The soul eater crew

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Ivan's POV
~14 minutes earlier~
I was studying for an upcoming test (yes I know school's out but I have plans that NEED them to still be in school. Deal with it.) when all of a sudden I get a phone call from frisk.

I got up and answered it.


"Oh thank lord you answered. Uh... you aren't... busy... by any chance... are you?"

"Well, I was studying for an up coming te-"

"GOOD! I need you to come over here. Fast. I know your at your dorm right now but, it's an emergency." I started to worry right after she said those words.

"What happened? Are you ok? Is anyone hurt?!"

"Uhh... not yet..."

I sighed and told her I would be right over as soon as I could.

I quickly grabbed my keys, a jacket, and drove over to her place.

The drive took about a 18 minutes to get there since there wasn't much traffic. But before I could even pull up to her driveway, I see strong flashes of light and small explosions. I got out of the car and into the "crime scene".

Children were fighting with weapons and then teenagers, about my age, where trying to help but couldn't because of how heated the battle was. A man in a butler outfit was really putting up a fight.

By this time I was angry. Why didn't Frisk take care of this herself?!? And why were these guys all at her house?! Did she summon them?

I walk into the middle of the battle. As some of the people tried to hit me I quickly grab their hands and push them onto the floor.

"You guys needa stop. You'll destroy the house by the time your done."

"Ana who are you to tell us what to do, Kishin?!?" Replied the scythe.

"Soul! We aren't in death city anymore. Plus, look at the road and how damaged it is because of us." Replied the girl holding the weapon.

"*sigh* I guess your right Maka."

I let of go the girl's weapon and just look at the man in the butler outfit.

"Would you still like me to kill them, my lord?"

"No, not now anyway. I'm bored. Go see if anyone from London is here." Demanded the boy with the eye patch and blue hair.

The butler gave me a disgusted look before bowing in front of his "master".

"Yes, my lord." And with that, he quickly left.

Now I look at the other two girls that had red and blonde hair, they where talking to a guy in pink hair, and some sort of cat with wings...... yeah. I'm not gonna question it.

I see Regina get out of the house as I start walking inside to have a chat with frisk.

Regina's POV

"Weird......" I spoke out loud.

"What's so weird about it?" Asked the white haired kid.

"Huh? O-oh. I-I'm Sorry! I didn't mean to speak out loud! I just thought it was weird since that doesn't happen often here." I explained.

The kid stared laughing for some reason. He's... "partner"? Was starting to get angry.

"Makaaaaa.... CHOP!" She yells, hitting the boy with a book that came out of no where.

"Soul. You know better then to scare the girl!"

"Yeah..... noted Maka....."

"HAY!" I another voice yelled from behind me. I turn around and the kid with blue hair shaped as a star jumped in front of me.

"IM BLACK ⭐️ STAR! THE PERSON THATS GOING TO SURPASS GOD! YEAH! SO NOW YOU KNOW HOW SMALL YOU ARE COMPARED TO ME! DON'T YOU?! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" He yelled, as if oblivious to any attention he might attract to himself.

"Black ⭐️ Star! Please, your making her nervous! I don't-"

"Makaaaa..... CHOP!" And with the same book Maka used, black star is out cold.

I felt eyes burning into my back, to I turned to see who it was. The kid that had blue hair was glaring at us. Well. More specifically, at Black Star.

I shyly wave to grab his attention. He saw me for a split second before rolling his eyes and continuing to read his newspaper.

'Well that wasn't vary nice.' I thought at I turned my attention back to the kids I was next to.

The kid with three stripes held out his hand for me to shake. Which I gladly took. "Hello, I'm Death the Kid. Kid for short-......" he stopped introducing himself and looked at me.

"U-uhhh... e-excuse me? A-are you ok?" I worryingly question.

He started to part my hair though the middle. Which I didn't like but I was to nice to say or do anything about it.

"There. As I was saying, I'm Death the kid. Kid for short. And these ladies are my partners. Lizzy and Patty. Also known as the Thompson sisters." He finished explaining.



The girls looked like poler opposites. Except for the fact that they had the same outfit on.

"H-hi! It's nice to meet all of you!" I greet. "My name's Regina Dreamerr."

"That's a pretty name." Complimented the girl with a high ponytail. "I'm Tsubaki. Black ⭐️ Star's partner." She gave a gentle smile. To which I also give a friendly smile.

I think I'm going to like having them as friends.

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