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A/n: thanks for the 7k reads!! It makes my heart so happy that this story continues to grow!

The next day, Headmistress Faragonda

The sun was out as it shined its rays on the schoolyard of Alfea. I couldn't think of anything else but Darkar having all the schools' in the Magix Dimension's Codexes. I have noticed that the Winx girls haven't been fighting together like they were in their first year together, and Aisha feels like she is left out of the group because she didn't have the chance to bond with the girls at the beginning of their year of Alfea. But I'm worried about Emalia after she heard the news she lost her Charmix powers. Nurse Ofelia told me that Emalia was devasted on hearing the story, and I knew it was time to answer and address Emalia's concerns. I turned around to form the window, feeling like someone is at my office door.

"Come in," I announced to the fairy behind the door.

The door opened, revealing it as Emalia. I'm surprised she can recover quickly after just being badly hurt, not even hours ago. It would take someone dealing with Emalia's problem a couple of days, maybe even weeks, to bounce back on their feet. Nurse Ofelia informed that Emalia is in perfect health, but keep a very close eye on her. I don't have to worry about that because I have a special surprise for Emalia and the girls to repair everything that's going wrong with this friendly group!

"Emalia, it's nice to see you up and around!" I smiled at the young fairy who stood before me.

"It's good to see you too, Headmistress, and thank you for caring," Emalia had a light smile on her lips laced with worry. "Headmistress, I have to talk to you about my powers,"

I knew this time with come when I have to speak with Emalia about her powers. I've noticed for a while that Emalia's powers have been flaring up to the point she turns into a different person like Bloom. I know the reason why Emalia is acting like this and her powers not working on her side. I didn't tell Emalia the reason was that I didn't want to think history is repeating itself.

"Yes, address your concerns about your powers," I informed Emalia with a severe look on my face.

"I think you know about my concerns, Headmistress, so please can you tell me how to fix this!" Emalia said with her head hung low, glancing at her hands. "I feel there's a war raging inside me, and I don't know how to stop it and to top that, I lost my Charmix powers,"

My eyes widen upon hearing the news of Emalia losing her Charmix powers. I have listened to an account about the previous host of the Mystic Dragon Flames losing their abilities, but I didn't think it was true. If Emalia is at this stage, that means the worst is still yet to come, but it's going to go at a rapid rate. I'm glad I'm going to send Emalia and her friends on this trip to relax and regain their friendship.

"Before I tell you how to get your powers back, I need to tell you that you're not the first fairy that this happened too," I said with my head down.

"I'm not the first? Who went through this?!?!" Emalia asked almost in a panicky way.

"If let me tell you that I thought this was a fairy folk tale, but since it's very similar to you, then it must be true," I announced. "This fairy was named Kalani, and she was one of the previous ancient hosts of the Mystic Dragon Flame,"

It was silent between Emalia and me as I stared at Emalia for her reaction while Emalia was staring at her shoes deep into thought. I heard the whisper of Emalia's voice whispering the name Kalani like the name was foreign yet somewhat familiar to her. I used that as a sign to keep doing telling my story. I waved my hand within the air to show the tale of Kalani's powers being stripped and torn apart.

"There was trouble on your home planet of Ikaika Emalia due to the Trix ancestors, the Ancestral Witches. The Ancestral Witches were looking for the holder of the Mystic Dragon Flame, and Kalani came to save her home. What Kalani didn't realize was the Ancestral Witches had prepared thoroughly for Kalani's arrival; when Kalani arrived at Ikaika, the Ancestral Witches ambushed Kalani. The witches used their powers to force the Mystic Dragon out of Kalani. Those witches continued to use their magic directly on the Mystic Dragon to the point they split its power in half, Mystic going back to its host. At the same time, the other Mystic ran off on its fruition," I explained to Emalia as I now had my eyes on the young fairy before me.

"How did Kalani get the two dragons back into one?" Emalia asked me with worry staring and studying the magical picture before her.

"Well, it wasn't Kalani that put them back together. It was only three decades later when your mother brought the two dragons together again and experienced their full power," I answered.

"So how were the dragons split up for the second time?"

I exhaled, ending the magical slideshow for Emalia as I know I was going to tell her something that could break her heart. I know I must say to her so she can see the truth about her powers.

"The second time was the day your planet was destroyed, and you fled to earth for your protection. Kala, your sister, was the first owner in thirty years to be the host of the fully powered Mystic Dragon Flame. Kala was out with you so you can explore the palace, but to mainly keep an eye on you since your parent and Bloom's parents were going to put an end to the Ancestral Witches. Long story short, the Ancestral Witches broke past Bloom's parents and yours coming after you and Kala. Kala was able to hide you from the witches as she went to hold her own against the witches until they performed the same magic they performed with Kalani to extract the Mystic Dragon out of its host. The Ancestral Witches got the Mystic Dragon out of Kala while Mystic went back into Kala while Mystic roam freely again, but this time with the Ancestral Witches. With the last legit of strength left in Kala, went to your hiding spot with Mystic and the Ancestral Witches following in pursuit of her and with the last bit of magic within Kala, Kala gave you the other half of Mystic that was within her and opened a portal to Earth to keep you and Mystic out of the hands of the Ancestral Witches,"

I finally, after that long explanation, I looked up at Emalia. Emalia's eyes were clouded like she was searching within herself. I hate when Emalia like this; she felt like the last resort of the group; if things fall apart, it's was her job to clean it up, to finish the fight. Emalia's amber eyes looked into my eyes, and I see the emotion of lost, hopeless, and weak.

