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A/n: I'm going to skip the Winx Club episode called the Show Must Go On, I hope you guys are okay with that because this chapter is what everyone is waiting for the Hallowinx episode!!

Professor Palladium's class: Aisha

My Winx friends and I were in Professor Palladium's class. We had a midterm report that was due after Musa's Red Fountain performance. I couldn't believe Stormy would sneak in the concert for her revenge on Musa and attack her father. Luckily Musa's dad wasn't hurt that bad from Stormy's spells! My girl Musa sent that mean and wicked witch, Stormy back to where she came from, which is Lord Darkar's dark tower. Professor Palladium called on my friends and me first, as we were his biggest group he assigned. Tecna, Flora, Emalia, Musa, Stella, me, and Bloom got in a straight in that orders with our report portfolios in our arms ready to present.

"Alright now, each of you will take a moment to explain your midterm reports," Professor Palladium instructed with his back facing my friends and me until he turned his upper body to the left side to smile at Flora. "Flora, will you start us off, please?"

"Our report on the Magical Dimension-" Flora was reading the report word from word until she got cut off by Professor Palladium calling Flora.

"Flora doesn't read, explain it in your own words!" Professor Palladium grinned, causing the girls and me to close our portfolios to explain our part of the report in our own words.

"Well, I went to Magix, which stands as a crossroads for all magical dimensions!" Flora beamed starting over again, but this time not reading what she wrote word from word.

I was slowly losing Flora's voice as I knew it would be a while until I get to my part of the report. I was losing interest and began slipping into my random and meaningless thoughts in my head. The ideas didn't do anything but move me deeper and deeper into my mind as there was nothing good to think about until I notice some red hair leaning over to me. I slightly shifted my head as I didn't want to make it evident to Palladium that my attention was somewhere else. Realizing it was Bloom, she covered her mouth casually with her hand as it was under her chin then going to the right side of her face to hide her voice from Flora explaining her part of our giant report.

"We were invited to a Halloween party tonight at Gardenia!" Bloom whispered in my ear, grinning.

"What?" I replied with a whisper with a speechless look on my face.

"You know Halloween? Jack-o-lanterns, scary costumes," Bloom explained to me.

I dropped my portfolio on the ground as it made a tiny undisturbed slap on the floor. I lost it when Bloom went into details about this Halloween. Flora continued her oral presentation while I picked up the portfolio of my portion of the report. This Halloween party sounds like a fun place to go, and we get to wear costumes, but most importantly, I get to dance! Well, I hope I can get to dance at this Earth Halloween party? I leaned over to Stella to pass the news of this Halloween party, which I know Stella will love to go to!

"The Halloween party is tonight with scary lanterns and a game of jacks!" I whispered to Stella, who had a surprising look at first, which transformed into a grin when I said party.

Then it was Tecna's chance to present her report. I went into my thoughts again happy to be going to this Halloween party is Gardenia! Maybe this time in Gardenia will be better than the last time at that dance club! I can finally show off my move without having to do that in a fight!

"At Alfea, fairies get to use their powers positively and creatively!" Bloom smiled through her presentation.

"And theirs also Cloudtower, a school where witches use magic to be destructive rather than do good!" I chimed, explaining to Professor Palladium had a thinking look on his face.

"The Specialists are there to balance things between the schools! Deal with that wildland place and, of course, us gorgeous fairies!" Stella added on with a know it all grin.

It was Emalia's turn to speak for her part of her report. I glance down to see Flora whispering to Tecna. I know that Flora was whispering the message about the Halloween party to Tecna. Tecna's eyes light up as she hit the motherload of computer and data information. But what Tecna said caused me to mentally, but gently smack my head on my forehead while the others frowned at her as they couldn't believe she would say this out loud. I mostly smacked my forehead mentally because that is not what I told Stella to speak to the others. The other fairy students who weren't presenting until after we gasped at Tecna's outburst. Outbursts from Tecna don't seem like something she will do; it was more like a Stella thing to burst out like that.

"A virtual party in a scary sub-zero computer-generalized world that's-" Tecna was cut off by Professor Palladium, his throat.

"Tecna, I hear you have a party to attend, but first, you will write up a report of at least 100 pages on my desk tomorrow morning," Professor Palladium told Tecna. At the same time, she pouted, but his friendly eyes went over to Emalia as he smiled. "Amalia, you may continue with what you were saying on your part of your report!

Emalia went back speaking about her part of the presentation while the others and I giggled at Tecna's misfortune. I grinned, holding my portfolio close to my chest. I can feel this is going to be a good day and night! I can't wait for this Halloween party, but what will I wear?


