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A/n: before we start this lovely and overdue chapter up, I want to do a promote to another Winx Club writer, @Princessoftheseauna, and the story I'm promoting is called "A Fairies Dream"!! Do you want to start over from the very beginning with the Winx Club and learn about them from a perspective of a new character and member of the Winx Club without Emalia? Then Princessoftheseauna story is the perfect story for you, and here's the picture of the story along with the description of this masterpiece!

Please check out her story and give it the same amount of love as you do to this story!!! Other, then please enjoy the chapter!

Winx Club swimsuit outfits (Emalia's swimsuit is at the bottom):


It was a sunny day in the Wildlands. The Specialists, the Winx girls, and I thought it would be a good idea to enjoy our time by the lake. So we all put our swimsuits on expect for Tecna since she believes it's no point to put a swimsuit on. The specialists brought their water bikes out and were now racing through the lake. The boys' laughter rang along with the water bikes rang through the Wildlands as the girls and I expect for Emalia and Tecna took this time to have a sun tanning. Tecna was hiding under the shade of her umbrella with her knees close to her chest while Emalia was riding on the back of Falen's water bike, cheering him on trying to beat the other boys. I smiled when I saw Emalia having the time of her life with Falen. I was sad when I heard the news of Emalia being stripped from her Charmix powers while Bloom had just gain hers. Emalia has been through so much since we lost the Codex of Red Fountain, so I'm glad she at least got her smile back during this vacation! This vacation was well needed!

I looked over at the Pixies as Serenity, Lockette, and Amore was hanging out with Kiko by a rock. Kiko was on the top of the rock and decided to jump into the water. Lockette, Amore, and Serenity flew up a little bit to dodge the water, and luckily for Tune, she had pulled her umbrella out so the water won't hit her. Tune growled in annoyance how impolite Kiko was as Kiko resurfaced from the water. Kekipi was by the waterside dodging the gentle moving tide of the water while he was roaring and hissing at the water. Kekipi had one of his baby paws out, trying to hit the water without touching it. I couldn't help but awe at how cute Kekipi was being. I saw Chatta and Digit come from out of the forest of sightseeing as they talked about something they both jot down. Lastly, Piff was lying on Aisha's beach towel, napping the day away. I noticed how happy the Pixies were while on this vacation, and maybe the Pixies needed this vacation too!

"I think Faragonda was right. We need a vacation!" Bloom smiled as Musa, and I smiled at the thought.

"Feels good to get away from Darkar, his evil plans, and find ourselves in the heart of nature!" I smiled, watching the boys and Emalia have the time of their lives.

Stella got up from her spot in the sand as she was smiling, checking herself out, liking seeing herself in her red one-piece swimsuit. At the bottom left, if the one-piece swimsuit, it had a golden shaped heart enclosed in a circle. Stella does have a great sense of fashion.

"The red one is cute in a lifeguard sort of way, don't you think!" Stella said, doing some model-like poses sounding happy.

"Yeah, it's perfect!" Bloom exclaimed, coming up, proving herself on her elbow.

"Hey, maybe we can put on a fashion show for the boys!" Stella smiled, looking out to the water to see the boys racing and having a good time on the bikes.

I looked over at the girls, mostly Musa and Aisha. They both had a look at unsure as they know the boys will not be interested in a fashion show at this time.

"Uh, I think the boys are busy along with Emalia enjoying their time on the water," Aisha smiled, looking tat the boys and Emalia on the bikes going at super fast speed in the water.

"Yeah, well, I wish they could get off those silly things and hang out with us for a while," Stella said as she sadly stared out at the water as the boys acted like they are in a world of their own.

"And I just wish I had one to ride with them and race Emalia and Falen!" Aisha said she was leaning on her elbows, daydreaming about having a water bike of her own.

"Emalia will love a challenge like you, Aisha, on the water!" Musa laughed.

"I'll feel sorry for poor Falen!" I grinned.

"Why is that because you know Aisha is going to beat them?" Bloom teased, laughing.

"That and Emalia will probably playfully kick him off the bike while Emalia and Aisha race to their heart's content!" I laughed along with Bloom, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha.

