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I got the explosive device out of my pouch. I watched Emalia's eyes glowed black. Dark energy flowed around Emalia as her hair levitated above her head. I could hear Sky, Bloom, Stella, and Falen fighting off those monsters. I could see more monsters in the distance coming towards my friends and me.

"Emalia is the gate weak enough to break the gate down?" I panicked.

"Just hang in there a little more!" Emalia replied


"Don't you think I'm trying the best of my abilities and just talking to you is slowing down the process!"

"We're sorry Emalia continue what you got to do!" Aisha used her pink water magic to end the monster's life.

Emalia was sweating, and her eyes flicked from black to her natural eye color. She jerks herself back from the gate, and she panted with her hands on her knees.

"Brandon ... you can blow ... the gate up," Emalia told me, still panting.

"Gotcha!" I hook the device to the gate, and I took a swift glance at Emalia. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll ... be fine," Emalia straightens herself up with her forehead still beating with sweat.

The gate blew up with a tiny shake of the ground. A couple of debris fell from the ceiling. I hope this explosion didn't attract any more monsters.

"Guys it's time to retreat!" Bloom blasted her last bit of magic and made a run for the gate.

Stella, Falen, Aisha, and Sky made a run for the gate following after Bloom. The monsters roared chasing after my friends. Emalia was the last one at the entrance, and her eyes glowed black again.

"Emalia comes on we have to go!" Falen called out to his girlfriend.

"I have to do something to throw the monsters off our trail," Emalia tightens her worn-out hands.

The gate reappeared like I didn't blow it up. The sinister energy surrounds the entrance, and it evaporated within the cavern air. The monsters leaned against the locked gate as they banged on it, waiting to attack us all.

"Did you used the magic you absorb from the gate to rebuilt the gate?" Aisha asked, staring at the newly built gate.

"I ... did," Emalia turned to give Aisha and the rest of us a tired smile.

"Come on minha princesa; you will be out of commission for a while," Falen held Emalia having the girl on his back.

"Let's move forward in the cave, we're almost to Darkar's place," Aisha continues to lead the group to Darkar and the pixies.


"She is a stubborn one!" I growled, but a twisted smile appeared on my lips. "Well, we'll see how long this will last!"

I stared at the crystal ball that was in my throne room. I see that pesky fairy is back. This tune she brought her friends to come and help her. I glared at each of her friends, seeing as they were no match for me. Then my eyes landed on the tired-looking fairy resting on the back's that weak Specialist. She was in her fairy form, but I can tell even from my crystal ball that this fairy was utterly different from her pathetic friends.

I sense that the tired fairy must be just like me and have a dark and powerful essence in her. I assume the girl drained herself from absorbing too of my vile aura. She wouldn't be so tired if she were on my standard of magic. Maybe if she was willing to join my uprising plan, I could teach her how to use her powers at their fullest potential!

"Darkar what are you staring at in that crystal ball of yours?" Icy asked, stepping into my throne room without her sister.

"Icy, where are your sisters?" I went back, staring deep into the crystal ball.

"They want to tour around your place some more and even meet the new monsters!" Icy walked over and glared at the crystal ball with me. "So those weak pixies are here?"

"You know these lame fairies?"

"Yea my sisters and I do!"

This is perfect! I know I made the right choice in freeing the Trix and turning them to come on my side! Icy could tell me the name of this dark fairy?

"Icy tell me the name of the tired fairy in the back of this weak excuse of a rescue party?" I ordered Icy pointing and moving the crystal ball to the weak fairy.

"That lame pixie is Emalia, and she is the first-ever dark fairy!" Icy grinned. "She is the holder of the Mystic Dragon Flame!"

The Mystic Dragon Flame? I thought that type of power was a myth! So adding Emalia to my team will make me unstoppable! I must have Emalia on my side so she can destroy everyone without me even batting an eye!

"Icy inform me more about this Emalia fairy!" I grinned. "I want to know all you know about this dark fairy!"

Alfea, computer room: Tecna

I was sitting in the computer chair. My thin, soft hands danced across the keys of the keyboard. On the computer screen was flashing red with an exclamation mark flashing as well. A whole bunch of windows popped up like the computer has some virus. With the snap of my finger, the virus-like windows closed themselves out, leaving me back with the original window.

"We're back!" Timmy appeared on the computer screen with a smile. "How's the mission going?"

"The group had problem with some monsters, but it cleared up!" I beamed checking on their status. "They're getting to their objective as they are going deeper in the cave!"

Timmy was going to say something until Musa suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Following in close behind her was Flora. I stared back at the computer screen and saw Timmy cheeks burning like a fire.

"Hello, Timster!" Musa cheesed through the camera.

"How are you, Timmy?" Flora waves giving him her famous smile.

"I'm doing fine Flora and hello Musa!" Timmy replied with a smile. It's nice to see you girls are not too sad about not being able to go on the mission,"

"I know I'm upset that Headmistress Faragonda won't let me go out on the front lines!" Musa three one of her punches. "This enemy doesn't want to taste the furry of my bass magic!"

