Your Special One!

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(I really really wanted to finish all six episodes before hallows eve but.... I got busy. So imma at least finish this last chapter (even after 11 days has pasted since Halloween))

We ran to the first door we found and tried to escape from there. As soon as we were all out we took a deep breath. Hoping that was the end of this insanity game the puppet would seems to be playing with us. But as soon as we look up from our tired state, we see bees and butterflies chasing after us.

Ivan and winter ran to the left while I ran to the right. I couldn't think rationally. I just followed my instincts and ran, after being far into the forest I climb up a tree. Hoping to get some more rest like I would usually do when I turned into a bat or an owl.

I steady my breathing to a rate which is much more calmer. When all of a sudden I hear a voice. "It makes you sad, doesn't it?"

I look up to see a version of Chara. But like the others, she was different. She had a black headband with antenna sticking out of it. Her hair was a dark gray color. Her skin was a lighter blue then mom's but blue nonetheless. Her eyes where the same red shade but her outfit looked like a butterfly-bee of some sort... with a lemon yellow scarf, black shirt with yellow trim and yellow belts. She also had wings of some sort.

"That there's so much hatred in the world? I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question." She inquired, moving closer. I scoot closer to the bark of the tree, afraid of what's going to happen next. I was scared I was going to die again.

"Have you ever wondered why we're here? What's it all about? You've no idea. And everywhere you look all you see is hatred. And darkness, death, and fear." She starts singing. Dancing though the air like if she was in water. She looked vary elegant.

"But you know it doesn't have to be, that I hate you. And you hate me. Cause even though we're different, it doesn't make a difference. And we can live in harmony! (Heh, Harmony. XD) I know you don't know who I am." She states, looking at me again. "But maybe I could hold your hand." She extends her hand to me. Expecting me to take it but I don't. I don't even hesitate to get closer. I just stay still. Hoping she would leave me alone.

She gives up and continues with her song. "And together we can understand about love!"

"Agh! I feel weird!!!" I scream, feeling my body float off of the branch and move though the air.

"Yes, that's love my friend, and it's time for you to learn all about it!" She giggles. Signaling me to follow her. I move to the floor but, as if by force, my body starts to follow her and her creepy face.

As we fly, we go though clouds and rainbows. I feel hazy as if I'm low on oxygen. As the time passes I feel more and more dizzy. Like if my mind is slipping in and out of consciousness. I see horses and all types of animals in the clouds. And once I stop looking spurns I see a huge tree in the middle. He looks really weird. I start giggling and before I know it Chara already when though a few lines of her song.

"So here we are with all my friends, and they love you all of them!" She sings, looking around to everyone.

"Yes we do." Sings a snowdrake.

"It is true!" Shouts a froggit.

"We love you and you love us too!" Smiles a washuea.

I giggle again and run the top of his head. "I love you too little cuppy!" He gets angry and whisper-yells bucket while Chara kept singing.

"To love each other is to hear! To be kind!" She spins in a circle, extending her arms like a pretty blue flower.

"And to share!" Squeaks a Wimsum.

"I, Ribbit, love my friend so I give him a hug." Flirts Aaron.

I didn't even noticed Onion-San was there till they spoke. "I made this for you, cause I love you so much!"

Then Snowdrake followed. "I love my pet cause he's a crab!"

I feel even more drowsy then before so I starts singing along. "I love this tree and I love this stick and I love this mole."

"No no no!" Scolded Chara. "That's not how is done. You must save your love for your special one."

I tilt my head, confused, "my special one?"

Tundere-plane butted in after. "Everyone has a special one!"

"Even me? But.... I'm lonely...." I pout. Tears in my eyes, seconds from crying.

"Yes, that's true." Agrees Chara, rubing circles on my back to calm me down. "But do now worry. Your confused, but that's ok. Let me put it another way!" She walks me over. But with the colorful rainbows in the sky, I couldn't focus on what was happening. I reached for the colors with all my might. Trying to catch the light. When we stopped, I could tell where we were. In front of the huge tree. But then he started talking to me in a deep voice.

