering her eyes.

"Don't you think I'm trying to do that?" I barked back still trying my best to look for the wires.

"I swear when I get out of here, I'll be meaner than ever!" Icy said with her legs crossed under the shady tree with a dark glare on her face.

Infirmary: Bloom

Today the girls and I were visiting our mysterious new guest in the infirmary.  I sat by the chair at one end of the bed. Tecna was sitting on the other side of the chair. Flora and Stella were seated at the end of the bed. Miss and Emalia were standing with their arms crossed. The girl's eyes were shut peacefully, and she hasn't moved since Emalia, and Falen found her.

"Is this going to go on today 5?" I asked with worry.

"Bloom, we told you she would be fine!" Stella said, trying to calm me down.

"I did examine the girl, and I determine it will be a long time for her to wake and recover since the dark magic did take a huge toll on her body," Emalia informed me with a sad look towards the girl.

"Shush guys, I think she's waking up!" Flora said with an excited voice and a smile to match.

The girl shook her head and put her hand on her head. Her dark blue eyes stared at my friends and me. She was scared at first until she laid eyes on Emalia and she calmed down. Then the girl went back to being scared as she glances at the palm of her hands.

"Oh my! Four days? It has been four days?" The girl spoke in confusion. "Piff? Where's Piff?"

"She's nuts?" Musa said shockingly. "She looks at the palm of her hands to find out which day this is!!"

"It's amazing that she is right!" Tecna stared at her with astonishment as well.

"Makes sense. Wrinkles show the unstoppable flow of time. Except for me, of course!" Stella said with a smile until the Winx and I glared at her as she cleared her throat, getting back on the topic at hand. "I wonder what her name is!!"

"We don't even know," Emalia said, coming close to the infirmary bed.

"Is she okay?" I asked as I stared at the girl as she doesn't look good at all.

"She doesn't look so good!" Musa frowned.

Nurse Ofelia came walking into the mystery girl's infirmary section. She had a gentle smile on her face. Nurse Ofelia has a tray in her hands, and the dish had a clean glass cup of water. A plate of sandwich cut into two pure triangles with a bag of chips along with a fruit cup. On the end of the tray was a pretty and healthy deep blue flower in a small vase. Nurse Ofelia set the tray down next to the nightstand that was by the bed on the upper right-hand side.

"Don't worry, young ladies. Your friend is just a little pale around the gills!" Nurse Ofelia beamed and walked out after she said, "She will be fine once she has some water and food in her system!"

"Where am I?" The girl asked the Winx and me with a questionable look.

"You're safe, at Alfea School!" Musa smiled at the girl showing we mean no harm.

"You had a dream, didn't you?" You were looking for someone named Piff!" Flora asked the girl.

"You know Piff? Where is she?" The girl leaned up to put her hands on Flora's shoulders with a frantic expression clouding her face."Tell me. Is she all right? Please tell me.

"Don't worry; everything will be okay!" Flora tried her best to smoothen out the situation, but the girl didn't look satisfying enough.

The way the girl held her hand out? The way she said Piff like that was a friend of hers. Piff must mean something relevant to the girl. Does that mean Piff got to be the girl's bonded fairy?

"Piff is your bonded Pixie, isn't she? Fairies and Pixies can bond like sisters, right? She was the first thing on your mind as soon as you woke up," I replied, staring my ideas to the girl.

"How do you know that, Bloom?" Tecna asked with curiosity.

"I talked to

"Look there she is!" Stella pointed out gently.

Crawling out of the girl's hair was a little pixie. She seemed like a baby. Her eyes were slightly open as she rubbed them with her tiny baby fist. Piff has dark skin that looks similar to the girl. Her eyes were a soft green color that resembles an emerald color. Piff was dressed in a pair of cream-colored striped pajama pants with red piping. Her little tank top is rose pink with cream spots. On her head, she wears a darker rose pink puffy nightcap with dark cream spots, a light cream headband and trimming, and a maroon-colored ribbon tying it down. Piff's baby wings was a bright pink color. Piff could be a cute little doll!