"Is there a way to get my Charmix powers back?" Emalia asked, with her voice nearly cracking.

"Yes, meet the criteria of getting your Charmix, and you should get it back,"

"So, I'm back at square one?"

I nodded my head slowly while Emalia groaned. Emalia placed her hands on top of her ear like she was thinking things through again. I wonder why everything terrible has to happen to this young, healthy, and lovely fairy?

"What about my powers? They seem to act on their lessons from Avalon, and Serenity barely helps me?" Emalia asked with worrying eyes.

"Well, don't worry about your powers because I'm sending you and your friends on a journey, or should I saw vacation!" I gave Emalia a warm smile.

When I said vacation, there was a knock on my office doors. I felt the presence of my fairy students, Emalia's friends, behind the door. I told them to come in, and appearing from behind the door was Stella, Bloom, and Tecna. Stella and Tecna were the ones to open the double doors while Bloom stood in the middle. The three girls walked in first, then trailing behind those three were Flora, Aisha, and Musa. They had the look of drained faces, and I can't blame after all the fail encounters we had to protect the Codexes.

"Good morning Miss Faragonda. Did wanted to see us?" Bloom asked, holding out her sparks to the side, gesturing to her friends standing in front of me.

"Good morning, Winx girls, and yes, we need to talk," I replied, waving the girls to stand in front of me.

Magical Dimension Forest (not really far from Alfea), Professor Palladium

I was in my office packing my backpack of things I need for my long, but I hope a short journey to find a particular flower I need for my experiment. I was checking and double-checking to see I have everything I need to obtain the flower when there was a knock on my door. Thinking it was a student asking me questions on the homework assignment I assigned before class ended another day that's due. I told the student to enter my office, and I glanced up to see it was Professor Avalon. Before I could ask Professor Avalon his reason for needing me, Avalon asked can he join on the trip I was heading too. I was surprised when Professor Avalon asked me if he joins me without even asking where I was going, and I was doing there. I replied quickly, a little too soon for my liking, and accepted his offer to join me. Now we're together walking side by side through the forest close to Alfea, but far from Pixie Village.

"Are you sure you don't mind me coming I I intend?" Avalon asked with a wondering look on her face.

"Of course, not Avalon, it's a pleasure!" I replied, waving it off Avalon's concern with a smile. "Besides, four eyes are better than two eyes when looking for magic!"

I stopped walking, causing Avalon to stop walking next to me. The spot we stopped at seems like the perfect place to find the flower I was looking for. The flower I'm looking for location is somewhat deep in the forest, but a place where it could get bright light but not too much to hurt the flower. This flower I need hides under the shade of the trees soaking up the coolness of the tree leaves blocking the sun. I turned my head, seeing the flower I was looking for with a smile! I'm happy this trip is going to be short and safe!

"Oh, could it be?" I smiled, not believing it with my own eyes how quick it was to find the flower. "Yes, it's a Red Gilded Venus Fly Orchid!"

The Red Gilded Venus Fly Orchid had the snout of a monster, but it's yellow-spotted brown petals were beautiful, shining in the light of peeking tiny ray of sun through the leaves of the tree. I didn't see why it's could a Red Gilded Venus Fly Orchid because there was nothing red on the flower, but hey, a name is a name.

"Very effective in hypnosis spells!" I smiled as I informed Professor Avalon on my knowledge of the flower.

"Hmmm," Professor Avalon hummed loud enough for me to hear. "You don't say?"

I placed my back down so I can use my hand to snip the little flower out of its roots. I went in to grab the flower, but I quickly jerked my hand back when I noticed that the Red Gilded Venus Fly Orchid leaned towards so its monster-like snout can bite me. I pulled back in time to have all my fingers still attached to my joints as I laughed nervously, but with a little joy.

"Oh my! What a lively one!" I exclaimed excitedly. "But, no matter, you'll soon be in my basket!"

I turned to reach in my pocket to grab my pen, so the checklist I write after I researched the flower matched up. I stopped to see Avalon having the look of uncomfortableness like he was the third wheel or something.

"Uh, I'll just go look around over," Avalon informed me, pointing to his right end of the forest.

"Sure," I replied but having my eyes on the flower of my desire. "Now then let's see your petals,"

I went to get a close examination in the flower, but I couldn't because the feisty flower kept snapping its sharp snout at me.i remembered using a unique technique to subdue the flower long enough to check its petals. I used the method knocking the flower unconscious as I smiled, knowing the flower will be in the basket.

Headmistress Faragonda office, Aisha

I was standing next to Emalia on my left and Tecna on my right. Headmistress Faragonda was by her window, staring out the lovely day we had today. Even though the day pretty, inside this office, it was cloudy as I waited for it to rain to cleanse out the unannounced tension in the room. Headmistress Faragonda explained to me and the girls that we had a rough couple of weeks, and I've been having that since I got to the school. I know I haven't been here long enough to consider a friend of the Winx, but I can say that at one point in time, they're close and did everything together. I know they are my friends, but I don't feel close to them. The only people I talked to were Musa, Emalia, and Flora. Other than that, I didn't get the chance to socialize with Bloom, Stella, and Tecna.