"This is the story of Michael. The loneliest boy in town." I sit cris cross applesauce for the story. Taking all the time in the world to get ready. "This is the story of Michael." He sings. "The ugliest boy in town. Ugly and weak, they called him a freak! So he live on his own underground. He lived on his own underground. He lived on his own underground...."

I sniff at the part where he crouched into a small cave. Never to be seen, maybe.

"You see!" Chara picks me up. "Everyone has a special one!"

"Even Michael!" Froggit ribbits.

I start smiling once more for no reason at all. I looked at my fingers and I had cats on them. "Cuuuute!!!" I scream, wanting to pet them. But all my ten fingers where cats.

Chara takes my hand in hers and leads me away. "Your heart beats hard like a big love drum. Calling for your special one!" She sings, holding my hand and we dance around. "So be patient, and just maybe. Your special one will come!" Chara let's go of me to spin alone. And with the increasing fuzziness in my mind, I start getting the feeling to vomit.

The voices from the crowd get more and mire confusing. To the point where I couldn't identify who was speaking. "His made for her."

"And she's made for him."

"That's they it's always been."

"And it's perfect."

"And it's pure."

Putting her hands on my arms, Chara stand in front of me. "And it's protected with a ring." She smiles. A comforting smile, all I did was smile back.

"That's the way that all love goes." Boomed a deeper voice.

"Like a flower it grows and grows." I could finally see what was happening, sort of... but I could tell flowey was here.

Monster kid sings, "And it's forever. And forever!"

"And now we all worship our king." Chara and the others start chanting "our king" over and over until Chara spoke again. "His name is Malcolm. He is the king of love. We must feed him. We must feed him gravel. Or he becomes angry."

The large statue, that I didn't even notice was there, was speaking. "Gravel."

I'm suddenly strapped to a chair. And dressed in white robes. Slowly getting closer to the gray sculpture.

"And this is your chance to starts a news And all we're asking you to do, is change your name, and clean your brain, and forget about anything you ever knew!" She lists, I get scared and look around the room for help. I could see the clock and notepad in one corner of the room.

Getting more nervous, I look towards the other corner of the room, where I see Ivan and winter. "Help! Please! Ivan! Winter!!!" Pleading, crying, and screaming at them to help me get out. But they didn't do anything. They just stood there and sang.

"And your heart will find its home. And our love will never go! Now where this ring and join the king." Chara floats over a ring that appears to be made of gold. I shake my head no and try to get out of the chair but there was restraints on my hands and legs. "And you will never be alone."

I closed my eyes and screamed. I couldn't take it anymore. Everything was a nightmare. For all I know I probably died again. I reopen my eyes and see that I'm on the same branch. I was going to go higher up the tree to look for my siblings until I heard them scream my name.

"Regina!!!! Where are you?!?" Yells the female.

"We found a way to go home!!!"

The moment he said that, I jumped off the tree. Not caring if I broke my legs. Running towards the voices, I hit tons of leaves and twigs. But again. I didn't care. I wanted to go home. I wanted my mom. I wanted cups. I wanted Mugs. I wanted Ink. I was tired and hungry. My head couldn't take any more madness.

I suddenly bumped into someone, causing me to fall back onto my butt. I started trembling. I didn't want to look up, in fear that it was another "teacher".

"Regina!!!" I heard Ivan's voice. I looked up and saw my brother. I stared crying again. He swiftly picked me up and held me close. "Shh shh... it's ok... we're going home..."

I kept sniffing, crying, and trembling. But the more time I spent hugging Ivan the more I felt safe. "I shouldn't have left you alone. I'm sorry." I wanted to tell him it was ok. But I couldn't. Not only because of the crying and sniffing, but because it wasn't ok. I was alone and afraid.

"Regina! Ivan! Come on! The portal's closing! After it does we have to endure another freak show!" Winter yells. Ivan starts running over.

Setting me down, he holds my hand and we enter.

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