"Stella, why don't you just sit back, relax, and enjoy the peace!" Musa encouraged Stella, as Musa knows Stella is getting a little bit grumpy.

"It's just that it's no shopping, the boys are not paying attention to us, and look, Tecna is not wearing a swimsuit," Stella explained what's causing her not to relax.

This is not going to end well with us on the sandy section of the lake.

"I don't want to get a tan, so what's the use of wearing a swimsuit?" Tecna asked, getting defensive.

"Okay!" Stella replied with her hands up in surrender.

Timmy came with his water bike to the sandy end of the lake. Timmy parked his bike, and I was thinking of Aisha's words of having a water bike. A grin appeared on my lips. I was silently tried to tell Timmy to ride back into the water with his friends, but no, Timmy hopped off the bike with a smile on his lips. Timmy took a few steps away from the bike as Aisha got up and dashed over to the unclaimed bike. Timmy quickly turned around to try and stopped Aisha, but it was too late as Aisha was out on the lake with the bike. The girls and I laugh at Timmy's misfortune as he walked in the lakeshore pouting.


My sisters and I were in Lord Darkar's throne room with Lord Darkar standing behind a table with the four collected Codexes in a box. It was time for Lord Darkar to unlock the four powers of the Codexes. I can't wait to get a taste of the new powers that the Codex has to offer!

"I now have all four pieces of the Codex!" Darkar announced happily. "The time has come for me to embark on my conquest!"

"Yes, my lord, the energy of the relics will make you invincible," I said, staring down at the Codexes.

The four Codexes formed into one huge Codex. It raised to the length of Darkar's arms. Darkar began to use his magic to unlock the Codex power as Darkar's arms and body had a red glowing outline while the Codex turned to a whitish blue color. Once Darkar was a few seconds into getting the Codex unlocked, he pulled his body back like the magic was too much for him, and the Codex turned into a powerful whirling vortex. The power of the Codex's vortex was so mighty that Icy groaned, taking a knee shielding herself from the magic, then it was me, and lastly, Darcy.

"Behold!" Darkar announced as my sisters and I unshielded ourselves to see the amazement of Darkar trying to get the power extracted out of the Codex. "I shall sit through the crystal of power; its energy shall be mine for the plundering!"

My sisters and I snickered with evil glee as Darkar, and the Trix will be the most powerful being in all of Magix! Red lightning bolts streamed out of Darkar's arms, mixing in with the powerful vortex of the Codex. Then Darkar pulled his body back again to put in more of his power into the Codex. The powerful vortex calmed down slightly to the point I could see the Codex spinning rapidly as I see four different pieces of the Codex moving in different directions. I had a dull look on my face as I noticed Darkar is having trouble getting the Codex's power, and finally, the Codex broke apart into its original four pieces. The four Codexes plop right back on the table as Darkar grumbled in frustration.

"Hmm?" I hummed in question and raised my arms in the what's going on gesture. "What just happened, Lord Darkar?"

"Too much darkness, too much shadow," Lord Darkar voice trembled with his hands out like he didn't want to deal with the Codexes anymore.

"But darkness is your power?" Darcy commented in confusion.

"Yeah, I mean, is there no such thing as too much darkness?" Icy chimed in question.

"It is for me because my powerful magic doesn't belong to me," Darker answered growled.

What does Lord Darkar mean his powers don't belong to him? I have heard no such thing like that unless Lord Darkar stole that power from somewhere else!

"What do you mean, my Lord?" Darcy asked in confusion, speaking my thoughts out loud.

"My powers come from a powerful dark being that used to be one, but they separated into two different beings, one fairy have the full half of that dark power while I have the other half of the power, but it's an essence of that power," Lord Darkar explained.

Dark being? Split into two? And fairy? I hope Lord Darkar doesn't mean Emalia has a part in unlocking this Codex?

"Are you saying Emalia plays apart in this unlocking Codex part of the agenda?" I asked in disgust as I want nothing to do with that pesky fairy.

"Yes, and along with that, I see now I need another thing along with Emalia to complete the ritual!" Lord Darkar exclaimed as I could feel his power rising.