"Piff. Thank goodness. I dreamt about you, baby. But in my dream, you suddenly left me all alone," The girl rubbed the baby Piff's cheeks against hers as the bell rang for lunchtime.

"LUNCHTIME!" Stella yelled, excitedly. "HERE, WE COME!!!"

Stella shouting caused the poor baby Piff to cry.

"Stella, don't shout!" Tecna shushed Stella.


Five girls surrounded me as I tried my best to calm Piff down. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the girl who took to me to safety. She still gave off that same presence as Darkar, which kind of scared me. She is a fairy who seems to use her powers for good. I have never seen a dark fairy doing useful things like her before.

"Hey welcome to Alfea!" A girl with blue-black high pigtails said to me with a smile.

"So this is you guys school?" I asked them. "Am I correct?"

"Yes you are, I'm Musa!" The one that talked before introduced herself.

"And I'm Flora!" Flora smiled that reminded me of a bright and gorgeous flower blooming in spring.

"My name's Bloom!" Bloom beamed as her red hair bounced with joy.

"I'm Stella! The prettiest fairy in all of Magix!" Stella glowed like the sun when she introduces herself.

"STELLA!" Everyone but Stella and I said.

"Sorry back on topic!" Stella smiled nervously.

"I'm Tecna it's a pleasure to meet you!" Tecna smiled as her purplish-pink hair covered one of her eyes.

"Lastly, I'm Emalia!" Emalia the fairy who saved me beamed as mischief twinkled in her eyes.

"You're the fairy that saved me four days ago?" I pointed out. "How did you know I was out there?"

"Your body was left with dark magic and a destructive presence that attracted me! I'm a dark fairy. I'm supposed to feel these things!" Emalia replies with a mischievous smile.

"That means you have to watch out for her sometimes!" Musa jokes with a laugh causing the others to laugh.

"Hey, I'm not that dark!"

"Well, you did try to destroy my banner remember?!" Tecna playfully pouted.

"That was a joke!"

"Sure if you say so!" Tecna replied.

"So what's your name?" Stella smiled with her head, tilted off to the side.

"I'm Aisha," I replied, glancing down at the now sleeping Piff. "I couldn't save the Pixies,"

"The Pixies?" The girls said with confusion.

The girls looked at each other. They were shocked by what I said. I couldn't blame them as they were probably thinking that they can't believe that I was doing this mission by myself.

"How many are there?" Musa asked me with her mouth, forming an O shape.

"Uh, a village full of them," I scratched my brown hair.

"A village?" Bloom was speechless. "Do you live with them?"

"Not exactly, I'm a friend of theirs," I was uncomfortable as I know these questions are going to get personal.

"You're a friend, and?" Stella egged on.

"Hey! Girls, quiet. We shouldn't bother her. If she wants, she can tell us everything when she feels better," Flora saved me from their bombard questions.

"Thanks, Flora!" I breathed with relief.

"I'm sure Faragonda would want to hear your story," Tecna stated with her legs crossed within each other.

My mind instantly raced to the dangerous journey. The thought of Darkar haunts my mind. Darkar is holding the pixies captive. Darkar's home is darker than anything I have ever seen. The way his monsters attacked me caused me to hiss in pain and thought of it. It scared me of how the pixies could be feeling at this moment. I'm shivering from the thought of Darkar, and he isn't even here next to me.

"But... It would be dangerous for you to get involved," I replied sadly.

"We were through dangerous situations last year. I'm pretty sure we'll be fine!" Emalia smirked mischief still in her eyes.

"Yea, whatever's going on, we can help you!" Bloom told me with a smile that showed me she wasn't scared.

"Here. Drink this. It'll help you get your strength back!" Flora handed me the glass cup of water.

