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Professor Palladium Weather Magic Class: Stella

"I hate this!!" Bloom declared as a rain puddle formed around her yellow wedged sandals.

Flora, Musa, Bloom, and I were in Palladium's Weather Magic Class. Palladium is teaching a lecture on Rain magic, and he asked someone to be a volunteer to show us how rain magic is supposed to perform. Bloom offered to be the volunteer, and Palladium told her to stand in the center of the circle the class has formed. Palladium told Bloom the spell to use, and when she did, a rain cast of downpour fell upon Bloom's head. All the fairy students gasped at how massive the rainwater was coming down on Bloom while she was holding her arms cold from the water. Thanks to the downpour, it made Bloom rock a new hairstyle, and I like the look on her as she stood still under the rainwater.

"Bloom's right, Professor, it's a mess," Musa agreed to turn over her shoulder to look at Palladium.

"A spell cast on that tiny cloud should barely make a puddle if it's done right," Palladium clarifies.

I strolled over to Bloom as I watched her tremble under the rain cloud, poor thing. I snapped my fingers, turning that rain cloud into the rays of the sun. Bloom gasped by the sudden change in temperature as she gazes up slightly at the sun's rays as she was quickly drying out, and so was her hair. Bloom's hair turned curlier, which suits Bloom more than her natural wavy curls.

"Hey, you know, I think that shower improved your hairstyle!" I smiled.

"This term is too hard," Bloom still had her hands wrapped around her arms.

Palladium cleared his throat to get Bloom and my attention. We both stopped what we were doing. It listens to what Palladium had to tell us.

"I'll admit the rain spell is rather challenging, but they are the first technical charms in the history of magic," Palladium informs the other fairies and I. "Do you know why?"

"Because of droughts!" Flora answered happily.

Musa, Bloom, Flora, and I strolled back to our spots in the grass as continued our rain magic lesson. We all pouted expect for Flora, who was interested in this nature type lesson Palladium was giving the class. Bloom was off in space again; probably something is troubling her. I was thinking of some shopping deal that I hope to get from the mall, or did they had any sales at all? Lastly, Musa was just in her thoughts, glaring at something absentmindedly.

"You girls, how can you be so rude to your Professor?" Tune asked, disappointed in Musa, Bloom, and I.

"Oh come on even with the new look he's still the same Palladium from before," Musa justifies side-eyeing Tune.

"And he's used to it by now," I chimed, shrugging my shoulders.

Musa and I laughed at what we said while Palladium was talking, not paying any mind to Palladium teaching the other students. The sun was setting as Palladium ended the class for the day. The girls and I walked over to the entrance of the school while Amore, Lockette, and Chatta were waiting for Flora, Bloom, and I. I smiled when I saw my bonded Pixie, Amore smiling at me ready to have some fun with me.

"Come on, Amore, let's go there's got to be a sale somewhere!" I gently held Amore's tiny Pixie hands and led her down the road to the bus while I giggled.

"See ya later, Stella," Bloom waved me off, looking a little down, but I know Flora and Musa can cheer her up by the time I get back.


I gave Flora a big Pixie hug and then sat on Flora's arms criss-cross apple sauce. I'm happy being in the company of my shy bonded Fairy, Flora. My attention went off of Flora and to Musa as she was speaking.

"Hey, guys, I gotta get going too!" Musa beamed over bye to the group. "I see you later! Tune, are you coming.

"Have a good day, everyone!" Tune exclaimed, bowing flying over to Musa.

Everyone waved bye to Musa and Tune with a smile.

"So, what's wrong, Bloom?" Flora asked Bloom as she suddenly went to a sad face.

"Is there trouble?" Lockette asked Bloom worried about her bonded fairy.

"No, I was just thinking, you know I'm supposed to be a princess," Bloom smiled down at Lockette until she walked off sad. "But I'm horrible at it,"

Flora glanced down at my concern about her best friend Bloom. Flora and I went after Bloom and Lockette as we can't leave them alone, especially Bloom, in her doubtful thoughts.

"Is it because of what Tune said during class?" Flora asked as she caught up with Lockette and Bloom.

"It's because-" Bloom was cut off by someone is calling out, and the engine of hoverbikes erupted the once quiet courtyard of Alfea.

I turned my head and saw it was Sky, Brandon, and Falen pulling up on their bikes. I smiled as I remembered that Sky was going to pick Bloom up so they could go to Sky's home planet! But what are Falen and Brandon doing here?

"Hey Bloom, how you doing?!" Sky sounded happy as he took his helmet off his head.

"That's right; I'd heard somewhere that you were going to visit Sky's parents!" I smiled.

"Time to go?" Bloom asked, sounding confused.

"Well, actually something's come up," Sky replied, acting all shy. "My parents said there was an emergency so Brandon and I are going to check it out,"

"Sorry, maybe next time," Brandon apologize.

"WAIT!!" I yelled, shocking Brandon, Falen, Sky, Lockette, Bloom, and Flora by my sudden outburst. "Sky explained why Brandon is here, but why are you here, Falen?"

Falen pulled the neck portion of his shirt back. He was nervous as he suddenly felt the heat of conversation and eyes on him. Brandon and Sky gazed the other way as they both were whistling. Flora, Bloom, and Lockette looked at each other confused, but I smirked, knowing the reason why.

"Let's just say Emalia and Falen had a falling out, and he's trying to make it up to her.

"What was it about?" Bloom asked, shocked.

"It had something to do with Avalon, isn't it?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes, how did you know, Chatta?" Falen asked shockingly.

"Emalia was muttering while she was meditating every so often your name and Avalon, so I just put two and two together!" I beamed.

"No wonder it seemed like smoke was coming out of Emalia's ears when she was meditating with Serenity earlier this morning," Flora giggled a little.

"I suggest you go reclaim your princess from the dragon!" Brandon joked.

"Yes, I must, but where is Emalia? Did she run off somewhere?" Falen asked with a smile.

