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Headmistress Faragonda

I gathered up the Winx girls and Aisha in a vacant classroom. Each girl stood before as some like Musa and Emalia was sitting on the desk. While Flora, Stella, Tecna, Aisha, and Bloom were standing up properly. I heard about Aisha's story about the pixies being in trouble from a villain. We must save those fairies from that villain!

"My dear girls, as you may have guessed, the reason I've asked you to come here is to organize a rescue mission. As you know, fairies and pixies have always been the closest of friends. So we must free them at any cost!" I informed girls with a serious expression on my face.

"At any cost, huh? Does that mean we get to skip classes and still get full credits?" Stella mischievous eyes and smile gleamed under the light of the sun while her friends and Aisha just shook their heads or gave her an 'I can't believe you would say that' look.

"After everything, Aisha's gone through, can't you think of something other than skipping classes?" I put my hands on my waist, staring into Stella's bright eyes.

"Well, actually, it's just that if it's such a dangerous mission, why not send the professors?" Stella mischief died when she gave her question to me.

"STELLA!" The Winx girls and Aisha cried out, which caused me to giggle for a second.

It's funny that Aisha only been here for four days and met the Winx Club not too long ago only to feel like she has been apart of them since the beginning!

"What?" Stella exclaimed glancing at Aisha and the Winx girls with a funny expression.

"No, no, that's all right girls. Stella has raised a perfect point. As professors, our job is to guide our students. And in case of an emergency, we have to be available to help everyone," I replied to Stella's question with a smile.

"So in other words, it's up to us to turn this "prince" into a pauper?" Musa questioned with her head to the side.

"You've all shown great skill in the fight against the Trix. However, the pixies are your priority now. It is not wise to challenge an unknown enemy!" I informed the girls pacing back and forth between them.

"So we should avoid confrontation?" Bloom asked as she knew the right answer to my previous statement.

"Exactly! Don't forget. This dark knight absorbs magic energy!" I warned the girls as my heart beat a bit fast as I was getting to the part I hate to tell the girls.

"That means he can turn our powers against us!" Flora exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Aisha will be your guide. She's the only one who can find the entrance to the cave. I want you to look for clues that could help us discover the identity of this evil creature. Now, follow me,"

I took the girls through the door and into the hallways of Alfea. The girls followed after me one by one like mother duck guiding her kids down a pond.

"Now, I'd like to point out that some of you will not be taking part in this rescue mission," I declared with my head down knowing a problem is going to emerge.

"But we do everything together!" Emalia pleaded like a little girl.

"Yes! And no one gets left behind, ever!" Flora chimes with the same pleading.

"Each of you has powers better suited to some missions than others," I stated with a little smile. "Would you send a frog to live in a hot, desert?"

"I wouldn't want to be the poor frog. I'd dry out in about 1.4 hours!" Tecna replied, sounding sad.

I was towards the entrance of the school. I stopped to face the girls as I know this news will probably be the hardest thing they will ever have to do for now.

"You don't have to worry about that, Tecna. You'll stay at Alfea," I broke the news as I can hear the Winx girls' hearts breaking to pieces.


Tecna gets to stay at Alfea? I'm surprised by this since Tecna could be useful for quickly tracking down the pixies and getting everyone back home safely. Why would Headmistress Faragonda keep Tecna at Alfea? Is this happening?!

"Uh, excuse me but her techno-magic..." I was cut off by Headmistress Faragonda talking over me.

"...Will help us monitor the situation from here. Bloom, Emalia, and Stella will go on the mission," Headmistress Faragonda finished my sentence.

"Why only us three?" Bloom asked with a sad look.

"Yeah, why?" Stella chimes.

"I don't think my powers would suit the mission Headmistress Faragonda, and please reconsider!" Emalia scratched the back of her head.

"The reason for you three is because  Bloom possesses the Dragon's Fire, the strongest magic of all, while Stella's Sun magic will be beneficial should they ever come up against the Shadow Monsters. I was reluctant to Emalia go since the Mystic Dragon could boost the monster and maybe the villain in question powers up, but she is the strongest fairy in your grade and this group since she does get her Charmix powers before the rest of her class," Headmistress Faragonda elaborated as her hands were intertwined.

"What about Flora's plants? My sound waves? Aren't they worth anything?" Musa pled with her arms flailing as she was speaking.

"Come into the hall, please," Headmistress Faragonda lead us to the hall.