I was waiting for my sister, Jolly, to come and visit me! At the end of the Winx girls class, their bonded pixies told them that they were invited to this Gardenia Halloween party, so they asked me as well! Of ourselves, I had to tell my sister, Jolly, to come to the school so I can say to the news of the party! I was waiting outside of the dormitory pillars just how Jolly and I planned to meet up with each other. I knew it wouldn't take her long to get her as her card will be floating on the winds. I gazed out to the courtyard to see fairies chatting with each other or walking to get to another section of Alfea while the pixies pets flying around or playing with each other. A chorus of gasped as heads were turning. I saw a card flying past the fairies and pixie pets. I smiled and jumped with joy as it was my sister! The tarot card came over in front of me as it swirled before landing gently on the ground.

A/n: picture of Jolly

"Jolly!" I grinned excitedly to see my sister.

Jolly appeared out of the tarot card with mystic black glittery smoke puffing in the air and disappearing. Jolly dust herself off, along with cracking her neck and stretching out her arms. She must have been flying through the winds for a long time within the tarot card ride.

"Little sister!" Jolly smiled, showing her white teeth as she silly march over to hug me.

I hugged Jolly, feeling the warmth of love radiating off of my big sister. We let go of each other, but our hands held each other. Jolly was taking in my appearance, making sure physically I was okay like an older sibling does for their younger siblings.

"Livy!! How have you been, darling!" Jolly asked me.

"Great, Jolly! I'm going to a pumpkin party tonight!" I beamed.

"Oh, I'm overjoyed!"

"Let's go, and you can come too!"

I turned around going back inside the dormitory building, planning to show Jolly the way to the Winx girls' apartment. I was excited for Jolly to be here along with going to this pumpkin party tonight! I get a two for one deal of fun that I can't take down the offer. I stopped walking when I heard Jolly calling out my name.

"Oh, Livy!" Jolly called out to me as I sideway face Jolly to noticed she was still in her same spot she was standing before. "There is a dark shadow over you,"

I ultimately faced her as I didn't understand what she was saying. For one, it's a sunny day outside, and there was on shadow hanging over me. I glanced up and noticed nothing over me, but I walked back towards Jolly as she had an unsettling look on her face. I placed my small hands within hers as Jolly now gritted her teeth in nervousness.

"I don't see it, now come on, let's go, let's go!" I bellowed as I tried to pull Jolly forward to trail behind me, but Jolly pulled herself back from me.

"No!!" Jolly exclaimed as I faced her again as she had a scared face. "The cards said a horrid fate is awaiting the traveler,"

I didn't say anything as I know about Jolly's readings. It may come true, and it may not, but the way Jolly was looking at me, it seemed that the interpretation of cards is not going to be good.

"Can you please take me to the Winx girls so I can give them my reading?" Jolly asked me with a sad face.

"Of course, follow me, Jolly," I replied, waving Jolly over to follow me.

I flew into the air going into the directions of the apartment of the Winx Club. Luckily, I heard the sound of laughter coming from up the hallways. I stopped flying with Jolly behind me, turning a corner was the Winx girls and their bonded fairies. Serenity flew off the shoulder of Emalia and came over to Jolly and me with a massive smile on her face.

"Jolly! It's nice to see you!" Serenity smiled, hugging Jolly.

"It's nice to see you too!" Jolly smiled at Serenity, then tilt her head as she turned her smile to each pixie and Winx fairy behind Serenity. "So, Livy, introduce me to your new friends!"

"Of course!" I grinned.

I flew over to the Winx Club fairies. I introduce them one at a time and telling Jolly their bonded pixie! The Winx girls smiled and waved, and Jolly eyes twinkled at how kind they were. Once I was done, I introduced the Winx girls to Jolly. After the introduction was done, the Winx girls and pixies went down the hallways so they can teleport to Gardenia for the party.

"What are you doing here, Jolly?" Digit flew over to Jolly, Serenity, and I.

"I came here from the request of Livy, and she said you guys are going to a pumpkin party tonight," Jolly explained.

"You want to party with us?" Stella asked as she was dancing while she was walking.

"I also came because I had an unsettling reading that I need to inform you, girls!" Jolly explained to the Winx girls.