"Last, I heard she is getting help from Professor Avalon, but Falen, you should not worry about Professor Avalon as he is a good teacher to learn from, so let Emalia learn something about herself!" Bloom smiled at me.

"Have fun, don't get burnt, Falen!" Sky laughed, causing the others and me to laugh.

Free period with Professor Avalon: Emalia

The sun was setting on Alfea and the forest. Today was a peaceful day school wise, but relationship-wise it's down the drain. Falen and I had a huge fight yesterday after Nurse Ofelia told me the results. That whole fight from start to finish kept on bothering me throughout the day. My professors for the day had to call on me to get me out of my thoughts, but luckily I knew the material so I wouldn't be embarrassed. Serenity and Kekipi tried to cheer me up throughout the day, but nothing was genuinely working for me as my mind instantly went back to that fight. The only thing that got my mind off Falen for the first time today was these magic lessons with Avalon.

"SHADOW BALL!" I cast the magic as a black ball formed in my hand. (A/n: This new spell is brought to you by @Moonchild365!!)

The ball shot out of my hand and hit the target Avalon had set up. The objective was blown up as there was no target in its place. I have been practicing with Avalon for about 2 hours, and I feel strong than I did before. I was sweating for casting the same spell over and over again to get it right. I heard Avalon clapping his hands as he smiled at me. Serenity and Kekipi stopped playing with each other to cheer me on.

"Good work Emalia! You're a fast learner master Shadow Ball and Darkness Blast!" Avalon smiled. (A/n: Another spell brought to you by @Moonchild365, please gave it up to her for coming up with these spells and permitted me to use them in the book!!)

"It was hard learning those spells!" I wiped the sweat from my forehead with a grin.

"But you made it look easy, Emalia!" Serenity cheered.

"I see why the Mystic Dragon chose you as its host!" Avalon beamed.

I was going to thank Avalon for teaching me so soon, but I heard someone called out my name. I glance over my shoulder to see Falen. He stood there in the opening, looking all shy. I turned my head away from him as I couldn't get what Falen said to me yesterday out of my head.

"You're a fairy of darkness and destruction; there will never be a balance in your life!" Falen shouted at me.

I know Falen said that to get me away from Avalon, but do Falen see as an unbalanced fairy of my kind? I genuinely see why Bloom idolized Avalon. But I still have my suspicions of Avalon, but those suspicions are slowly going away.

"I sense your boyfriend has to speak with you, so that will be the end of our lessons for today!" Avalon smiled.

"Okay, see you around, Professor!" I waved Avalon bye.

"Can we talk without yelling at each other?" Falen asked as he was directly behind me.

"If you can apologize for what you said yesterday, then maybe can talk calmly to each other," I replied with a monotone voice turning to face Falen.

"While you guys talk, I'm going to take Kekipi somewhere to do some long-distance flying!" Serenity said as she tried to be far away from Falen and me as possible.

"Alright, but do go too far from the point I can't see you guys," I replied as I sounded like a mother.

Serenity nodded and climbed on the back of Kekipi. I watched Kekipi soar in the sky as I could help but think that only last year, Kekipi couldn't even use his wings at all. The only thing my baby could do was run and jump. My little smile wiped away when Falen hugged me. Falen's hug made me want to hug him back, but I couldn't because his hurtful words echoed in my mind.

"Of course I'm sorry for what I said, I just didn't want you to be working with Avalon because I heard of Sky's worry about him!" Falen quickly apologized, hugging me tighter. "I was worried that you would act like Bloom and spend most of your time with Avalon instead of with your friends but mainly me,"

"You should always know that I wouldn't get up my free time be with a professor when I'm with them for the majority of my time here in Alfea," I proclaimed, slowly going in for a hug. "No offense, but I don't really want to learn on my day off!"

Falen chuckled, pecking my forehead. I know I'm supposed to stay a little bit mad at Falen to make him suffer a bit, but I couldn't help to blush! Ever Falen's simplest of affection can bring the soft side of me out!

"Do I see a smile on Minha Princesa!" Falen asked me, making me blush harder than have all day.

"No, I'm not!" I turned my head, hoping so Falen would see me burning red face and tease me about it. "What are you doing here anyway, we made up like you wanting I'm assuming!"

"I'm glad you ask about my appearance, here again, I was wondering how would you feel about meeting my kingdom and my parents for the first time?"

When Falen said his parents and meet, my body went stiff. My mind instantly went back to last year when I ruined the Day of Royals for fighting his ex-fiancé Yazmin in the Red Fountain Girl's bathroom. I can till see the disappointed glares that I got from Falen's parents! I can only imagine how their stares are going to be when they see me on their palace doorsteps ready to official meet them!

"Are you sure that is a good idea, Falen?" I asked, glancing down at the ground. "I mean I started in a very wrong foot with your parents last year,"

"Come on, Minha Princesa, it won't be that bad, because I'm there to ease them out along with my little sister Fawn!" Falen beamed, snuggling me.

"I don't want to see your little sister either after I used her name to get into Alfea last year!" I panicked. "Last year wasn't my year with your family, and I'm in bad terms with all your family members!!"

Falen pecked my forehead again as a way to calm me down. Falen chuckled this time, shaking his head. I don't see what Falen finds funny about being on bad terms with his royal family? Does he not understand how important this is to me?

"Why are you stressing about that Fawn is dying to see you so you can tell her personally how you got away with it and how you got caught!" Falen smiled, showing me his pearly white teeth. "Fawn finds you as an interesting fairy that she wants to meet!"

"For real?" I asked, not believing that little sister wants me to tell her the story of me using her name to get in the school. "What about your parents?"

"They might be a little hard to impress them, but I talked about you so much that they want to meet the fairy that ruined my previous engagement and took my heart!"

"Why you had to say that?"

"What? That's what they said!"

I rolled my eyes, but I feel Falen just merely talking about me isn't enough to win his parents over. What can I do for me to be on their right side?

"What can I do to win your parents over?" I asked worriedly.

"Luckily for you, in Reino, my kingdom is going to have the annual Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino!" Falen said proudly with a grin.

