Green is not a Creative Color.

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Regina's POV

I noticed Mom was flirting with the Butler... I never thought he'd be her type. Honestly.

But nonetheless, she came back inside and to her office while I was putting a warm, wet rag on Ivan's head. He looked tired.

I was walking over to my mom's office when Winter suddenly came out of nowhere. "She mush have teleported."

"Hay Mom! Where are yo-oh Hay Regina!" She shouts, running over to hug me.

I return the hug. "Hi Winter, how have you been?" She was probably still love sick. I mean, then again, when isn't she?

"I'm doing just amazing! Spending every day with Bendy, *sigh* it's like I'm living a dream! Oh! And Emma! She's already 5 months old! Aghhh! She's just so cute!" She squeals. I laugh at her fangirling.

"Anyways, have you seen mom? I need some... Supplies..."

I point up the stairs as Mom starts walking down, talking on her purple cellphone.


She extended her index finger. "Not now Winter sweetheart." And when outside.

Winter follows after her. I was tempted to leave but I was worried about Ivan, until I looked back at him and he started getting up. Holding his head.

"Agh... that motherfu-" He stoped himself right after he saw me. "Regina, where's Mom?"

"With Winter." I reply, pushing the door to go out.

His look went from questionable to suspicious. "And where's Winter?"

"Outside." I walked outside with Ivan hand in hand, slowly going tourers mom. I was getting hungry and I wanted food. Something like chipotle.

I stood behind her as she was talking to the undertaker.

"Ok, so I reilized that I probably made a mistake or miscalculation with the spell and now I need you and your "Crew" to go back to your own world. I'm sorry, if you want I can send for you around November?" She asked, Star Butterfly's Scissors in hand.

Undertaker completely ignored her and started talking gibberish. "Hehehe.... Creativity is a vary funny thing. Time can be delicate. Computers distracting. Love into violence. Teeth to rot when food's unwanted. And Dreams into real life nightmares."

Mom got annoyed and just made a portal though the air diagonally. So it was easier to jump in.

She continued to ask the undertaker until, out of nowhere, Winter starts pulling up a fight with Sebastian.

"WINTER THE DANCING DEMON, YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" She starts running tourers Winter as the battle was getting heated. Quite literally. Winter started throwing fireballs but the man in black seemed unaffected.

"Your wasting your time and effort, psycho." He yells just loud enough for Winter to hear but not mom.

"Oh I'll show you-Agh!" She got pulled from her arm by Mom.

"Let me go, Frisk!" She struggles to get out of her grip, but I can tell she's using her soul magic to hold Winter down.

"No, you need to calm down-"


Sebastian walks behind Frisk. Whispering something that I couldn't hear to well.

I looked over tourers Ivan, he looked angry. No, furious. But he also feels like his pride was hurt after the last battle. That's why he's not doing anything.

I felt like I was just in the middle of everything that was happening. Like I'm slowing everyone down in a way.

Everyone was yelling. Everyone was fighting. Everyone was arguing.

I started stepping back subconsciously. I took a look at the seance in front of me. The negative energy probably pushing me back.

"Hehehe..." I heard a giggle. I look to my left and see the undertaker smiling. "Good luck... hehehehhehehehe!!!" He laughs waving at me.

I tilt my head, confused. Until I tripped.


I started falling.


I could hear Winter yell for me as well as Mom and Ivan.

I was in such a state of shock I couldn't register what was happening.

The portal was colorful though. It was like a pastel rainbow, but it was blended so nicely. And then little holo stars mixed in with glitter started showing up.

Suddenly realizing that I'm falling to my probably doom I start yelling, trying to grab something, Anything to hold on to.

Frisk's Pov

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Regina about to fall. In an instant, I drop everything I was holding onto. Winter, Sebastian, My heart, My soul Magic, Everything and left running over, but I was too late, Regina had already fell into the portal. I was right at the edge of it, reaching my arm out for her to grab her arm even though she was already a few feet into the pastel rainbow hole. I could feel Ivan on my left side and Winter on my right.

All of a sudden Winter dove right in after Regina. And then Ivan ran in after I supposed both of them. I lunged forwarded trying to get all of my kids but Sebastian pulled me back.