There was a tension that stopped the fairies and pixies from moving. They turned to look at Jolly, worried was evident on their face. Jolly used her magic to make three cards appeared in her hands. The pixies and fairies gathered around Jolly as Jolly was explaining each card in her hands which are: a caravan with a horse hitched with two of the travelers traveling with the sun low, a frightful fawn, and three faceless sisters traveling through the night. Jolly warned the girls not to go to the party, but they are going anyways.

Gardenia: Stella

The girls and I were walking down the street of Gardenia. The road was filled with people dressed in costumes of creatures I have seen and heard about in Magix or what I heard from in stories. Decorations were hanging on the light posts, banners at the stores, and even pumpkins hanging on the branches of trees. I feel the festive energy flowing within Gardenia. I'm surprised this friend of Emalia and Bloom invited the whole town to join in on the party.

"How did you guys friend invite the whole city?!" I asked as a human dressed in a goblin warlock pass by Aisha, Piff, Amore, and I.

"No, Halloween is an international holiday!" Bloom explained as Emalia and her were leading the way, but she turned around with a smile. "There are also private parties like the one we're going to!"

"I wish this party will shut down or canceled," Emalia pouted.

"Why Emalia, don't you like Halloween party?" Flora asked with a questionable look.

"I love parties, even Halloween parties, but this party is going to be lame!" Emalia replied, rolling her eyes.

"She's only saying that because of Mitzi!" Bloom giggled.

We were walking on the sidewalks passing by a lady in a booth wearing heavy eye makeup. She was advertising tarot car reading only to have Jolly to call the lady an amateur and flew past her. I couldn't help but giggle and stopped at a stoplight with the other Winx girls and pixies catching up.

"Does your guys' friend know that we are coming?" Flora asked as she caught up with Emalia, Serenity, Aisha, Piff, Bloom, Lockette, Amore, and I.

"Mitzi isn't exactly a friend of Emalia and me," Bloom explained with a sly smile.

"She's not a friend at all to us!" Emalia crosses her arms with a dark look on her face.

"She did invite the girls to the party," Bloom informed Emalia.

"Of course she did if she has any sense," I was cut off by a car honking stopping at night.

In the back of the car were two girls, one girl with long black hair, she had on these cat-shaped glasses, and she thought she was all that leaning her arm on the edge of the car. I hope she knows she is wearing an old outfit. Sitting next to the girl who thinks she is all that was another girl in the car.

"Oh, you two made it back to town!" The girl on the left side of the car with the outdated outfit said with a lackluster grin.

"Hello, Mitzi!" Bloom greeted.

"Goodbye, Mitzi," Emalia glared at Mitzi.

"Sonya, why are you so mean?" Mitzi replied, sounding hurt, but she not.

"I changed my name it's Emalia now, and you out of all people in Gardenia know why,"

Mitzi rolled her eyes and slid her glasses down her face. For some reason, she gives me the vibes of the witches of Cloudtower. No, the witches of Cloudtower rudeness are not on the level of this Mitzi chick. Mitzi gives me the vibes of the Trix but in a non-magical way.

"Right, anyway, so these must be your new friends then?" Mitzi asked Bloom, ignoring Emalia.

"Yes, let me introduce you to the Winx!" Bloom introduced us.

"Hello!" Flora smiled and waved.

"The party is at eight o'clock try not to look so scruffy alright," Mitzi ignored Flora's greeting.

That girl is so rude! She better be lucky I can't use magic here on Earth! Mitzi snapped her finger, and her driver pushed the gas pedal.

"SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!!" I shouted at the moving car, hoping that Mitzi girl and her silent entourage heard me.

"Really, was that blue top tacky or what?" Tecna asked with her face scrunched in disgust with her outfit.

"Hey, let's not worry about Mitzi alright, a party is a party!" Bloom smiled.

"The only party I'm going to have us ruining Mitzi's party!" Emalia grinned darkly.

On the way to the party: Bloom

It was night. The moon was out, and there were no stars in the sky, but it wasn't providing enough light to see thanks to fog occupying the air. We were walking past the opening of some gloomy gates; once we got close, I noticed jack-o-lanterns were perched on the top of the concrete pillar that was holding the gate. The gates were the opening of the woods that seemed to have more fog within it than outside of the portal. I had my invitation to Mitzi's party in my shadowy purple cloak that is covering my "costume". The Winx girls, the bonded pixies, Livy, and Jolly, were following after me. Crows were crowing through the darkness of the forest.

"Compare to this, Cloudtower is warm and fuzzy," Stella proclaimed as she sounded worried. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yeah, we're nearly there!" I pulled out the direction of the invitation.