"What do you have in mind?" Bloom asked with her hands behind her back.

"I'm sending you on vacation," Headmistress Faragonda replied to Bloom with her back still facing the girls and me.

The girls and I spoke in the chorus of confusion. I didn't see why Headmistress Faragonda was sending us on vacation, especially during the school year when we swamped in homework assignments and exams that are coming up.

"Excuse me, but it doesn't seem logical to take a vacation at such a critical time," Tecna explained to the Headmistress.

"On the contrary, a vacation is exactly what you need now. Listen carefully," Headmistress Faragonda flicked her index finger, shooting a yellow-greenish magic dot behind the girls and me as the dot expands to a giant rectangle with a gorgeous image of the wildlife animals moving in their habit for the day. "The Wildlands are three habitats in one: up in the mountains you'll find a winter paradise with excellent skiing facilities, the Great Wildlands Desert and the savanna region hosts a wide variety of animals and exotic plants,"

"Oh, look how beautiful that one is!" Flora exclaimed as she stared at the beautiful leafy vines that were presented in the presentation of the Wildlands.

Then the three habitats disappeared and showed a shopping district that seems to come from a futuristic time in life with the way the shopping district building was set up. The district kind of reminded me of a kingdom surrounded by walls to protect itself from the outside world. The only way to get in is by verifying yourself with your identification card. To be honest, I wasn't apprehensive about the shopping as I want to snowboard on the snowy mountains, go swimming in the river, or surf the waves of the ocean.

"You will be leaving today for the city of Adquistes, where you will buy supplies and clothes," Headmistress Faragonda continued to explain the spots we will do during our vacation.

"Yes, shopping!!" Stella cheered.

"For crying out loud, can't you think of nothing else?" I barked at Stella as she rolled her eyes as she was speaking with her hands.

"As if you all weren't thinking the same thing!" Stella barked and glared at me.

"Calm down, girls. This vacation will help relax and gain your spirit of cooperation," Headmistress Faragonda defuse the argument with Stella and me.

The word cooperation rang in my ears, and it didn't settle well in my body. The only time we cooperated well as when Bloom, Stella, Emalia, and I went to try to rescue the Pixies from Darkar's captive. How will this vacation bring us together? Will this vacation make me closer to the Winx girls?

"But what about all the classes we'll be missing?" Flora asked with a wondering frown on her face as Bloom had the same rubbing her chin.

"This is much more important also keep in mind that in the Wildlands magic energy is low," Headmistress Faragonda explained.

Little to no magic? What are we supposed to do when someone tries to attack us!

"No magic?" Bloom questioned, shocked.

"Oh, no! What if something goes wrong, what do we do?" Flora asked with worry.

"Well, at least my powers won't flare up there?" Emalia asked with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

"You'll have to use your wits, but just to be on the safe side so no one will flare up Emalia powers or cause you, girls, as a whole any harm, I've invited a few Specialists!" Headmistress Faragonda grinned.

I smiled, causing Emalia and Musa to nudge me lightly. I couldn't help but laugh with joy that I can show those Specialists I'm more than being a fairy! I offer those Specialists my moves on the slopes! Stella cheered, jumping into the air pumping her arms at the announcement of the Specialists joining us on the trip.

"Now easy does it with those boys? Is that clear!" Headmistress Faragonda still had her playful grin on her face. "Now, dismiss!"

We all walked out of the Headmistress Faragonda office one by one. We're now walking down the lonely and silent hallways of Alfea. I was second to the line of the Winx girls. In the office, I was so excited about the trip having some time for myself after everything that has been going the Winx girls and I. It seems like when it comes down to non-magical missions, the Winx girls and I could get along just fine. We laugh and be ourselves, but the time we have a mission to protect the Codex, the girls and I will always lose to the Trix. I wonder if this vacation can bring us together and be a group trying to save the Magix Dimension?

"I'm worried we'll miss something vital in class," Flora said as we all continued down the hallway.

"Schoolwork is a pain, I for one, deserve a nice vacation," Stella sneered at the idea of school.

"Stella, you should be the main one front and centered at attention for our professors so you can get your grades up!" Emalia giggled along with the Winx girls, and I expect for Stella.

"You should be next to me, Powerless trying to get your magic back to normal!" Stella barked while Emalia growled at Stella.

"Its always about you, Stella?" Musa asked with a straight face.

"Musa, you can lay off too!" Stella barked again.

"Girls lets not argue, okay, we do t want to ruin this vacation," Bloom lightly scolded Musa, Stella, and Emalia as we all turned to the right going down another hallway.

Lord Darkar

I watched the scene being played out right in front of my eyes. My loyal subject Avalon is pretending to be hurt by that weak fairy plant while an Alfea Professor is cradling him in his arms. The Alfea Professor just sent a magical message to a pixie to help Avalon seek the magical medical assistance he needed. I must say I'm so proud of Avalon to aggravate the plant to use its deadly spit into his eyes so a Pixie can lead me to the direction of Pixie Village so I can collect the last Codex I need before I set my bigger plan in motion! The Pixie came swooping to the side of the Alfea Professor, and Avalon with the spit of the flower and Avalon's tears are mixing running his face.