"Thanks. It all started a little while back. My family and the Pixies have always been close. Every year, we'd go to their village to visit them. But this time the village was empty. The Pixies were off to the Dark Woods for a nature ceremony, and only Lockette and Blinky made it back with the news that terrible shadow creatures had kidnaped the others. The Pixies tried to protect themselves with magic, but it didn't work. And so by following the trail of tar the creatures had left behind, we discovered where the Pixies had been taken. The trail led us through dark tunnels until we came upon a huge underground castle. And then we met something with superhuman power, the master of all these evil creatures we'd encountered," I told the girls as they were in disbelief.

"And? What did it look like?" Flora asked me with a worried look.

"It was a huge bird, a sort of phoenix, monstrous and evil-looking. And then it transformed itself. I saw it turn into something like a man. An armored knight with ultra-sharp claws," I said to the girls shivering as I described Darkar to them.

"I guess it's time for the mighty dragon to meet the mighty Phoenix for a duel!" Emalia smiled devilishly.

"So are you guys going to help me?" I was astonished that these girls will help me without even knowing me like that.

"Yea we'll help you, Aisha!!" Stella beamed.

"We'll free the Pixies together!" Tecna giggled.

"You can count on us!" Musa grinned.


I sat on my throne. I have been questioning and torturing those dumb pixies the past four days. They still haven't told me where the Codex could be. If I can torture those tiny brats any longer then I will get the information I need!! I could hear my creature, Kerbog moving around.

"KERBOG!!!" I called as I heard Kerbog roar. "Come here my pet!"

Soon Kerbog was slipping inside the room. His sharp teeth could be seen as his tongue was out. Kerbog stop slipping as his two front paws on the arm chair of my throne.

"Have you retrieved the information? What? The Codex is in four parts?" I shouted in disbelief. "I know the Pixies are hiding one of the quadrants. But where are the other three? Magix, of course! The schools!" 

I leaned back into my throne. My head touched the back of the chair as Kerbog left the room. Ideas was coming and going from my thoughts. I don't know how the schools work, but I need someone or a group of witches to do the job!

Lightrock Monastery

I casted a spell over the Lightrock Monastery! I turned the blue sky red. Everyone in the Lightrock Monastery was going crazy glancing around the sky for a mistake. The spell I casted wasn't a mistake. Brothers of the Monastery got their weapons ready to fight. I walked the witches and they was still wicked as ever. They smiled when they saw the sky turned red. I set my monsters down to distract the brothers from noticing the breakout I'm about to do.

"Oh my!" The eldest witch, Icy proclaimed with a wicked smile touching her cold heart.

"Who are you?" Darcy, the second eldest witch asked me as a sinister smile caked her heavy makeup.

"No questions!" I silenced the witches. "You are now serving the forces of evil!"

"Am I ever so pleased to hear that!" Stormy beamed with excitement.

I released the witches' sisters from the meadows and inside the monastery. A crowd of

"I can't believe it!" Stormy cheered. "We're free!"

"That light was unbearable!" Darcy wiped her forehead like she was tired.

"Girls, you need to get a move on before the idiot brothers of the monastery come and capture you," I told the sisters.

Before the sister could run away, the brothers of Lightrock surrounded them. Icy went to use her magic against them but it was no use.

"My powers not working!" Ivy exclaimed as the brothers went after them.

"The same, they are immune to magic!" Darcy gritted her teeth.

"They are immune to YOUR magic!" I declared.

I used my magic to make three necklaces appeared around the sisters' necks. They all grin in glee when the glowing necklaces was placed on their necks.

"I feel so much stronger!" Stormy beamed with sinister.

"These are the Gloomix. They will multiply your power!" I informed the sisters as they had mischief on their faces. "Prove your worth to me!"

"Will do!"

A/n: I also have a new story called "Reach Beyond Our Stars" it's a BNHA or a MHA story so if you like anime, so please check that story out. Vote and comment on this story and "Reach Beyond Our Stars" story! Thanks again for reading today's chapter so enjoy the rest of your day!!! 😘

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