Headmistress Faragonda took us down the hallway. Musa nudged my arm, causing me to glance back at her. She had her game face on with her head held high. I nod understanding Musa's silent gesture telling to get ready. Everyone one slipped through the door of the hall. It was empty, and the color of the room was a dark walnut brown.

"Wait here, girls," Headmistress Faragonda strolled to the center of the room.

"What is she going to do?" I whispered to the Winx girls and Aisha with a bewildered expression.

"Nimbus fallax orere et cinge fatas!" Headmistress Faragonda cast the spell which transformed the hall into a cave-like environment.

The cave seemed real as the water dropped from the cavern's jagged rock tip. It has light to no light in the cavern, making it a bit hard to see. The cave ground was shaking, making the water droplets fall faster from the tips of the cave. Coming out of the shadows was two monsters. They were standing on all four with their lizard-like tongues hanging out of their mouths. They didn't have eyes so they must be sensory monsters? Headmistress Faragonda came back to where the girls and I were standing. Then Headmistress Faragonda sticks her head out form the line up as she gestures out her arms saying go ahead.

"Musa and Flora use your spells against these creatures," Headmistress Faragonda told Musa and me.

"Ready! Nothing is working. There are no living plants down here!" I glance around for at least a little signal for life, but I couldn't find any.

"But we still got sound. Everyone stand back!" Everyone followed Musa's order taking a few steps back. "Oh, no! It's echoing!

Musa's spell was making the cave vibrate which made the jagged cavern tips for breaking off into huge pieces. The broken cave piece took down the monsters, but the cave was caving in.

"Oh, no. The vibrations are causing a cave-in!" Tecna exclaimed watching all the rocks from the cavern fall.

"Noooo!" Musa screamed.

Headmistress Faragonda removed the spell from the hall. The cave environment disappeared and went back to its original setting. I hung my head low, fully knowing the reason why I can't go. I stared over at Musa, who had her head lowered as well.

"Musa and Flora, listen to me. You two are just as important as your friends. Your powers will be needed soon enough!" Headmistress Faragonda beamed as she cheered me up a bit.

Going to Alfea: Falen

Timmy, Riven, Brandon, Sky, and I were flying through the air. We were making our way to Alfea since Headmistress Faragonda called Saladin for the Winx girls back up. Saladin was on the ship with us as he stood in the center holding his golden staff. I was on the controls checking to see everything is straight for the trip, which it was.

"What are you smiling for Fal?" Brandon asked with a playful grin on his face.

"I'm smiling?" I asked, touching my face in surprise.

"You know you are smiling, and it's probably because he gets to see his dark princess!" Riven taunted from the other side of the ship.

"Stop all the teasing guys!" Sky proclaimed with a cheesy grin.

"You are going to be next Sky on the teasing girlfriend list!" Timmy laughed.

"Love is magical, and it gives anyone the strength they need to overcome obstacles! Love is the greatest kind of magic in all the world!" Saladin beamed as his long white hair was over his shoulders. "We are at Alfea, now we land!"


We are in Alfea's schoolyard. I pushed the button of the landing beams so the ship could land adequately. The hanger door opened it up with a little hissing sounding. Everyone on board was strolling down to the hanger door to reveal ourselves. The sunlight hits my face as I used my arm to cover my vision. Once I found the perfect shade in my eyes, I glance down the hanger to see Emalia! Emalia's amber-orange eyes glowed under the sun, making them sparkle like precious gems! Her hair bounced with excitement. Emalia's freckles almost covered her whole eyes if she wasn't smiling too hard!

"Yes! The Specialists are coming with us!" Stella cheered with her arms, fist-pumping and humming her victory tune.

"No fair!" Musa pouted like a little girl. "You three get to have all the fun!"

"I'm thrilled that you've come to help, Saladin!" Headmistress Faragonda bowed her head a little with a gentle smile lighting up her face.

"It's my pleasure to answer your call, Faragonda. I will lend you three of my best Red Fountain Specialists, Sky, Falen, and Brandon!" Saladin beamed as Brandon, Sky, and I stepped forward as we were called.

"This is going to be epic!" Stella continued to cheer.

"Stella and Brandon!! Bloom and Sky!!! Emalia and Falen!!! Goodness, gracious!!!! What a coincidence?" Tecna was putting two and two together as a smirk was forming as she got to her conclusion. "Aisha looks like you'll have to play chaperone!"

"You mean that love is their specialty?" Aisha asked, confused a tiny bit.

"You can say that again, cutie. Are you the new girl?" Brandon flirted with the girl Emalia, and I saved a few days ago.

