First Day (Edited)

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Please listen to the song as you read <3

Megan Wolfe was a new agent, she was assigned to live in a house with 4 other people. She arrived a day before the new guy was set to arrive. She walked into the big house and looked around, she was greeted by Johnny and Briggs,

"You must be Megan, I'm Paul aka Briggs this is Johnny, Charlie is in her room the new guy mike isn't here until tomorrow and Paige and Dale aka DJ are surfing should be back soon. Let me show you to where you'll be sleeping," Briggs smiled big and showed her to the room she was sharing.

"Sorry, you're bunked with Johnny I swear he doesn't bite. He offered to let you use half his room while we're all here," Briggs said.

"It's fine, I really don't mind as long as he doesn't mind," Megan smiles and puts her bags on her bed and looks around the room.

"I'll leave you to get settled meet us in the kitchen when you're done," Briggs says and walks out.

Megan takes a deep breath and lets it out, then she unpacks her things and puts them in the empty dresser that had a tag with her name on it. Once she finishes she goes to walk out of the room and runs into Johnny,

"Oops sorry," Megan says, "I wasn't expecting you to be right there."

Johnny smiles, "It's fine you can bump into me whenever."

Megan laughs a little and blushes slightly. Johnny was pretty hot and they were roommates so they'd see a lot of each other.

"Well, I hope you don't mind this...I sleep in my underwear I hate pants at night or shorts...just a warning," Megan smiles and exits the room.

Johnny smiles to himself satisfied with his new roommate, he leaves there room shortly after she and they walk into the kitchen together. Paige and DJ were back from surfing and waved hello to Megan before they went to change. Megan waved back and sat on a chair at the island. Her first day and it was only noon, Paul broke her out of thoughts,

"Hey Megan you get to tag along with me for your first day, I think you could help me and Charlie with this case."

Megan smiles, "Sure thing."

"Let's go then," he says then yells out," Charlie lets go were leaving!"

Megan looks at Johnny, "Bye see you later."

Johnny smiles at her, "You can count on that."

Paul laughs, "Easy Johnny she's still new, don't scare her off please."

Megan laughs, "Oh I don't scare easily, I can handle him don't worry."

With that Paul, Charlie and Megan leave the house, they get into Paul's car and he drives them to a location. Once there they get out and Paul hands Megan a bulletproof vest, she takes it and puts it on.

Paul hands her a gun carefully,
"This is yours."

Megan nods and takes it, they slowly make there way around the building looking for a Spanish dude Briggs had been trying to nail in drug sales. Briggs puts his hand out and in front of Megan making her stop as he points quickly and quietly to a tall Spanish dude on the corner about 5 feet from them.

Briggs mouths, "That's him."

Charlie and Megan nod slowly and wait for the next move, they watch the Spanish dude talking to some junkie who, he hands some H too and takes her money. Briggs mentions for them to move out, they quickly move holding up their guns as Briggs yells, "Freeze Jose!"

Jose freaks and tries to run but Megan tackles him quickly and turns him over, putting her knee into his back. Charlie hands her a set of cuffs and she cuffs him, then brings him to his feet handing him off to Briggs who smiles at her.

Megan is gonna fit in here just fine, Briggs brings the guy to the station and Charlie and Megan walk the beach back home smiling and laughing. They replay the whole thing Megan was on day one here and already knocking dudes bigger and stronger down. Megan was a perfect fit for Graceland the head boss couldn't have picked a better candidate for a new female then her. Charlie and Megan entered the house laughing as Paige, Dj and Johnny just watch them. They had only been gone a few hours and took a big drug dealer off the streets. Charlie looked at them then said,

"This girl just took down that drug dealer I and Briggs have been trying to nail for a few weeks now, she tackled him right to the ground no fear."

Johnny smiles, "Thatta girl your gonna fit in fine."

Paige smiles, "Welcome to Graceland Meg."

"Nice job," DJ says.

"Thank you guys," Megan smiled big."It was pretty awesome, but I need a shower."

She walked off grabbed her stuff and went to shower. As she pulled off her t-shirt she got a good look in the mirror at it all scratched up. She flinched a little in pain then hopped in the shower once she was undressed. About 20 minutes later she was done and getting dressed. She carefully brushed her hair and looked at her shoulder again, then shook her head and left the bathroom running into Briggs as he passed,

"Shit sorry ow," Megan said looking up.

Briggs smiled, "No pro..." then he saw her shoulder, "You okay? That from taking the guy down?"

She nodded and Briggs looked at her again then said, "Follow me."

He led her to the kitchen and opened the freezer then pulled out an ice pack. He handed it to her then said,
"Ice it now for a bit then re-ice when you go to bed."

Megan smiled taking the ice pack and applying it to her shoulder, then makes a face. She sat on the couch and iced her shoulder for a bit, about 5 hours later Paige looks at Megan,

"Hey, Charlie and I are making a store run so we can make dinner. Wanna tag along?"

Megan smiles, "Yeah sure."

"I gotta go grab Charlie," Paige disappears.

Megan goes to her and Johnny's room and grabs her shoes putting them on, as Johnny is just on his laptop pretending to do something but he was watching Megan.

"Bye Meg," he calls to her as she leaves the room.

"Bye Johnny," she says laughing.

She meets Charlie and Paige by the door, they all walk out and get into Paige's car. Paige drives to the store they shop and a half hour later they're back at the house. They all bring in the groceries and put them on the counter, Megan goes to her and Johnny's room and puts her shoes back in there. Briggs is on the couch with Johnny and DJ watching TV. Megan walks over to Paige and Charlie and begins to help them with dinner. About an hour later dinners did and they are all sitting down together to eat. They all share stories and laugh while they eat, once they are done Briggs, Charlie, and Paige all retreat to there rooms leaving Megan, Johnny and DJ to chat alone. It was around 9 pm now DJ retreats to his room next then Megan and Johnny go to there's. Megan strips down to her underwear and a tank top and lays on her bed grabbing her laptop. Johnny stares at her for a few minutes smiling as she just clicks away. After an hour she falls asleep with her laptop on her lap, Johnny quietly gets up and carefully takes her laptop off her and closes it, then he covers her up and goes and lays down. He drifts off to sleep not much longer later, around 1:45 am Megan awakes from a bad nightmare breathing heavily she gets up pulls on her shorts and quietly exits the room. She goes to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water and opens it taking a sip. She tries to slow her breathing as she is doing this a voice from the couch makes her jump 10 feet and scream.

Briggs laughs his ass off as Johnny comes running out, "What the fuck?"

"It's okay Mr. Likes the dark scared the fuck outta me," Megan says shaking a little.

Johnny takes her arm, "Let's get you back to bed, not cool Briggs you trying to kill her."

Briggs laughs, "No."

Johnny and Megan go back to there room, Megan takes off her shorts and climbs into her bed and falls back to sleep within minutes. Johnny does the same smiling as he watched her drift off.

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