"Bloom said earlier that you and she was invited to the party Emalia, but where is your invitation to make sure we're going the right way?" Aisha asked Emalia.

"Let's just say that Kekipi new claws are growing in, and Kekipi tore the paper to shreds!" Emalia replied as she was snickering.

"Did you give it to Kekipi, or did he just simply tore it up?"

"Both, but I gave it to him!"

I continued walking in the direction of the path. Before I knew it, I see another set of concrete pillars and build high was the mystery house where Mitzi's party is taking place. I turned around and smiled at the girls as I know the party has just started once we get to the door.

"There it is!" I proclaimed to the girls and the pixies.

I looked to the side, taking notice of the concrete pillar that was holding the game. In the center of the post was a medium-size plaque that reads Silent Villa. Silent Villa is the perfect place to have a Halloween party since no one really comes here or live in the house anymore. The house was painted in a dark color as some of the paint was chipped off, revealing the brown wording of the wood. The house is a two-story building with a lot of windows that would be perfect in the old days. At the top of the house was a circle window that must be where the attic is. All the lights in the house were turned on as the light was lighting up the night like a Lighthouse.

"Wow, it's just like that video game Resident Evil Doom 2!" Tecna beamed, starting at the house with a smile.

"There will be dancing, right?" Aisha asked as we all walked through the opened metal arrow ends barred gates.

"Of course, its a party!" Musa exclaimed.

I walked up the creeping steps to the door. I grabbed the metal door handle of an animal and banged the metal handle against the wooden door. When I knocked, old wooden debris from under the awning fell over the girls and pixies heads.

"This house is about to fall apart!" Tecna shoo away the debris that was coming towards her face.

"I know," I replied, looking at the door once nobody was coming towards the door.

I went to the doorknob and opened the door. Slipping down from the door was a carved jack-o-lantern hanging from a string. The girls, the pixies, and I gasped in surprise until someone placed the jack-o-lantern back into its place revealed themselves. It was a lady dressed up as a maid. She had a tired look on her like the only thing she wanted to do get further away from this place.

"Who are you?" The maid asked me, and the girls sounded exhausted.

"I'm Bloom, and these are my friends!" I replied, pulling out my invitation from my cloak. "Here's my invitation,"

"Please come in," the maid turned her back to lead me, and the girls were the party.

The girls and I walked inside the spooky house even inside the house had a gloomy decor. The girls and I piled around the entrance, and the maid didn't even say a word to us after she let us in.

"Uh? Nice costume," Musa said, just trying to break the ice with a lady dressed as a maid.

"I'm not a party guest, I'm at Mitzi's service," the employed maid declared.

"Poor lady, I feel sorry for working under that witch," Emalia shook her head.

The employed maid walked through a different section of the house. There were a lot of people in a whole lot of different costumes. The music wasn't on as people were drinking and casually talking, which were a few people interacting with each other. Maybe the girls and I shouldn't have come here?


I calmed my sped fast heart as I was scared by the glowing skull decor of the party. I took another deep breath, hoping that will calm me down more. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I shifted my head to the side and noticed it was Emalia. She gave me assuring along with Serenity, who was planted on Emalia's head.

"Are you okay, Flora?" Emalia gave me a little worry grin. "You have been spooked ever since we were walking towards the house,"

"You've noticed?" I asked, surprised. "You was in the front with Bloom, Stella, and Musa,"

"Just because u were in the front didn't mean I didn't know that you thought a cat was speaking to you!"

Emalia smiled at me. I gave Emalia a nervous smile back as I chuckled.

"Don't like the Halloween spook, spoke you!" Emalia giggled. "Also, Serenity, give Flora your magic special the Warmth of Tranquility!"

"I'm on it, Emalia!" Serenity giggled.

Serenity flew down from Emalia's head and placed her hand on my heart. Serenity's body glowed, and I felt the wave of peace flowing through my body. I pleasantly smiled as I could finally relax and not let this Earthling holiday cause me any trouble. Then some music played from the corner. Mitzi was standing at the top of the stairs like she was a princess. As Mitzi was walking down the stairs, people's eyes were on here.

"Oh, I wished I could carry myself like her?" One of the girls of the party dressed a fish, said admiring Mitzi's confidence.

"Oh, I wish Mitzi can fall down the stairs!" Emalia mocked the girl dressed up as a fish.

I glared over at Emalia, and she pouted, rolling her eyes at Mitzi until she started smirking. Emalia snapped her fingers, which caused the track to play Mitzi's song to skip. Mitzi growled and marched down the stairs at the poor boy who was playing the track. She barked at him, which made the boy fearful, and he ran out of the party crying.