"Let me go!!! I need to get them back!!!"

He pulled me into a hug, where I started uncontrollably sobbing into his charcoal colored tux.

"But if you go who's gonna brink them back?"

"I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!!! After a portal is opened for more then 10 minutes it starts going though other dimensions to counter act the gaping hole between time and space!!!! What if they're in some twisted world like Lusttale?!? Or Dust tale?! Or Deltrarune? I haven't even told them anything about that world!!!!"

The portal started going though different universes as I spoke with the butler. Demon or not, he was a good listener. Weather that be because he has a brat for a master or just for ease dropping, it didn't matter at that moment.

A few moments pasted and with no idea on where they could be I hesitated on closing the portal. But there was no going back. I needed to find a way to get them back. One way or another. They are my children after all.(I would sacrifice the love of my life for them(unfortunately))

Regina's Pov

I finally see the "light" at the end of this portal. But with the amount of time I've been falling down, I was scared to hit the floor.

Out of instinct, I turned into a cat and tried to soften my landing.

It didn't work.

I still hit the chair.

I still probably got a bruise at least.

I checked for broken bones. Feet and legs first. Nothing. Intense pain. But no broken bones.

Then my hips and torso. Everything seemed to be ok.

After that, my hands, arms, neck, and head. Nothing was bleeding. Nothing was broken. And nothing was sprained.

"I'm ok?" I asked no one. "How?!"

Nonetheless, I stud up and finally noticed the room. The floor was tiled black and white. And we where in some sort of kitchen with a dinning table. Everything looked so puppet like.

I looked at myself and I'm in different colors! And I'm human! Well. More so then usual, other then my fox ears and tail. My outfit also changed, I was now wearing overalls that looked more like a dress with a R in the middle in front of a pocket. Underneath I had a orange and yellow striped shirt. My hair was a bright blue and my skin was sun yellow. On top of that, I couldn't shape shift. My powers weren't working!

Then I heard a scream.

Looking up I see Winter crashing down onto the floor. I run over to her and start helping her up. She had light green skin and her hair was a forest green with sun yellow tips. She had a yellow scarf over a brown petticoat with a red handkerchief. And brown shorts over yellow and orange tights.

"What the.... Where are we?!?" She starts looking around. Looking for a way out.

"You know what? Screw this." She starts extending her arms so her hands are facing a wall. But nothing happens. "Why isn't my Magic working?!"

"I don't know, I tried shape shifting into an animal and I couldn't! It's like something's stoping us."

"How, god know where we are, can that even happen?!?!" She crosses her arms and started ranting.

Then we heard another yell.

We both looked up and saw Ivan crash onto the floor.... face first.

"Pffffff-HAHAHAHAHAH!!! RETARDED!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU LAND ON YOUR BUTT NOT YOUR FACE STUPID! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Winter started laughing her head off as I tried to pick up Ivan from the ground. (Unsuccessfully though) Although I have to admit, I giggled a little when he fell.

"Thanks for being so concerned about me." Sarcasm clear in his voice. Ivan starts looking around the kitchen/dining table and starts looking around. He had red hair instead of his chocolate brown. His skin was also pinkish and So was his ears.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask. He started shuffling though the cupboards and kitchen utensils.

"We need to find a way to get out of this... freak show as fast as possible. Who knows
what could happen!!!"

He keeps looking around. Under the table cloth, into blue cups, around the painting, Inside a notepad that had a face. He closed it afterwards.

Wait a sec. one of these is not like the other!

Once looking into the book, a person (?) came out with a white tux. "Heeeeeelllo!"

Winter quickly looked up once she heard his voice. "Baby?! B-but.. what are you doing here?!" He didn't respond to her.

"What's your Favorite idea? My is being creative!" He started singing. Signaling to Winter he was different. She quickly put her guard up.

I suddenly slipped in, wondering if being creative was an idea or an action. "How do you get that idea?"

"I just try to think creatively!" Jumping to the right, he sees a fruit basket filled with oranges. "Now, when you look at this orange. Tell me please, what do you see?"

Winter, quite annoyed, stepped into his little song. "It's just a boring old orange. I-" but she was cut off.

"Maybe to you! But not to me!" He grabbed the orange and held it up to the ceiling. "I see a silly face! Walking around smiling at me!"

