Undercover Assignment(Edited)

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Megan and Johnny got dressed and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

Charlie was already down there,

"Morning guys, Megan you up for a jog after you eat?"

Megan smiled, "Yeah sure."

She grabs a banana and eats it then kisses Johnny, on the cheek before she heads out with Charlie.

Charlie and her begin to jog and talk,"So you and Johnny?"

Megan laughed, "No no hes got a girlfriend remember? Plus I've only been here for like 3 days."

Charlie smiled, "So what? He looks at you differently then your first day."

Megan laughs, "No way I mean he kissed me and I kissed back , but I don't know."

Charlie laughs more, "Hey girl he will be worth it you share a room."

Megan smiles, "Yeah and he does see me in my underwear."

They keep jogging and chatting before Megan pauses and catches her breath. She takes deep heavy breaths as they walk back into Graceland an hour and a half later. Johnny was waiting watching TV

"Megan you and Johnny have an assignment for undercover you start in an hour," Briggs says.

Megan nods and runs up for a quick shower and change. She meets Johnny downstairs and he looks at her,

"Okay tell me your story."

Megan smiles, "My names Milly Torres I teach dance classes."

Johnny smiles, "Perfect I'm Sam a friend of yours."

Megan nods, "Sounds good."

They walk out together after waving to the rest of the house. They get into Johnny's car and take off their vests and guns in the trunk. Once they arrive at the meeting place they get out and await this drug lord. Megan looks around waiting, about 3 minutes later a blacked out truck shows up. A tall 6'2 guy steps out Megan and Johnny walk up to him and introduce themselves. The guy motions for them to follow them there cars stay parked in the lot. They walk with the guy into the building Megan keeps her eyes forward watching the drug lord.
The guy talks about what were needed for and we begin our undercover investigation. The drug lord pulls Megan aside and into a room, Johnny watches as the door closes. Megan is now alone face to face with the drug lord.

She smiles and answers every question no hesitation and he has her try a few lines of coke. She doesn't refuse and does feeling it pump through her veins. She takes a deep breath and the drug lord and her laugh and talk in his room. After a few hours he out of nowhere punches her and begins to beat her up. Telling her to stay quiet he puts a pillow over her face as her elbow and shoulder pop out of place. She screams into the pillow and Johnny faintly hears it all and tries to keep his cover cool. He was pissed by 11pm he carried Megan out to the car trying to hide his anger. The drug lord says he'd see them tomorrow 3pm same place, Johnny agrees. Johnny places her in his car and rushes her to the ER. Once there he carries her inside and doctor's work on her. Popping her elbow and shoulder back into place making her scream and cry. Johnny holds her hand as she squeezes tightly. Once they finish they give her some meds and send her off. Johnny walks her out to the car helping her get in. She was in a sling and elbow brace, she cried the way home holding Johnny's free hand as he drove. He was heated and mad the guy just beat her up even though she did what he asked. Megan kept saying to him it was because if she didn't take the beating he was gonna kill her naming her a cop. Even though she was she took it like a champ, she was in so much pain.

Their covers remained intact, as they pulled in around 12:45am Johnny helped her out and they walked into the quiet house. Johnny grabbed her a bottle of water before helping her upstairs. He helped her shower and change and carried her to their room. He laid her on his bed and gave her her medicine and laid next to her after changing into shorts. She fell asleep with in a half hour thanks to her medicine. He somehow drifted off a few hours later. Briggs left them alone at 6am and took Mike to surf for a few hours. By 7am Johnny and Megan were up, Johnny helped her get ready for the day and helped her back into her sling. They went downstairs and Megan took some ibuprofen no one else was up just yet. Around 7:30am everyone started coming downstairs and freaked seeing Megan hurt asking questions. She informed them shed explain as soon as Mike and Briggs got back. Around 8am Briggs and Mike walk in from surfing, Briggs nearly flips a lid once he sees Megan.

Megan looks at Briggs, "I have to go back! He's expecting us, I only took the beating to be in on everything. He's telling when and where the shipments are coming in. He now trusts me I kept my cover so didn't Johnny we meet with him at 3pm."