"That Mitzi girl is so rude how did you survive your time here in Gardenia with her?" I snarled. I'm disgusted by Mitzi's behavior.

"I accidentally used my powers to destroy all the things that belong to Mitzi, embarrassed her in front of people, and argue with her to the point she growled and walk away!" Emalia beamed. "That which belongs with Trix, so every time we encounter them with battle so I can beat her using my magic!"

"Mitzi is like the non-magical version of Icy without the ice powers!" Chatta exclaimed.

"Well, Chatta, luckily, she is not in the Magical Dimension so we can show her not to mess with our bonded fairies!" Serenity glared at Mitzi as she was talking to Bloom and Aisha.

"Let's join Aisha and Bloom because I'm sure Stella will give us the word to take off our cloaks!" I beamed as I pulled Emalia behind me.

"Sweetie, put on your sunglasses!" Stella smirkingly grinned.

"And why should I?" Mitzi questioned until she now has a surprised expression on her face.

The girls and I, one by one, took our cloaks off, revealing our fairy outfits! The cloaks pooled around our feet as people of the party were in awe by outfits that were far superior to Mitzi's costume. The look on Mitzi's face is priceless.

"Hmm, how did you make your wings so realistic?" One of the party-goers girls asked my friends and me.

"That's a secret!" I replied.

The costumed people began to surround each one of the girls and I as they were asking about our "costumes."

"Your costume looks so much better than Mitzi!" One of the guys who was dressed as a mummy told Emalia and me as he grinned at us.

"Well, serves Mitzi right for coming into her party looking like art and craft paper chime!" Emalia laughed, causing the guy to laugh too.

"Come on, Emalia, let's go over to Bloom by the punch bowl!" I dragged Emalia over to the punch bowl.

"I'll see you around, Mummy boy!! Emalia beamed, letting me drag her over to the punch bowl.


I used my magic to tell the carved faced pumpkin it's reading for the night. The pumpkin had a droopy smile as one end of its chiseled lips was hanging low compared to the other higher end of its carved lips. I cast another spell making my tarot cards appear before the pumpkin's triangle-shaped eyes.

"And now I should read this pumpkin's future!" I beamed.

The tarot cards floated up in the air swirling in a spiral formation. Then the cards when into three different circles swirling around each other. The pumpkin gasped as I pulled one of the cards down to began informing the pumpkin of its future. The map appeared before me revealing its a pumpkin that was placed before me.

"Hey, look, it is you!" I cheered, pointing over to the pumpkin as it droopy lips curled its lips to a smile bouncing up and down.

I used my arms and pulled another card down from the circles. The card swiftly appeared before me floating next to the first card. I opened my eyes and looked at the new card, and it was my turn to gasp. It was the card of the three Faceless Sisters again. The pumpkin hopped over next to me to see the card that was troubling me.

"The Three Sisters will appear and ruin the party!" I said to the pumpkin, but mainly myself.

The third and last card came down all on its own. The card landed front first on the ground, only showing me the card logo on the back. I picked up the card, and I placed the card closed to my chest. The pumpkin gasped again while I took a deep breath and finally looked at the card's symbol. The card had the picture of a tree full of leaves, but the leaves in the picture were moved to the side like some wind was blowing. I shrieked, placing the card picture down first as I uttered the name of the card.

"It's the card of wind!"

I got out of my magical tarot reading. I gathered the fairies and called Musa and Tecna over to me. I pulled out the cards from my tarot reading with the pumpkin. I placed the cards before the fairies and my pixie friends. I explained the cards while the pixies looked worried while Tecna and Musa were staring down at me with amusement.

"The cards were right around the corner!" I stressed.

"Well, let's just hope the cards weren't mentioning the Trix!" Tune glanced over at Piff with worry.

I made the cards disappeared as all the pixies went their separate ways, but I stuck by Musa. I glance out the window and see the fog covered air outside. Within the mist, I see a shadow of three women figures. Then, after a while, the women figured shadow disappeared. A shiver tinkled down my spine as I began to get scared.

"Hey, Musa, did you see any strange figures outside?" I asked Musa, freaking out.

"Relax, Jolly, it's probably Mitzi's boring friends with costumes trying to get inside the party?" Musa tried to calm me down.

"I can't help but think about my cards telling me something bad is going to happen to us at this party!"

"Nothing bad is going to happen, Jolly, I promise!"

"We'll be facing our doom soon, I can feel it!"

"Hunger is what I feel, Jolly!"