"What is that?"

"It's the Reino Magic Warrior Champion, and it's where all the famous warriors in Reino fight for the title of Reino's Champion for the whole year, and it's an exciting event in all of Reino!"

"What do you want me to do, compete, and fight in those rounds?"

"Of course Princesa what another way to win my parents over, these past few Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino has gotten boring because Yazmin wins every year, but my people are just excited to see her fight and win!"

A/n: Here's an overdue picture of Yazmin

When I heard the name Yazmin, my blood boiled. If I could recall, I never finished my fight with Yazmin due to the King and Queen of Reino stepping in, which prompted the battle to be over. I could make it up in this fight!

"Let's do this!"


Musa and I were in the empty room of Alfea. Aisha was in the place, too, as Musa was watching Aisha dance until she took her break. Musa was sitting next to Aisha. Aisha's bonded Pixie, Piff, was taking a nap on top of Aisha's boom box.

"Is it true that Faragonda asked you to organize a concert at Red Fountain?!" Aisha asked Musa with a smile.

"But I don't know about the dancing," I pouted.

"I told Musa when she is on stage, let her music move her, so whatever move she feels happen naturally!" I said with a smile.

"I know Tune, but I can't help but to feel this and think this way," Musa rested her head in the palm of her hand.

"I can help with that!" Aisha beamed, pushing the button to start the boom box.

Piff screeched as she was closest to the speakers. Piff was still laying flat on her side as she was shaking because of the bass of the song that was playing. A folk song was playing through the speakers of the boom box, which prompted Aisha to start dancing. Aisha was using the same moves as Palladium showed in his class.

"Hey, that looks the rain dance stuff me and the others did with Palladium!" Musa smiled.

"It is the stuff you did with Palladium!" I crossed my arms, pouting at Musa.

"As a kid, I'd sneak out of the palace and go learn weather magic from the farmers!" Aisha smiled and danced.

"Primitive," I frowned with my knuckles on my hips.

"I bet your parents were pretty happy about that, huh?" Musa asked as she was admiring Aisha's dance moves.

Aisha ended the rain dance as she let the music continue to play. Aisha smiled at Musa with her arm behind her head like she was nervous.

"What do you think?" Aisha and Musa laughed while I continued to frown at a princess sneaking out without permission.

On the way to Eraklyon: Sky

I asked Codatorta for special permission to use one of the larger aircraft to fly to Eraklyon. Zing was sitting next to me as she was checking to see if we are getting closer to Eraklyon and tracking to see if any enemy airship is coming towards us. Luckily nobody was out in the galaxy to cause us trouble. Brandon was on my right, and Bloom and Flora were on my left. I couldn't help but think something is strange. The call from my parents had me worried because my parents only call when things are going wrong in Eraklyon. I hope it's not because Yoshinoya is causing my kingdom any trouble. I glance at the radar in front of me and see something that didn't understand. That's strange.

"Huh?" I spoke my thoughts out loud, but I soon understand what was going on and fixed it.

"Are we there yet?" Chatta asked grumpily, sitting in Flora's lap. "I'm getting sick of this spaceship,"

"Would you rather cross the galaxy by train?" I joked, turning over my chair to joking grin at Chatta.

"Oh, captain!" Zing called out to me. "The radar indicates the planet Eraklyon is just up ahead,"

I glance down, but I didn't see Zing in her usual bee like the outfit. In the place of Zing is a Pixie. She had long brown hair, and she wore a bland, but professional look. She wore a pale yellow and orange jumpsuit, and sticking out of her back is pink wings. I had a questionable look on my face looking down at this person who had Zing's face. Then Zing flashed to her insect outfit then back to her costume that she was wearing. Zing had shot a toothy grin when she was in back to her bland profession look.

"Okay," I mumbled, looking back at the aircraft computer and radar.

"Finally!! Yeah!" Chatta cheered, flying to the front of the airship.

"I got a bad feeling about this. Someone down here needs our help," I sternly said, getting up from the control chair folding my arms.

I see my home planet grow more prominent as the ship was getting closer. Soon we were in the atmosphere of Eraklyon, and my heart was getting heavier as Brandon landed the aircraft on the secluded side of the palace deep in the woods. Brandon and I rolled the hoverbikes off the landing ramp with the helmets on the sitting pad of the bikes. I had a feeling Yoshinoya and his ninjas are the reason my parents called me here.

"Wow, the overview of Eraklyon! It's so beautiful here!" Flora exclaimed with a smile hopping on the bike with Brandon as we ride towards the entrance of the

"Yea, when techno ninjas do not overrun it," Brandon replied, glancing to the side at me.

"Techno what?" Bloom asked, confused about what Brandon is talking about.

"Never mind, let's just hope father's news has nothing to do with them," I said, glared at Brandon as he had his mouth open to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.

But deep down, I know that Yoshinoya and his ninjas are apart of this somehow.

Eraklyon's Palace: Bloom

My heart was beating faster than usual! I couldn't believe I'm standing before Sky's parents, King and Queen of Eraklyon! The situation is not playing in my favor as Sky's parents were glaring vehemently at me from time to time. I made sure to stand up tall, so Sky's parents can glare less at me. Sky's parents just told us the reason why Sky is here on his home planet. The news shook between Flora, Sky, Brandon, and I but mainly Sky.

"What Diaspro been kidnapped?" Sky asked shockingly.

"It's true," King of Eraklyon waved his hand at the guard standing next to him walked over to Sky.

The guard stopped in front of Sky and opened the palm of his hand. In the guard's palm was a broken metal brooch. The guard gave it to Sky, so he can have a better look at the clasp and walked back over to King of Eraklyon. Why did Diaspro get kidnapped, and why her out of the King or Queen of Eraklyon?

"And this is Diaspro's brooch?" Sky asked, looking at the clasp.

"Yea, it is, it was found in the last spot she was in," King of Eraklyon replied, glancing down. "Her parents are desperate, and a group of techno ninjas took her,"

Again with these techno ninjas! What and who are these ninjas?