Briggs sighs, "I really am not comfortable with this."

Megan takes a deep breath, "I've been through way worse and survived."

Johnny puts his arm around her, "He didn't touch her at first they talked for a few hours, before I heard muffled screams and bones popping and her cries. She did great but if I had stepped in we'd both me dead. As soon as he let us go I picked her up and brought her to the ER. We got back around 12:45 this morning spent about an hour or so in the ER. Then she showered changed went to bed so did I."

Briggs says, "First chance you get Megan lay him out for hurting you."

Megan smiled, "Briggs I got this."

Briggs smiles too, "Good."

Around 3pm Megan and Johnny took off to go back to the drug lords. They arrive as the guy is walking out Johnny gets out and helps Megan out. He adjusts her sling slightly and whispers in her ear,

"Stay strong please. You've got this."

Megan smiles and whispers back, "I will."

They walk up to the drug lord Tyler and he looks at Megan,

"Sorry had to make sure you weren't a cop, sorry to mess up your pretty face, " Tyler places his hand on Megan chin and turns her face back and forth looking at the damage he did the night before.

Megan flinches in pain, "Ow," she says quietly.

Tyler drops his hand, "Okay lets go inside."

He turns and begins walking, Johnny walks next to Megan as they walk inside. Megan looks at everything around the room they walked into and gets a little dizzy. Johnny catches her before she fells,

"Easy Milly," Johnny says.

Tyler looks at her, "Why don't you go lay down."

Tyler takes her to a room and makes her lie down, then he talks with Johnny as Megan falls asleep. A few hours later Megan groans in pain waking up, she slowly sits up her shoulder throbbing in pain.

"Fuck....." Megan gets up and walks out of the room causing Johnny and Tyler to look at her.

"You okay?" Johnny asks.

Megan just shakes her head no he gets up as she asks Tyler,

"Wheres the bathroom?"

Tyler points down the hall and to the left. She quickly walks and shuts the door and gets sick. Groaning again in pain, she gets up and splashes water on her face and chews a piece of gum she had in her pocket. She stays in the bathroom for 10 more minutes, causing Johnny and Tyler to knock on the door asking if she was okay,

Megan opens the door, "I'm fine."

Johnny could tell something wasn't right, but held it in hoping they'd be let go soon so he could make sure she was OK. A few hours later Johnny's sent home and Megan's suck there for the night. Johnny isn't happy and Megan's not feeling great. Megan ends up getting sick a few more times before Tyler gives her one of her pills and lays her in his bed. Megan drifts off to sleep and awakes with Tyler asleep next to her. She quietly gets up and goes to the bathroom then returns, trying to not put so much pressure on her arm. She shoves the pillow against her face and lets out a scream which ends up scaring Tyler awake. Tyler looks at her,

"Look I really am sorry."

Megan just lays down and turns away from him, "Its fine."

Tyler sighs and lays awake the rest of the night and watches Megan as she falls back to sleep.

Meanwhile back at Graceland

Johnny had walked back into the house without her causing Briggs to freak out just a little bit.
"She's still undercover she's just throwing up and feeling dizzy. I couldn't exactly just take her home with me. I don't think he'll hurt her again," Johnny says, "If I go back and pull her out were made and most likely dead. She's got his trust just believe in her Briggs. Shes a tough girl."

Briggs sighs, "Your right Johnny. I'm just worried."

Johnny nodded, "I am too I go back around noon tomorrow. She should survive the night."

Briggs nods, "Good."

Johnny goes up to his and Megan's room and lays on his bed sighing. He doesn't sleep at all.

Back to Megan

Megan tosses and turns a little bit before waking up at 5am breathing heavily. She jumps the moment she sees Tyler watching her which causes her to fall off the bed.

"Ouch fuck!"

Tyler leans over and holds out his hand, "You okay? I'm sorry."

Megan takes his hand and pulls herself up.

"Yeah you scared me and I was having a bad nightmare," she sits on Tyler's bed.

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