Then the doorbell rang along with the metal door ring banged on the door. It was a funny time for something to be behind the door. Musa and I looked at each other and went to go to the door since the employed maid wasn't around to get the door. Musa placed her hand on the doorknob, and she turned to me and shh me. I nodded while Musa opened the door, sticking her head out behind the door.

"Who are you?" Musa asked the person behind the door.

"Just your favorite friendly neighborhood cake delivery guy!" The man said as Musa fully opened the door. "Here you go, enjoy!"

The guy wore a Spider-Man costume as the costume was a little too small on his as his stomach was showing thanks to the top stopping at the top. The man had a delivery bag hanging over his shoulders. The delivery guy waved Musa bye and went on his merry way back down to his car.

"Cakes?" Musa uttered, confused why a cake just now being shipped to the house.

"Of course, my dear," a deep, but a raspy voice said behind Musa.

I turned around and saw a human dressed up as some weird, but famous Earth movie killer from Powhatan I heard the other earthling said to each other. I screamed at the man's appearance as he looked scary up close. This guy had a sharp metal clawed hand as he walked over to Musa and me.

"These cakes are very, very special," the guy appeared, taking the box away from Musa and opening it up to reveal its content to Musa and me.

The cakes were mini carved pumpkin. It's strange, and I find it funny that Mitzi would buy one box of mini pumpkin cakes to feed everyone at this party.

"Pumpkin cakes specially made for Mitzi's party," the guy said, showing the box.

"Offer her one!" Mitzi smiled, leaning on the costumed guy.

"Which pumpkin do you like?" The guy sticks dit metal claw hand to pick up the pumpkin cake and offer it to Musa, which a smirk. "This one here?"

Musa took the cake off his metal finger and popped the cake in her mouth. Musa chewed it and swallowed, and by the time she ate it, Musa places her arms around her stomach in pain as she gritted her teeth. I know that Mitzi and her killer costume companion couldn't see me, but if they could, I would give a run for their money.

"I guess you picked the earwax cake!" Mitzi laughed along with the guy who has her the cake.

I used my magic, making the cakes floating up all on its own. The spoiler costumed guy fainted, dropping the plastic cake box on the ground. Mitzi screeched when she saw the cakes swarm around her attacking her.


I was sitting at the top of the stairs away from the party to talk and hang out with Digit. I had two cheese pizzas on a plate as it was placed next to me by the stairs. I couldn't help but notice the cracks on the old walls of this house.

"Digit, this crack worries me," I told Digit, staring at the crack on the wall. "I don't think the structure of the house is substantial,"

"I find it odd is that the crack originated from this picture," Digit pointed.

I followed the endpoint of the crack and followed its trail until it ended behind the hung picture. I looked at the picture, and I gasped, placing the uneaten cheese pizza down on the plate.

It's the three Faceless Sisters!" I proclaimed to Digit as she was surprised as well as I.

"Just like the one in Jolly's prophecy!" Digit exclaimed with concern.

"Let's warn the others!"

I ran down the stairs gathering the Winx fairies from around the dull living room party. I settled them and the pixies in an empty room so we can talk in private. The place seems to me to be a quiet study room as there were a piano and a bookshelf on opposite ends of the room. At the center was a neat but dusty desk. I explained to the girls about Digit and my founding of the house about the crack and the three Faceless Sisters.

"I don't like these three sisters stuff," bloom declared with her arms crossed. "If it's the Trix, we could be in trouble?"

"Tecna was the crack you saw us like one over there?" Aisha called using her thumb to point behind her at a framed newspaper article hanging on the wall with a crack behind it growing out from the picture frame.

"Hey, this crack starts from behind a picture too," I declared, walking up to the framed newspaper article. "Renovated fifteen times in twenty years, the mystery of Silent Villa. After each renovation, the house seems to age fifty years in a matter of months! No construction worker will go near the place anymore. Reports the foreman." The house is haunted! I guess that would explain all the squeaks we've been hearing,"

I read the article word from word. I grew to an unsettling mood. Emalia walked over to the crack as she placed her hand over the break. Emalia closed her eyes then she opened her eye backing away from the crack and newspaper article.

"What do you feel, Emalia?" Flora asked Emalia, afraid of the news she will hear.

"Nothing, I got nothing from the house," Emalia replied, glancing at her hand that touched the crack.

"What do you mean, you got nothing?" Stella questioned concern. "Are you sure your powers are not broken?"

