This isnt going to end well.

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Frisk's Pov

I was on my desk looking for a place to up everyone for the time being. But big surprise! The Black Butler Group didn't fit well with anyone. It was like they were designed to make my life hell by not being able to put them next to anyone because they could kill the others in the blink of an eye. So I was getting stressed more and more by the minute until I looked outside and see a burning tree.

"Huh, that's new." I talked to myself. And continued working. I then realize that wasn't supposed to be there and looked out the window of my 2nd floor house.

Once I saw Ivan knocked out on the floor of the concrete, I ran over to make sure Sebastian wouldn't make a three course meal for some crows or anything.

Once out the door I quickly check for he's pulse. "Oh thank god! Ivan." It was beating slowly, but just enough to show he wasn't dead.

"Sebastian, did you have to insult him like that?" Ciel questions his sexy as fu- I mean, his butler.

"Perhaps I went a little to far with my joke. Please forgive me, my lord." He bowed with his gloved hand over his non-loving heart.

I didn't have the heart to say anything towards the demon. Mostly because of my huge crush on him. But either way I was still pissed about the way he had treated my kids.

I could see Regina from the corner of my eye. I Motion her to come over. And with twitches of her mouse nose, she does.... eventually. Nonetheless, I place her in my pocket and try to lift Ivan up so I can put him on the couch.

I then over hear Ciel talking to Sebastian. "Find out anything you can about her, anyway you can. She looks to be the one in charge of this... new world."

I ignored it though. Right now caring about my adoptive son more then anything.

*time skip*

After a good while of nursing Ivan, I went to the kitchen to give Regina some warm milk to calm her down. She looked like she was in tears. So I sat next to her.

"What's wrong Cotten tail?"

"I-I.... did you know Ivan was a demon?" She asked, tears building up in her eyes.

I was token back by the question. The fact that she now knows could have only been because of The Undertaker. Aaand maybe Grell if he really tried to look up their back story.

"Of course I knew, why do you ask?" Playing it off as if everyone knew was probably not the best option but, I couldn't lie to her after her discovery.

Tears were already falling slowly out of their eyes. "Did Ivan try to keep it from me?" She cried. It absolutely broke my heart to see her like that.

As I gave her a bear hug I responded. "Nonono. He didn't keep it from you."

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"We didn't thought you'd believe him, or me. And if you did, we thought you'd be disappointed because he can't turn into an angle anymore."

She looked away sniffing.

"I guess your right." She proceeded to give me a hug.

"Would you mind telling me who you heard it from?"

She lifts her head up from and starts walking gourds the door. I eagerly follow her to see who's responsible.

"The Butler and the guy completely in gray."

"I should have known..." I thought while mentally facepalming myself.

"Thank you Regina. Now you just stay here and wait until Ivan is awake again, ok?" Regina gives a quick bunny nod then hops over to Ivan. As I open the door I'm greeted by a VARY intrigued Demon butler wanting to know about almost everything.

"I say, what a lovely flower you are." He takes my hand in his gloved one then kisses the back of it.

And as much as I would have cherished this moment.... my children come first.

I sigh for a minute before returning back to reality. "Thanks but," I take my hand out of his and push his forehead with my index finger. "If you really wanna charm me, don't do it right after you hurt my children."

With a glare, I cross my arms. Looking straight into those beautiful ruby red eyes that turned pink a matter of seconds.

"Of course, my apologies my lady. I didn't meant to hurt you or your family. That wasn't my intention. I just wanted to see if you could enlighten me on a few questions I have." He explains, giving me flirtatious side glances every now and then.

It made my heart skip a beat and I'm pretty sure he noticed it was working. But then hard, hard reality kicked in. He didn't care about me. He just wanted to pick at my brain for information that could be useful for Ciel, Earl of Phantomhive...

"Depends on what questions you have. If I'm certain it won't be used for any "bad" behavior. Then yes. I will. If not, I have the right to remain silent."

"Ah, well..." he leaned closer to my ear "I'm sure we could change that-"

"Nope! Nope!" I moved out from his dashing good looks and his captivatingly silky smooth voice. "Look, you a hot demon, but mess with my babies, mess with my heart! And you will die, one way, or another. Even if I have to look for my reset button!!!! " it took everything I had in me to resist his deathly handsome looks. And even then, I wouldn't be able to hurt him. But I think I sold it..... for now.