"Yoshinoya is asking for a huge ransom," King of Eraklyon pulling up a rolled-up piece of paper and unraveling it until it revealed the message from within the document.

I watched Sky, and Brandon's mouth dropped when they read the ransom price.

"WHAT!!" Sky yelled.

"Your majesty that will bankrupt the kingdom!!" Brandon shouted. "It's utterly unreasonable!!"

"It's preposterous!!" Sky growled.

The King of Eraklyon rolled up the piece of ransom paper. He handed the paper to the guard next to him to take the letter away from him.

"What can we do Diaspro is a nice girl," King of Eraklyon replied to his son and his son's friend. "Her father is very influential,"

Diaspro? Nice? They must not have seen Diaspro true colors.

"Besides, she's still the best candidate in the whole kingdom to become your fiancé," Queen of Eraklyon chimes glaring at me when she said her comment.

Sky's parents still see Diaspro as Sky's fiancé. Will, they ever see me as Sky's girlfriend, or are they going to continue to see me as the one who broke Sky's engagement? Sky walked forward from the line we formed in front of the King and Queen of Eraklyon.

"Forget about my future, she's innocent in trouble if I don't rescue her, she won't have a future at all!" Sky waved away his mother's talk about Diaspro being his fiancé.

"We'll all go; we'll do anything we can to-" I was cut off by the Queen of Eraklyon.

"YOUNG LADY!" The Queen of Eraklyon yelled to get back in line with Flora and Brandon. "You speak out of turn!"

I frowned almost embarrassed that I tried to stand out and be on good terms with Sky's parents. The talk with Sky's parents ended with Sky storming out of the throne room. I jogged after Sky, but I stopped and glanced back at Sky's parents, who was now glaring at me. Then I decided to run out of the palace so I can have some time for myself.


I walked through the hallways of Alfea. It was nightfall, and I was done hanging out with Aisha and Piff. I was still troubled by this concert Faragonda wants me to do. I was worried about my dad being there and watch me perform, just like how mom did before she passed away. Will I be kind enough to let dad know I want to follow my dreams and be like mom? I was walking through the nearest door so that I can get some fresh air. I had my hands in my pockets as I looked up at the Moon.

"Musa, is something the matter? Are you still worried about the dancing portion of your show?" Tune asked me, sounding concerned about me.

"I'm not worried about it after talking with you, Aisha, and Piff about it," I smiled lightly, hoping this will make Tune happy.

"You know you can talk to your bonded Pixie about it,"

"Of course I do Tune, I will never keep something from you!"

Tune flew to my shoulder. She wiped away the wrinkles from her opera dress, and she placed her hand under her dress so it won't be wrinkled again while resting on my shoulder. I leaned against the column that was holding up the building as I enjoyed my peaceful time outside, looking at the Moon with Tune. Then a breeze blew, and something huge caught my attention. It was a piece of paper following the flow of the breeze.

"Look, Tune, what is that?" I pointed over to the piece of paper that swaying towards Tune and me.

"It's a piece of paper; maybe it has a love note on from a fairy to an honor Specialist?" Tune told me what she thought the piece of paper was.

"Maybe it could be something different. We have to look,"

The breeze slowly died as the piece of paper was swaying lower and lower to the ground. Then the piece of paper landed gently on the ground right in front of Tune and I. I bend down to pick up the note so I can see what is written on it.

"Musa, it's obscene to read another person's love note!" Tune scolded me, but she wouldn't think this is a love note if she read what's written on the paper.

"Tune, I hate to break it to you, but this note is very far from a love note," I declared, letting Tune have a look at the note herself.

"Oh my!! This is not a love note; it's some sort of spell!" Tune covered her mouth, surprised.

I had a feeling this is a type of dark magic. I would show this to Emalia, but she is gone with Falen to his kingdom Reino. This seems like a type of weather magic. I place the piece of paper in the pocket as I didn't want to lose it. I must show this to Professor Palladium. I ran inside the building, and I heard the jingling bells of Tune's wings as she followed after me. Then I listened to the door closing, and I ran in that direction, hoping it's Professor Palladium closing the door. I turned a right, and luckily it was Professor Palladium.

"Excuse me, Professor," I called out to Professor Palladium as I got his attention.

"Hi Musa, you have a question about your homework?" Palladium smiled, gently holding a wand in his hand.

"No, I just wanted to ask you, have you ever seen this before?"

I pulled that piece of paper out of my pocket and handing it to Palladium. His eyes quickly scan the document as he frowned, handing the note back to me.

"It looks like a spying charm, something you will not learn here at Alfea?" Palladium informed me as I widen my eyes.

Spying charm? What is a spying charm list doing flowing over here in Alfea? This spying charm must be the works of the Trix? But what are they trying to spy on us for?

"What?" I asked shockingly.

"It's dark magic, Musa, good night," Palladium walked off, leaving me to my thoughts.

"What are the Trix up to?" I asked myself.

"Musa, look out the window over there?" Tune informed me.

I gaze out the window wanting to see what Tune was warning me about. Outside there was this light pink ball floating in the air with something weird inside of it. Funny thing that I saw it earlier when I was walking away to meet up with Aisha. I wanted to know what is that thing and to follow it, but it vanished out of thin air. I thought I was crazy for seeing that on my own, but thanks to Tune spotting it, I know I didn't see things.

"What is that, Musa?" Tune asked me worriedly.

"I don't know, but I bet if we follow it, it could lead us to the person or witch that cast it," I declared as I back down the corridors to follow it.

Reino: Falen

Thanks to the transporter, my parents gave me to visit Reino quickly, fast, and in a hurry, Emalia, Serenity, Kekipi, and I are on my home planet. Reino is mostly made of the rainforest, but we are the planet with the most tourist coming to witness what Reino have to offer. Everything in Reino to our house to even our water fountains were made to look like a paradise. It's always sunny here like Solaria, but since we are most of my planet is a rainforest, we do have a lot of rainy days so the plants will not dry up. Flora will have a fun time at the rainforest, discovering the vast exotic plant life we have here! I know a lot of local people and tourists will be here for the Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino. I'm so happy that Minha Princesa will go out there and fight to win my parents over. I know last year was a bit rocky, but I feel there will be a change within my parents and Emalia.

