Geese. How meany of you are there?

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Frisk's POV
I was just talking to All Might when all of a sudden I hear a slam from the front door.
"Regina!!!" I yell

"That wasn't me mom!"

"then who did it, huh?" I look over and I see a pink haired boy with his blues cat standing at the door with my child behind them.

"Ohhh no....."

"So your Frisk? Ha, what kind of magic do you even have?" He laughs, already claiming victory of some sort.

I brush it off to the side, knowing I probably would get in some kind of battle with him. Especially if I didn't keep my mouth shut."That's none of your business." I start walking towards them. "My name is-"

"We know, Frisk Dreamerr. Now the real question. How do we go back to fairy tale?!?!"

"Look, I didn't mean to bring you here. Or any of your friends.-"

"Then what are we doing here?"asked Shoto.

Without turning my head I speak to him. "I wanted to help you and your class improve on your skills. Seeing as you and Bakugo failed to get your hero license." I could tell I hit a nerve of some sort.

"Mom! Calm down. I'm sure this is all a big misunderstanding." Regina nervously replied.

"Thank lord Kacchan isn't here." Prayed Izuku.

The tension was starting to grow thanks the the messed up spell. I specifically said "bring one universe in at a time. About a week from each other." Buuut noooo!

Asui was with Regina, trying to calm the people. Until we heard explosions outside.

I quickly run outside to see what the commotion is all about.

There, a few feet in front of my house, I can see members from different universes battling it out.

A dirty blonde with two pigtails and a large death scythe that had a zigzag, red strip. On the other side, a blue haired boy with an eyepatch sitting on a bench while his devilishly handsome butler fights with his ruby red eyes and raven ball hair-uhm..... *ahem* moving on. I could see a red head changing armors with light. And another blonde with keys that open some sort of portal.

Then their was another battle... but the two that where fighting looked to be from the same universe as the death scythe girl.

One had blue hair in a shape of a star and he was wearing some sort of assassins clothing. He was holding a chain scythe. While the other kid had pure black hair with 3 stripes on the right side..... He looked perfectly symmetrical other than the stripes...

"OHHH DEAR BASSYYYYYYY!!!" And then some idiot dressed in red came crashing down onto the ground with his face. Talk about retardant.

"Agh... I'm gonna need Ivan for this..." I sigh, walking back inside the house to find my phone.

"Ooooo! And what do we have here? Heheheheheheh!" I step back as I look up.

A guy dressed in all gray with scars on his neck and face was hanging upside down from my ceiling.

I looked at him for a brief second before continuing to walk to my room.

Regina's POV

This was baaaad... I didn't know how to stop them and they where all fighting... the emotions that where in the air started to get to me. I felt angry, and annoyed, and sad, and all of the negative emotions at once.

I ran inside the house and into my room. I knew it was a cowardly move but I felt overwhelmed. I read in a few books that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. After what felt like eternity, the atmosphere and negative emotions started to die down.

I got out of my bed and walked outside to see that Ivan calmed everyone down. I was glad, but he's emotions... he was mad at mom. She was inside trying to figure out where to put everyone.

"Well I'm glad that's settled." The dirty blonde girl with the weapon said.

"Right?" I voice came from around her. And then in a moments blink, the weapon turned into a boy!!! A boy with white hair and red eyes. Just like the man in black...

And then all of the other weapons from the other two boys turn into humans too!


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