"What else do you need?" Icy asked worriedly. "We'll go and get it for you, my lord!"

"It's an energy that will bring balance to the powers of darkness!"

If Emalia has the power to absorb the darkness and shadow of the Codex, does it means that Bloom has the power to balance the remaining darkness in the Codex?

"Who has that energy?" I asked, hoping it isn't Bloom.

I don't have the time to deal with Emalia but add on Bloom, and soon the other pixies will interfere. Why can't we have a simple job?

"It's that Winx girl Bloom who has it, the Dragon Fire, and you need to bring Emalia as well, the Mystic Dragon Fire!" Darkar roared.

"I never liked those two!" Icy growled, balling her fist in anger.

"I must have their essences go bring them to me

Night in the Wildlands, Sky

Nightfall has fallen over the Wildlands. The stars shined brightly in the stay, but not enough to have a clear view of the now black and shadowy forest. So the guys and I thought it would be a good idea to park the water bikes up since it's not safe to use the water bike during this time of the hour. Since it was time to start a campfire, thanks to Aisha gathering the firewood, we could light the firewood the old-fashioned way with two rocks to create a spark. Thanks to Flora guiding our way through the forest of the Wildlands, we were lucky enough to find some uncooked ripe corn. Now all of us are sitting around the campfire cooking our corn with flames of the Fire except for Stella, who was sitting far from the campfire with her knees to her chest. My eyes went over to Bloom, and I'm happy to see she is happy, but I haven't had a chance to have a sweet couples moment with her as Falen and Emalia had put at the water. I still can't get over to the way she lashed out on me on the ship. I know that Bloom has been under pressure since the Codex at Red Fountain being lost thanks to the Trix, but I don't know how to come up to her and talk about what happened or how to move forward with what we have.

"So, what do you feel like doing tomorrow?" I asked the group as I was waiting for my corn on a stick to cook, but also hoping that Bloom will talk to me.

"Go back to the city," Stella grumbled with a frown on her face and knees still up to her chest.

"I like to go deeper into the forest!" Flora beamed with joy. "I heard there are some huge animals and amazing creatures that live there!"

"Sound like a fun adventure-!" Chatta was interrupted by Flora calling her name and handing her cooked corn.

"I thought maybe tomorrow morning we could send our postcards!" Musa smiled at her pixie, Tune holding a pen and paper.

"It is expected that vacationing young ladies send postcards to their families!" Tune chimed with a smile.

I was slowly getting sad as I didn't hear Bloom say anything she wanted to do tomorrow. Maybe it was a good idea to ask Bloom directly what she wanted to do instead of asking the group.

"But um Musa, your father?" Aisha asked, still having her corn near the fire.

"It's okay, I've never sent him a postcard before, but I'd liked to try it!" Musa smiled.

I glance over at Bloom to see her face light up for the third time since we got to the Wildlands. A smile grows on my lips as I couldn't help but feel the warmth of happiness, heating my body. Bloom doesn't know the effect she has on me when she is happy and enjoying herself.

"Oh, magic postcards!" Bloom grinned.

"Bloom, you see to forget one thing. There no magic in the Wildlands!" Musa said, remaining Bloom of what Faragonda told them about the Wildlands.

"So it will be some old fashion Earthly postcards that we have to send through the mail!" Emalia laughed.

"Oh, right, I can't just seem to get used to it!" Bloom laughed as well, laughing at her forgetfulness.

"Well, I think it's high time you girls get a taste of what life's like when you don't have magic powers, and all you can count on are your wits and your muscles," Riven said rudely.

Everyone but Riven was looking at him with either disbelief or uncomfortableness reasonably expect Emalia. I thought it was rude for Riven to say something like that to these Winx girls after saving all of Magix and tired to keep the Codex safe from the Trix and Darkar. Without these girls, we would have still been fighting the Army of Decay or under the terrible ruling of the Trix. I looked over at Emalia as she took her corn off her stick while Serenity tried her best to get Emalia's attention as her amber eyes turned into the eyes of a dragon. Emalia was slowly nodding her head, munching on her corn, not paying attention to poor Serenity, but Riven.

