Undercover Assignment Part 2 (Edited)

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Megan groans in pain then looks at Tyler, "Help me get this sling off please I need to stretch my arm."

Tyler nods, "Yeah sure."

Tyler helps her and lays the sling on his bed and watches her as she moves her elbow which cracks then her shoulder which also cracks. Tyler knew the extent of the damage he did and he actually felt bad for once. He gets up and goes to his kitchen grabs a bottle of water and some aspirin. He walks back to his room and hands it to her,

"Here for the pain and don't worry its just aspirin."

She takes it from him and nods opening the bottle of water and taking the aspirin.

"So what's on our agenda today?" Megan asks with a small smile.

"I'm bringing you and your friend, to meet the shipments guy at the loading docks,"Tyler replies.

Megan smiles, "Sounds great."

She moves her elbow and shoulder again and they both crack, she rubs her shoulder. After a moment Tyler tells her, "Turn around back facing me."

Megan does as he says, he places his hands on her shoulders and begins to massage her shoulders. Megan begins to relax a little, Tyler smiles and just keeps massaging them for about an hour. Tyler pulls her into his arms and rubs her back until she falls asleep.

Back at Graceland

Johnny leaves his room sighing it was only 6am and he was ready to be near Megan again. He couldn't stop worrying about her, it was driving him insane. He paced the kitchen as Briggs came downstairs.

"Come surf for a few hours kill time before you go meet at noon," Briggs says.

Johnny sighed, "Fine," he runs up and changes into swim trunks and leaves with Briggs.

Back to Megan

Megan is asleep still in Tyler's arms. Tyler carefully lays her down and covers her up and leaves the room. He softly closes the door behind him and looks at his guys

"Stay out and away from her," he ordered.

They nod and listen fully knowing what happens when they don't.

Back to Graceland

Johnny rips a good wave landing it, Briggs cheers him on and rips the next. Johnny forgets for a few hours having some fun around 11 am him and Briggs, head back to Graceland so Johnny can shower and get ready to go meet up at Tyler's.

Back to Megan

Megan wakes up as Tyler comes in to check on her.

"Hey morning you hungry?" Tyler asks.

Megan stretches and replies, "Yeah."

"Come on," Tyler grabs her hand and walks her out of his room.

They walk into the kitchen past the guys with guns, Tyler has her sit at the table and makes her some eggs. She eats and he tells her she can shower and change, he has some extra clothes that should fit her in the bathroom under the sink. He gives her a towel and leaves her be to shower. She walks down the hall and grabs a towel from the hall closest he told her to, then walks into the bathroom. She closes the door and starts the shower, gets undressed and gets in. Its about 11:55am as she's still showering as Johnny's arriving at Tyler's.

Megan lets the hot water run over her as she hears voices and a knock.

"Come in,"

She breaths out as she hears Johnny's voice which makes her smile. Tyler's voice is heard saying meet in the living room.

Johnny nods, "Will do," he shuts the door.

Megan washes her hair and rinses it then shuts the water off,

"Can you hand me the towel please?"

Johnny smiles,"Yeah," he hands her it over the top of the glass doors.

She wraps it around her and steps out, Johnny wraps her up in a big hug and whispers in her ear,
"I've missed you."

Megan smiles, "I've missed you too."

Johnny puts her down and she grabs clothes and puts them on. They walk out to the living room together, Tyler sees her face lite up and smiles.

"Okay so we are gonna go meet up with the shipments guy now, were riding in one car. I'll make the introductions and well set up the schedule to get the 10 shipments in," Tyler says to us
Megan and Johnny nod then they all head out, getting in the 3 row seated truck Johnny climbs in after the gunmen Megan slides over to the middle and Tyler sits next to her on the other side. 

The last gunmen gets in the front passenger and a driver gets in the driver seat.

After a half hour ride they arrived at the docks, where the shipments were set to be in later that night. Tyler gets out along with the rest of them, Tyler,Megan and Johnny walk up to a guy holding a clipboard.