I watched the Pixie and the Alfea Professor talking, and they kept going back and forth about if the pesky pixie should or should not go to Pixie Village to get the antidote for Avalon. I groaned as I waited for them to come up with the decision on what to do, but ok, I hope they make a foolish decision to fly over to Pixie Village. Then finally, what felt like forever, the Pixie will fly over to Pixie Village to grab the universal antidote to cure Avalon.

"Perfect! Just as I planned!" I grinned, watching the Pixie fly in the direction of the Pixie Village. "Icy, where are you?"

I placed my left arm down, disabling my omnipresent powers. I got up from my throne when I called for Icy as she was phasing through the floor of my throne room.

"You hollered my Lord?" Icy bowed at me showing her respect.

"Follow that Pixie to Pixie Village, find the Codex that's hidden there, and bring it back to me!" I growled as my metallic body trembled as it was itching, knowing that I was getting close to the ultimate power I desired.

"Very well, I'm on it," Icy replied as she closed her eyes and have her arms to her chest as she phased through the floor of the throne room as she was going to follow the pixie.

I laughed as I felt a gleam sparkling in my eyes. I'm a genius for coming up with this plan to get the Pixie Village Codex. Once I have the last and final piece of the Codex, the Winx Club, or anyone else for that matter will stop me!!! I will rule of Magix!!


We are soaring through the Owl as we were on our way to pick up the Winx girls for their vacation. I was happy to hear that we're missing school to go on a break because I need it after the Red Fountain Codex was taken away from us. Things at Red Fountain has been uneasy as things were tight and strict around the school. Security around the school didn't lose anymore, and I felt like my friends, everyone, and I was under the eye of Saladin or something more sinister. I was breaking a sweat just sitting lifting weights for the weight class.

"So fellas, how do you feel about this vacation?" I asked my friends as they were flying the Owl.

"I've been waiting to get out that tight-knit box of Red Fountain, it felt like if I couldn't eat my sandwich in peace," Riven said, looking at the scanners of the Owl.

"I was afraid to go to the stables since I felt some eyes on me," Sky announced with a smile.

"I'm glad we're going on this trip so I can keep a close eye on Emalia," Falen said with a sad look on his face.

Everyone on the ship had this sorrow look on their eyes. We all knew and heard that the girls are having a hard time lately, and things are not going in their favor. Falen's comment is a quick reminder that this trip isn't about the Specialists, but for the Winx girls to get themselves together. We have to remind the girls that they are still the best and make this trip the best trip of their lives.

"We know the girls are going through tough times, but let's make this trip the best for the Winx girls and try not to get them riled up," Sky said with a faint smile on his lips.

We all nodded our heads. Our job is to protect the girls and get them back to taking down the Trix and getting them to defeat Lord Darkar. The Owl flew past the Alfea arched entrance and sliding left so the Owl can land in the courtyard. I saw below that the Winx girls were crowded around with a smile on their faces and their Pixies around them with the same look! I'm glad the girls can have a chance to smile, and hopefully, this vacation can have them keep on smiling! The girls' bags were packed and placed all around their legs as they seemed ready to get this trip started! The Owl landed can the hanger door opened as Sky, Falen, and I walked out to greet the girls.

"Looks like they're all here," Sky said, kind of surprise. "Hello

"Ready for some fun?" I asked with a smile.

"Come on; girls climb aboard so we can hit the Wildlands!" Falen beamed as the girls were running with their bags in hand, expect for Emalia and Aisha.

I see that Emalia is rubbing Aisha's back as she was holding Piff in her arms while Aisha rolled her eyes. Emalia gave Aisha a warm smile, gently pushing her forward, leaving her (Emalia's) suitcase behind. Falen smiled, jogging past Emalia, Aisha, and Piff cheesing at Emalia as Falen went over to Emalia's bag and carried it. I mentally chuckled in my head how Falen is such a romantic gentleman. Sky nudged me as we both stepped to the side so the Winx girls can climb aboard the Owl. Once everyone climbed on the Owl, the last one being Falen with Emalia's bags.

I got into my spot on the Owl, checking the monitors to see if everything was running smoothly as we all made our way to the Wildlands. The whole ride up there was silent; no one said a word to each other other than simple small talk here and there. We were flying well as we flew overhead the animals that were below the ship eating and playing in the grass. I heard Stella complain about not having a mall in sight, but I ignored it once I heard there was a beeping coming from Timmy's section of the Owl.

"What you got there, Timmy?" I asked Timmy turning my chair so that I can look at him.

"The sensors are picking up another ship just ahead of us," Timmy replied as I got out of my chair to see what Timmy is seeing.

"Yea, the sensors over here are picking up the same thing, but it's not telling me the type of ship that's coming," Falen said from the other side of the ship.

"But we're above the Wildlands. There should be no one else out here," I said, looking at the sensors.

