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Regina's Pov

As Kid and Black Star kept arguing about symmetry and how it didn't/did matter, I saw that everyone was talking to each other and getting to know one another.

I soon felt a pair of eyes on our ground. Turn around and for a split second, I could have sworn I saw the kid with an eye patch look at us.

Maka came up to me and stared for a few minutes.

"Uhmm.... are you alright Mak-"

"Your soul. It's different from most."

I look at her weird. "What?"

"Most souls have a sphere shape to them. Your's is a heart." She states. Quite confused on the matter.

I take out my soul the way Mom taught me and showed her. "Well obviously, silly. I'm the soul of Kindness!" I hold my soul out so she can see it clearly.

Maka still looked confused. And I could feel that she wanted to say something but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So she kept it in.

"You alright MakAghhhhh! What the?!" Soul yelled, alerting the others.

"Soul, shush. I'm trying to understand it myself." She said, turning back to me. "May I touch-"

"U-uhh actually, n-not really. It's not really..... polite?...... to touch others souls around here." I couldn't think of the word I wanted to use. I mean, Undyen said it was more of a self defense and.....baby making...... according to Undyen.

"Oh alright. I apologize-" Maka was interrupted by BlackStar shouting into her ear.

"WHAT IS THAT?!?!?" Yells Balck ⭐️ Star. And soon enough Maka and BlackStar start getting into a verbal fight.

I find this as an opportunity to go and see the other kid that was reading the news paper from.... 1880's?!

"Uhm, Hi! I'm-" I didn't even got to finish my sentence before he interrupted me.

"Not interested, move along mut." He replied, rather harshly. He's visible eye pursing though me with annoyance.

It took me by surprise, the fact that he didn't even let me speak and already calling me names.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Scram. I don't need another nuisance giving me trouble." He glares at me before his eye returns to the news paper.

'British? Well that's new.' I thought, sitting next to him. He gave me another glare and put the newspaper next to him.

"Didn't you listen to what I said?!?!" He yelled.

"Yeah, I just wanted to sit down... is that bad?" I ask.

He looked at me for a minute before rolling his eyes and taking his newspaper out again. I swing my legs back and forth, pretty bored.

"....... so...... Where are you from?" I asked him, but he ignored me. Not even looking up from the paper.

"Can you at least tell me your name?" I felt a heavy energy coming from him.

"Ciel. Earl of Phantomhive." He snapped back.

"Ciel? Like a seal!" I giggled, trying to make him smile.

He rolls his eye, finally facing me. "More like Sky in French. What are you even trying to do?!" He towered over me, making me quite nervous to say the least.

I scoot back a little "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was just trying to brighten you day. I didn't mean to make you mad or anything." I apologize.

His look softened a tiny bit. It was barely noticeable but I picked it up.

"Your not human, that's for sure. So what are you?" He demanded. It was clear his shell was going to be hard to break.

"I'm an animal shapeshifter. I know, weird." I laugh, a little nervous.

All of a sudden the butler guy came over to him.

"My lord," he started. "Other then The Undertaker and Grell, Lady Elisabeth is also in this world. She's a few blocks from here." He bowed, placing a hand where his heart would be.

"Aghh.... Lizzy's here? Great.... Sébastien.... bring her here....." he ordered his butler, Sebastian, with much irritation.

"Yes, my lord." And just like that, he left without another word.

"BAAAASSSSYYYYYYY!!!!!" A guy in red yelled, running towards Sebastian.

I tilt my head to the side, a little confused on the situation. "Could I, Maybe, ask you a few questions?"

He huffs and looks the other way. "I will not guarantee exact answers if that's what your asking."

Clapping my hands, I give him a warm smile. "Ok! Feel free to skip any questions that feel uncomfortable to answer, ok?"

He rolls his eyes again, raising an eyebrow at me before I start asking stuff.

Tilting my head, I ask the first question. "Ok...... why does that guy call you lord?"

"Because, I'm the Earl, obviously. What time is this even?! With all those weird gadgets you have." He inquired, showing a discussed face at the phones and other sorts of technology.

I look around, everything seemed normal to me. Well.... other then Gray in his boxers..... and the fact that the group with Natsu and Maka are wearing weird clothing....... but other then that every thing seemed fine-

"Ohhh! And what do we have here?" A guy in a completely gray outfit had snuck behind me and Ciel. Causing me to jump out of my seat and turn into a Cheetah.

Ciel looked unfazed. Like he knew it was coming somehow.

"Mut, this is the Undertaker. Undertaker, Mut." He sloppy introductions us.

"Hay! My name's not Mut! It's Regina. Regina Dreamerr. And I'd appreciate it if you called me buy my name.... please." I asked. Although I probably shouldn't have. I should have demanded it considering the fact that Ciel doesn't open up too easily and that I'm super shy.

"Doesn't matter, Mut. Now, anything you wanted Undertaker? Or will you stop taking my time and leave?" The Undertaker just giggles. Sinking back down where he came from. I look under the bench and he was gone! It gave me chills....

Either way, it still annoyed me that Ciel wouldn't use my name correctly. But I didn't budge, probably for the best.... I hope....

Brushing off some dirt that The Undertaker had left, he (more or less) continued the conversation."Now, where were we Mut?"

"I-" not even getting to finish a sentence, I hear a high pitched voice, probably screaming her head off her shoulders!

"CIEEEEEEEEEEEELLLL!!!!" I see a blonde girl with twin, curled, pigtails running at full speed towards Ciel. I look back at the Navy haired boy and he looked petrified.

"L-Lizzy! W-what a surpri-AGH!" He couldn't even finish his own sentence since the blonde, Lizzy, hugged him and had started spinning around.

"Oh Ciel! Your so funny! Oh! And who's your friend!" She "thew" Ciel to the side for a few minutes. "I'm Elizabeth Midford! Lizzy for short! Pleased to meet you!"

Even before I could respond, Elizabeth had already started hugging me. I noticed the butler was back and with the guy dressed in red clinging at his feet. It was funny in a way. These guys didn't seem to be normal in the slightest, considering that are from a different place... or time?

"Bassy! Please! Looooooove meeeeeee!!!" The man in red cried while Sebastian looked annoyed as ever.

"I'm consider it once you leave this world, Grell. For you have no place in it."

"Oh bassy, your so cruel to me! But I know your just playing hard to get aren't you my knight in a shining tail coat!" He flirted. Heart eyes viable from miles away.

Sebastian punched poor Gell into the concrete sidewalk, then walked over to Ciel. Bowing before him.

"I guess the people mom likes to see really aren't normal. Hehe!"

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