The palace was in the heart of Reino as my home walls were a golden yellow color with tints of greens, blues, and white. Beautiful veins wrapped gently around the different parts of the palace as it always reminds me of the threads getting the castle a massive hug. Along with the vines are flowers place around the palace thanks to the vines, but every day the generous people of Reino would fly and put a flower on the castle to show their love and appreciation to the royal family! Every time I come home or go to any part of Reino, I always feel loved and welcomed! I watched through the entrance of the palace as servants, guards, and other Reino's officials bowed to me while I smiled and acknowledged them.

"Everything is so beautiful and peaceful here!" Emalia smiled dazed by my kingdom's beautiful, but sadly my kingdom would never be as heavenly as her.

"I'm glad you noticed that Emalia, this is the perfect place to meditate, but I'm so into the fact that this place gives me a warm feeling inside!" Serenity beamed as she was flying on Kekipi's back. "Don't you feel it too, Kekipi?!"

Kekipi purred in agreement and began to fly off with Serenity. Serenity giggled in the distance of the young Gynosphinx fast flying. Emalia was going to stop them, but I told her that they couldn't cause too many troubles on by themselves as they are in the palace, and this palace has many open corridors so they won't run into anyone. Emalia relaxed and smiled as her gorgeous eyes examine her new surroundings.

"Prince Falen, I see you made it back home, but this time with a female guest!" A familiar proper deep older male voice spoke from the side of Emalia and me.

I turned to the side and saw it was the royal butler of the palace, Abilo. Abilo is an older man, probably one of the oldest members of the working court of the palace. He has been in my family since the running of my avô e avó (grandpa and grandma). He has been like family ever since, and he always knows the best interest of my parents, Fawn, and myself. Abilo smiled, spreading his arm out, gesturing for a hug, and I happily hugged him.

"It good to see you, Principe Falen (Prince Falen)!" Abilo smiled.

"It's always good to see you, Abilo!" I smiled back. "This lovely Princesa is Princess Emalia of Ikaika!"

"Ikaika!! I haven't heard that kingdom name in a long time, so you're one of the lost Princesa; the people of Reino were so sad to hear this news!" Abilo bowed to Emalia.

"Y-you don't have to bow to me!" Emalia smiled nervously. "It's nice to meet you, Abilo, but why where your people sad to hear about my people?"

"You didn't know? Reino and Ikaika were the best of friends; we even let your sister Kala participate in the Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino!"

"She did? Can you show me a picture of her when she, not a nymph spirit?"

"Of course, I'll be happy too, Princesa Emalia, follow me!"

Abilo led the way to the Grande Muralha dos Guerreiros (Great Wall of Warriors). Emalia smiled at me while holding my hand, pulling me behind her as a little kid would do to their parents. I couldn't help but laugh at my Princesa, but that smile soon wiped away when I see Fawn and Yazmin coming into view on the side of the open corridors. Fawn smiled at me while Yazmin rolled her eyes flew over to Abilo, Emalia, and I.

"FALEN!!" Fawn yelled, surprisingly landing in my arms while I swing her around while she laughed. "What are you doing here with this pretty girl? Are you Emalia the girl my brother can't stop talking about?"

"Yes I am, you must be Fawn!" Emalia grinned a toothy grin. "Sorry for taking your name to get into Alfea!"

"No, no, no, it's fine exactly. I like to know the story!" Fawn beamed.

"Since you're apologizing for stealing, you can apologize to me for stealing my fiancé!" Yazmin barked.

"How can I steal something that didn't belong to you in the very beginning!" Emalia bark back, ending it with a smirk.

Yazmin and Emalia growled at each other. Their bodies glowed as they stared each other down; Yazmin glowing white while Emalia was glowing black. If they fight now, the whole palace will be torn down, and my parents, Fawn, and the others will have nowhere else to live in. Abilo stepped between the two girls with no fear of what's going to happen to him.

"You girls need to stop acting like this and save it for the Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino if Emalia is competing in the challenges?" Abilo declared, looking at Emalia.

"I'll be there, of course, to kick Yazmin or anybody's butts who dare come in my way!" Emalia smirked.

"Well, don't get knocked down how your sister, Kala, did try to save your planet?!" Yazmin walked away smirking, but she better be lucky that Emalia was held back by Abilo and me.

"That fairy is going to taste the dark side at the Campeão does Guerreiro Mágico do Reino!"


Sky and I were dressed in our Specialists' uniform. We were ready to save Diaspro all on our own. Zing was coming with us as she wanted part of the fighting with the ninjas. We walked through the forest to see if we can find any sort of clues to lead Sky, Zing, and I to Diaspro. Sky stopped to examine the ground, and Sky has been staring at the ground for so long as Zing made a whole spider web while she was hanging upside down using a thick spiderweb string to hold herself up. But one thing that was weird, but laughable is that Zing had a spider-like hero costume on (a/n: Spider-Man costume)

"You don't need to pretend to have spider-powers Zing," I said with a bland, dull look on my face as I pulled the spiderweb string down to get Zing out of it.

"You are the Pixie of Insect, and you do have spider-powers!" Sky chimed, almost laughing.

Zing landed on her feet, squatting. Zing got into a superhero pose, which I must say were pretty good! But I can sense some trouble coming towards Sky and I. I can see Sky feel the same way too by the way he's face shifted to a serious one.

"Right," Zing agreed.

"Anyways, you'd better take over," Sky warned Zing.

"We've got ninjas!" I proclaimed watching the night sky.

