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So this chapter is just a tiny, little, itty bitty, break from the chaos I have created. Sooooooooooo.... I'm just gonna call this... a QnA with Ivan, Regina, and Me! (Although I probably won't be participating as much.) Oh, and Maybe Winter If she's free. She's been pretty busy with Baby Emma.

Ok! Lets start!

1.what is your favorite Color?

Regina: The color of my soul! Green! Lime green to be exact!

Ivan: Uh... pale blue? Light gray? I guess.

Frisk/Me: mine changes every few months. Right now it's Emerald/Bright Green.

2.when you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Regina: um... I'm 12 right now so...

Me: just say what you wanna be since your still a kid.

Regina: oh ok! I'm still aiming to be a peacemaker! Hoping to bring everyone together one day!

Ivan: sweet innocent mind.

Regina: What?

Ivan: Nothing. Uh... I remember wanting to be a musician. Someone that played the cello or violin. Heh. That didn't work.

Me: *sigh* I wanted to be a veterinarian. But then I noticed I was a little to into blood. I quickly stopped that dream before I started trying to kill people. Hahaha. And thank the heavens I did! I have no dead body's on my list!

Sans: *glares at me*

Me: ..........

3. What's your most favorite place that you've travelled to?

Regina: Oh! When I went to sonic's universe with Ink! It was really fun. Everyone was so kind!

Ivan: I-I.... I don't have one.

Me: Going to the Disney world and Universal studios in Florida. Fun times.

Ivan: Wait, you've meet Mickey-

Me: actually, no. I didn't meet anyone. Everyone was meeting kids and having pictures taken. The line was like four hours long. And I wasn't gonna wait for that crap.

4.if you could get a plan tomorrow to wherever, where would you go?


Ivan and Frisk: Huh?

Regina: If I can go to the White House one day and become Maybe president, not only will I be the first Women president, but the first peacemaker to make actual peace in the world!

Me: Agh! .....My heart.....

Ivan: *takes a beep breath* To Paris or Japan-


Ivan: riiiiiiiiiight.... because Paris is where, important people, live at.

Regina: *whisper-yells: Lady bug!!!!*

Ivan: *ignores her* and Japan because of their art.


Ivan: ........ she's been watching to much anime............

5. Are you closer with your mom or dad and why?

Regina: my mom of course! She's the only one I have! Although, I don't think I would mind having sans as a-

Me: *shushes her* Don't go there. We're..... having slight problems...... *starts feeling gloomy*

Ivan: Uh... my mom. When she was alive, she would always find time to fit some play time with me when I was younger... heh...

Me (IRL): I feel closer with my mom. Mostly because my dad's always working until 8. And well, she's easy to talk too.

Ivan: Winter was always with my dad. Weather the activity was something more towards males or just for female.

6. How meany children do you want and why?

Regina: how are kids-

Me: *covers her mouth asap* I'll be the one to tell you when you get a little bit older. Don't worry. Ivan, you first.

Ivan: I.... wasn't planning on kids really. One? Two at most. I just. Don't really wanna complicate everything that's happening with more kids from my part. If I do have trouble makers, it will be because of my partner.

Regina: aw... I would like to adopt as meany kids as possible! Because it's hard being where they are. I should know!

Me: I technically already have children, but like actually birthing them? Uhhh.... 4-8! *ivan looks at me weird* What?!? It's my life! Not yours!!!!

7. What is your favorite meal? (savory and dessert.)

Regina: Oh! Easy! Roasted Mice and for dessert any kind of Barries!

Ivan: Yeah. I guess I like Chinese food. And dessert would have to be cheesecake.

Me: ooooooo! I like this sort of "soup" I guess you can call it. It's a Mexican food called menudo! (M-eh-new-do) And I love anything dark chocolate. Dark chocolate cookies, cakes, covered strawberries, you got it!

8. What is your go-to movie or tv series?

Regina: Coraline! Or The nightmare before Christmas!

Ivan: ...the news from Paris...

Me: ANIME! OH SEMPIE!!! NOTICED MEEEEEEEE!!!! *starts crying again*

Ivan: Give her a sec.

9. What is your dream career?

Regina: President!

Ivan: I would still like to be some sort of musician but a more realistic goal would be doctor.

Me: I've given up all hope at this point.

And 10! If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?

Regina: Uh... it would be covered with my fur, but I would get a green heart to represent my soul!

Ivan: I don't know man. A fake scar? So that I can make up a story every time someone asks me how I got it.

Me: uh... well..... I would choose... a knife... So that I can't can't forget of all the resets I've done...


Ivan: Welp that's all for now uh....

Regina: See you all later! *turns into a bunny*

Me: Bye bye!

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