What's the time? Quarter to Nine.

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Regina's Pov

As I closed the kitchen door, I turn around and see a living room. It had three chairs. A big green one. A wooden rocking chair. And a kid one.

Ivan sat Winter down on the big green one, while he sat on the wooden chair.

Ivan sighed. "We need to find a way out of this puppet world before there's another strange encounter."

Winter starts waking up and joins the conversation. "Yeah, but how much time do you think that will take?"

As fast as I heard her voice, I ran over and gave her a tight hug. "Winter! Your awake!"

Ivan cut my happy energy with a concerned one. "I don't know. We don't have any form of transportation. We don't have any way of communication. All we have is each other. So.... I guess we're just gonna wait until Frisk, or someone, gets us."

"But how much time with that take?!" Winter yelled.

"I don't know. The fact that we went into an unknown world makes it difficult to calculate. We could be here for days, weeks. Even months."

"Don't fret, there's always time for a song." Spoke a voice.

We start scanning the room for the intruder. And then, there, at the top of the T.V. was a clock. With a face. Eyes, mouth, nose.

I rub my eyes for a quick second and it's gone!

I turn around and there was Frisk! She had a red top hat with yellow lines going diagonally. Her hair was black with yellow highlights. Her skin a dark navy blue with red clock hands in the middle of her face. Her eyes looked dead but she had this unnerving smile. Her out fit was some sort of tux dress. And she had white gloves.

That's when I noticed the date. "June 19....."

She starts bouncing in place.

"Time is a tool you can put on the wall" she sings while taking my arm. "Or wear it on your wrist." There was suddenly a watch on my wrist.

She lets go of me and walks over to the photographs that we never took of use. "The past is far behind us. The future doesn't exist!" She yells, waving her arms in the air.

"What?" Ivan asks, index finger scratching his scalp.

I start intervening. "Well then, what's the time?"

"It's quarter to nine. Time to take a bath." She smiles. And in a moments notice, we were naked, in the bath tub. Together. I tried turning into any animal to cover myself but I forgot my magic doesn't work here. Ivan turned the other way while Winter and I covered ourselves up.


Frisk takes a sponge and scrubs my back. "Scrub, scrub, scrub, till the water's brown." She ignores Winter and soon enough the water's a mud brown.

"Time is a ruler to measure the day!" And just like that we were back in our clothes. "It doesn't go backwards, only one way!"

Frisk starts singing again. "Watch it go round like a marry go round. Going so fast like a marry go round." She places a clock in front of my face and the hands start moving at incredible speeds.

She suddenly takes it away and I'm left there dizzy.

Once I got my focus back, I noticed we weren't in the same environment. We were in space! With a ruler as our "sidewalk" of sorts.

"Let's go on a Journey! A journey though time! The time that's changing all the time! It's time to go to time!" Frisk started saying gibberish in that "phrase". I couldn't even understand what she was trying to say.

"But we don't really want to. We're going to miss our trip." Ivan interrupts, not showing fear, more of a uncomfortable expression on his face.

"Don't be STUPID friends!" She yells, showing an infuriated face before showing that fake smile once more. "C'mon its time to go!" She waves at us.

We get into a door that takes us to a much older time.

"Time is old, like the Victorian times!" Frisk explains.

"With cobbles and plagues, and speaking in rhymes!" Yells a man in a chimney.

"With cobbles and chimneys, a simpler time!" Yells a woman selling goods.

"Weth cuhes hand wader han daisvsys han slime!" Speaks a man covered in green goop. Making it hard to understand him.

We go though another door that leads us outside once more. I look around and see a tree stump. "Look! This tree is old! That's why it has circles inside!" I point out.

"The tree that is older has shriveled and died." Frisk points to a much older tree. It's bark was shedding off like some sort of snake.

Winter rolls her eyes. "Look at this apple thats fresh! It's ripe to the core!" She spits, sarcasm clear in her voice, it was blatantly obvious that she wanted to go home.

But then the apple started talking., "and I rot over time and I'm not anymore..." it's started turning into mush as it spoke until it was nothing but slop.

Frisk pointed at the sky. As if controlling what time it was. "Time can be told by the moon of the sun, but time flies fast when your having fun."