"Listen here, Riven, I'm sorry you couldn't have magical powers like the Winx fairies, but it's high time for you to be quiet before I give you a knuckle sandwich!" Emalia said politely, but nasty enough to make Riven scoff.

"Let's not forget what happened to my Charmix!" Bloom smile as she tried to change the subject and tension of the group.

"Yeah, we all possessed the abilities to get one, right?" Stella smiled for the first time since coming into the first of the Wildlands.

"I don't know about me, even though Faragonda said I could reclaim my Charmix powers," Emalia said sadly, raising her knees to her chest.

"It's okay, Emalia. You will get your powers back!" Serenity grinned, holding her cooked corn in her tiny hands.

"Well, if there's anything we can do to help you get them, just say so!" I smiled.

"That includes you too, Princesa!" Falen smiled as he pulled Emalia close to him, causing her to smile again.

"They might come in handy against Darkar when we get back to Alfea!" Tecna beamed, speaking her ideas.

Late at night

It's late at night, and everyone decided it was time to call it a day. We eliminated the campfire before crawling back into the tent. We all bundled in our two separate tents, fairies, and Pixies in one tent and Specialists in another tent. I went to sleep quickly after hearing the tender waves crashing against the lakeshore. I listened to the sounds of an animal calling out in the night, and it sounded strange to me. Along with the peculiar animal sound, there was a crunching of the sand somebody is out there. I got out of my sleeping bag and noticed Falen grabbing his phanta weapon about to walk out of the tent. Falen glances behind his shoulder and saw that I was up; he gestured with his thumb to meet him outside, so he didn't disturb the others. I nodded, watching Falen silently unzip the roomy tent and stepped out along with zipping it back up. I went to get my Specialist's uniform slipping it on, lastly grabbing my phanta-sword. I unzipped the tent and zipped it back up. I turned around to see Falen and Emalia are outside, searching through the green leaves of the forest.

Emalia's pajamas outfit:

"Emalia, what are you doing out here?" I asked, holding my sword up, trying to see what Emalia and Falen are searching for.

"I felt some dark energy here in the Wildlands, and it wasn't the predatory animals fighting for a piece of meat either," Emalia replied as she wanted to go forward. Still, Falen was stopping her by gently holding her arm. "Falen, I have to get a closer look or at least find who is producing this energy,"

"Princesa, it's too late at night to be exploring this forest; maybe in the morning, we can see if you still feel that negative energy then we can explore, but you have to go back to sleep," Falen said as I can tell by Emalia's face that she is getting upset with Falen.

"Do you think just because I don't have my powers and we're in the Wildlands magic restraints that I can't feel negative Darkness energy?" Emalia questioned Falen getting madder by the second.

"No, no, no, no Princesa, it's not that it's just-" I blocked out Falen's reply to Emalia as I heard that same sound that woke me up.

I walked a little to the side of Emalia, fussing with Falen as Falen tried his best to calm his moody girlfriend down. I followed the distant sound to the top of the tree, or maybe it was further away. I looked into the night sky to see how it's so beautiful with the moon shining bright. The sound of the animal continued to ring through the quiet night sky as I was staring blankly, getting lost by the chirping.

"What is that?" A familiar voice asked, sounding curious about the chirping too.

I gaze to the side of me and see it was Bloom. This is the first time since the ship we have spoken directly to each other. Maybe this our my chance to try and make things better!

Bloom's pajamas outfit :

"I have no idea," I replied, shaking my head and turning back to find the animal the chirping belongs too.

"Sky, there's something about it that just doesn't feel right," Bloom told me, staring around lost. "Maybe that's the reason why Falen and Emalia is up,"

"Falen is probably up because of the noise, but Emalia is up because she feels some darkness out in the forest," I clarified the possible and fact why Emalia and Falen are up in the middle of the night.

This strange noise is creepy, but maybe I can change it into a way for Bloom and me to be a little closer to each other!

"But it's too bad, and it would have been romantic out here!" I grinned, staring out the giant leaves of the plants in front of me.

I noticed out the corner of my eyes that Bloom was smiling at me, and that's all I wanted since the start of this trip and before Bloom became obsessed with Professor Avalon.