"Danny this is the two I was telling you about," Tyler says.

Danny looks up then notices Megan beat up, "What did you do to her Tyler?"

Megan looks away and Johnny just takes a deep breath.

"What I had to," Tyler replies.

Danny shakes his head, "Gotta find a better way to make sure females aren't cops, hurting people isn't what we do unless they are cops!"

Tyler rolls his eyes, "You get your money right? Stop judging how I handle my business."

Danny snaps, "I don't need this kind of heat! You see her face! " Danny turns to Megan and says, "How much worse was this?"

Megan looks up, "Uhm dislocated elbow and shoulder dizziness and throwing up," she looks out into the water holding back tears and feels Johnny put his hand on her shoulder.

Danny looked back at Tyler, "Was it worth it?! You could have killed her."

Tyler just laughs and Danny shakes his head and looks at Johnny, "Lets discuss shipment placements, where everything is going when it comes in tonight."

  Danny and Johnny talk and Megan wipes tears and looks out into the water, taking deep breaths reliving a few days ago in her head, then she thinks about the baby she was gonna be burying tomorrow and how she was gonna deal leaving Graceland for a day. More tears fell and she just wiped them away trying to control her breathing and trying to pull herself together. Tyler watches her the whole time still not knowing, she was an undercover who was gonna bust his ass tonight. She watched some waves and then felt someone behind her, she turned and saw Danny,

"Hey here's my number let me know when your on your way later."

Megan nods and takes his number then they all leave and head back to Tyler's. Once back they get out and Tyler let's them leave and tells them to meet at the docks later at midnight. They agree and go back to Graceland. As Johnny and Megan walk into Graceland Briggs greets them. He pulls Megan into a hug and makes sure no further damage was done to her.

Megan looks at Briggs, "We bust those 10 shipments tonight at midnight, and bet your ass I'm giving Tyler a nice arrest maybe a tackle if I gotta."

Briggs smiles, "good."

Megan and Johnny go up to there room and sit on Johnny's bed,

"I couldn't sleep last night," Johnny says.

Megan frowns, "I'm sorry you don't have to worry about me Johnny. I've been through worse." 

Johnny looks at her, " I can't stop worrying, there's something about you that draws me in Meg. Makes me care about you and drives me completely crazy, since you got here I've fallen for you and you haven't been here long."

Megan smiles, "Oh man well, you make me crazy too and I can tell you anything I feel like a different person. I got what I wanted so far by being here a new life a fresh start over."

Johnny pulls her into his lap and kisses her softly then says, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Megan smiles and replies, "Yes."

Johnny smiles and kisses her again, "Good and I can't wait to get this guy tonight."

Megan smiles big, "Me too."

There's a soft knock at the door,

"Come in," Megan and Johnny say at the same time then start laughing. Johnny wraps his arms around her waist as DJ walks in.

"I heard you were back," Dj smiled at Megan.

Megan smiles, "Yeah I'm good we nail this bastard tonight."

Then something hits Megan, she pulls out her phone and Danny's number texting him,

Megan-Hey Danny its Milly

Johnny looks at her, "Something wrong?"

Megan shook her head as her phone chimed,

Danny-Hey Milly I wanted to let you know I recognized you from L.A. I'm a DEA agent I was there the day Slivo gave you your placement I know your names Megan. Looking forward to taking this asshole down tonight make sure you have a vest under your clothes and be ready to nail him"

Megan's eyes widen and she thinks to herself she knew him.

Megan-Sounds great see you at midnight
Danny-See you then

Johnny looks at her,  "You know Danny?"

She nods, "He was there when I was being assigned."

Johnny hugs her and she hugs back, "Only 6 more hours til we get this guy."

Megan nods, "Can't wait."

He kisses her cheek and she smiles. Megan grabs Tyler's very thick file and goes downstairs, "I'm gonna go over some stuff before we leave tonight."

Johnny nods, "Okay baby."

Megan makes coffee and sits to wait for it and opens Tyler's file. She begins to read as Mike walks in.

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