"It's not, no type of dark energy was in the house nor from the cracks,"

Before anyone could say a word, Mitzi's paid maid peeked her head inside the room. Mitzi's maid had a worried look on her face like something terrible had happened while we were gone form the party.

"Bloom, Sonya, Mitzi is ill, she has asked for both of you!" The paid maid called out which Bloom looked worriedly at Emalia, while Emalia looked skeptical.

"Why has Mitzi asked for Bloom, and I like we are her best friend?" Emalia asked the paid maid. "If Mitzi is I'll then she must have gotten sick of the attitude she has presented in front of guest along with the tricks she tried to play to embarrass my friends and me,"

"Please come, Mitzi did call for you in the room," the paid maid plead, gesturing us to follow her up to Mitzi.

"Come on, Emalia, let's see what Mitzi needs from us," Bloom begged Emalia, causing Emalia to roll her eyes.

"Fine let's see what that witch want us fairies to do for her,"

Mitzi's room: Musa

The maid leads us to Mitzi's room, where Mitzi was lying in bed. Her one-eyed costumed friend was standing next to Mitzi's bedside. Bloom and Emalia walked over to the other empty bedside of Mitzi while the pixies and Winx girls stood at the end of the bed. I watched Mitzi hollered while Emalia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms like an amused parent who knows when their kids are not telling the truth or hiding something from them.

"Mitzi, what's wrong?" Bloom asked worriedly.

"This girl is faking, and she knows it, nothing is wrong with this girl all she wants to do is try and make a fool out of us!" Emalia barked.

When Emalia said that my face, including everyone else, face, and a grim expression, I remembered what Mitzi did to me, making me eat that earwax cake, causing my stomach to mess us as soon as I swallowed it instantly. I understand entirely why Emalia is not always fond of Mitzi when her name was brought up in the conversation before we arrived at the party. Mitzi should be in Cloudtower with all the other witches because she will pass with flying colors for being wicked.

"I'm not trying to a fool out of you, Sonya, because I saw them, all three of them!" Mitzi uttered fearfully.

"Then?" Bloomed questioned.

"They're still alive, the mirror!" Mitzi point over to the mirror.

"Mitzi saw the three evil sisters who used to live in this house over a hundred years ago," the one-eyed nurse costume girl went over to the vanity and picked up a piece of the newspaper article that ancient by the brown coloring and tears at the end. "There was an article about it in the paper, about how their adorable younger sister was murdered when someone tried to demolish the house,"

Emalia started snickering, dying the spooky tension in the room. Emalia's orange eyes went to the nurse costume girl and Mitzi, and this time she laughed.

"You got to be kidding me, right?" Emalia laughed. "It's a coincidence that there is a newspaper about the three sisters in a room where Mitzi is placed in to rest? Another thing why did you have this party at a house where you know about the 'three evil sisters'?"

I Cloud put help but think about the points Emalia was saying. These facts were right; if I wanted to have a not so dull Halloween party, then I wouldn't have it in a real haunted house like this one. It was perfect timing for the girl to pull out the newspaper to prove further her point of the three sisters being in the house. Is something not adding up? 

"I have no time for questions Sonya just please help me," Mitzi declared

"Back to what you were saying, did you say she had a fourth sister?" Flora questions the nurse costume girl.

"Yup. ... It says here that "to avenge her death," the three sisters made a deal with some witches, who then turned their clothes into the blood, and the three sisters haven't been heard from since," the nurse costume girl informed the girls and me.

"So, Mitzi saw them?" Bloom asked.

"It is said that when the three sisters come to announce the return of the youngest one, mirrors will shatter as they walk by them! And that's what happened!" Mitzi explained to the girls and me.

"They must be pretty ugly, then, huh?" Stella exclaimed with a smile.

"Stella!" Flora scolded with a glare.

"No, Flora let Stella continue to make her jokes because stupid one and stupid two is trying to pull is not working on me.

"Hmm... So that mirror..." I gazed, ignoring Stella and Emalia over to the mirror.

"Yes, the three sisters were here," the nurse girl declared.

"And, if ever the fourth sister returns..." Mitzi cried tearfully. "Ooh!"

"What's going to happen then?" Layla questioned

"She has blood-red eyes, wears a bone-white mask, and a dreary dress!" The nurse girl describes the sister's appearance to me, the girls, and me. 

Stella and Flora gasped well they were just the only ones.

"They say, her gaze is petrifying, and whoever looks her in the eye is all but doomed..." the nurse girl said.

"Bloom, you're the only one who can help me! You've got to stop her, and the fourth sisters want revenge, I just know it!" Mitzi plead.

