The New Guys First Day (Edited)

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Megan was awoken by loud knocking she jumped up and pulled on shorts and walked into the hall seeing Johnny knocking on a door and yelling at Briggs to get up. She laughed as she heard his responses then heard her name and froze. She looked at Johnny as he asked her,

"Wanna come with me to pick up Mike Warren?"

"Sure let me get dressed," Megan bolted back into their room.

She changed fast pulling on her shoes and walking out of the room all within 5 minutes,

Briggs yells, "His plane lands at 08:00!!!"

"Got it!"Johnny and Megan reply back.

They get into Johnny's car and drive to the airport. Once there they walk over to baggage claim C
Megan and Johnny smile,

"Mike Warren, right?"

Mike replies, "Yeah."

Johnny smiles, "You wanna know how I knew that?"

Mike replies, "Uh, 'cause I was told to wait underneath this sign and I am?"

Johnny smiles, "No, because only a guy who got 1700 on his practicals and was told to wait under a sign is still gonna be waiting there two hours later."

Mike looks at him, "Where's agent Briggs?"

Johnny smiles, "Who says I ain't Briggs?"

Mike looks at Megan then back to Johnny, "Well, you just said "1700" like you were impressed."

Johnny smiled, "Paul Briggs got a higher score than I did, so from that, I would conclude that You didn't. I'm Turturro. Everybody calls me Johnny."

Megan smiles and holds out her hand, "I'm Megan I started yesterday."

Mike smiles and shakes her hand, "Look forward to working with you."

Johnny looks at Mike, "Dude, what's with the hand thing?"

Mike smiles, "Oh, it improves gun control."

Johnny and Megan laugh, "Okay, yeah."

Megan looks at Mike, "Hey, what are you listening to?"

Mike looks back at her, "Oh, it's Spanish, for the language requirement. It's a bitch, right? How are you getting it?"

Megan laughed, "It is a bitch but you'll get it eventually."

Mike smiles, "Right."

Johnny asks, "But you surf?"

Mike replies, "No."

Johnny asks another question, "You got shorts?"

Mike replies, "No."

Megan Asks, "Flips?"

Mike replies, "No."

Johnny and Megan, "What? Sunscreen?"

Mikes replies, "No."

Johnny laughs with Megan, "God, your white ass is gonna burn. All right, you gotta go shopping, okay?"

Mike replies, "Okay. "

Megan smiles, "All right."

Mike asks, "Do the people around here know?"

Johnny looks at him, "What, that we're feds?"

Mike looks back, "Yeah."

Johnny shakes his head, "No. No, we tell 'em different things. Briggs tells people he's a Tae Bo instructor. Charlie says she's a trust fund kid. Yo, one chick I'm dating thinks I'm a lear jet pilot."

Mike smiles, "She believes that?"

Johnny smiles and nods, "Yeah, the dude, you see this? Lear jet key."

Mike looks at it, "Looks like a bike lock."

Johnny smiles, "You are smarter than the chick I'm dating."

"So you have a girlfriend," Megan says.

Johnny looks at her, "Fuck, yes but not for much longer."

They walk to the car and get in as Mike looks at them, "What's your story, Megan?"

Megan looks at him, "Dance teacher."

Mike looks at Johnny, "Tell me about Briggs."

Johnny looks at Megan then Mike, " He's the best agent I ever saw."

Mike nods, "That's what I hear, man."
They pull up to the house.

"This is it. Not bad, huh?"

Mike looks at Johnny for a moment, "Hey, why do they call it "Graceland"?"

Johnny smiles, "When they seized it from this drug lord, he was apparently some hard-core Elvis fan, and when they turned it into a flop house for us, the name just kinda stuck. Hey, be glad you're not moving in a lot of stuff, bro. All right, so you, me, Briggs, and Charlie are FBI
Lauren, Megan, and Donnie are DEA. So is Paige, but she's on a case for a couple of days. Oh, and Jakes. Jakes is customs."

Mike looks at him, "It works, having three agencies in one house?"

Johnny smiles, "We all start to blend together after a while."

Johnny looks at both Megan and Mike, "Oh if you guys have civilians over, they stay down here, okay? Nobody's allowed past those stairs without a badge. So no local girls or guys upstairs. I know I know it sucks."

Mike points to something, "Yo, you know what this is? Looks like a chore wheel."

Johnny smiles, "You are smart. We all take turns cleaning. Dishes, toilets, all that. For now, wherever it says "Donnie," you write in your name. Megan your name is added at the bottom."

Mike writes his name where Donnie's was.

Mike asks, "Donnie's the DEA guy who,"

Megan finishes, "Got shot?"

Johnny replies, "Yeah."

Mike nods, "Yeah. Is he all right?"

Johnny replies, "He's alive. That's about all we know right now. They got him locked away in some safe house, so but the good news is he doesn't have to clean the bathrooms tomorrow. So mop's in the hall closet, brother. Come on, Mikey. Megan dishes please girl."

Mike and Johnny take off to the mop closest and Megan go to do dishes.
Once finished Johnny Megan and Mike sit and chat.

Johnny says, "Donnie was under the Gallardo cartel out of Tijuana. He was doing a needle drop."

Megan and Mike ask, "What's that? "

Johnny explains, "Well, they expect him to test the quality of the heroin by shooting up. Right. So he pretends to inject himself. But what he's really doing is sticking the needle in a little rubber ball he's got tucked into his arm. The ball popped out, they shot him."

Megan's eyes go wide, "Damn."

We meet Lauren and Johnny shows Mike to his room. After some talking, Mike has a gun out and Charlie enters saying,

"Hey, no guns downstairs!"

Mike goes and puts it away then comes back.

" Sorry," Mike says.

After some talking and dinner we all head off to bed.

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