I glanced up, seeing something like a dark brown or ashy brown color coming towards the ship. Once the dark brown or ashy brown thing was getting closer to the boat, I noticed it was a bird. Sky navigated the ship to dodge the ship as it squawks at us, baring its teeth. The Owl jerked up, knocking me off my balance and leaning over the monitor. I heard the screams of the girls and Pixies as they tumbled to the side due to the sudden jerk. Once the ship passed the bird, everything is precise. I glance behind me to see if the girls are okay.

"Its all right, ladies, everything's under control now," I reassured the Pixies, and the Winx girls as they had the pain looked on their faces.

"I would like to thank you on everyone's behalf for saving our lives," Tune thanked as she bowed as her way of saying thank you.

Falen replied to Tune, telling her it was no big deal, but my eyes went over to Sky, walking over to Bloom, who had a frowning look on her face.

"Bloom, are you alright?" Sky asked, placing his hand on her shoulder to only let Bloom shake Sky's hand off of her.

"Of course, I can take care of myself. I'll have you know!" Bloom barked harshly spat Sky having him speechless by her response.

"I know, I just -" Sky replied to only have Bloom cut him off.

"What did you expect me to burst into tears or something?"

Everyone was watching the scene play out in front of us all. I wonder why Bloom is acting the way she is working. I know Bloom's response took Sky by surprise because it sure took me by surprise. Sky said no, but cut himself off as he was going to say something only to grumble coming out of his mouth. Sky walked away from Bloom, glaring at her while he walked off. Sky came over to me, and Timmy still having that cutthroat glare in his eyes.

"Girls," Sky grumbled again, crossing his arms like a baby.


I followed that Pixie to the Pixie Village with my monsters below me. This Pixie was making me sick at the fact she was yelling, dodging all the random tree branches. I can't believe that I'm using a Pixie as a guide to get to the Pixie Village Codex. The grunting of the monsters was getting louder, and I was afraid that Pixie would hear them.

"There she is now, keeps it quiet!" I scolded the monsters as they kept their mouth shut.

The monsters and I continued to follow that whining Pixie as she was taking us through the swamp. The swamp was murky, and it was hard to see and pinpoint the bratty Pixie with all this fog in the way. If the Pixie weren't making any noise and were just flying to Pixie Village, then I would have lost her. I see why this swamp protects the Pixie Village because of the fog it produces, it's smart of these Pixies to do that, but it isn't the time to admire their sneakiest.

"Faster," I barked at the monsters as I was posting the Pixie within the fog.

The monsters followed my orders as we were catching up to the Pixie. I watched the Pixie dipped down to block the tree branch that was hanging midair and the vine that was tangled within the branch. I noticed another branch that the Pixie was speeding towards, and I was waiting for the Pixie to dodge that. But the Pixie didn't dodge or block the incoming branch, and she hit her head on the branch. The Pixie was knotted off her paper-like board.

"What this?" I watched the Pixie was dropping to the swamp floor, rolling my eyes. "Oh, no!"

I looked down at the unconscious Pixie as she laid out on the ground. The Pixie had a knot poking out of her head. Her paper board was laying nicely next to her waiting for her to get back on. I hope this Pixie gets up on her own because I'm not going to help this bug out, not one bit.

"This is just pathetic!" I snarled, looking down at the pesky bug as the monsters surrounded her.

"AH!!!!" Lord Darkar said in annoyance. "Clumsy fool!"

"This is ridiculous!" I said, getting close to the Pixie. "To think I'm trying to help a Pixie!"

I shiver ran through my body as I felt the disgust of me helping a lower life being than me. I picked the Pixie up by her tiny wings with my thumb and index finger. I treated the unconscious Pixie like the pesky bug she is while the monsters watched my every move. I finally got my full attention of the knot that's sticking out of the Pixie's head knowing it's the reason why she is unconscious at the moment.

"Oh she's out cold!" I grinned sinisterly pointing my finger channeling my ice power effortlessly to my index finger. "A little ice should do the trick!"

I touched the knot with my icy index finger. The knot on the Pixie's head went away quickly causing the Pixie to stir herself awake. The Pixie had the tired look on her face as she was fighting off the droopiness off her eyelids. I used my magic to cloak the monsters and I so the Pixie won't find anything suspicious. The Pixie rubbed her head as she was talking to herself easily forgetting what she was supposedly do at the moment. Then the Pixie finally remembered where she was going as her paper board floated right under her feet and she began her journey to Pixie Village again.

Pixie Village

The Pixie finally made it to Pixie Village and I'm glad she did because I was getting tired of hearing her voice her excitement along with the way she speaks gets on my nerves. The creatures and I watched from a distance studying the village as I tried to predict the best hiding spot for the Codex. I couldn't find the Codex within the village as none of the Pixies were acting funny trying to protect the hiding spot of the Codex. If these Pixies aren't on high alert protecting the Codex that's means either the Codex is far away from the village where only the Pixies know or the Codex is with a certain high and mighty pesky bug of the village. I watched the Pixie followed talking to another pixie as they were going back and forth, deciding that it was the perfect time for me to make my appearance known. The monsters and I walked through the tiny village as one of my monsters cast a shadow over the short green haired Pixie.

"Whose in trouble?" The short green haired pixie asked after she turned around to see my monsters and I.

"You're in trouble!" I said with a malice excitement as a evil laughter erupted from my throat and sounding out in the fearful village.