I noticed how it's too quiet in the forest and how the wind suddenly picked up as a green leaf was swinging down before Sky and I. This could be some trouble. The air suddenly got still, and coming quietly out of the trees were three ninjas. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake until another three popped out, landing on the sturdy branches of the trees. Six against two, not a fair match, but Sky and I can handle these guys. Then the last two popped out from the sides coming into view, making them eight ninjas to fight in total. Okay, Sky takes four, and I take four, these guys are going down!

"Are you ready?" Sky asked me, gritting his teeth while I smiled, nodding.

Sky and I pulled out our swords, waiting for the blades to rise so we can take these ninjas down. I wished Yoshinoya would come out and fight us on his own instead of coward behind these sneak ninjas he hired. The ninjas jumped high to the point; the only thing I can see is the Eraklyon's moon. Falling in their place was their sharp ninja stars. Sky and I were swinging our swords, knocking the stars away from us. One of the ninjas dropped down gently from the sky. I turn my sword to take them down, but the ninja jumped over my sword blade to land further up from me. I was going to go after him, but another ninja came behind me and tried to choke me by placing a neon green rope around my neck. I drop my sword within the ground while using my other hand to break the string.

I turned to face the ninja that tried to choke me and put my hand to hand combat training to use. I punched the ninja twice in his helmet before he hit the ground. I grabbed my sword and noticed the other ninjas were gone, even the ninja I knocked to the ground. I turned to Sky to see if he was fine, but he was standing over one of the ninjas. I walked over to Sky so he can have some back up before this ninja tries anything funny.

"THEY? Who are they?" Sky shouted surprised about this 'they' the ninja was talking about.

Who is this 'they' this ninja speak of? Did Yoshinoya ditch his old ninja for another method to take down the royal family?

"Weren't you Yoshinoya's best ninjas?" Sky asked with his hands on his hips, bending down to talk to the ninja.

"The Lord has hired special science ninja team the best in the dimension," the ninja explained to Sky and me while we both looked confused. "All I know about them is they are called P Force,"

The ninja disappeared within thin air. Sky glance over at me then stared up at the sky. Zing came of out of her hiding spot, sliding down just how a spider would. Can we even trust what that ninja just said to us?

"Sky, do you really believe what that ninja told us?" I asked Sky as I felt funny about the information we just learned.

"The ninja didn't sound like he was lying, but he trains to hide his emotions from his enemies," Sky replied, thinking.

"The ninja wasn't lying Sky and Brandon, I heard his heart through my bug senses, and he was truthful," Zing chimed into the conversation.

"Thanks to Zing we know the ninja was telling the truth to let's go find the girls and get started looking for Diaspro before Dad pay that ransom,"

After Brandon, the Pixies, and I bowed a farewell. Brandon, the Pixies, and I exit the throne room while we silently had an understanding of what we were going to do. Zing went with Brandon to find Sky while Lockette and Chatta went with me to see how Bloom is doing. I know if I was Bloom in the situation, I know it would hurt for your boyfriend's parents to like the ex more than you. I see Bloom walking out of the palace and turning left to the forest. I jogged to catch up to Bloom as I noticed she had her head down in disappointment.

"WAIT!!! BLOOM!" I hollered jogging after Bloom as a glance over her shoulders and waited for Lockette, Chatta, and I.

"I can't believe it, I messed everything up," Bloom exclaimed and continued walking when the Pixies and I caught up to her.

"You just found out you were a princess a year ago, give yourself a break," I told Bloom frowning.

"I feel so out of place," Bloom replied sadly.

"Talk to Sky about it," Chatta brought up that idea.

Bloom again had her head down. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Bloom as things were not going to be easy for her being with Sky because of his parents. I thought it was rude for Sky's mother to yell at Bloom when she was just trying to help to get Diaspro back. What can I do to cheer Bloom up? What will Emalia do if she was in my shoes, and Bloom is down like this?

"D-do you want me to b-beat Sky's mother for y-you?" I asked, trying my best to channel my inner Emalia, which sounds crazy and weird coming out of my mouth.

"Huh?" Bloom was looking confused, which ease to a soft grin while laughing.

"Flora, this is not like you to say that!" Chatta declared shockingly.

"What's going on with you, Flora?" Lockette asked me, placing a hand on my forehead. "You're not sick,"

"Do you want me to beat up Sky's mother for you?" I repeated kind of more confident than before. "I can show her a piece of my mind!"

"No, Flora, you don't have too!" Bloom laughed. "Thanks for trying to be my Emalia for the time being but leave the tough girl act to Emalia.

I laughed while nodding. This Emalia act is hard work, and I wonder how can she consistently act like this? Is it because of the Mystic Dragon Flame? I glance to the side and saw the flower I've been wanting for this experiment I'm doing!

"There it is!" I pointed over to the flower as I saw Chatta flew over to the flower.

Chatta flew to the flower, and as I suspected, the flower vanished reappearing in a different but surrounding place. Chatta's body hit the dusty ground as the flower wasn't in her hands.

"What is that?" Bloom asked, referring to the plant Chatta was trying to get.

"That's a Portus Aboral!" I smiled. "I need it for a project!"

"But, it disappeared!" Bloom declared.

"Of course, it's a teleporting flower!"

I smiled, knowing that I need to get down and dirty while being creative enough to catch the Protus Aboral flower.

Alfea: Stormy

I was on one of the rooftops of Alfea. I was getting ready to cast my cloud spell over Alfea. I closed my eyes and chanted my spell over my spy charm to turn it into something else. Then suddenly I heard the sound of jingling bells. I know there are no bells out here to rattle in the wind, and there no wind. I turned around me to see two weak pixies standing and floating behind me. It was Musa as she had a stern look on her face like she was ready to fight me all alone. I smirked, knowing I can finally have some fun for a while before I cast this dark cloud spell.

"Right, I was sure I saw one of those sphere thingies come up here," Musa declared with a glaring look on her friend.

"You know you got a lot of guts coming up here alone!" I declared back, grinning darkly at Musa while walking towards him. "But thank you. I was getting bored!"