"Don't worry, Bloom, I'll keep guard for the night, and if anything happens, I'll wake up you'll be the first to know!" I smiled at Bloom, holding my sword up in resting position while Bloom gave me a worried look.

"You're going to stay up all night?" Bloom asked concern.

"I'll be okay, plus Falen is going to join me for the night!" I reassured Bloom. "This vacation is for you, so go get some rest, okay?!"

Bloom nodded as she walked off back to the tent following close behind her was Emalia. Emalia seemed a lot calmer than she was before Falen made that comment, but I can tell that she was still upset. I heard a low groaning coming from the side of me, and I turned to see it was Falen. Falen looked tired like he didn't have one ounce of sleep in his body to keep him up and to move.

"I thought I wouldn't make it out!" Falen said tiredly.

"Me too, my romantic friend, me too!" I laughed as I continued to keep watch.

Morning, Stella

I woke up due to the bright sun slipping through the tent's cloth, seeing the tent is empty of my Winx friends. The Winx girls sleeping bags were empty and neatly laid out like before we went to sleep last night. The only people that are with me inside the tent were the Pixies as they were still bundled up in their sleeping bags sleeping the morning away. I took notice that Piff wasn't in her sleeping bag, meaning that Piff is with Aisha. I quickly, but slowly slip out of my skipping pocket. I changed out of my pajamas and into my fashionable clothing. I unzipped the tent and zipping it back up so the sun won't disturb the other Pixies' sleep. I yawned and took a big stretch catching my Winx friends' attention. I noticed the girls were all in a circle with papers, scissors, and pens in their hands. I glanced over to see Riven, Timmy, Sky, and Brandon cooking, drinking, or eating their breakfast.

"Hey, Sleepyhead!" Aisha teased. "Enough beauty rest?"

"I would have slept in even longer if it wasn't for the bright sun," I said as I held my arms over my eyes to block the sun's rays.

"Stella, we're making postcards for our parents!" Flora exclaimed with a smile.

Mentioning parents weighted a little heavy in my heart. I was reminded how things are going back on Solaria as mom and dad are going through a hard time with each other. It got to the point where mom is not even living in the same palace as daddy and me. I wish I could have the life I had when I was younger, with mom and dad loving each other with no arguing or problems coming in between them.

"Great, I'll be right there with you; just give me a few minutes, okay?" I replied to Flora, gently shooting her down.

"Flora, I think this is not a good time to announce that out loud," Emalia gently nudges Flora as Flor Ahmad the oops look on her face.

"I would have thought you'd be in a hurry to send your mom and dad a new picture of you?" Aisha asked as she hit another heavyweight in my heart.

"Of course I want to I-I just don't know what I'll write yet," I declared, walking off from the Winx girls to the unoccupied filled cup of water.

It was silent for a little bit until the sound of moving sand mushing together. I turned to the side to see Aisha getting up from the spot near the girls. Aisha put the sleeping Piff in her hoodie as she was walking away from the group.

"I'm going for a walk in the woods," Aisha announced as she was walking towards the entrance of the woods.

"Be careful, Aisha, don't leave the oaths!" Flora warned as she glances up, watching Aisha walk off into the woods.

"Yeah, if you got lost, then it will be quite difficult to find you!" Tecna chimed, looking over at Aisha.

"Okay," Aisha simply replied, walking into the woods.

I couldn't help but feel even sadder than I was before. I sighed heavily, knowing this day haven't even started for me, and I already feel like crap. I also feel like I'm the reason for Aisha to walk away from the group and not continue making a postcard to her family. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see it was Emalia with a warm grin on her face.

"Stop feeling sad, Stella; it doesn't look good on you!" Emalia joked.

"I think I'll rock the sad look; thank you very much!" I gently barked, tilting my head up high with my eyes closed with a pout.

"Why don't we have a fashion show to cheer you up aye?!"

I stopped pouting and looked at Emalia with hopeful eyes. I hoped she wasn't joking with me, but she wasn't kidding as I knew she was dead serious about what she said to me.

"Are you serious?" I asked, surprised.

"I'm so serious, Stell!" Emalia beamed. "Get up, everyone we have a fashion show to get running up!"