Mountain Slope: Bloom

We got all the necessary supplies from the mall. It was now time to visit the mountain slopes of the Wildlands that Headmistress Faragonda mentioned in her vacation presentation! The girls, Pixies, Specialists, and I made it to the slope as we were at the bottom of the mountain staring at the top of the mountain. I'm happy that I have a break of Alfea, protecting and losing the Codex, losing my powers, and losing myself and giving the Alfea Codex to Lord Darkar. I hope this trip will clear my mind of all my troubles and repair the relationship I have with Sky. I couldn't believe that I lash out on Sky after he was trying to make sure if I was okay. To top it off everyone on the Owl was seeing the way I behaved and I felt embarrassed. I wanted to apologize to Sky, but I can tell he doesn't want to speak with me at the moment as I can tell that he was still upset with me and I can't blame him. I just hope the known mountain slope can bring Sky and I together!

"How do we get up to the top?" I asked the group as I couldn't find a way to get to the top of the mountain so I can ski.

"We need to take the cable car over there!" Lockette informed me as she was pointing to her left as I see a cable car station.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go!" Brandon cheered as he ran over to the cable car station with everyone else following after him cheering in agreement.

We got to the cable car station as we stand at the brown platform. No cable car was in sight as it was empty of cars waiting. Then there was a creaking that snapped our heads to the right seeing the car coming. The cable car looks outdated like everything around the car looks up to date while the car was still stuck in time. But the cable car is still moving and functioning fine so I guess this is good.

"Are you sure that thing is safe?" Musa asked looking at the group. "It looks kind of old,"

"Oh I'm terrified of heights!" Lockette said as she was shaking.

"But you can fly?" Tecna pointed out with a confused tone of voice.

"No worries Lockette stick with me and you'll be fine!" Serenity beamed holding hands with Lockette.

"Alright Serenity!" Lockette smiled.

"Alright!!" Brandon beamed running over to open doors of the cable cart and climbing inside. "Come on guys, it's getting late I don't want to miss any snowboarding time!"

Everyone climbed in the cart one at a time with skis and snowboards in our hands. Once everyone was inside the cart it was so tight that I was squished between Brandon, Sky, Musa, and Riven.

"Okay we all can't be in the front of the door!" Emalia shouted.

"I love group hugs but not this kind of hug where I can't move!" Amore whined.

I felt a distant wiggling coming from the group. Suddenly I wasn't squished anymore as the cart moved causing everyone to stumble apart from each other. The ride up to the mountain slope was quiet as no one said anything. I guess the uneasy feeling of the cart is radiating with everyone. Once at the top of the mountain Brandon and his ski was the first one to step out of the cable car. Then everyone else followed after Brandon grabbing their skis or snowboard and unload from the cable cart.

"It'll be dark before long," Timmy said looking out into the snowy land we're going to have fun on.

"To be exact we still have 43 minutes of daylight!" Tecna smiled at Timmy.

I'm glad those two are slowly getting back to being themselves to each other!

"Then let's go!" Sky beamed. "Last one down is a rotten egg salad!"

"That'll be you Sky after I scramble you!" Riven pointed at Sky holding his snowboard close to his chest.

"Fat chance! Sky replied.

Sky and Riven head down the slope at the same time with their snowboard gliding through the snow. I smiled knowing that Sky and Riven still have their competitive ways when it comes to the most simplest of things! I turned around to see Aisha and Emalia beaming at each other with a mischievous, but determine gleam in their eyes. Piff was sleeping inside the pocket of Aisha's winter fit. Emalia had hooked her feet to the snowboard with Serenity waiting for Emalia to come up. Once Emalia did Serenity snuggled into Emalia's winter suit pocket looking up at Emalia with so much love!

"Come on Piff and Emalia let's show them!" Aisha went down the slope leaving Emalia at the top.

"Are you ready Serenity?!" Emalia smiled down at Serenity.

"Yea Emalia we're about to bring the calm before the storm to Riven and Sky!" Serenity cheered as Emalia went gliding down the mountain.

"YEAH!!!!" Everyone but Riven, Sky, Aisha, and Emalia cheered as we all went down to the mountain with our skis.

Everyone was going at different pace of their skiing or snowboarding journey of the mountain. Flora and I went to the same speed as we didn't want the other to get lost. Then it was only Flora, Lockette, andI were the last one to get to the bottom of the mountain with the others waiting for us. The cable cart was waiting behind the group as the doors were open waiting for my friends and I to get inside.

"It's getting quite dark perhaps we should get back to town," Flora said worryingly.

"According to my calculations, we have one more time to run down the mountain!" Digit announced with a smile.

"Come on what are we waiting for?!" I smiled as the girls, Falen, Riven, Timmy, and I climbed into cable cart waiting for Brandon and Sky.

Sky and Brandon finally got on board the cable cart as the doors closed. I thought this is going to be a peaceful trip back to the top of the mountain until we were stopped abruptly in the middle of the mountain. The snapping of the wires holding the cart up rang through the cable car. Aisha opened one of the top panel exit emergency door to confirm that the cable car wires were snapping. I glanced out the window to see it's a long way down to the bottom as everyone in the cart was panicking wondering how we're going to get down.