I laughed darkly while my dark clouds came casting over Musa, her weak pixie, and I! Thunder roared while I laughed as my spell was quickly taken to effect! Musa and I had a staredown, and I know I was going to win against the little pixie Musa. She should know she can't stand a chance against me. She should think of rally her other pesky fairies to help her take me down.

"Alright, Stormy, no more free shows for your witchy spies!" Musa barked. "MAGIC WINX!"

Yes, transform! It's the same song and dance they do every time, do they get tired of defeat? No matter what you do, weak fairy, there's nothing you can do to stop me. Transforming will only cause Musa to suffer a great defeat, but if she stayed in her standard form, then it will be no fun to beat her up. Musa got out of transforming light, and she started doing some weird of humming singing while dancing. I know she's not performing a little weather spell to take over my clouds?

"I will blast you, little girl!" I suggested Musa with a dark grin while a mysterious purple thunder orb formed in my hand. "Think you can overpower my control of the clouds with a ridiculous rain dance?"

I threw the thunder orb at Musa. Musa's back thumped the side of Alfea hard. Her pesky Pixie called her name in worried. Musa brushed off the attack telling her Pixie she will be fine. Musa went back to doing her little fairy magic goody rain dance. Musa should have learned from that blast that her magic and my magic are and always will be on another level. I laughed as another thunder came roaring, blending in harmoniously with my laughter. I blasted Musa again as this was getting too much fun, knocking her over.

"What cool!" I proclaimed with a grin while Musa growled.

"BASS BOOST!" Musa chanted, jumping up and touched the rooftop to knock me off my feet. I got on my feet again with my back was facing Musa until I shifted to meet her again. The thunder roared again with more branches of lightning sprouting out like a root of a tree.

Musa continued with her pesky rain dance. You never get to the end of that spell!" I warned Musa casting another orb.

You know what I'm going to let Musa continue this rain dance. I made my orb down and watched her in evil amusement. I'm going to let Musa realize that this pathetic rain dance is no match to my dark clouds.

"That's it girl light up my night!" I encouraged Musa as she continued her stupid song and dance. "Sing for me, keep going you might manage to lull me to sleep,"

I realize that the dark clouds were not casting over Alfea anymore as there was light from the moon. I glanced up to see that pesky pixie had calm down my dark clouds.

"My magic!" I grumbled as I felt its power down.

I see Musa smirking like she won the battle, but she didn't win the war.

"You're defenseless!" Musa smirked as she raised her arm to the sky, and she channeled her powers in her raised hand. "POWER CORD!!!"

The sphere spell can't towards me, knocking me off the rooftop of Alfea. I growled, looking up at Musa as I was going to attack her until a whole bunch of room lights was cutting on one by one. Everyone in the room was stepping towards the window of their offices to see what was going on outside. I glance to the side to see a teacher of this loud school glaring down at me. I powered down and growled again.

"You pay for this, Musa!" I warned Musa as I flew away from this goody sick school.


I have been tied up to this rock all day it seems like it. I just want to go home to my mommy and daddy in the comfort of my own home. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with this rescue dog of the people who kidnapped me. He's been asleep for a long while, which I was thankful for, but the dog has woken up, and he wanted someone to pay him some attention.

"Nice doggy!" I tried my best to not sound scared, but friendly towards the dog that was sniffing me. "Now go away,"

Coming in from the entrance was this ninja group that kidnapped me from the palace. They were all smiling like they accomplished something. They all went there separate ways as they were doing their own thing.

"What a day I need a shower!" The girl flipped her hair like she's all that.

Wait till I get my hands on them, and I'll take them down. She is talking about a shower, and I want to get home to my parents, who I'm sure are worried sick about me! The little boy called the dog over to him, which I'm thankful for the dog being away from me, but I will even more grateful if these nut jobs escort me back to the palace safe and sound!

"No fear! Justice has defeated the evil Prince Sky!" The leader of these nut job ninjas said to me with a proud smirk on his cocky face.

"Hey, I'm not afraid of your justice!" I barked, trying to shimmy out the locks of the chains. "I'm rich!"

"She's ... confusing me," the leader glance at his ninja friends rubbing his head.

"I'll calm her down!" The little boy smirked at me while his friends just walked out of the cave as I screamed.

I opened my eyes, and the little boy wasn't in front of me anymore. Now in front of me was a girl with long brown hair with blond highlighted bangs. Floating by her side was two Pixies. One had a massive key in her hands, and the last one had some crazy long curly pigtails. The girl and the Pixies gently smiled at me, but I was afraid I got kidnapped again.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me?" I slide back, trying to get away from them.

The Pixies with the considerable key smiled and flew to my ankles and unlocking the locks around my ankles and then my wrists.

"We are a friend of Bloom and Sky! Bloom traded places with you to bring you here where you're safe!" The girl beamed, but she frowned when she saw my facial expression.

"It is not fair; Bloom's the one to rescue me!" I whined.

"Yes-" I cut off the long pigtailed Pixie.

"I hate her. Why does Sky have to like her!" I continued to whine.

"Well actually-" I again cut the pigtailed Pixie.

"I spent my whole life studying posture, etiquette, court protocols, and everything!"

I glance down at my hands will I ever be enough for Sky? If Bloom is around, there's no chance for Sky and me to be together.

"We understand!" The fairy said gently.

"And afternoon all that work, I'm suppose to marry a prince that's the whole point," I whined sadly.

"Hey, there are plenty of princes into the Magix Dimension!" The pigtailed Pixie finally spoke a full sentence without me interrupting her.

The Pixie is right; there are plenty of princes that would want me! But none of those princes will ever be or mount up to Prince Sky. I want Prince Sky, that's who I was assigned to marry, and I will marry him if it's the last thing I'll do!

Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino: Yazmin

It was time to fight for the championship. I have been winning this thing for four years straight. I fought my way up to the top like I do all the time. I was hoping one of the other opponents would knock Emalia off her pedestal, but they were too weak for her. Either way, I guess it was going to be my job to hurt her back to reality and show her that we are on a different level. Falen's parents will always love me because I'm the strongest warrior Reino got. Emalia nor her sister Kala could save their planet from what I heard, even though Emalia was a baby at the time she stood no match to save her people if she was older. Emalia is going to learn that she will always need Falen to keep her because she is weak and meaningless compare to Falen's powers. Falen will soon realize how vulnerable she is compared to my strong abilities and will want to be my fiancé again!

The announcer announced my name as I can hear the crowd going wild. I walked through the opening, revealing myself to my fellow viewers. The crowd cheered for me as I was the fan-favorite when it comes to Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino events.  Then the announcer announced Emalia's name, the crowd was going wild, and I smirked. That's how the group always acts for the other "good" opponents who come to fight me only to be booed at the end of the match. Emalia came out, and she was holding Falen's Red Fountain sword, Falen never let me use his Red Fountain sword.

"Okay the rules are still the same, everything goes in this round, I want a clean but entertaining fight for the people and the royal family!" The referee exclaimed.

"You got it," Emalia replied, glaring at me darkly.

"Yea!" I chimed.

"NOW LET THIS MATCH BEGIN!!!" The referee yelled throughout the whole arena.

I ran over to Emalia, ready to strike her down with one blow like I did the others before her. My blade connected with Emalia's sword blade. The dust from the ground formed, and I smirked, knowing I won this match. Emalia should know not to talk trash if she can't back it up. But my eyes widen when I felt the metal pressure against my blade. The dust cleared out and reveal Emalia is still up against loud as it was Emalia's turn to smirk. The crowd went wild, seeing this new wave of shock on me, and this confidence from Emalia.

"EMALIA HELD HER OWN AGAINST YAZMIN'S FAMOUS ONE MOVE BLOW THAT WILL USUALLY TAKE OUT HER OPPONENTS!!" the announcer yelled hyping up the crowd and even the royal family as I saw Falen's mother smirking down at the arena.

"You thought that attack would knock me out of the match? If you thought so, then you are so wrong!" Emalia smirked grew as she knocks my blade to the side and kicked me in my stomach, pushing me back.

I tumbled, but I skidded to stop. My weapon flung out of my hand, out of reach for me to get to defeat myself, I slowly glance over to see Emalia charging at me.

"DIAMOND RUSH!" I chanted my spell as jagged diamond shards came flying out of my hand.

"LUNAR SHIELD!!" Emalia created a lunar shield to dodge my diamond shards.

I noticed that Emalia so focused on shooting my diamond shards to the side of the arena. I smirked using this opportunity to use my other great spell! Emalia should have destroyed my diamonds when she had the chance!

"DIAMOND CRYSTALLIZATION!!" I raised my arm to cast the magic.


The diamonds that were flung to the wall shook, trying to free itself of the tight restraint. The diamonds soon popped out of the walls and formed around Emalia. Emalia looked confused as she just stood there. Emalia then used her shield to get the crystals away from her, but it was no use. The diamonds formed around Emalia's body with cuffs locking her wrists, restricting Emalia's hand movements. Emalia dropped her sword and was trying her best to get out of my trap frantically like she had a panicked attack from it. I know these bring up an awful memory of the Trix holding her down. I know this is somewhat traumatic for her thanks to the details of the great fight last year Falen described to the family and I. I walked over to her about to do the finishing blow on her until I heard a yell that silent the whole audience.

"YAZMIN LET EMALIA GO FROM THAT THING!!" Falen yelled, sternly glaring down at me while I smirk up at him.

"Oh, Falen, don't you know what this is? This is the Campeão do Guerreiro Mágico do Reino!" I smirked grew darker. "You know the rules like anyone else anything goes when you step in this ring even triggered traumatic outbursts!"


"Why, Falen? Why didn't you say that for the other opponents I did this to before? Is Emalia special because she's your girlfriend, the one who broke our ENGAGEMENT!!"

I heard the audience whispered and looked strangely at the royal family. I smirked when the King and Queen of Reino pulled Falen back in his seat while the King stepped forward in Falen's place.

"PLEASE CONTINUE THE MATCH!" The King of Reino announced going back to his throne.

"Now, the match is running again any last words Emalia before your time in this ring, and my new family lives are over?!" I grinned as I can taste victory!

I turned to Emalia, and she stopped her frantic movement. Her head was down with her bangs, covering her eyes so I couldn't see her emotion. I took that as a sign of accepting her defeat!

"You know you're just like the Trix," Emalia told me calmly.

"What? I'm no power-hungry witch!" I exclaimed.

"You and the Trix are always quick to try to push me down with words that could hurt me, but every time I fight them in the end, I always win!" Emalia voiced was still calm. "Tell me, Yazmin, how do you melt diamonds?"

"You have to burn diamonds at the hh-hottest temperature," I stuttered at the end because Emalia was melting the diamond locks that I had her in.

The crowd was going wild while I stepped back. I can't believe she is melting the most potent spell I have in my belt! No one can melt my diamonds, and I MEAN NO ONE!!! Emalia was free from her locks, and she smirked when our eyes met.

"Since you pulled a new trick out of your toolbox, let me pull out mine!" Emalia smirked. "SHADOW BALL!!!"

A black orb formed in Emalia's hand, it was my turn to be stuck in place as I watched the spell pulse with life. Emalia let it go and hit my stomach. The spell sent me flying to the wall as it formed a carter around me. I heard the sound of a loud crack forming within the arena by the pressure of the attack. It was hard to keep my eyes open, but eventually, I slipped into my subconscious, but the last thing I heard was the announcer yelling to the crowd.

"YAZMIN HAS BEEN DEFEAT AFTER HER YEARS OF REIGNING CHAMPION!!! THE NEW CHAMPION IS EMALIA OF IKAIKA!!!!" THE announcer shouted over the intercom as everyone cheered wildly for that fiancé stealer.

I'm going to get Emalia for stealing my championship and my fiancé!

A/n: Sorry for the extremely long chapter, I got very excited with this episode as you can see 😅😅

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