Out of instinct I started playing rock-paper-scissors with Ivan. I was about to win when Frisk slapped both of our hands. "Agh, there's a time and a place for mulling around."

Ivan asked, "Like like camping?"

"Or perhaps birthdays." Winter commented.

I started walking around when I bumped into someone and fell onto the ground. "Ow... oh! I'm sorry mister..." I looked up to see it was mister Joey Drew! "Oh! Mister Joey Drew! Hi! I'm Regina, remember?"

It wasn't long before someone grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the group. But it was really weird. He had the same hair and skin color.

"And then what happened after the olden days?" Ivan asks, right next to my head. Comforting my suspicions of him being the one dragging me.

A flash of white blinded me but once I was able to see again, we were in outer space once more. With the same ruler side walk. Only this time we had items on top of our heads. From computers to violins to coffins. Frisk began to sing again. "Time went new, got old like history. Stuff from the past went into a mystery."

"And old man died." I pointed out. But Frisk was quick and "covered it up".

"But look a computer! Everything's cool. It's the future!" Frisk yells with such energy, I could have sworn the dead man could have come back to life.

We where all sat down in front of a computer that was showing us complete nonsense. Like glasses with real eyes. I could tell it was doing something to me but I couldn't tell what. On top of that I tried to move but I was strapped down while Frisk kept singing. "The time is now! The future a new! And look at all the wonderful things you can do! With gadgets and gizmos and email addresses!"

After a while of being in that chair, I was finally let out. I open a door and look around. I was back inside the house. I took a few steps and saw Mister Joey Drew on the computer. I started walking inside when all of a sudden I see mister Joey drew on the computer. "Mister Drew what are you doing on the computer-" Then all of a sudden my eyes were covered so I couldn't see much of how he looked like of what was on the screen.

"And that's another reason why I don't consider this guy a "friend" even in the slightest." Winter snapped. Since she was the one talking I assumed that Ivan was the one covering my eyes.

"Look at the time!" Frisk popped out.

"It's quarter to eight, there's fish on my plate." Winter said, holding a plate of fish.

"It's twenty past day, there's fish on my tray!" I giggle, holding a tray with a dead fish.

"It's eleven to twelve, there's fish in the bath." Winter yells from the bathroom.

"It's nine thirty, there's fish everywhere...." Ivan starts, but then thinks for a second. "Fish everywhere?"

We where all gathered in the living room a second time. "Now you can see the importance of time." She spoke, dusting off her dress while bouncing in place. "It helps us make pizza, it keeps things in line."

"But when will it stop? And when will it stop?" Quizzed.

"Time is important and I am a clock!" She points out.

"But if we run out of time, where dose it go? Is time even real? Dose anyone know?" I ask again, trying to get more information out of her. Until Ivan intervened.

"*sigh* Time's just a construct of human perception. An illusion created by-" He was cut off by Frisk yelling in a loud voice.

"meh. meh. meh. meh. Meh. Meh. Meh. Meh. MEH! MEH! MEH! MEH! MEH! MEH! MEH!" She kept screaming. I covered my ears trying to block out the sound, but her voice was too strong. I started feeling liquid coming out. By the time she stopped, I was crying. Looked at my hands, I could tell I was bleeding.

"Sunrise, sunset, night and day. The changing seasons. The smell of hay. Look at your hair grow, isn't it strange? How time makes your appearance change!" She questions, we start looking at each other.

Our hair was growing gray. Winter's fingers started decaying to the point where you could see the bone. My face was getting pulled by gravity. And my teeth were falling out. Ivan tried to pull his hair out but along with it, he pulled his sculpt out along with a chunk of his brain.

We were decaying 100 time faster then what would normally happen. Our eyes started falling out, blood was dripping onto the floor. And Frisk just watched as we started dying.

"M-make it s-stooooop.... p-please!" I begged her.

She just held the side of my falling cheek. "It's out of my hands I'm only a clock.... don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. But eventually everyone runs out of time." And she just stud there. Smiling that dead smile.

Then everything went black. I couldn't see nothing.

And just as fast as it came, it left. I could see everything again. The living room, Winter, Ivan, but Frisk was gone.

Ivan looked mortified. "We need to find a way to leave. Even if it kills us."

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