"I don't think I can handle it and I'm your roommate!" I laughed.

"My plants would consist of them squeezing the evilness out of them!" Flora tightens her fist.

"I believe Emalia has all that cover and will do it in you guys honor!" Timmy joked.

"I hope so, but where is Riven at Timmy?" Musa was lightly blushing.

"I'm not sure, Musa? He should be coming back from the drop-off, do you want to see him?" Timmy was glancing at his handheld tablet.

"No I'm sure he's busy with something, and I was just curious about him!" Musa is getting redder by the minute.

"Seems like Musa do have a crush on bad boy Specialist Riven!" Flora giggled.

"I'm out of here!" Musa quickly turned away and out of the room.

"Wait Lover Girl lets talk about your crush!" Flora exclaimed raving after Musa but stopped to face Timmy on the camera. "Goodbye, Timmy, see ya soon!"

I laughed along with Timmy. I watched Timmy fix his glasses as his brown bang covered one part of his eyes. Timmy's cheeks burned red again, which made me feel hotter than I was a few seconds ago.

"I'm glad you didn't get to go on this mission Tecna!" Timmy smiled at his lap again.

"W-what? Why?" I asked, putting my elbows on the side of the keyboard deck.

"I heard that it would be a hazardous type of rescue mission and I don't want to see you getting hurt by this unknown villain!" Timmy smiled at me through the camera.

"Aww, Timmy that's very sweet of you to worry about me!" I beamed. "But always know that I can handle myself just fine when I have my friends and you by my side!"

"Even when I'm not the strongest Specialist you knew?"

"Timmy you don't have to be like Falen, Sky, Brandon, or Riven to get my attention! And I think you are a strong Specialist, but in your way!"

"You're making me blush Tec!"

"You're doing the same with me!"

Deeper inside the cave: Bloom

We walked deeper into the cave. So far no monsters have been on our tails! The new shadowy gate must be holding those monsters back! Aisha has been mumbling for a while about some crystals. Brandon asked her what gems does she mean. While Aisha was explaining about the crystals. I couldn't help, but feel like something is going wrong with me.

Could being in this shady cave causing me to feel is way? Maybe I'm going crazy? I continue to act fine since I don't want to cause the group anymore trouble. I glance back at Emalia and she was still panting, but not like she was before. Her eyes was closed and sweat was evident on her head. Is this how powerful this Darkar magic could be?

"AT LAST! THE CRYSTALS!!" Aisha cheered as we stood at a multiple tunnel opening. "It's at the end of one of these tunnels. Let's go down this one first!"

Aisha pointed to the first tunnel she saw. I wanted to object to the first tunnel since there was multiple openings which means only one of them could be the right tunnel to go through? I didn't say anything though, but I have never been through this place, not like how Aisha did. Aisha dashed over to the first tunnel like she was a trained track runner.

"AISHA!!" I called out to the overly excited fairy. "Wait for us, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go down that way. I'll catch up in a sec!!" Brandon pointed to one of the other tunnels.

"You can't do that, we've got to get down to that level!" Aisha gestured to the direction she wanted the group to go.

"All these tunnels are connected! No matter which one we take, we end up out here!" Brandon clarifies shrugging his shoulder walking towards the path he chose.

"But it's not a great idea to spilt up like this," I declared hoping this will get through to Brandon.

"I agree with Bloom especially when we don't know this place like the back of our hands and especially the new threat that took the pixies," Sky chimes.

"BRANDON WATCH OUT!!" Falen yelled warning Brandon about the surprising monster coming out the tunnel opening that Brandon chosen.

"I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU BRANDON!" Aisha called out to Brandon.

Aisha flew over to Brandon, but soon realize she was stuck as more monsters appeared around her. I gaze over to see Emalia is still out of it as her face was turning red like she was coming down with a fever. I glance over at Stella and she was staring back at me as we both nod our heads.

"We're coming to get your Brandon!" Stella said seeing Brandon trying his best to defeat the monster before him.

"MAGIC WINX!" Stella and I chanted but nothing happened nor did a bright light engulfed us, we were still in our civil outfits.

"Oh nothing is working!!!!" Stella panicked.

"Falen, Sky is there anything you can do," I said until I realized that Sky and Falen was fighting off the monsters that surrounded them.

"Brandon, watch out!!!!" I shouted at Brandon.

Soon the monster and Brandon was falling off their levels and into the crashing waters down below. Stella soon followed after Brandon as she dive down below too.

"STELLA!!! STELLA!!" I yelled leaning over the edge of the cliff.

"BLOOM!" Sky pulled me close to him as he had his sword blade pointed over to the monsters.

How will we get out of this situation? How can we save Aisha and find Stella and Brandon? This mission went completely out of hand so fast can we ever get control of the situation enough to save the pixies?

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