"I really don't see what you mean." Winter sassed. Whipping her ponytail behind her.

"Cause you not thinking Creatively! So take a look at my hair!" His gloved hand goes though his pinkish bundle of hair. "I use my hair to express myself!"

Ivan rolls his eyes. "That sounds really boring." He crosses his arms with a slight smirk.

Bendy stares at him with intense anger. "I use my hair to express myself." He cartwheeled over time the nearest window. I followed him curiously. "Now when you stare at the clouds in the sky, don't you find it exciting?!"

In union, all three of us told him no. He chuckles and points at the window. "Come on take another look!"

"Oh wait!" I told him. "I can see a hat!"

Winter said she saw a cat.

Ivan says he sees a man with a baseball bat.

Then we spoke together. "I can see dog! I can see a frog! I can see a ladder leaning on a log!"

Bendy looked quite pleased with our corporation. "I think you getting the hang of it now! Using your minds, to have a great time!!!"

I took some paper and a pencil and started drawing. "I might paint a picture of a clown!"

"Whoa there friend, you might need to slow down." Ink started leaking from the ceiling and went all over my drawing.

Then there was silence.

"Here's another good trick!" Bendy sang, breaking the silence. "On how to be a creative wiz kid! Go and collect some leaves and sticks and arrange them into your favorite color!"

We went outside as Bendy instructed and started to get some sticks. Ivan wasn't too happy about following this Bendy.

"I don't know, just keep your Guard up girls. I don't trust this guy." He told us, as he grabbed his tree sticks.

We came back inside and sat down on the chairs in front of the table. Bendy was sitting on the table. He was watching us as we were spelling the colors with the tree branches.

Ivan spelled, "Red."

Winter made, "Blue."

And I created, "green!"

Bendy put an X on top. "Green is not a creative color."

I felt really bad that he didn't like my sense of color.

"There's one more thing that you need to know, before you can let your creativity flow!" He was now standing on the fridge. "Listen to your heart! Listen to the rain! Listen to the voices in your brain!"

"The voices in what?-" Ivan was cut off.

"Now let's get creative!!!" Bendy yells putting out supplies

We stared coloring. Not really sure why. Instinct maybe? Either way, I started making some sort of space ship.

Ivan hesitantly grabs some stamps and spells out some words. Winter grabs a small container of glitter and sprinkles it on the table.

As we did crafts, Bendy started adding more materials to what we already had.

I got tissues, paint, fake gems, and some sort of silly string. I look over and Winter's decorating a real heart in glitter. Ivan starts spelling the word Death in black stamps.

In between our arts and crafts we started dancing. Waving our arms in all different detections while moving our body's to the Strange music. After a while we got hungry. Bendy was there to give us food. It tased weird.

And we repeated the process. Arts and crafts, dancing, food. After a while it got dark outside. And started pouring.

Finally we broke out of our trance. The heart Winter was playing with was now covered with glitter in every inch. If it wasn't for the shape, I wouldn't have thought it was a real heart.

Ivan grabs his head in some sort of pain. I look down to see he made the word death. But it was barely visible. Black liquid was splattered all over the word.

I finally look at my work station. I made.... something. But it was covered with red liquid. I took a quick sniff at it.

"Iron...." I tried taking steps back but fell off of my chair. Blood was on my project.

"Now let's all agree!" Bendy sings. He was sitting on the table without a care in the world. "To never be, creative again!" And with that, he disappeared into the notepad.

Ivan, filled with anger, tried opening the book to find him. At first the book wouldn't budge. It was glued down. But after a while of pulling and pushing, he got it opened. He flipped though the pages to find him but he was no where in sight.

Ivan, our of energy, huffed. "We have to find a way out. Did any of you remember what we did?"

Winter was passed out on the chair.

"I don't remember anything..." it was true. All the knowledge was stripped away from me.

"Well, there's nothing left to do other then leave." Ivan states. He cares Winter over his shoulder and opens a door into the next room.

I look back for a quick second.

Inside of the mouse hole was black liquid oozing out. I look over to the window and see Bendy. Starring at me with an insane face.

"Regina!" Ivan yells. I close the door as fast as possible.

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