"Fine, it's that's how you want to play."


Sebastian chuckles at my "incompetence". I was starting to act a lot like marinette...

"Look, if you don't start asking I'm going to just leave and talk to the undertaker and your Bitc-I mean Dog- I mean assho- I meant! Lord." I couldn't control my mouth at all in that one sentence.

He looked slightly triggered and slightly like he was gonna burst into laughter. I guess demons do have a heart after all.

"Alright then, why were we brought here?"

"Ok, starting off pretty easy..." I thought.
"I was the one that brought you and the rest of the people here. I wanted to learn from yours and other universe of what you've learned from your life before you "cease to exist" ." A little over dramatic but, that's how I work.

"Alright then, who are you to your world? Are you the lord?" Sebastien asked, as if he was taking notes. Gosh, no wonder he'd be one of the most amazing teachers. I'd love going to school if he was my teacher for all of my elementary, middle, and high school years. FOCUS FRISK!

"Good heavens no! The creator is actually a good friend of mine."

"Do you know..." he places his hand, delicately, underneath my chin and gently lifts my face so I'm facing him. "... where this person is?"

"That's classified." I say, moving his hand away. I could see in his eyes, he was getting irritated.

"Well then, my master will need a place to stay. Something expensive. Could you do that for me?"

Without realizing my self conscience flew out of my window and I said yes. With that he left me standing there like a big doofus.

"What an impression I made." I went back inside, realizing I didn't do squat about the fact that they didn't respect privacy. But I couldn't deal with that now. It was lunchtime and I needed a place for all of them to stay at.

I went upstairs, first door to the right and into my office. Looking though piles of pages and folders for a hotel or- hotel...


"They could stay with Metatton!" It wasn't one of my best ideas, but also not the worst.

Ok, how many rooms? Ciel and Sebastian, Undertaker, Grell, Natsu and Happy, Lucy and Ezra, Gray, Maka and Soul, Death, Liz, and Patty, Black⭐️Star and Tsubaki, Deku, Uruaka, Froppy, Shoto, All Might, iida , Momo, and like 3? Maybe 4 students more? So that's...20 rooms... and MTT's hotel is so expensive.... Aghh....

Instead of complaining, I called him up.

"Hello Darling! This is BurgerPants how may I help you?"

"BP, I need to speak with MTT."

"Alright, and who's this?"

"Frisk? I met you underground when you where working for MTT's Fast food." I rubbed my eyes at how long this was taking. How could he not remember me? I was the one who freed everyone.

"Ok, Frisk please wait until MTT has time to answer your call." Then he put me on hold with Mettaton's songs playing.

I hung up and called again, this time, demanding that I speak with him or I'd threaten to tell Mettaton that he stole a glam burger and gave it to Catty and Bratty. With that I was moved up to the front of the line.

"Hello Darling~ This is Mettaton your speaking with!"

"MTT, this is Frisk. I need a huge favor to ask of you."

He laughed for a second before continuing. "And that is?~"

"I need you to give me a 50% discount on your hotel rooms and your food. At least."

He laughed again. "And why should I do that my dear Frisk?~"

"Annoying son of a bitc-" "Because, I'm going to need 20 rooms and food for 26 er- make that 28 people until November."

"Ohhhh~ so you have lost of company! Ok, I'll give you a 5% discount then."

I was about an inch away from pulling my hair. "You snobby motherfu-" "Please Mettaton. I need you to help a girl out. I'm still probably gonna still be in debt to you. Look, if you do this I'll be in as meany shows you want me to be in with whatever outfits doing whatever you want me to do. I'll be your secretary for heavens sake, just help me out!"

"Fine, Fine Darling. I'm sending two limos right now. I'll have everything ready by the time there over here."

I finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank yo-"

"BUT! Im giving you this free. Which means your doing what I want and need until April next year! Bye bye darling!~" and he hung up on me.

I died on the spot, but this was better then cramming everyone into my small tiny home. All I had to do now way talk to Ciel and the Undertaker.

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