"And what if I don't want to help with this fashion show?" Riven challenged Emalia as Emalia growled at Riven.

"Then I'll blow you to smithereens!" Emalia grinned sinisterly at Riven.

"Yea, with what powers?" I joked.

"Don't you start Stella!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everything was nearly perfect for the sudden fashion show. Everyone helped put it together but Aisha. She was still missing from this morning, and I was started to worry about her. I took the time away from the fashion show to look for Aisha to make sure she is okay. I was walking down the path I think Aisha took when she was walking this morning. Big leaves from the plants down below the wood's floor covered the trail as I moved it aside to continue the path. Then I heard whimpering and crying of a voice that sounded like Aisha. I walked towards that path of whimpering to see Aisha holding the sleeping Piff in her hands as she was panicking. I tried to talk to Aisha to tell her I'm here, but I guess since she is panicking too much that she accidentally blocked out her ears.

"I'm scared, and I'm alone!" Aisha exclaimed, scared.

"No, you're not alone," I replied to Aisha, surprising her that I'm with her.

"Stella, you scared me!!!"

"Sorry! I just hate being ignored,"

I smiled at Aisha placing my hand on my hips. Aisha set Piff back in her hoodie so she can sleep in a safe place.

"What are you doing here?" Aisha asked me, making sure Piff is comfortable back in her hoodie.

"I came to get you, of course, we're putting on a little fashion show for the boys!" I explained to Aisha smile as we both walk up the path to the others at the campsite.

"You want in your fashion show?"

I'm surprised that Aisha would think I would leave her out of any event the Winx girls and I are planning. I know the last time I accidentally left her out because I wasn't used to her being the new girl in our group of friends, but Aisha has proven that she belongs in the Winx Club! Plus, Aisha and I have a few things in common, even if she doesn't know a lot about me.

"Hey, you'd rather sit out in the woods all day?" I questioned Aisha with a confused look on my face as we walked side by side. "All alone, listen I feel a little left out too sometimes,"

"You feel left out?" Aisha acted surprised, with her voice going up slightly.

Does Aisha think so highly of me like that?

"You've bet like this camping stuff, and I just don't fit in!" I explained to Aisha as we were venting to each other and continued to walk side by side.

"You got that right," Aisha agreeing.

"That's why I want to join us for the fashion show!" I smiled as I stopped walking along with Aisha.

"Was Stella, thank you!" Aisha beamed, feeling touched.

I felt like I got an understanding of Aisha as Aisha got a sense of me. I felt like we were closer friends than initially as my heavy heart eased up a lot better. Aisha and I shook hands to confirm we have an understanding, but I felt warmer than I did before. I glance down to see was glowing yellow hue around the outline of my body.

"Hey, what's happening?" I glanced down at myself.

"It's like a mirror!" Aisha exclaimed, cheesing at my Charmix's pin.

"Wow, a mirror shaped jewel!" I cheered happily. "The Charmix knows me well!"

"Oh, Stella, you did it; that's just great!"

Aisha and I went to shake hands again when I heard a growl from behind the enormous bushes. Jumping out of the bushes were Wildlands animals, and it wasn't the friendly bunny or bird; it was two lions.

"We can't fight them off without magic!" I panicked with Aisha grabbing my hand to follow after her while she was running.

"We don't need magic to run away from them!" Aisha exclaimed while running with the lions chasing after us, growling and roaring.

Campsite, Riven

The fashion show was over. The girls were in their swimsuits, sprawled out comfortably on their beach towels enjoying the early afternoon sun expect for Tecna, who was wearing her daytime clothing, and she didn't have her umbrella to protect her from the sun's rays. I was glad time went by so fast so I can go back to what I was doing. I had my book of notes out as I read down my jotted notes I took since yesterday as I noticed things were getting strange in the Wildlands. I couldn't concentrate on my reading with the Winx girls and their pixies whining how long it's taking for Stella and Aisha to get back from their walk into the forest as they smoothly went on to a different topic, which was their Charmix powers.

"Not yet, and without magic, this is a blind scavenger hunt!" Tecna said with a smile as their talking was getting on my nerves.

