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Ivan's Pov (with frisk and the undertaker (a few hours earlier))

"Ivan, again, I'm going to ask you to calm down before I can tell you anything." Frisk demands, forcing me to take deep breaths as to "try and calm down".

"Ok, I'm calm. Now explain."

She looked at the Undertaker as if asking him to explain. "I'm pretty sure you know what I want in exchange." He laughs, putting me on edge.

Frisk sighs in annoyance. "Now I can understand why Ciel was so annoyed with you. Look, I'm not a very punny person. So can you just cut it meow-t? It would be paws-itively purr-fect if you were just kitten about that payment."

"I don't think I have ever heard that meany cat puns in one phrase." I reply, feeling ever so slightly ashamed and kinda embarrassed of her.

"Blame Sans." Was all the information I needed to understand that she learned them from the blue hooded skeleton.

"Hehe, good but not good enough... Your turn." He points at me with his long as nails that definitely needed a trim.

"An elderly man in Phoenix calls his son in New York and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are getting divorced. 45 years of mystery is enough." The boy screamed in response, "Pop, What are you talking about?" "We can't stand the sight of each other any longer." The old man says. "We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and tell her." Then he hangs up. Frantic, the boy calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. " they're not getting divorced if I have anything to do about it." She shouts, "I'll take care of this." She calls her old man in Phoenix and screams almost immediately. "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do ANYTHING. DO YOU HEAR ME?!?" And she hangs up. The old man turns to his wife and says, "okay, they're coming for thanksgiving now what do we tell them for Christmas?"

The creepy old man starts laughing so hard, I'm pretty sure the dead could have heard him.


I rolled my eyes looking at frisk. She just shrugs, as if this was normal for her... which now that I think about it-

"Anyways, from where do you want me to explain?" He asks with the worst smile I have ever seen so far. I was starting to thank Bendy for moving Winter out of this household. I'm pretty sure this would have increased her inane personality.

"From the beginning. What are you? How did you get here? How do you know my past? That sorta stuff?!" I was getting annoyed with this man, not only was he dark, mysterious, and weird, but annoying and irritating too.

"hehehehe! Well, I'm a grim reaper my friend!" He laughs once more.

"A grim who-ha?" I mocked. He's smile changed from "I'm insane" to "you annoying little brat." I didn't care though. I wanted to know how he knew my back story.

"Ivan, don't mock him, his capable of.... pretty bad stuff......." Frisk warns me with extreme caution.

"Which is?" I question her while looking at the man dressed in Gray.

"It's fine Frisk, your demon wanna be is just trying to be funny, it's all fun and games... heheh!" He bits his overly grown nails.

"Just cut to the chase already. How do you know who I am?"

"Well to understand you, you must understand me first. Humans who committed suicide become Grim Reapers as punishment for taking their own life until the day they are forgiven. They are to work hard and continuously observe other people's deaths.

When a human is intended to die, a Reaper would review the individual's life by judging his or her Cinematic Record, which is just the recollection of the human's memory. The Grim Reaper then decides whether or not to let the human continue living or to let him/her/they die. The first option is rarely executed unless the person's life is or would be beneficial to the world. The Grim Reaper collects his or her soul after the human dies and stores them in the Reaper Library. Reapers can not interfere with any human life's of anyway shape or form-"

"Then why are you speaking to us?" I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Well because your well into the future, I'm already forgiven by now. Or, at least I think I am. Hehehhehe...."

I kept my composure but the guy. Could give me the chills if I didn't have my guard up.

"As I was saying. We can't interfere with humans until they die. Once dead, their memory's or cinematic records as we call them, get stored into a library. Where they are kept there until the world ends. Well we have access to both live humans and Dead once memories."

Eyes widening, i move closer. "So you can see into anyone's life's with a flip of a book?!? That's invasion of privacy you dim witted psychopath!"

"IVAN! I told you to calm down about five times already! If you do anything-" frisk threatens while the "undertaker" just laughs.

He was tapping his fingernails against Frisk's Desk. "Well obviously. If the human should live for more time to make a positive impact on the world, we can't just kill they off, or should we?"

I was so angry I didn't care if it was just or not. The fact that his man studied the people he was going to meet before meeting us just left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Ivan, please try to understand. He's above our-"

"I. Don't. Care." I spoke "Even if it's "just it's wrong to-"

Just then a man in Red came in running. "SEBBY?! Oh, it's just you Undertaker."

"And what are you doing here Grell?" The Undertaker asked with slight annoyance.

"Well, theirs a huge fight involving people from different countries or something. And Sebastian hasn't showed up yet!"

Giving a quick glare tours Frisk, I quickly leave to see what's happening.

Present time

This kid's Demon had the guts to insult my blood line their for insulting me. "Toys" please. The only "toy" I see here is the one with red eyes and the has a heavy smell of bird.

Without noticing my fists has fireballs and I was going full Hades on him.

Fireballs flying left and right as everything became a huge blur of anger and broken pride. I couldn't think straight and all of a sudden, I fell an arm slam down on the back of my neck. Knocking me out cold.

WHOA, 1159 words. One of the longest chapters so far.

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