"I'm not going to help!" Emalia exclaimed, pouting.


Everyone downstairs was panicking, and I rolled my eyes, knowing that everyone in this room was playing a part in Mitzi's plan to make my friends and I seem like fools. Bloom was talking to one of the guys at the party, and he explained what was going on. I didn't care for it because this lackluster performance wasn't moving me to help Mitzi fake cause to stop these three evil sisters for coming. The girls ran outside with me, sauntering trailing behind because I didn't see a reason to move with a purpose. It was still foggy out but this time, a wolf was howling through the night.

"Come on, everyone, stay close!" Bloom called out as she continues to lead the way.

"Oh, I can't stand the dark!" Aisha whined but was surprised when she was a glowing jack-o-lantern.

"Come on, Aisha, it's just a pumpkin," Stella teased. "On and off, on and off, on-"

Stella was cut if by Musa. Musa came up behind her, cutting Stella off her magical fun time with the lantern's light.

"Stella was not supposed to use magic on earth besides you're spoiling the element of surprise!" Musa declared, walking away from Stella as she crossed her arms.

"It's okay, Stella I think it was funny maybe you could use it on Mitzi!" I smiled until Flora turned around and glared at me. "Maybe not,"

I looked to the side and squinted my eyes, but I surprisingly widen my eyes because of Stella's gasp. In the mist, there was a shadow of a woman. This surprise sound causes the group to stop moving and turn to see what the commotion was between Stella and me.

"There's someone over there!" Stella exclaimed as she nudged me. "Don't you see that, Emalia?"

"Yeah I do, let's go over and see her," I walked over to the figure along with Stella.

"It looks like a skeleton!" Flora shivered.

Stella and I walked through the fog to the point the figures of our friends were lost within the mist. When we walked overall, we saw it was a farming rake standing. Stella picked up the rake, and I walked back to the group until I heard an eery deep woman's voice.

"She wears a bone-white mask. Her eyes are red, red like blood!" One of the sisters said which frighten the girls expect me.

I rolled my eyes as I was about to stroll back to the house to enjoy the rest of my time in the dull party. I was pulled back over to the group again by Flora as I used me as a shield.

"Her face is crawling with maggots, crawling with maggots," the second sister said as she kind of reminded me of a broken record.

"Whoever is touched shall also perish," the third evil sister declared.

The girls screamed and ran off into the mist that protected the ceremony. Then again, we saw the three Faceless Sisters; then, there was more gathering around us. Then some glowing pumpkins were floating all on their own. The girls trembled while I just stood there thinking, 'maybe I should spend my Halloween in the Magical Dimension with Kekipi, Serenity, Falen, and my friends?'

"The fourth sister is here!" The third sister declared as the fourth sister appeared from behind as she was walking towards us.

Stella looked over at the fourth sister and smirked. Stella stepped forward with her hands on her waist.

"Mitzi!" Stella exclaimed, confusing the girls, but not me.

"Mitzi?" Bloom and Tecna called out, confused.

The 'fourth sister' roar like the fun and games were over. The other three sisters took off their faceless mask revealing they were the girls from the party. I smirked, knowing that all this was a prank we were meant to be the laughing stock of the party.

"Look how she carries herself, it's a joke!" Stella laughed as the 'fourth sister' gasped in shock.

The 'fourth sister' took her mask off, revealing that it was Mitzi under that mask.

"You are a witch!" Mitzi growled.

"Well, she does have a maggot face!" I smiled.

"Oh, come on, you were scared out of your wits!"

Mitzi and her party-going friends were laughing at my friends. I was going to say something to them, but something was coming down the sky. It was the same outfit Mitzi and her three other friends were wearing. All of Mitzi's friends screamed, running off as they noticed it was a real ghost. Stella pointed to the spirit which was behind Mitzi. Mitzi turned around, and she instantly fainted. The girls back away, and I backed away to waiting for this real ghost to do something. The costume of the girls slipped off, revealing it was the pixies that were dressed under the evil witch garments. They cheered while we laughed, I got to say that's a smart plan for the pixies to dress up!

"Despite your prophecy, the evening ended on the right note!" Tune cheered.

"My mission is not to understand destiny, but to point out the gloomy future!" Jolly smiled.

"And Stella shed light on the whole thing!" Amore beamed a pinky color.

"Well, Jolly, your mission may not be to understand destiny, but my mission is to dance with that mummy and unwrap his moves!" I cheered, running back to the party and living it up how it should be.

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