"Well, girls, are you ready to go? Sky clasped his hands with a smile.

"I forgot to mention Aisha will be riding with Riven on the motorbike!" Saladin gestured over time Riven, who was sitting on his motorbike that freshly appeared.

"Hey, girls! How's it going?" Tummy waved at the girls.

"Don't you mean hey Tecna and how's it's going?" I teased the now strawberry looking Timmy.

"Hello, Timmy!" Tecna blushed as well.

I walked over to my motorbike as I put my hands on the handle sitting in a position to take off. A delicate hand rested on my shoulder, which caused me to smile. Emalia hopped on the bike while her arms rest around my torso. She laid her head on my back as I can tell she was enjoying my scent.

"I guess we are partners!" Emalia smiled as I can feel it growing on my back.

"We have no choice, but to be partners, Minha princesa!" I cheesed. "Now hold on tight, okay!"


Cave: Aisha

We said our goodbyes to Riven as he rode back in the distance. The group and I walked inside the cave, and it looked just like how it did in the hall of Alfea. Water continuously drips from the tops of the cave. It was too dim for anyone to see. I was taking the lead on this mission. Sky had a little flashlight that lit the way, but it wasn't enough for us to see all instead of in front of us.

"Sky! I know you want to save batteries, but give us some light back here. We can't see a thing. That's it! I've had it. I'll deal with it myself!" Stella stepped Sky aside. "Magic, Winx, Stella!"

A bright surrounded Stella. She transformed into her fairy self. The light has dimmed, and Stella was in her fairy form with a scepter in her hands.

"Scepter give us light!" Stella exclaimed as she banged the end of her scepter on the cavern ground.

Light flooded the used to be a shadowy cave. Nothing was coming towards us or was there any monsters present around us.

"Uh, well, I think I liked it better before," Bloom declared.

"At least I can see where we're going!" Stella beamed, just like her light.

"But now, we're a beacon for the monsters!" Sky exclaimed.

"Uh, guys, I don't know what that is, but let's... get moving!" Stella walked with Falen, Emalia, Brandon, and I.

"Either way with Stella powers or by that flashlight we were going to be targeted for the monsters," Emalia stated glancing behind her shoulders at Bloom and Sky. "It's best if we go now before the monsters are really after us,"

We walked confidently thanks to Stella's light magic that lit up the cave. In front of the group and I was the gate. It was the same gate I came through to save the pixies the first time. The gate had dead vines scattered around the entrance except for the middle. The middle had Darkar's wings as the symbol, meaning the others and I were getting close to Darkar and the pixies.

"I remember this gate! But it was open before?" I was confused glancing around for a weak point in the gate, but it stood firm.

"It's locked," Falen tried to yank the gate open.

"Leave it to me!" Stella gently pushed everyone out of the way as she grips her scepter.

"No good! The gate absorbs magic. Our enemy thought of everything!" Bloom exclaimed.

"If the gate can absorb magic, don't you think Emalia can absorb its magic?" Brandon asked glancing at Emalia.

"I'm sure it has to be sinister magic for her to absorb it?" Falen treads back from the gate. "Minha princesa do you feel any dark magic from this gate?"

Emalia closed her eyes and walked up to the shady gate. She raised her hand to the metal bars. Emalia's fingertips touched the gate as a tiny black light appeared over the gated and vanish once Emalia took her hand off of it.

"Yes this gate possesses a lot of dark magic, I'm not sure if I can absorb all this darkness," Emalia turned her back towards the gate to face the others and I. "My powers is not up to par to absorb an unlimited amount of darkness,"

"Can you at least try and absorb some of it so it can give me a chance to blow this gate apart?" Brandon asked, getting the dynamite out.

"Yea of course,"

"Leave it to the Specialists to find a way around using magic!" Sky cheered.

Then a roar echoed through the cavern. I turned around to see monsters coming toward us. I shook my head with much displeasure. Darkar must know we are in here to save the pixies.

"Magic Winx Charmix!" Emalia transformed as a bright light formed.

"Aisha, Stella, Bloom, Sky, and Falen you must give Emalia and I some time to take this gate down.

"No sweat, we will take these monsters down!" Sky reassured Brandon, getting his sword out.

"Let's transform Bloom!" I beckoned Bloom as my fist was formed into a tight ball.

"You are a..." I cut the astonished Bloom.

"Of course, I am, let's kick these monsters butts!" I transformed into my fairy self.

I promise you pixies that I will save you and that's what I'm going to do!

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