Pixie Village, Livy 

I got out the flower as nearly everyone was frozen in ice. I was in shock new I've seen the flower and the homes of the village was frozen as well. The antidote for Avalon is frozen under the ice spell of Icy. I looked up at Icy (A/n: I don't know if Livy know who Icy is, but I'm pretty sure she don't. So we're going to pretend Livy know Icy!) as I couldn't believe that I was followed all the way to the village. I shouldn't have come back to the village, I should of stayed with Avalon and Palladium going to Alfea with them.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed in shock. "The antidote for Avalon!"

I watched as Icy unleashed her icy furry on one of my Pixie while the others were trying to run away. The pixies running away we're stopped by the drooling monsters. I glanced around Pixie Village and see everything was piled up with snow or encase in an icy prison frozen in shock and horror.

"I have come for your Codex!" Icy announced sternly.

"Be gone you witch!" Ninfea appeared with her blinding green lights. "We have no Codex!"

"Oh really?" Icy questioned with a sinister smirk.

Icy raised her arms in the direction of Ninfea shooting jagged ice shards at Ninfea. Ninfea squealed in shock and flew under the flying ice shards flying over to Icy. Ninfea went in between Icy's leg and cast her Nature Devine Twirling Vine spell tangling Icy's legs within a vine. Icy leaned forward falling face first into the snow she created. I flew up seeing that Icy was twitching in anger as she got up to take the vine spell loose from her legs.

"That was fun!" Ninfea smirked with glee.

"Give me the Codex or I'll send you back to the Ice Age!" Icy growled blasting her ice magic at Ninfea at close range, but Ninfea thankfully dodge it. "Take your best shot!"

"Never Thorn Graves!!" Ninfea casted her spell.

Ninfea shot green thorns from her magical pixie staff. The thorns went in the direction of Icy which Icy blocked by moving to the side.

"I'll turn you all into pretty little ice cubes!" Icy said as she used her ice powers to freeze the rest of the pixies that weren't frozen lucky I was far from the frozen prison spell.

"HEY!!!! Fight me not them!" Ninfea barked as she shot another spell at Icy from her staff.

"Mastiffs crush the village!" Icy ordered her monster companions.

The Mastiffs went to crushed the village like Icy ordered and those creatures started by crushed the ice encasement of someone's home. My heart raced when I heard Icy gave those orders because I knew if I didn't come back to the village then my friends and my home wouldn't be this snowy prison. I heard Ninfea pleading to Icy and the Mastiffs to stop crushing the village. Then one of the Mastiffs was going over to the frozen Pixies like it was going to crush them. My body was frozen and it wasn't because of Icy's spell either. The reason for my body being frozen was because I didn't know what to do to save them! I have to do something and something quick to save the village before the others and I don't have a home to get too!

"No please you can't do it!!!!" Ninfea hollered.

"That's right smash it all!" Icy smirked in joy.

"No no please stop!!!" Ninfea hollered again holding her staff close to her chest. "If you spare our village I'll give you the Codex,"

"Huh?" Two other unfrozen Pixies and I said in unison, I hoped Ninfea doesn't give the Codex to Icy.

Ninfea descended from the air. With a sad look in her eyes. Ninfea waved her staff around causing a green circle to appear before her. Her staff turned into the last piece of the Codex that Darkar needs.

"Unfortunately, we have no choice," Ninfea replied to the two other Pixies and I with her head buried in her hands in shame. "Alright here it is,"

The Codex was going to fly in Icy's hands as her evil blue eyes sparkled in accomplishment. My paper board flew quickly over to me and I flew over to grab the Codex before it could reach Icy's hands. Icy snapped out of her evil joy to have her eyes on me while I flew away from her with three Codex in my hands.

"Got it!" I exclaimed flying off.

"OHHH YOU PESKY LITTLE PIXIE!!!" Icy yelled in frustration.

"YAY WHY TO GO LIVY!!!" the last two unfrozen Pixies exclaimed in joy.

Icy cast her spell at me while I luckily dodged it still having the Codex in my tiny hands. Icy and the monsters were on my tail as they tried to get the Codex in their hands. I dodge all the monsters and Icy's distractions expect for an incoming branch that hit me in the head. My paper board, the Codex, and I was falling until I grabbed the Codex since it was closest to me. I used the Codex as my new board of transportation. I turned left to lose the monsters and Icy by going underground. I didn't lose Icy, but I did lose her monster companions.

Down Land, Amentia

I was walking with my entourage of three soldiers one on my right, left, and behind the two soldiers. One of my soldiers got me from my palace and told me that he saw some intruders moving through the tunnels going to my kingdom. I told the soldier to lead me in the direction of where he thinks the intruders are coming out of the tunnels. I called two more soldiers as some additional arms to get these intruders out of my peaceful kingdom. As soon as I stepped on the scene of tunnel the intruders are coming out, I spotted the intruders looking at my kingdom in curious awe.

"What kind of place is this?" A witch with blue eyes asked looking at my kingdom like it was weird to her.

"This is Down Land, this is my place and you are trespassers!" I replied to the blue eyed witch and a Pixie that looks like mail carrier. "I am Princess Amentia and I ask the questions here,"

I looked at the blue eyed witch as she glared at me like her stare suppose to scare me. The Pixie flew next to readying on some metal shell piece as she looked worried like something bad is going to happen to her.