"Well, you won't find them by just sitting there doing nothing!" I snarled at the girls walking off from them.

"Riven is going to find himself eating sand if he says another out of the way comment about us!" Emalia barked as Flora and Bloom were holding her back.

I rolled my eyes, knowing Emalia won't do anything since she doesn't have her powers to back up. I went back to reading my notes in peace until I heard the muffled sound of shoes running in the sand. I glance over my shoulder to see Musa as she was walking behind me with a frown on her face.

"Don't way things like that!" Musa exclaimed with her arms up, gesturing her emotions with through them.

"Why shouldn't I?" I asked, surprised Musa is saying something like this to me even though I was telling the truth.

"It's embarrassing!"

"I'm not trying to get you mad, I call it as I see it," I answered Musa as I cut her off while she was stumbling over her words. "You've got a problem with that?"

"No-" Musa reply quickly, but I cut her off again, leaving her behind as I walked into the forest.

"Think before you answer," I walked I to the forest, not caring if I leave Musa behind.

I walked into the forest as I closed my book, checking my surroundings. I was taking in the silence of the forest and the living vegetation that makes this forest beautiful. I looked down the path to see visible animal footprints, following the animal footprints. I can guess this animal is one of the tiny animals that live in the trees by how little the footprint is. Then the small animal footprint is joining by more giant animal prints as they were all going one direction, which is strange and caught my attention. I kneeled, touching the different animal footprints to see and feel that the prints were old, and most of them were fresh. So it seemed all these animals were moving in the same direction in the middle of the night.

I followed the trail of the animal footprints, and they all ended in one place. I glance around to see there was a little inclined hill on the side. This is the perfect place to watch what's going on and bring all the animals to this one space. I walked up the incline to see the animals being put under control by Darcy. I was surprised to see Darcy on her own, but I know that if Darcy is so are Icy and Stormy somewhere close by. I laid down flat on my stomach using the bushy bush to use as my cover to see Darcy clearly and see what she was doing. I was watching and listening to anything Darcy said, but she wasn't saying anything but used her magic to get the animals under her control. I thought you couldn't use magic here in the Wildlands! How is Darcy using her powers here?

"Riven, what's doing?" Musa asked as she put her hand on my shoulder, but I shhh'd her so Darcy wouldn't hear her talking.

"I've been tracking the animals, which lead me to track Darcy here," I explained to Musa as she gasped in surprise, finally seeing what Darcy is doing.

"We have to tell Bloom and Emalia!" Musa exclaimed in worry.

"You also have to find out what the Trix are up too,"

"You're right; we need to spill up!"

I was lifting myself off my stomach as I was about to go, but Musa gently grabbed my wrist, holding me back from completely getting back on my feet. I noticed that Musa was smiling at me, and I couldn't help but get lost in her smile.

"You stay here I'll tell Emalia and Bloom," I told Musa as she frowned for a little bit.

I was surprised that Musa would leave me with Darcy. Darcy did place me under a magic spell to get me around her last year so they can use me to get information out of me. Is Musa serious about leaving me with Darcy?"

"No, you stay, and I'll go tell them!" Musa gave me a reassuring nod.

"You leave me alone with her; you're not worried?" I asked Musa as she again gave me a reassuring smile.

"I guess I'll just have to trust you!"

Musa left me speechless when she said she has to trust me. Did Musa turn a new leaf?

"Besides, I'm sure to know what's good for you!" Musa said as she winked at me.

Musa walked off, leaving me alone again watching Darcy hypnotize the Wildlands animals.

A/n: here's another promo for a new Winx Club writer! This Winx Club writer goes by the name of Lostprincessofthesea. Have you ever wonder how Bloom would react to her home planet was Sparks of being destroyed if she wasn't a baby? Lostprincessofthesea answers all our burning thoughts with her story called the Winx Club as it focuses on a time where Bloom was not a baby when Sparks was under fire, but she is a young toddler. This time as a two-year-old toddler Bloom has a baby sister to take care of as she, not the only one to escape the wrath of the Ancestral Witches. Please check out her story and see her rendition we all know and love with Bloom playing as the big sister. Here's a picture of the her story cover and description.

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