"What is happening here?" I asked the Pixie and the blue eyed witch.

"Please help me, she want to steal this, she's a thief!" The pixie exclaimed while I take hold of this metal device and put it into my dress pocket.

"I will have that Codex and no one will stop me!" The blue eyed witch demanded while I gave her the same glare she is giving me back to her.

"You know you just got here and I already hate you," I told the blue eyes witch pointing at her.

"How dare you watch!!"

I smirked at the blue eyes witch when I knew I was getting under her skin. She better watch herself before I should her who wears the crown in Down Land.

"Watch yourself, I am the law here!" I smirked at the witch as she smirked back at me.

"You don't know who you're talking to do?" The blue eyed witch smirk turned into a shocked look by me putting my favorite spear in her face.

I backed the blue eyed witch back as she didn't want to feel the point of my spear. The blue eyed witch kicked the spear out of her face. The witch used her ice magic to freeze my soldiers in a ice prison that was meant for me, but I dodge it by moving to the side.

"I should of brought more soldiers!" I snarled pointing my finger.

"You can't beat me surrender now!" The blue eyed witch warned me.

"Amentia never surrenders!"

The witch continued to fire more of her power at me as I bob and weave out of her power connecting to my body. Then the witch went down to the lower floor of the cliff as the pixie and I followed after her. The witch and I continued to fight as we were entering my kingdom. The people of my kingdom were running into a safe place or into their homes as they didn't want to be in the middle of the fight. The witch continue to blast me with her magic and I dodged it by jumping high to the point the witch lost sight of me.

"Where did that cursed creature go?" The witch asked herself as I appeared behind her.

"I've got you now!" I barked placing my staff across her neck so she can surrounded as the witch's face had the surprise look on her face.

"Oh really?" The witch asked as I could feel the ice growing on my hands.


The witch ice blasted at my spear. My spear was frozen just like my soldiers, but the difference is that my spear was broken in half. My anger grew as my favorite spear was no more in use to me!

"That was my favorite spear you witch!" I snarled.

The witch blasted her magic at me again, but I jumped to miss it. I jumped again to miss the witch attack again to run over the crystal wall to get the vantage point difference between the witch and I.

"Okay it's time to break the ice!" I barked throwing my four point star weapon at the witch.

"And I'm more of the opinion s the ice is going to break you, my brainless new enemy!" The witch frozen my four point stars and breaking them into pieces along with the ice.

"You see know I'm getting extremely upset!" I said drawing out my sword and running up to attack the witch with it.

The witch blocked my sword attack by jumping back farther from me. The witch and I had a stare off seeing that one of us is not breaking the eye contact or backing down from the fight. How am I going to one up this witch and get her out of my kingdom as fast as possible.

"Just give me the Codex and I'm out of here," The blue eyed witch informed me sternly.

"No way!" I moved my sword blade close to my face.

"Listen you can't win this one!" The witch informed me like I was suppose to be scared and back down.

The sound of rumbling feet echoed through the empty streets of Down Land. I smirked knowing it's the teen for emend coming in to help me handle this nasty and sneaky witch!

"What's that?" The blue eyed witch asked curiously.

"That's my army!" I smirked when my soldiers were standing behind me. "You're finish Ice Queen!"

I was going to tell my soldiers to apprehend heather witch until two more witches appeared behind the blue eyed witch.

"Don't count your chickens!" The dark violet eyed witch said with a cocky smile.

"Before they get smashed!" The other witch with lighter purple eyes beamed darkly.

"SOLDIERS ATTACK!" I called out ready to take these witches down and show them who they are messing with.

My soldiers and I ran towards the three witches as they stood confidently in the same place they were standing at. The witch with the dark violet eyes were taunting my soldiers and I as she cast this strange spell from her hands. I can't wait to wipe those smirks off their faces. All of sudden when the witch spell hit me, I couldn't see a thing and then I heard all three of them screamed a spell causing my soldiers and I to be pushed back from them. I was knocked unconscious for what felt like years until I see the pixie from earlier coming into my face.

"The Trix took the Codex and destroyed everything!" The pixie panicked in my face as I had this nonchalant, but upset look on my face.

"I don't care about your Codex, but those witches will pay for making a fool of me!" I declared closing my fist into a ball as a promise of my words.

"But you can't!" The pixie exclaimed as I ignored her calling my soldiers to their feet.

"Stand up you fools, I want revenge and I shall have it to that I swear!" I said running off with my soldiers behind me with their weapons in hand.

A/n: thanks for the 7k reads again. I'm sorry for not posting any updates on this chapter. It probably seemed like I was off the face of the earth, which I wasn't 😂! I accidentally like time past me, and I didn't update, and again I'm sorry for that. I also want to to say sorry for any mistakes I made in the chapter or if it felt rushed and I'll fix that later. But words can't express the success of this book along with my Avatar book, and I'm happy you guys are enjoying this story as we have six more episodes to the finale of this book! So, I hope you guys still stick around to the end of this story to see how things are going to end for your favorite character. And I apologize for the long update for this chapter, but I do hope it makes it up!

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